# Chicago95 #### XFCE / Xubuntu Windows 95 Total Conversion I was unhappy with the various XFCE/GTK2/GTK3 Windows 95 based themes and decided to make one that was more consistent accross the board for theming. Included in this theme: - New icons to complete the icon theme started with Classic95 - Edited Redmond XFWM theme to more accurately reflect Windows 95 - Edited Xfce-Redmond by dbbolton to be more accurate and include XFCE panels - Created GTK-3.0 theme from scratch (based on Win 10 and Mate themes) - Plymouth theme created from scratch - An MS-DOS inspired theme for oh-my-zsh #### Requirements GTK+ 3.22 Xfce 4.12 (A Window compositor is preferred.) [See here if you don't use a compositor.](https://github.com/EMH-Mark-I/Chicago95-Custom-XFCE4) (Preferred Linux distribution is Xubuntu 17.10) [See here for the 16.04 LTS version of the theme.](https://github.com/EMH-Mark-I/Chicago95-Custom-XUbuntu-16.04-) ## Install the system theme [Click here](INSTALL.md) for install steps. ## Install the Plymouth boot splash theme [Click here](Plymouth/Readme.md) for install steps. ## Install the LightDM login manager theme [Click here](Lightdm/Chicago95/README.md) for install steps. ## Screenshots [Click here to view screenshots](Screenshots/SCREENSHOTS.md) ### Code and license License: GPL-3.0+/MIT