# Icinga - L10n   ")       L10n (short for *Localization*) is the central location for all translations available for Icinga. ## Installation We provide packages for [supported platforms](https://icinga.com/subscription/support-details/). The package's name is `icinga-l10n` and should already be installed if you've got Icinga Web 2 or the Icinga CLI installed. (More info at https://packages.icinga.com) If there's no package available for your platform, install Icinga L10n in `/usr/share/icinga-L10n` and Icinga Web 2 or the Icinga CLI (v2.8+) will detect and use it already. (Restart php-fpm or your web server if not) It's also possible to place it in a different path and pass an environment variable to Icinga Web 2 or the Icinga CLI: `ICINGAWEB_LOCALEDIR=/var/www/icinga/L10n/locale` ## Contributing Want to contribute a new language or help complete an existing one? Head over to the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) to help get you started!