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:if:<register.registered(rival_dragonsden_encounter)>=true <and> <register.registered(rival_league_encounter)>=false
:if:<environment.day>=Monday <or> <environment.day>=Wednesday
@text.show(Hold it.*You're going to~take the Pok<00>mon League~challenge now?*You'll have to~give up on that.*My well-trained-beyond-~recognition Pok<00>mon are~going to pound you.*Right now,~right here!*I challenge you!)
@text.show(...Oh, no...*I still can't win~after all that training...*I...~I have to believe~more in my Pok<00>mon...*...No big deal.*Sorry to have got~in the way.*Don't forget to rest~your Pok<00>mon before you~challenge the Champion!)