2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class Minimap
Public Squares As New List(Of MinimapSquare)
Public DrawTextures As Boolean = True
Public ObjectScale As Integer = 16
Public Sub Initialize()
Dim dontDraw() As String = {}
Dim hasCeiling As Boolean = False
Dim playerY As Single = Screen.Camera.Position.Y
Dim playerR As New Rectangle(CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.X), CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Z), 1, 1)
Dim eList As New List(Of Entity)
Dim fList As New List(Of Entity)
Dim fullList As New List(Of Entity)
For Each newE As Entity In Screen.Level.Entities
For Each newF As Entity In Screen.Level.Floors
For Each newE As Entity In Screen.Level.OffsetmapEntities
For Each newF As Entity In Screen.Level.OffsetmapFloors
For Each e As Entity In fullList
If e.Position.Y > playerY Then
Dim entityR As New Rectangle(CInt(e.Position.X), CInt(e.Position.Z), 1, 1)
If entityR.Intersects(playerR) = True Then
hasCeiling = True
Exit For
End If
End If
For Each e As Entity In fList
If e.Visible = True Then
If e.Position.Y >= Screen.Camera.Position.Y + 1.5F Then
If hasCeiling = True Then
Continue For
End If
End If
Me.Squares.Add(New MinimapSquare(New Rectangle(CInt(e.Position.X * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Position.Z * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Scale.X * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Scale.Z * OBJECTSCALE)), Color.Black, e.Textures(0), DrawTextures))
End If
For Each e As Entity In eList
If e.Position.Y >= Screen.Camera.Position.Y + 1.5F Then
If hasCeiling = True Then
Continue For
End If
End If
Select Case e.EntityID.ToLower
Case "networkplayer"
Me.Squares.Add(New MinimapSquare(New Rectangle(CInt(e.Position.X * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Position.Z * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Scale.X * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Scale.Z * OBJECTSCALE)), Color.Black, e.Textures(0), DrawTextures))
Case "networkpokemon"
Dim t As Texture2D = CType(e, NetworkPokemon).Textures(0)
Me.Squares.Add(New MinimapSquare(New Rectangle(CInt(e.Position.X * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Position.Z * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Scale.X * OBJECTSCALE), CInt(e.Scale.Z * OBJECTSCALE)), Color.Black, t, DrawTextures))
Case Else
If e.Visible = True Then
If dontDraw.Contains(e.EntityID) = False Then
Dim t As Texture2D = GetTextureFromEntity(e)
If Not t Is Nothing Then
Dim sO As Vector2 = GetScaleOffset(e.Scale)
Me.Squares.Add(New MinimapSquare(New Rectangle(CInt((e.Position.X + sO.X) * ObjectScale), CInt((e.Position.Z + sO.Y) * ObjectScale), CInt(e.Scale.X * ObjectScale), CInt(e.Scale.Z * ObjectScale)), Color.Black, t, DrawTextures))
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetScaleOffset(ByVal v As Vector3) As Vector2
Dim scaleX As Single = (v.X - 1) / 2
Dim scaleY As Single = (v.Z - 1) / 2
Return New Vector2(scaleX * -1, scaleY * -1)
End Function
Private Shared Function GetTextureFromEntity(ByVal e As Entity) As Texture2D
If e.Textures Is Nothing Then
Return TextureManager.DefaultTexture
End If
If e.Textures.Count() > 0 And e.EntityID <> "" Then
Dim t As Texture2D = e.Textures(0)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Select Case e.Model.ID
Case 0
i = 0
Case 1
i = Clamp(8, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
Case 2
i = Clamp(4, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
Case 3
i = 0
Case 4
i = Clamp(2, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
2022-04-11 21:08:45 +02:00
Case 5
i = Clamp(4, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
Case 6
i = Clamp(4, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case 7
i = Clamp(4, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
Case 8
i = Clamp(4, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
Case 9
i = 0
Case 10
i = 0
Case 11
i = 0
Case 12
i = Clamp(8, 0, e.TextureIndex.Count - 1)
Case Else
i = 0
End Select
If e.TextureIndex(i) < 0 Then
Return Nothing
End If
t = e.Textures(e.TextureIndex(i))
Return t
Return TextureManager.DefaultTexture
End If
End Function
Dim delay As Single = 5.0F
Public Sub Draw(ByVal drawOffset As Vector2)
If delay > 0.0F Then
delay -= 0.1F
If delay <= 0.0F Then
delay = 5.0F
End If
End If
Dim conRec As New Rectangle(CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.X * OBJECTSCALE - 160), CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Z * OBJECTSCALE - 160), 336, 336) '176, 176)
Dim offset As New Vector2(Screen.Camera.Position.X * OBJECTSCALE - 128, Screen.Camera.Position.Z * OBJECTSCALE - 128)
offset += drawOffset
For Each sq As MinimapSquare In Squares
If conRec.Intersects(sq.r) = True Then
sq.Draw(Me.DrawTextures, offset)
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MinimapSquare
Public r As Rectangle
Public c As Color
Public t As Texture2D
Public Sub New(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal c As Color, ByVal t As Texture2D, ByVal drawTextures As Boolean)
Me.r = r
Me.t = t
If drawTextures = False Then
Dim colorR As Integer = 0
Dim colorG As Integer = 0
Dim colorB As Integer = 0
Dim cs(t.Width * t.Height - 1) As Color
Dim pixelCount As Integer = t.Width * t.Height
For i = 0 To cs.Length - 1
colorR += cs(i).R
colorG += cs(i).G
colorB += cs(i).B
Me.c = New Color(New Vector3(CInt((colorR / pixelCount) / 255), CInt((colorG / pixelCount) / 255), CInt((colorB / pixelCount) / 255)))
Me.c = c
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Draw(ByVal DrawTextures As Boolean, ByVal offset As Vector2)
If DrawTextures = True Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(r.X - offset.X), CInt(r.Y - offset.Y), r.Width, r.Height), Color.White)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(r.X - offset.X), CInt(r.Y - offset.Y), r.Width, r.Height), c)
End If
End Sub
End Class