import sys import os import inspect dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())) if dir == '': dir = '.' print 'dir =', dir os.chdir(dir) # Convert glade data in_file = 'fah/' out_file = 'fah/' if os.path.exists(in_file): input = None output = None try: input = open(in_file, 'r') output = open(out_file, 'w') output.write('# -*- coding: utf8 -*-\n\n') output.write('glade_data = """') output.write( output.write('"""\n') finally: if input is not None: input.close() if output is not None: output.close() # Bootstrap try: import ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() except: pass app = 'FAHControl' if sys.platform == 'darwin': from setuptools import setup plist = dict( CFBundleDisplayName = 'FAHControl', CFBundleIdentifier = 'org.foldingathome.fahcontrol', CFBundleSignature = '????', NSHumanReadableCopyright = 'Copyright 2010-2018', ) options = dict( argv_emulation = False, includes = 'cairo, pango, pangocairo, atk, gobject, gio', iconfile = 'images/FAHControl.icns', resources = ['/opt/local/share/themes'], plist = plist, ) extra_opts = dict( app = [app], options = {'py2app': options}, setup_requires = ['py2app'], ) # Hack around py2app problem with python scripts with out .py extension. from py2app.util import PY_SUFFIXES PY_SUFFIXES.append('') elif sys.platform == 'win32': from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable # Change base to 'Console' for debugging e = Executable(app, base = 'Win32GUI', icon = 'images/FAHControl.ico') options = { 'build_exe': { 'build_exe': 'gui', 'includes': 'gtk' } } extra_opts = dict(executables = [e], options = options) else: from setuptools import setup, find_packages extra_opts = dict( packages = find_packages(), scripts = [app], data_files = [('/usr/share/pixmaps', ['images/FAHControl.png'])], install_requires = 'gtk2 >= 2.14.0', include_package_data = True, ) try: version = open('version.txt').read().strip() version.split('.') except: version = '0.0.0' if not os.path.exists('fah/'): open('fah/', 'w').write('version = \'%s\'\n' % version) description = \ '''Folding@home is a distributed computing project using volunteered computer resources. ''' short_description = ''' This package contains FAHControl, a graphical monitor and control utility for the Folding@home client. It gives an overview of running projects on the local and optional (remote) machines. Starting, stopping and pausing of the running projects is also possible, as is viewing the logs. It provides an Advanced view with additional information and settings for enthusiasts and gurus.''' description += short_description setup( name = 'FAHControl', version = version, description = 'Folding@home Client Control', long_description = description, author = 'Joseph Coffland', author_email = '', license = 'GNU General Public License version 3', keywords = 'protein, molecular dynamics, simulation', url = '', package_data = {'fah': ['*.glade']}, **extra_opts) if sys.platform == 'darwin': with open('package-description.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(short_description.strip())