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2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
:if:<pokemon.number(0)>=3 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=154 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=254 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=389 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=497 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=652
@text.show(I implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!)
@text.show(I perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that <pokemon.name(0)>...*Oh! This is the one!~This is the Pok<00>mon!*This <pokemon.name(0)>~is worthy of learning my~ultimate move!*Will you allow it?*Will you allow your <pokemon.name(0)>~to learn my Frenzy Plant?)
@text.show(You will allow it?*Then let me confer my~ultimate Frenzy Plant~on your <pokemon.name(0)>.*Ggggrah-awooo!)
@text.show(Gasp, gasp, gasp...*I didn't think I could~teach that move while~I still lived...)
@text.show(Gaah!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!)
@text.show(Gaah!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!)
:if:<pokemon.number(0)>=6 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=157 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=257 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=392 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=500 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=655
@text.show(I implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!)
@text.show(I perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that <pokemon.name(0)>...*Oh! This is the one!~This is the Pok<00>mon!*This <pokemon.name(0)>~is worthy of learning my~ultimate move!*Will you allow it?*Will you allow your <pokemon.name(0)>~to learn my Blast Burn?)
@text.show(You will allow it?*Then let me confer my~ultimate Blast Burn on~your <pokemon.name(0)>.*Ggggrah-awooo!)
@text.show(Gasp, gasp, gasp...*I didn't think I could~teach that move while~I still lived...)
@text.show(Gaah!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!)
@text.show(Gaah!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!)
:if:<pokemon.number(0)>=9 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=160 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=260 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=395 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=503 <or> <pokemon.number(0)>=658
@text.show(I implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!)
@text.show(I perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that <pokemon.name(0)>...*Oh! This is the one!~This is the Pok<00>mon!*This <pokemon.name(0)>~is worthy of learning my~ultimate move!*Will you allow it?*Will you allow your <pokemon.name(0)>~to learn my Hydro Cannon?)
@text.show(You will allow it?*Then let me confer~my ultimate Hydro Cannon~on your <pokemon.name(0)>.*Ggggrah-awooo!)
@text.show(Gasp, gasp, gasp...*I didn't think I could~teach that move while~I still lived...)
@text.show(Gaah!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!)
@text.show(Gaah!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!)
:if:<register.registered(learnblastburn)>=True <or> <register.registered(learnfrenzyplant)>=True <or> <register.registered(learnhydrocannon)>=True
@text.show(I implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!)
@text.show(I perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that <pokemon.name(0)>...*...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that <pokemon.name(0)>...~...No...~I was just mistaken.)
:if:<register.registered(learnblastburn)>=True <or> <register.registered(learnfrenzyplant)>=True <or> <register.registered(learnhydrocannon)>=True
@text.show(I implore you to make the best use of that move and gain power!)
@text.show(I perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that <pokemon.name(0)>...*...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that <pokemon.name(0)>...~...No...~I was just mistaken.)