#!/bin/bash # Generates HTML to show a preview of all icons in a given folder # Part of the Chicago95 project icons=$(find|awk -F'/' '{print $3}'|sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'|sort|uniq) dirs=$(find -mindepth 1 -type d|sort -V|grep -v 256) size=$(wc -w <<< "$dirs") cat << HERE
Below is the list of all icons using in the ${PWD##*/} section. Each icon is identified by its name. If the icon is a symlink to another icon it will be followed by the name of the link target.
${d##*/} | " done echo -e "\t
if [ $d = "./scalable" ]; then
img=$(echo " $checkfile" fi if [ -L "$d/$checkfile" ]; then realfile=$(readlink -f $d/$checkfile) echo -e "\t\t\t ($(basename $realfile))" fi echo -e "\t\t | "
echo -e "\t