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2016-09-19 03:26:44 +02:00
Namespace GameJolt
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class GamejoltSave
Inherits Security.HashSecureBase
'Offset in Fields array:
Private Const ID_APRICORNS As Integer = 0
Private Const ID_BERRIES As Integer = 1
Private Const ID_BOX As Integer = 2
Private Const ID_DAYCARE As Integer = 3
Private Const ID_ITEMDATA As Integer = 4
Private Const ID_ITEMS As Integer = 5
Private Const ID_NPC As Integer = 6
Private Const ID_OPTIONS As Integer = 7
Private Const ID_PARTY As Integer = 8
Private Const ID_PLAYER As Integer = 9
Private Const ID_POKEDEX As Integer = 10
Private Const ID_REGISTER As Integer = 11
Private Const ID_HALLOFFAME As Integer = 12
Private Const ID_SECRETBASE As Integer = 13
Private Const ID_ROAMINGPOKEMON As Integer = 14
Private Const ID_STATISTICS As Integer = 15
'Extra, SAVEFILECOUNT will get added.
Private Const ID_PLAYERPOINTS As Integer = 0
Private Const ID_PLAYEREMBLEM As Integer = 1
Private Const ID_PLAYERGENDER As Integer = 2
Private Const ID_FRIENDS As Integer = 3
'The amount of files to download.
'SAVEFILEs represent the amount of files that would get stored in an offline save.
'EXTRADATA is stuff that does get saved extra and that offline profiles don't have, like global points, friends etc.
Public Const SAVEFILECOUNT As Integer = 16
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Const EXTRADATAUPLOADCOUNT As Integer = 3
'The current version of the save files.
' Changing this will break all current online saves!
Public Const VERSION As String = "1"
''' <summary>
''' Apricorn data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Apricorns() As String
Return Me._apricorns
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Berry data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Berries() As String
Return Me._berries
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Box data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Box() As String
Return Me._box
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Daycare data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Daycare() As String
Return Me._daycare
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' ItemData data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property ItemData() As String
Return Me._itemData
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Item data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Items() As String
Return Me._items
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' NPC data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property NPC() As String
Return Me._NPC
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Option data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Options() As String
Return Me._options
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Party data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Party() As String
Return Me._party
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Player data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Player() As String
Return Me._player
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Pokedex data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Pokedex() As String
Return Me._pokedex
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Register data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Register() As String
Return Me._register
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' HallOfFame data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property HallOfFame() As String
Return Me._hallOfFame
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' SecretBase data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property SecretBase() As String
Return Me._secretBase
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' RoamingPokemon data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property RoamingPokemon() As String
Return Me._roamingPokemon
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Statistics data
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Statistics() As String
Return Me._statistics
End Get
End Property
Public _apricorns As String = ""
Public _berries As String = ""
Public _box As String = ""
Public _daycare As String = ""
Public _itemData As String = ""
Public _items As String = ""
Public _NPC As String = ""
Public _options As String = ""
Public _party As String = ""
Public _player As String = ""
Public _pokedex As String = ""
Public _register As String = ""
Public _hallOfFame As String = ""
Public _secretBase As String = ""
Public _roamingPokemon As String = ""
Public _statistics As String = ""
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public AchievedEmblems As New List(Of String)
Public DownloadedSprite As Texture2D = Nothing
Public Friends As String = ""
Public SentRequests As String = ""
Public ReceivedRequests As String = ""
Public Emblem As String = "trainer"
Public Property Points() As Integer
Assert("_points", _points)
Return _points
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Assert("_points", _points, value)
_points = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Gender() As String
Assert("_gender", _gender)
Return _gender
End Get
Set(value As String)
Assert("_gender", _gender, value)
_gender = value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property GameJoltID() As String
Return _gameJoltID
End Get
End Property
Private _points As Integer = 0
Private _gender As String = "0"
Private _gameJoltID As String = ""
Private _downloadedFlags As New List(Of Boolean)
Private _downloadFailed As Boolean = False
''' <summary>
''' Indicates if the download finished.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property DownloadFinished() As Boolean
Return DownloadProgress() = TotalDownloadItems()
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Returns the amount of downloaded items.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property DownloadProgress() As Integer
Dim c As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To _downloadedFlags.Count - 1
If i <= _downloadedFlags.Count - 1 Then
Dim b As Boolean = _downloadedFlags(i)
If b = True Then
c += 1
End If
End If
Return c
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' The total files to download from the server.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property TotalDownloadItems() As Integer
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' If the download of this save failed at some point.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property DownloadFailed() As Boolean
Return Me._downloadFailed
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Handles the download failing.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ex">The exception getting thrown.</param>
Private Sub DownloadFailedHandler(ByVal ex As Exception)
Me._downloadFailed = True
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "The download of a GameJolt save failed with this message: " & ex.Message)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Starts to download a GameJolt save.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="GameJoltID">The GameJolt ID of the save to download.</param>
''' <param name="MainSave">If this save is a main save download. Disable this flag to also download additional data.</param>
Public Sub DownloadSave(ByVal GameJoltID As String, ByVal MainSave As Boolean)
Me._gameJoltID = GameJoltID
Me._downloadFailed = False
'Fill fields to contain as many items as items to download.
_apricorns = ""
_berries = ""
_box = ""
_daycare = ""
_itemData = ""
_items = ""
_NPC = ""
_options = ""
_party = ""
_player = ""
_pokedex = ""
_register = ""
_hallOfFame = ""
_secretBase = ""
_roamingPokemon = ""
_statistics = ""
Friends = ""
If MainSave = True Then
GTSSetupScreen.GTSEditTradeScreen.SelectFriendScreen.Clear() 'Clear temp friends
End If
Dim APIPublicCall As New APICall(AddressOf GotPublicKeys)
APIPublicCall.GetKeys(False, "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|*")
Dim APIPrivateCall As New APICall(AddressOf GotPrivateKeys)
APIPrivateCall.GetKeys(True, "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|*")
'If MainSave = True Then
' GameJolt.Emblem.GetAchievedEmblems()
'End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim APIFriendsCall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveFriends)
If MainSave = True Then
Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf DownloadSpriteSub)
t.IsBackground = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadSpriteSub()
DownloadedSprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetOnlineSprite(GameJoltID)
End Sub
Private Sub GotPublicKeys(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
Dim existsPoints As Boolean = False
Dim existsEmblem As Boolean = False
Dim existsGender As Boolean = False
For Each Item As API.JoltValue In list
If Item.Value = "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|points" Then
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SavePlayerPoints)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, False)
existsPoints = True
End If
If Item.Value = "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|emblem" Then
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SavePlayerEmblem)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, False)
existsEmblem = True
End If
If Item.Value = "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|gender" Then
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SavePlayerGender)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, False)
existsGender = True
End If
If existsPoints = False Then
Points = 0
End If
If existsEmblem = False Then
Emblem = "trainer"
End If
If existsGender = False Then
Gender = "0"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub UpdatePlayerScore()
Dim APICall As New APICall()
APICall.AddScore(Points & " Points", Points, "14908")
End Sub
Private Sub GotPrivateKeys(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
Dim exists() As Boolean = {}
For i = 0 To SAVEFILECOUNT - 1
Dim l As List(Of Boolean) = exists.ToList()
exists = l.ToArray()
For Each Item As API.JoltValue In list
Select Case Item.Value
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|apricorns"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveApricorns)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_APRICORNS) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|berries"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveBerries)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_BERRIES) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|box"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveBox)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_BOX) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|daycare"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveDaycare)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_DAYCARE) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|itemdata"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveItemData)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_ITEMDATA) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|items"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveItems)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_ITEMS) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|npc"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveNPC)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_NPC) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|options"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveOptions)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_OPTIONS) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|party"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveParty)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_PARTY) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|player"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SavePlayer)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_PLAYER) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|pokedex"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SavePokedex)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_POKEDEX) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|register"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveRegister)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_REGISTER) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|halloffame"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveHallOfFame)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_HALLOFFAME) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|secretbase"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveSecretBase)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_SECRETBASE) = True
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|roamingpokemon"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveRoamingPokemon)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
Case "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|" & GameJoltID & "|statistics"
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf SaveStatistics)
AddHandler APICall.CallFails, AddressOf DownloadFailedHandler
APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, True)
exists(ID_STATISTICS) = True
End Select
If exists(ID_BERRIES) = False Then
_berries = GetBerryData()
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If exists(ID_OPTIONS) = False Then
_options = GetOptionsData()
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If exists(ID_PLAYER) = False Then
_player = GetPlayerData()
End If
For i = 0 To SAVEFILECOUNT - 1
If exists(i) = False Then
_downloadedFlags(i) = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SavePlayerPoints(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
Points = CInt(data.Replace("\""", """"))
Points = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SavePlayerEmblem(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
Emblem = data.Replace("\""", """")
Emblem = "trainer"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SavePlayerGender(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
Gender = data.Replace("\""", """")
Gender = "0"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SaveApricorns(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_apricorns = data.Replace("\""", """")
_apricorns = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_APRICORNS) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveBerries(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_berries = data.Replace("\""", """")
_berries = GetBerryData()
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_BERRIES) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveBox(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_box = data.Replace("\""", """")
_box = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_BOX) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveDaycare(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_daycare = data.Replace("\""", """")
_daycare = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_DAYCARE) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveItemData(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_itemData = data.Replace("\""", """")
_itemData = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_ITEMDATA) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveItems(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_items = data.Replace("\""", """")
_items = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_ITEMS) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveNPC(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_NPC = data.Replace("\""", """")
_NPC = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_NPC) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveOptions(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_options = data.Replace("\""", """")
_options = GetOptionsData()
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_OPTIONS) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveParty(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_party = data.Replace("\""", """")
_party = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_PARTY) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SavePlayer(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_player = data.Replace("\""", """")
_player = GetPlayerData()
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_PLAYER) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SavePokedex(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_pokedex = data.Replace("\""", """")
_pokedex = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_POKEDEX) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveRegister(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_register = data.Replace("\""", """")
_register = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_REGISTER) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveHallOfFame(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_hallOfFame = data.Replace("\""", """")
_hallOfFame = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_HALLOFFAME) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveSecretBase(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_secretBase = data.Replace("\""", """")
_secretBase = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_SECRETBASE) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveRoamingPokemon(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_roamingPokemon = data.Replace("\""", """")
_roamingPokemon = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_ROAMINGPOKEMON) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveStatistics(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If CBool(list(0).Value) = True Then
Dim data As String = result.Remove(0, 22)
data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf(""""))
_statistics = data.Replace("\""", """")
_statistics = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(ID_STATISTICS) = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveFriends(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
If list.Count > 1 Then
Friends = ""
For Each Item As API.JoltValue In list
If Item.Name = "friend_id" Then
If Friends <> "" Then
Friends &= ","
End If
Friends &= Item.Value
End If
Friends = ""
End If
_downloadedFlags(SAVEFILECOUNT + ID_FRIENDS) = True
End Sub
#Region "DefaultData"
Private Function GetPlayerData() As String
Dim GameMode As GameMode = GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode
Dim ot As String = GameJoltID
While ot.Length < 5
ot = "0" & ot
End While
Dim s As String = "Name|" & GameJolt.API.username & Environment.NewLine &
"Position|1,0.1,3" & Environment.NewLine &
"MapFile|yourroom.dat" & Environment.NewLine &
"Rotation|1.570796" & Environment.NewLine &
"RivalName|???" & Environment.NewLine &
"Money|3000" & Environment.NewLine &
"Badges|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"Gender|Male" & Environment.NewLine &
"PlayTime|0,0,0,0" & Environment.NewLine &
"OT|" & ot & Environment.NewLine &
"Points|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"hasPokedex|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"hasPokegear|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"freeCamera|1" & Environment.NewLine &
"thirdPerson|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"skin|" & GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSpriteFile(1, Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, Core.GameJoltSave.Gender) & Environment.NewLine &
"location|Your Room" & Environment.NewLine &
"battleAnimations|2" & Environment.NewLine &
"BoxAmount|5" & Environment.NewLine &
"LastRestPlace|yourroom.dat" & Environment.NewLine &
"LastRestPlacePosition|1,0.1,3" & Environment.NewLine &
"DiagonalMovement|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"RepelSteps|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"LastSavePlace|yourroom.dat" & Environment.NewLine &
"LastSavePlacePosition|1,0.1,3" & Environment.NewLine &
"Difficulty|" & GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("Difficulty", "0") & Environment.NewLine &
"BattleStyle|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"saveCreated|" & GameController.GAMEDEVELOPMENTSTAGE & " " & GameController.GAMEVERSION & Environment.NewLine &
"LastPokemonPosition|999,999,999" & Environment.NewLine &
"DaycareSteps|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"GameMode|Kolben" & Environment.NewLine &
"PokeFiles|" & Environment.NewLine &
"VisitedMaps|yourroom.dat" & Environment.NewLine &
"TempSurfSkin|Hilbert" & Environment.NewLine &
"Surfing|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"ShowModels|1" & Environment.NewLine &
"GTSStars|4" & Environment.NewLine &
"SandBoxMode|0" & Environment.NewLine &
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return s
End Function
#End Region
Public Sub ResetSave()
Points = 0
Emblem = "trainer"
Gender = "0"
_apricorns = ""
_berries = GetBerryData()
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
_box = ""
_daycare = ""
_itemData = ""
_items = ""
_NPC = ""
_options = GetOptionsData()
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
_party = ""
_player = GetPlayerData()
_pokedex = ""
_register = ""
_hallOfFame = ""
_secretBase = ""
_roamingPokemon = ""
_statistics = ""
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetOptionsData() As String
Dim s As String = "FOV|50" & Environment.NewLine &
"TextSpeed|2" & Environment.NewLine &
Return s
End Function
Public Shared Function GetBerryData() As String
Dim s As String = "{route29.dat|13,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route29.dat|14,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route29.dat|15,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{azalea.dat|9,0,3|0|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{azalea.dat|9,0,4|1|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{azalea.dat|9,0,5|0|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route30.dat|7,0,41|10|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route30.dat|14,0,5|2|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route30.dat|15,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route30.dat|16,0,5|2|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{routes\route35.dat|0,0,4|7|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{routes\route35.dat|1,0,4|8|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route36.dat|37,0,7|0|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route36.dat|38,0,7|4|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route36.dat|39,0,7|3|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route39.dat|8,0,2|9|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route39.dat|8,0,3|6|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route38.dat|13,0,12|16|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route38.dat|14,0,12|23|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{route38.dat|15,0,12|16|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{routes\route43.dat|13,0,45|23|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{routes\route43.dat|13,0,46|24|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{routes\route43.dat|13,0,47|25|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{safarizone\main.dat|3,0,11|5|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
"{safarizone\main.dat|4,0,11|0|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1}" & Environment.NewLine &
Return s
End Function
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Class
Public Class StaffProfile
Public Shared Staff As New List(Of StaffProfile)
Public Shared Sub SetupStaff()
Staff.Add(New StaffProfile("17441", "Creator", "nilllzz", {StaffArea.GlobalAdmin, StaffArea.GTSAdmin, StaffArea.GTSDaily, StaffArea.MailManagement}))
Staff.Add(New StaffProfile("32943", "Programmator", "dracohouston", {StaffArea.GlobalAdmin}))
Staff.Add(New StaffProfile("32349", "Dark", "darkfire", {StaffArea.GlobalAdmin, StaffArea.GTSAdmin, StaffArea.GTSDaily, StaffArea.MailManagement}))
Staff.Add(New StaffProfile("33742", "Prince", "princevade", {StaffArea.GlobalAdmin, StaffArea.GTSAdmin, StaffArea.GTSDaily, StaffArea.MailManagement}))
Staff.Add(New StaffProfile("1", "GameJolt", "cros", {}))
Staff.Add(New StaffProfile("35947", "", "", {StaffArea.GTSDaily}))
Staff.Add(New StaffProfile("541732", "The Captain", "", {StaffArea.GTSDaily}))
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Sub
Public Enum StaffArea
End Enum
Public StaffAreas As New List(Of StaffArea)
Public RankName As String = ""
Public Sprite As String = ""
Public GameJoltID As String = ""
Public Sub New(ByVal GameJoltID As String, ByVal RankName As String, ByVal Sprite As String, ByVal StaffAreas() As StaffArea)
Me.RankName = RankName
Me.GameJoltID = GameJoltID
Me.Sprite = Sprite
Me.StaffAreas = StaffAreas.ToList()
End Sub
End Class
2016-09-19 03:26:44 +02:00
End Namespace