This should bring some consistency to the header-bar button sizes.
The symbolic printer icon was missing in the icon theme, causing a print button in the GNOME FeedReader to default to a much larger version on the same icon, which would cause the other titlebar buttons to increase in size. There are bound to be other icons that will cause a similar effect.
Include theme support for GTK3.24 for XUbuntu 19.04.
Patch fix for issues #64.
Patch fix for issues #51#57#62#67
Included a few symbolic icons for panel battery, pulseaudio, and Thunar.
Fixed an issue with focus event and treeview selection outline for the GTK filechooser and Thunar which would cause a quick visual glitch upon focus.
Updated the GTK override file to include some additional tweaks for the XFCE panelbar since it will override user themes to disable border effects when anchored to the edge of the display.