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2020-06-23 06:35:15 +02:00
@Text.show(You can take the elevator to return to the lobby!)
2020-06-23 06:35:15 +02:00
@text.show(Congratulations on compl-~...~...~...~...*You took WAAAAY too long~to complete the tower!*No way am I rewarding~that sloppy performance!*Go back and try~it again!)
2020-06-23 06:35:15 +02:00
2020-06-23 06:35:15 +02:00
@text.show(....*....*....*You completed the challenge~before you even started?*Unlikely!*Next time try to~complete the challenge without~cheating!)
2020-06-23 06:35:15 +02:00
@text.show(Congratulations on completing the tower!)
@Text.show(As a reward for your~first time completing~the Trainer Tower~<storage.get(string,challenge)> Challenge~I would like to give~you this TM!)
@text.show(Now, let's take a look~at your time!*...*...*Your completion time for~the Trainer Tower~<storage.get(string,challenge)> Challenge~is <storage.get(integer,time)> seconds.)
@Text.show(AMAZING!*Congratulations,~you just set a new record!)
:if:<register.registered(TTowerSingleRecordHolder)>=True <and> <register.registered(TTowerDoubleRecordHolder)>=True <and> <register.registered(TTowerKnockoutRecordHolder)>=True <and> <register.registered(TTowerMixedRecordHolder)>=True
@Text.show(This means you now hold the records in all four challenges!*As a special reward I would like you to have this rare Pok<00>mon from the Galar Region!)
@pokemon.add({"Pokemon"[885]}{"Level"[10]}{"CatchBall"[5]}{"CatchMethod"[Reward from]}{"isShiny"[1]})
@pokemon.add({"Pokemon"[885]}{"Level"[10]}{"CatchBall"[5]}{"CatchMethod"[Reward from]}{"isShiny"[0]})
@pokemon.addtostorage({"Pokemon"[885]}{"Level"[10]}{"CatchBall"[5]}{"CatchMethod"[Reward from]}{"isShiny"[1]})
@pokemon.addtostorage({"Pokemon"[885]}{"Level"[10]}{"CatchBall"[5]}{"CatchMethod"[Reward from]}{"isShiny"[0]})
@text.show(As a reward for your amazing time please take these items.)
@text.show(WOW!*That's a very good rime!*As a reward please take this.)
@text.show(That's a good time!*As a reward please take this.)
@text.show(That's a decent time,~I look forward to seeing~you improve!)
@Text.show(I have updated the rankboard in the lobby with your new time!)
@text.show(You can take the elevator to return to the lobby!)