2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class EvolutionScreen
Inherits Screen
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' Old Evolution System:
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
'Private FromBattle As Boolean = False
'Private EvolutionArgument As String = ""
'Private EvolutionTrigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger
'Private PokemonList As New List(Of Integer)
'Dim currentPokemon As Pokemon
'Dim evolvedPokemon As Pokemon
'Dim PokemonModel As ModelEntity
'Dim C As Camera
'Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal EvolvePokemonIndices As List(Of Integer), ByVal EvolutionArgument As String, ByVal EvolutionTrigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger, Optional ByVal FromBattle As Boolean = False)
' Me.Identification = Identifications.EvolutionScreen
' Me.PreScreen = currentScreen
' Me.CanBePaused = True
' Me.CanChat = True
2021-10-01 15:24:54 +02:00
' Me.CanMuteAudio = True
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
' Me.MouseVisible = False
' Me.FromBattle = FromBattle
' Me.EvolutionArgument = EvolutionArgument
' Me.EvolutionTrigger = EvolutionTrigger
' Me.PokemonList = EvolvePokemonIndices
' Me.currentPokemon = Basic.Player.Pokemons(Me.PokemonList(0))
' Me.evolvedPokemon = EvolvePokemon(currentPokemon, EvolutionArgument, EvolutionTrigger)
' Dim shiny As String = "Normal"
' If currentPokemon.IsShiny = True Then
' shiny = "Shiny"
' End If
' Me.PokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(0), {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0, 0), New Vector3(0.1F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\" & Me.currentPokemon.AnimationName & "\" & shiny, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity)
' Me.C = Screen.Camera
' Screen.Camera = New EvolutionCamera()
'End Sub
'Public Overrides Sub Draw()
' Me.PokemonModel.Render()
' TextBox.Draw()
'End Sub
'Dim state As Integer = 0
'Public Overrides Sub Update()
' Camera.Update()
' SkyDome.Update()
' TextBox.Update()
' If TextBox.Showing = False Then
' Select Case state
' Case 0
' state += 1
' TextBox.Show("What?*" & currentPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "~is evolving!", {}, False, False)
' Case 1
' End Select
' End If
'End Sub
'Public Shared Function EvolvePokemon(ByVal currentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal EvolutionArgument As String, ByVal EvolutionTrigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger) As Pokemon
' Dim HPpercentage As Integer = CInt((currentPokemon.HP / currentPokemon.MaxHP) * 100)
' Dim evolvedPokemon As Pokemon = PokeGetter.GetPokemonByID(currentPokemon.GetEvolutionID(EvolutionTrigger, EvolutionArgument))
' evolvedPokemon.Status = currentPokemon.Status
' evolvedPokemon.EVHP = currentPokemon.EVHP
' evolvedPokemon.EVAttack = currentPokemon.EVAttack
' evolvedPokemon.EVDefense = currentPokemon.EVDefense
' evolvedPokemon.EVSpAttack = currentPokemon.EVSpAttack
' evolvedPokemon.EVSpDefense = currentPokemon.EVSpDefense
' evolvedPokemon.EVSpeed = currentPokemon.EVSpeed
' evolvedPokemon.Friendship = currentPokemon.Friendship
' evolvedPokemon.NickName = currentPokemon.NickName
' evolvedPokemon.IVHP = currentPokemon.IVHP
' evolvedPokemon.IVAttack = currentPokemon.IVAttack
' evolvedPokemon.IVDefense = currentPokemon.IVDefense
' evolvedPokemon.IVSpAttack = currentPokemon.IVSpAttack
' evolvedPokemon.IVSpDefense = currentPokemon.IVSpDefense
' evolvedPokemon.IVSpeed = currentPokemon.IVSpeed
' evolvedPokemon.Wild(currentPokemon.Level, False)
' evolvedPokemon.Attacks = currentPokemon.Attacks
' evolvedPokemon.Gender = currentPokemon.Gender
' evolvedPokemon.Nature = currentPokemon.Nature
' evolvedPokemon.CalculateStats()
' Dim hasOldAbility As Boolean = False
' For Each a As Ability In evolvedPokemon.NewAbilities
' If a.ID = currentPokemon.Ability.ID Then
' hasOldAbility = True
' Exit For
' End If
' Next
' If hasOldAbility = False Then
' evolvedPokemon.Ability = evolvedPokemon.NewAbilities(Basic.Random.Next(0, evolvedPokemon.NewAbilities.Count))
' Else
' evolvedPokemon.Ability = currentPokemon.Ability
' End If
' evolvedPokemon.IsShiny = currentPokemon.IsShiny
' evolvedPokemon.Item = currentPokemon.Item
' evolvedPokemon.CatchBall = currentPokemon.CatchBall
' evolvedPokemon.CatchLocation = currentPokemon.CatchLocation
' evolvedPokemon.CatchMethod = currentPokemon.CatchMethod
' evolvedPokemon.CatchTrainerName = currentPokemon.CatchTrainerName
' evolvedPokemon.OT = currentPokemon.OT
' evolvedPokemon.Experience = currentPokemon.Experience
' evolvedPokemon.HP = CInt(evolvedPokemon.MaxHP * (HPpercentage / 100))
' Return evolvedPokemon
'End Function
Public PokeList As New List ( Of Integer )
Dim currentPokemon As Pokemon
Dim evolvedPokemon As Pokemon
Dim evolutionReady As Boolean = False
Dim evolutionStarted As Boolean = False
Dim evolved As Boolean = False
Dim brokeEvolution As Boolean = False
Dim learnAttack As Boolean = False
Dim EvolutionArg As String = " "
Dim EvolutionTrigger As EvolutionCondition . EvolutionTrigger
Dim FromBattle As Boolean = False
Private Sparks As New List ( Of Spark )
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal EvolvePokemonIndices As List ( Of Integer ) , ByVal EvolutionArg As String , ByVal EvolutionTrigger As EvolutionCondition . EvolutionTrigger , Optional ByVal FromBattle As Boolean = False )
Me . Identification = Identifications . EvolutionScreen
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " Evolutions " , 1 )
Me . PreScreen = currentScreen
Me . FromBattle = FromBattle
For Each i As Integer In EvolvePokemonIndices
PokeList . Add ( i )
Me . EvolutionArg = EvolutionArg
Me . EvolutionTrigger = EvolutionTrigger
currentPokemon = Core . Player . Pokemons ( PokeList ( 0 ) )
EvolvePokemon ( )
2018-02-24 01:20:42 +01:00
Me . SavedMusic = MusicManager . CurrentSong . Name
MusicManager . PlayNoMusic ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw ( )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , Core . windowSize . Width , Core . windowSize . Height ) , Color . Black )
Dim Size As Integer = 256
If evolved = True Then
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Evolution\Light " ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - Size ) , CInt ( ( Core . windowSize . Height / 2 ) - Size ) , Size * 2 , Size * 2 ) , Color . White )
End If
Dim T As Texture2D = currentPokemon . GetTexture ( True )
If evolved = True Then
T = evolvedPokemon . GetTexture ( True )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( T , New Rectangle ( CInt ( ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - Size / 2 ) , CInt ( ( Core . windowSize . Height / 2 ) - Size / 2 ) , Size , Size ) , Color . White )
For Each Spark As Spark In Sparks
Spark . Draw ( )
TextBox . Draw ( )
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update ( )
TextBox . Update ( )
If evolutionStarted = False Then
SoundManager . PlayPokemonCry ( currentPokemon . Number )
TextBox . Show ( " What?* " & currentPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " is evolving! " , { } , False , False )
evolutionStarted = True
For i = 0 To Core . Random . Next ( 200 , 250 )
Sparks . Add ( New Spark ( ) )
If evolutionReady = False And TextBox . Showing = False Then
2018-02-24 01:20:42 +01:00
MusicManager . Play ( " evolution " , True )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If evolved = False Then
Dim allReady As Boolean = True
For Each Spark As Spark In Sparks
Spark . Update ( )
If Spark . IsReady = False Then
allReady = False
End If
If allReady = True Then
evolved = True
For Each Spark As Spark In Sparks
Spark . doGrow = True
If Controls . Dismiss ( True , True ) = True Then
Sparks . Clear ( )
evolutionReady = True
brokeEvolution = True
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
TextBox . Show ( " Huh? " & currentPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ~stopped evolving! " , { } , False , False )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
Dim allReady As Boolean = True
For Each Spark As Spark In Sparks
Spark . Update ( )
If Spark . IsReady = False Or Spark . doGrow = True Then
allReady = False
End If
If allReady = True Then
Dim type As Integer = 2
If evolvedPokemon . IsShiny = True Then
type = 3
End If
Core . Player . PokedexData = Pokedex . ChangeEntry ( Core . Player . PokedexData , evolvedPokemon . Number , type )
evolvedPokemon . PlayCry ( )
SoundManager . PlaySound ( " success " , True )
evolutionReady = True
Dim t As String = " Congratulations!*Your " & currentPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " evolved into a~ " & evolvedPokemon . GetName ( ) & " ! "
If evolvedPokemon . AttackLearns . ContainsKey ( evolvedPokemon . Level ) = True Then
If evolvedPokemon . KnowsMove ( evolvedPokemon . AttackLearns ( evolvedPokemon . Level ) ) = False Then
If evolvedPokemon . Attacks . Count = 4 Then
Me . learnAttack = True
evolvedPokemon . Attacks . Add ( evolvedPokemon . AttackLearns ( evolvedPokemon . Level ) )
t &= " * " & evolvedPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " learned~ " & evolvedPokemon . AttackLearns ( evolvedPokemon . Level ) . Name & " ! "
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " Moves learned " , 1 )
End If
End If
End If
2017-08-29 08:19:21 +02:00
If Me . EvolutionTrigger = EvolutionCondition . EvolutionTrigger . Trading Then
Dim econ As EvolutionCondition = EvolutionCondition . GetEvolutionCondition ( currentPokemon , Me . EvolutionTrigger , Me . EvolutionArg )
Dim removeItem As Boolean = False
If econ . Trigger = EvolutionCondition . EvolutionTrigger . Trading Then
For i = 0 To econ . Conditions . Count - 1
If econ . Conditions ( i ) . ConditionType = EvolutionCondition . ConditionTypes . HoldItem Then
removeItem = True
End If
End If
If removeItem Then
evolvedPokemon . Item = Nothing
End If
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Core . Player . AddPoints ( 10 , " Evolved Pokémon. " )
If ConnectScreen . Connected = True Then
2018-08-29 03:48:24 +02:00
Core . ServersManager . ServerConnection . SendGameStateMessage ( " evolved their " & currentPokemon . GetName ( ) & " into a " & evolvedPokemon . GetName ( ) & " ! " )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
TextBox . Show ( t , { } , False , False )
End If
End If
If TextBox . Showing = False Then
If learnAttack = True Then
learnAttack = False
Core . SetScreen ( New LearnAttackScreen ( Core . CurrentScreen , evolvedPokemon , evolvedPokemon . AttackLearns ( evolvedPokemon . Level ) ) )
Endscene ( )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Endscene ( )
If brokeEvolution = False Then
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' Nincada's evolution to Shedinja if a Poké Ball is in the player's Bag and free space is available in the player's party:
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Shedinja . CanEvolveInto ( Me . evolvedPokemon , Me . EvolutionTrigger ) = True Then
Core . Player . Pokemons . Add ( Shedinja . GenerateNew ( evolvedPokemon ) )
Core . Player . Inventory . RemoveItem ( 5 , 1 )
End If
Core . Player . Pokemons ( PokeList ( 0 ) ) = evolvedPokemon
End If
PokeList . RemoveAt ( 0 )
If PokeList . Count = 0 Then
If FromBattle = False Then
Dim s As Screen = Core . CurrentScreen
While s . PreScreen . Identification = Identifications . EvolutionScreen
s = s . PreScreen
End While
Core . SetScreen ( New TransitionScreen ( s , s . PreScreen , Color . Black , False ) )
2018-02-24 01:20:42 +01:00
MusicManager . Play ( SavedMusic )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim s As Screen = Core . CurrentScreen
While s . Identification <> Identifications . BattleScreen
s = s . PreScreen
End While
ChangeSavedScreen ( )
Core . SetScreen ( New TransitionScreen ( Me , CType ( s , BattleSystem . BattleScreen ) . SavedOverworld . OverworldScreen , Color . Black , False ) )
End If
Core . SetScreen ( New TransitionScreen ( Me , New EvolutionScreen ( Me , PokeList , Me . EvolutionArg , Me . EvolutionTrigger , Me . FromBattle ) , Color . Black , False ) )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EvolvePokemon ( )
Dim HPpercentage As Integer = CInt ( ( currentPokemon . HP / currentPokemon . MaxHP ) * 100 )
2022-07-15 07:24:40 +02:00
Dim ID As String = currentPokemon . GetEvolutionID ( Me . EvolutionTrigger , Me . EvolutionArg )
If ID . Contains ( CChar ( " _ " ) ) Then
evolvedPokemon = Pokemon . GetPokemonByID ( CInt ( ID . Split ( CChar ( " _ " ) ) ( 0 ) ) , ID . Split ( CChar ( " _ " ) ) ( 1 ) )
evolvedPokemon = Pokemon . GetPokemonByID ( CInt ( ID ) )
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
evolvedPokemon . Status = currentPokemon . Status
evolvedPokemon . EVHP = currentPokemon . EVHP
evolvedPokemon . EVAttack = currentPokemon . EVAttack
evolvedPokemon . EVDefense = currentPokemon . EVDefense
evolvedPokemon . EVSpAttack = currentPokemon . EVSpAttack
evolvedPokemon . EVSpDefense = currentPokemon . EVSpDefense
evolvedPokemon . EVSpeed = currentPokemon . EVSpeed
evolvedPokemon . Friendship = currentPokemon . Friendship
evolvedPokemon . NickName = currentPokemon . NickName
evolvedPokemon . IVHP = currentPokemon . IVHP
evolvedPokemon . IVAttack = currentPokemon . IVAttack
evolvedPokemon . IVDefense = currentPokemon . IVDefense
evolvedPokemon . IVSpAttack = currentPokemon . IVSpAttack
evolvedPokemon . IVSpDefense = currentPokemon . IVSpDefense
evolvedPokemon . IVSpeed = currentPokemon . IVSpeed
evolvedPokemon . Generate ( currentPokemon . Level , False )
evolvedPokemon . Attacks = currentPokemon . Attacks
evolvedPokemon . Gender = currentPokemon . Gender
evolvedPokemon . Nature = currentPokemon . Nature
2022-07-08 06:06:32 +02:00
evolvedPokemon . ReloadDefinitions ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
evolvedPokemon . CalculateStats ( )
Dim hasOldAbility As Boolean = False
If currentPokemon . IsUsingHiddenAbility = True And evolvedPokemon . HasHiddenAbility = True Then
evolvedPokemon . Ability = evolvedPokemon . HiddenAbility
For Each a As Ability In evolvedPokemon . NewAbilities
If a . ID = currentPokemon . Ability . ID Then
hasOldAbility = True
Exit For
End If
If hasOldAbility = False Then
Dim AbilityNumber As Integer = - 1
For i = 0 To currentPokemon . NewAbilities . Count - 1
If currentPokemon . NewAbilities ( i ) . ID = currentPokemon . Ability . ID Then
AbilityNumber = i
Exit For
End If
If AbilityNumber > - 1 Then
AbilityNumber = AbilityNumber . Clamp ( 0 , evolvedPokemon . NewAbilities . Count - 1 )
evolvedPokemon . Ability = evolvedPokemon . NewAbilities ( AbilityNumber )
evolvedPokemon . Ability = evolvedPokemon . NewAbilities ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , evolvedPokemon . NewAbilities . Count ) )
End If
evolvedPokemon . Ability = currentPokemon . Ability
End If
End If
evolvedPokemon . IsShiny = currentPokemon . IsShiny
evolvedPokemon . Item = currentPokemon . Item
evolvedPokemon . CatchBall = currentPokemon . CatchBall
evolvedPokemon . CatchLocation = currentPokemon . CatchLocation
evolvedPokemon . CatchMethod = currentPokemon . CatchMethod
evolvedPokemon . CatchTrainerName = currentPokemon . CatchTrainerName
evolvedPokemon . OT = currentPokemon . OT
evolvedPokemon . Experience = currentPokemon . Experience
evolvedPokemon . HP = CInt ( evolvedPokemon . MaxHP * ( HPpercentage / 100 ) )
End Sub
Dim SavedMusic As String = " "
Public Sub ChangeSavedScreen ( )
Dim s As Screen = Core . CurrentScreen
While s . Identification <> Identifications . BattleScreen
s = s . PreScreen
End While
Screen . Level = CType ( s , BattleSystem . BattleScreen ) . SavedOverworld . Level
Screen . Camera = CType ( s , BattleSystem . BattleScreen ) . SavedOverworld . Camera
Screen . Effect = CType ( s , BattleSystem . BattleScreen ) . SavedOverworld . Effect
Screen . SkyDome = CType ( s , BattleSystem . BattleScreen ) . SavedOverworld . SkyDome
Screen . Level . World . Initialize ( Screen . Level . EnvironmentType , Screen . Level . WeatherType )
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Spark
Dim T As Texture2D
Dim Position As New Vector2 ( 0 , 0 )
Dim Size As Integer = 0
Dim Speed As Single = 0 . 0F
Dim aim As Vector2
Dim Delay As Single = 0 . 0F
Dim C As Color = New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 )
Dim xReady As Boolean = False
Dim yReady As Boolean = False
Public IsReady As Boolean = False
Public doGrow As Boolean = False
Dim grown As Integer = 50
Public Sub New ( )
Me . T = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Evolution\EvolutionSpark " )
Me . Size = Core . Random . Next ( 12 , 150 )
Me . Speed = CSng ( Core . Random . Next ( 5 , 35 ) / 10 )
Me . aim = New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - CSng ( Size / 2 ) , CSng ( Core . windowSize . Height / 2 ) - CSng ( Size / 2 ) )
Me . aim = New Vector2 ( Me . aim . X + ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 320 ) - 160 ) , Me . aim . Y + ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 320 ) - 160 ) )
Me . Delay = CSng ( Core . Random . Next ( 10 , 250 ) / 10 )
Me . C = New Color ( Core . Random . Next ( 200 , 256 ) , Core . Random . Next ( 200 , 256 ) , Core . Random . Next ( 200 , 256 ) )
Select Case Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 4 )
Case 0
Me . Position . X = - Size
Me . Position . Y = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Case 1
Me . Position . X = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Me . Position . Y = - Size
Case 2
Me . Position . X = Core . windowSize . Width
Me . Position . Y = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Case 3
Me . Position . X = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Me . Position . Y = Core . windowSize . Height
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub Draw ( )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . T , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Me . Position . X ) , CInt ( Me . Position . Y ) , Me . Size , Me . Size ) , Me . C )
End Sub
Public Sub Update ( )
If Me . IsReady = False Then
If Me . Delay > 0 . 0F Then
Me . Delay -= 0 . 1F
If Me . Delay <= 0 . 0F Then
Me . Delay = 0 . 0F
End If
If xReady = False Then
If Me . Position . X = Me . aim . X Then
Me . xReady = True
End If
If Me . Position . X < aim . X Then
Me . Position . X += Speed
If Me . Position . X >= aim . X Then
Me . xReady = True
End If
End If
If Me . Position . X > aim . X Then
Me . Position . X -= Speed
If Me . Position . X <= aim . X Then
Me . xReady = True
End If
End If
End If
If yReady = False Then
If Me . Position . Y = Me . aim . Y Then
Me . yReady = True
End If
If Me . Position . Y < aim . Y Then
Me . Position . Y += Speed
If Me . Position . Y >= aim . Y Then
Me . yReady = True
End If
End If
If Me . Position . Y > aim . Y Then
Me . Position . Y -= Speed
If Me . Position . Y <= aim . Y Then
Me . yReady = True
End If
End If
End If
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 3 ) = 0 Then
Me . Speed += 0 . 1F
End If
If Me . xReady = True And Me . yReady = True Then
Me . IsReady = True
End If
End If
End If
If doGrow = True Then
If Me . grown > 0 Then
Me . Size += 2
Me . Position . X -= 1
Me . Position . Y -= 1
Me . grown -= 1
If grown = 0 Then
Select Case Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 4 )
Case 0
Me . aim . X = - Size
Me . aim . Y = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Case 1
Me . aim . X = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Me . aim . Y = - Size
Case 2
Me . aim . X = Core . windowSize . Width
Me . aim . Y = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Case 3
Me . aim . X = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , Core . windowSize . Height - Size )
Me . aim . Y = Core . windowSize . Height
End Select
doGrow = False
Me . IsReady = False
Me . xReady = False
Me . yReady = False
Me . Speed *= 3
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class