# Hackberry-Pi_Zero A handheld Linux terminal using Raspberry pi Zero 2W as Core with 4' 720X720 TFT display ![PIC1](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/5038ae93-bd02-41cb-a2df-9c7afeaa57e3) ![PIC2](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/19b1a504-f155-4f84-992f-cf4c463f5743) ### [Questions or need more info? Join my Discord Channel!](https://discord.gg/WzPthAmMbP) # About this handheld The main reason why I design and build this handheld cyberdeck is to treat this as a lernning tool and also a funny toy for the hackers. It is powered by a raspberry pi zero 2w and a 4' 720X720 TFT display. Here are some **main Features:** **Main Processor**: Only compaticable with Raspberry pi zero 2w. **Display**: 4' 720X720 high resolution TFT display. **Dual Swapable battery Design**: Replace your battery in 10 seconds without killing the power! **Battery type**: Nokia BL-5C. You can buy it anywhere in the world. **Battery life**: In my test: 3.5 hours with desktop, 5 hours with commandline. **Keyboard Mouse Combo**: Yes, this cyberdeck has keyboard and mouse combo on board. You can choose blackberry Q10 or Q20 keyboard. **Fully customizable keymap**: You can connect the keyboard with a computer and customizable the keymap through [VIAL](https://get.vial.today/) easily. **3 USB2.0 Ports**: This handheld has 3 USB2.0 Ports, you can use it with USB-Stick or 4G Modul Dongle or any USB thing. **Charging Ampere**: 1A charging ampere, this handheld can be fully charged within 3 hours. **Stemma I2C Port**: This device has a stemma I2C port on board, you can connect with any I2C sensors. **TF card Slot**: There is an external TF card Slot. You can replace your OS image very easily. ## Block Diagram ![Blockdiagramm_HackberryPi_Zero](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e46c354c-9363-41e2-b276-73ba5900a178) # Get started ### (Introductionvideo)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDEBzaB1IcY&ab_channel=ZitaoTech] ### How to turn on the HackberryPi? Turn the red switch to the **right position** and then press the **red button** to the left side of the red switch to power the USB Hub Controller Chip otherse the keyboard **can't be used!** At the same time the indicator for the battery voltage will be turned on. ![Turnon](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9e333c90-5131-4404-85bd-e2c72a7e1bd3) ![turnon](https://github.com/ZitaoTech/Hackberry-Pi_Zero/blob/main/Picture/Turnon.gif) # Keyboard The keyboard type is blackberry Q10 or Q20 keyboard. Both have the same keyboard layout. There is a red switch on the left side to decide if the keyboard controller communicates with the HackberryPi or with other device through the USBC-Port underneath. The idea about this is you can connect the keyboard with your computer and customize the keymap using [VIAL](https://get.vial.today/) or the handheld can be used as an emergency keyboard mouse combo. ![keyboard](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/63ac5772-f248-4117-bd29-ae0b3058e1e4) ### How to change the keymap? Put the red switch to the lower position, connect the keyboard with your computer, open [VIAL page](https://vial.rocks/), then you can customize the keymap yourself. ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/7c4e9b53-7a00-4cdd-b0b7-751647f76f6b) # Different Operating System You can install Kali, Raspberrypi OS, or Retropi and many other OS into HackberryPi. # Basic Tutorial How to change font size in [terminal](https://askubuntu.com/questions/173220/how-do-i-change-the-font-or-the-font-size-in-the-tty-console) # Where to buy [BBQ10 keyboard version](https://www.tindie.com/products/zitaotech/hackberrypi-cyberdeck-handheld-with-bbq10-keyboard/) [BBQ20 keyboard version](https://www.tindie.com/products/zitaotech/hackberrypi-cyberdeck-handheld-with-bbq20-keyboard/)