2023-03-09 19:36:47 +01:00
Imports P3D . BattleSystem . Battle
Namespace BattleSystem
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class TrainerAI
'Trainer AI Levels:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-12-25 10:54:03 +01:00
'Normal Trainers: 0-1 (0 being not very smart trainers like Bugcatchers, 1 being Cooltrainers, get higher levels when rematches occur)
'(Johto) Gym Leaders: 0-2 (0 for Falkner, 2 for Clair)
'(Kanto) Gym Leaders: All 2
'Elite 4: 2
'Lance: 2
'Elder Li: 0
'Rival: 2
'Team Rocket Grunts: 0
'Team Rocket Admins: 1
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Shared Function GetAIMove ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal OwnStep As Battle . RoundConst ) As Battle . RoundConst
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
Dim m As List ( Of Attack ) = p . Attacks . ToList ( )
For i = m . Count - 1 To 0 Step - 1
If m ( i ) . CurrentPP <= 0 Then
m . RemoveAt ( i )
End If
If m . Count = 0 Then
Return New Battle . RoundConst With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Move , . Argument = Attack . GetAttackByID ( 165 ) }
End If
' - check for opponent moves: if super effective: 1.5x: 25%, 2x: 50%, 4x: 75%: check for pokemon in party that reacts to every move with less the detected effectiveness k
' - check for own moves: if only 0x: check for other pokemon in party (best fitting) and switch in k
' - check for own moves: if all moves below 1x: 50%: check for other pokemon in party that has at least one move above or equal 1x
' - own pokemon got cursed: 75% k
' - own pokemon got confused: 50% k
' - if has pokemon in team that can stand the attack coming in better than the current one: 25%: switch into that pokemon reflecting that move
'Use Item:
'(Useable items: Potion,Super Point,Hyper Potion,Full Heal,Full Restore,Burn Heal,Antidote,Paralyze heal,Awakening,Ice Heal,Revive,Max Revive,Max Potion)
' - Use potions if fills to at least half + own hp is below 40% (chance 60% + (40 - ownhp%)), always use best potion (normal->super->hyper->max) k
' - Use Full Heal when: Confused, Burned, Frozen, Asleep, Paralyzed, Poisoned and HP is above 25% (100%), use above status restore items. k
' - ^ same with Full Restore but without HP check, use above everything k
' - Use Status restore items if own HP is above 25%, chance: 60% k
' - Use revive when at least 50% of team is beaten, use on highest leveled pokemon (max over normal) (50%) k
'Definite move:
' - If own pokemon is asleep, try to use Snore (100%) k
' - If own pokemon is frozen and has a move to thraw out -> use that move (100%) k
' - Fake Out if first turn -> try to inflict flinch (100%) k
' - use high priority move if opponent is nearly defeated (<= 15%) (100%) k
' - use attacking move if speed is higher than opp speed and opponent has low health (<= 30%) (75%) k
' - use recover moves when HP lower than 50% (75%) k
' - try to paralyse (75%) k
' - try to confuse (75%) k
' - try to burn (75%) k
' - try to sleep (75%) k
' - try to freeze (75%) k
' - try to poison (50%) k
' - try to set up leech seed (75%) k
' - try to use FocusEnergy (50%) k
' - Set up spikes (50%)
' - setup safeguard (20%)
' - setup sandstorm, when at least half of the team is immune (50%)
' - setup hailstorm, when at least half of the team is immune (50%)
' - higher sp atk than atk, not boosted stat, higher spatk than spdef: use sp atk boost (50%) k
' - higher atk than sp atk, not boosted stat, higher atk than def: use atk boost (50%) k
' - not lowered opp def stat, higher atk than spatk, higher def than atk: use def lowering move (50%) k
' - not lowered opp sp def stat, higher sp atk than spdef, higher sp def than sp atk: use sp def lowering move (50%) k
' - when opp has lower atk than def/lower spatk than spdef and can heal stat: use stat healing move (50%) k
' - if entry hazards are on the field and more than one pokemon left: use Rapid Spin (100%)
' - if not done before, boost own evasion (50%) k
' - if not done before, lower opp accuracy (75%) k
' - use Psych up when the opponent total stat change compared to own is at least +2 (50%)
' - has Reflect/Light Screen: Uses the one that fits better for the own stat (75%) k
' - when having a move with accuracy lower than 60 and Mind Reader/Lock On -> Use Mind Reader/Lock On (50%)
' - Use fascade, if burned, paralysed or poisoned (50%)
' - use smelling salt if opponent is paralysed (100%)
'Special Moveset combos:
' - Defense Curl + Rollout k
' - Sunny Day + Solar Beam / Sunny weather + Solar Beam
' - Raindance + Thunder / Rain weather + Thunder / Sunny weather + Thunder
' - Sleep inducting move + Dream Eater / Use Dream Eater if target is asleep
' - Flash + Ride
' - Ghost Pokemon and Curse
' - Use Flail/Reversal when HP is really low
' - Conversion2/Conversion
' - Protect/Detect: when opp used a strong move
' - use Uproar if not set up and detect opponent with sleep moves
' - Stockpile + Swallow/SpitUp
' - Thunderwave + Smelling Salt
'After choosing attacking moves:
' - not use belly drum/substitute with too low HP
' - not use any move that doesnt work due to type disadventage (ghost-normal, normal-ghost, fighting-ghost, dragon-fairy)
'Choose attack move:
' - look for abilities that absorb move types
' - base power, accuracy, effectiveness, STAB, PP Left, attack stats (atk/spatk), EV, IV, defense stat (def/spdef)
' - never use splash
' - use never-miss attack when own accuracy is low/opp evasion is high
'-------------------------------------AI BEGIN------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
2023-08-01 13:53:10 +02:00
'-------------------------------------Encore Move if an encore is in effect-------------------------------------------------------'
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppEncore > 0 Then
Dim attackIndex As Integer = - 1
For a = 0 To p . Attacks . Count - 1
If p . Attacks ( a ) . ID = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppEncoreMove . ID Then
attackIndex = a
End If
If attackIndex <> - 1 AndAlso p . Attacks ( attackIndex ) . CurrentPP > 0 Then
Return New RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = RoundConst . StepTypes . Move , . Argument = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppEncoreMove }
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppEncoreMove = Nothing
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppEncore = 0
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's encore stopped. " ) )
End If
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
'-------------------------------------Random move depending on difficulty---------------------------------------------------------'
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'Only applies if trainer has an AI level of 0:
If BattleScreen . Trainer . AILevel <= 0 Then
2023-03-09 19:36:47 +01:00
Dim AvailableAttacks As List ( Of Integer ) = New List ( Of Integer )
For i = 0 To m . Count - 1
AvailableAttacks . Add ( i )
Dim OppAttackChoice As Integer = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , AvailableAttacks . Count )
Dim Ready As Boolean = False
While Ready = False
2023-03-27 17:59:57 +02:00
If m ( OppAttackChoice ) Is BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove OrElse m ( OppAttackChoice ) . Disabled > 0 OrElse BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt > 0 AndAlso BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Attacks ( OppAttackChoice ) . Category = Attack . Categories . Status Then
2023-03-09 19:36:47 +01:00
AvailableAttacks . Remove ( OppAttackChoice )
If AvailableAttacks . Count > 0 Then
OppAttackChoice = AvailableAttacks ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , AvailableAttacks . Count ) )
Return New RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = RoundConst . StepTypes . Move , . Argument = Attack . GetAttackByID ( 165 ) }
End If
Ready = True
End If
End While
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Core . Player . DifficultyMode = 0 Then
'Chance of 35% that the trainer is using a random move:
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 100 ) < 35 Then
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Return ProduceOppStep ( m , OppAttackChoice )
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End If
ElseIf Core . Player . DifficultyMode = 1 Then
'Chance of 18% that the trainer is using a random move:
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 100 ) < 18 Then
2023-03-09 19:36:47 +01:00
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , OppAttackChoice )
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End If
End If
End If
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'Only applies if trainer has an AI level above or equal to 2:
If BattleScreen . Trainer . AILevel >= 2 Then
If BattleCalculation . CanSwitch ( BattleScreen , False ) = True Then
If BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons . Count > 0 Then
Dim living As Integer = 0
For Each cP As Pokemon In BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons
If cP . HP > 0 And cP . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
living += 1
End If
If living > 1 Then
'check for opponent moves: if super effective: 1.5x: 25%, 2x: 50%, 4x: 75%: check for pokemon in party that reacts to every move with less the detected effectiveness
Dim maxOpponentEff As Single = 0 . 0F
For Each Attack As BattleSystem . Attack In op . Attacks
Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation . CalculateEffectiveness ( Attack . GetAttackByID ( Attack . ID ) , BattleScreen , op , p , True )
If effectiveness > maxOpponentEff Then
maxOpponentEff = effectiveness
End If
If maxOpponentEff > 1 . 0F Then
Dim chance As Integer = 0
Select Case maxOpponentEff
Case 1 . 25F
chance = 10
Case 1 . 5F
chance = 25
Case 2 . 0F
chance = 35
Case 4 . 0F
chance = 50
End Select
If RPercent ( chance ) = True Then
Dim lessTeamPs As New List ( Of Integer )
For i = 0 To BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons . Count - 1
If i <> BattleScreen . OppPokemonIndex Then
Dim TeamP As Pokemon = BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons ( i )
If TeamP . HP > 0 And TeamP . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
Dim alwaysLess As Boolean = True
For Each Attack As BattleSystem . Attack In op . Attacks
Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation . CalculateEffectiveness ( Attack . GetAttackByID ( Attack . ID ) , BattleScreen , op , TeamP , True )
If effectiveness >= maxOpponentEff Then
alwaysLess = False
Exit For
End If
If alwaysLess = True Then
lessTeamPs . Add ( i )
End If
End If
End If
If lessTeamPs . Count > 0 Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( lessTeamPs ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , lessTeamPs . Count ) ) )
End If
End If
End If
'check for own moves: if only 0x: check for other pokemon in party (best fitting) and switch in
Dim only0 As Boolean = True
For Each Attack As BattleSystem . Attack In p . Attacks
Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation . CalculateEffectiveness ( Attack . GetAttackByID ( Attack . ID ) , BattleScreen , p , op , False )
If effectiveness <> 0 . 0F Then
only0 = False
Exit For
End If
If only0 = True Then
Dim switchList As New List ( Of Integer )
For i = 0 To BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons . Count - 1
If i <> BattleScreen . OppPokemonIndex Then
Dim TeamP As Pokemon = BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons ( i )
If TeamP . HP > 0 And TeamP . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
switchList . Add ( i )
End If
End If
If switchList . Count > 0 Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( switchList ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , switchList . Count ) ) )
End If
End If
'own pokemon got cursed: 75%
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppCurse > 0 Then
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
Dim newSwitchIndex As Integer = 0
Dim canSwitchTo As New List ( Of Integer )
For i = 0 To BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons . Count - 1
Dim TeamP As Pokemon = BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons ( i )
If TeamP . HP > 0 And TeamP . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted And i <> BattleScreen . OppPokemonIndex Then
canSwitchTo . Add ( i )
End If
If canSwitchTo . Count > 0 Then
newSwitchIndex = canSwitchTo ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , canSwitchTo . Count ) )
Return ProduceOppStep ( newSwitchIndex )
End If
End If
End If
'own pokemon got confused: 50%
If p . HasVolatileStatus ( Pokemon . VolatileStatus . Confusion ) = True Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Dim newSwitchIndex As Integer = 0
Dim canSwitchTo As New List ( Of Integer )
For i = 0 To BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons . Count - 1
Dim TeamP As Pokemon = BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons ( i )
If TeamP . HP > 0 And TeamP . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted And i <> BattleScreen . OppPokemonIndex Then
canSwitchTo . Add ( i )
End If
If canSwitchTo . Count > 0 Then
newSwitchIndex = canSwitchTo ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , canSwitchTo . Count ) )
Return ProduceOppStep ( newSwitchIndex )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
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'same with Full Restore but without HP check, use above everything
If p . HasVolatileStatus ( Pokemon . VolatileStatus . Confusion ) = True Or p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . None And p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
If TrainerHasItem ( 14 , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If Not ( TrainerHasItem ( 38 , BattleScreen ) = True And p . HP = p . MaxHP ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( 14 , - 1 )
End If
End If
End If
'Use potions if fills to at least half + own hp is below 40% (chance 60% + (40 - ownhp%)), always use best potion (normal->super->hyper->max)
If p . HP <= CInt ( ( p . MaxHP / 100 ) * 40 ) Then
Dim potion As Integer = GetBestPotion ( BattleScreen )
If potion > - 1 Then
If TrainerHasItem ( potion , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Dim chance As Integer = GetPokemonValue ( BattleScreen , p ) + ( 40 - CInt ( ( p . HP / p . MaxHP ) * 100 ) )
If RPercent ( chance ) = True Then
Dim HP As Integer = GetPotionHealHP ( p , potion )
If HP >= CInt ( Math . Ceiling ( p . MaxHP / 2 ) ) Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( potion , - 1 )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Use Full Heal when: Confused, Burned, Frozen, Asleep, Paralyzed, Poisoned and HP is above 25% (100%), use above status restore items.
If p . HasVolatileStatus ( Pokemon . VolatileStatus . Confusion ) = True Or p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . None And p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
If p . HP >= CInt ( ( p . MaxHP / 100 ) * 25 ) Then
If TrainerHasItem ( 38 , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( 38 , - 1 )
End If
End If
End If
'Use Status restore items if own HP is above 25%, chance: 60%
If p . HP >= CInt ( ( p . MaxHP / 100 ) * 25 ) Then
If p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . None And p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
If RPercent ( 60 ) = True Then
Select Case p . Status
Case Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison , Pokemon . StatusProblems . BadPoison
If TrainerHasItem ( 9 , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( 9 , - 1 )
End If
Case Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn
If TrainerHasItem ( 10 , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( 10 , - 1 )
End If
Case Pokemon . StatusProblems . Freeze
If TrainerHasItem ( 11 , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( 11 , - 1 )
End If
Case Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep
If TrainerHasItem ( 12 , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( 12 , - 1 )
End If
Case Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed
If TrainerHasItem ( 13 , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( 13 , - 1 )
End If
End Select
End If
End If
End If
'Use revive when at least 50% of team is beaten, use on highest leveled pokemon (max over normal) (50%)
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True And ( TrainerHasItem ( 39 , BattleScreen ) = True Or TrainerHasItem ( 40 , BattleScreen ) = True ) = True Then
Dim beaten As Integer = 0
For Each TeamP As Pokemon In BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons
If TeamP . HP <= 0 Or TeamP . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Or TeamP . IsEgg ( ) = True Then
beaten += 1
End If
If beaten >= CInt ( Math . Floor ( BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons . Count / 2 ) ) Then
Dim highestLevel As Integer = - 1
For i = 0 To BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons . Count - 1
Dim TeamP As Pokemon = BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons ( i )
If TeamP . IsEgg ( ) = False Then
If TeamP . HP <= 0 Or TeamP . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
If highestLevel = - 1 OrElse BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons ( highestLevel ) . Level < TeamP . Level Then
highestLevel = i
End If
End If
End If
If highestLevel > - 1 Then
Dim bestRevive As Integer = GetBestRevive ( BattleScreen )
Return ProduceOppStep ( bestRevive , highestLevel )
End If
End If
End If
'If own pokemon is asleep, try to use Sleep Talk (100%)
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If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppSleepTurns > 1 And HasMove ( m , 214 ) = True AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 214 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 214 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 214 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 214 ) )
End If
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End If
'If own pokemon is asleep, try to use Snore (100%)
2023-03-27 17:59:57 +02:00
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppSleepTurns > 1 And HasMove ( m , 173 ) = True AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 173 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 173 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 173 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 173 ) )
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
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'If own pokemon is frozen and has a move to thraw out -> use that move
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Freeze Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . ThrawOut )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
'Fake Out if first turn -> try to inflict flinch (100%)
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If HasMove ( m , 252 ) = True AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 252 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 252 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " inner focus " Then
Dim turns As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppPokemonTurns
If turns = 0 Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 252 ) )
End If
End If
End If
'use high priority move if opponent is nearly defeated (<= 15%) (100%)
If op . HP <= CInt ( ( op . MaxHP / 100 ) * 15 ) Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . HighPriority )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
'use attacking move if speed is higher than opp speed and opponent has low health (<= 30%) (75%)
If p . Speed > op . Speed And op . HP <= CInt ( ( op . MaxHP / 100 ) * 30 ) Then
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Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Damage )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
'use recover moves when HP lower than 50% (50%):
If p . HP <= CInt ( p . MaxHP / 2 ) Then
Dim chance As Integer = 50
'make chance higher when opp has a status condition:
If op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Freeze Or op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed Or op . HasVolatileStatus ( Pokemon . VolatileStatus . Confusion ) = True Then
chance = 75
End If
If op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Then
chance = 100
End If
If RPercent ( chance ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Healing )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Try to use Brick Break move if opponent has LightScreen/Reflect up:
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Ghost ) = False Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnReflect > 0 Or BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLightScreen > 0 Then
If RPercent ( 80 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . RemoveReflectLightscreen )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'try to inflict status:
'check if substitute is up:
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnSubstitute = 0 Then
'check no status already applies:
If op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . None Then
'try to paralyse (75%)
If op . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed Then
If op . Type1 . Type <> Element . Types . Electric And op . Type2 . Type <> Element . Types . Electric Then
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " limber " Then
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Paralysis )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'try to burn (75%)
If op . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Then
If op . Type1 . Type <> Element . Types . Fire And op . Type2 . Type <> Element . Types . Fire Then
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " water veil " Then
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Burn )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'try to sleep (75%)
If op . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Then
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " vital spirit " Then
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " insomnia " Then
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Sleep )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'try to poison (50%)
If op . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . BadPoison And op . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison Then
If op . Type1 . Type <> Element . Types . Steel And op . Type1 . Type <> Element . Types . Poison And op . Type2 . Type <> Element . Types . Steel And op . Type2 . Type <> Element . Types . Poison Then
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " immunity " Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Poison )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'try to confuse (75%)
'check if opp isnt confused already:
If op . HasVolatileStatus ( Pokemon . VolatileStatus . Confusion ) = False Then
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " own tempo " Then
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Confusion )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'try to set up leech seed (75%)
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Grass ) = False Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLeechSeed = 0 Then
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If HasMove ( m , 73 ) = True AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 73 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 73 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
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If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 75 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 73 ) )
End If
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End If
End If
End If
End If
'try to use FocusEnergy (50%)
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppFocusEnergy = 0 Then
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If HasMove ( m , 116 ) = True AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 116 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 116 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 116 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 116 ) )
End If
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End If
End If
End If
'higher sp atk than atk, not boosted stat, higher spatk than spdef: use sp atk boost (50%)
If p . SpAttack > p . Attack And p . StatSpAttack <= 0 And p . SpAttack > p . SpDefense Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . RaiseSpAttack )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'higher atk than sp atk, not boosted stat, higher atk than def: use atk boost (50%)
If p . Attack > p . SpAttack And p . StatAttack <= 0 And p . Attack > p . Defense Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . RaiseAttack )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'not lowered opp def stat, higher atk than spatk, higher def than atk: use def lowering move (50%)
If p . Attack > p . SpAttack And p . Defense > p . Attack And op . StatDefense >= 0 Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . LowerDefense )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'not lowered opp spdef stat, higher spatk than atk, higher spdef than spatk: use spdef lowering move (50%)
If p . SpAttack > p . Attack And p . SpDefense > p . SpAttack And op . StatSpDefense >= 0 Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . LowerSpDefense )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'when opp has lower atk than def/lower spatk than spdef and can heal stat: use stat healing move (50%)
If op . SpAttack > op . Attack And op . SpAttack < op . SpDefense Or op . Attack > op . SpAttack And op . Attack < op . Defense Then
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . BadPoison Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Freeze Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . CureStatus )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if not done before, boost own evasion (50%)
If p . Evasion <= 0 Then
If RPercent ( 50 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . RaiseEvasion )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if not done before, boost own accuracy (75%)
If p . Evasion <= 0 Then
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
Dim chosenMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . RaiseEvasion )
If chosenMove > - 1 Then
If CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( BattleScreen , m , chosenMove ) = True Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenMove )
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Use LightScreen/Reflect (75%):
If RPercent ( 75 ) = True Then
2023-03-27 17:59:57 +02:00
If HasMove ( m , 113 ) = True And op . SpAttack > op . Attack And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppLightScreen = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 113 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 113 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 113 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 113 ) )
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2023-03-27 17:59:57 +02:00
If HasMove ( m , 115 ) = True And op . Attack > op . SpAttack And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppReflect = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 115 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 115 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 115 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 115 ) )
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
'Special Moveset combos:
' - Defense Curl + Rollout
If HasMove ( m , 205 ) = True And HasMove ( m , 111 ) = True Then
2023-03-27 17:59:57 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppDefenseCurl = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 111 ) ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 111 ) ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 111 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 111 ) )
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 205 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
If m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 205 ) ) . Disabled = 0 Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 205 ) )
End If
2023-03-09 19:36:47 +01:00
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
'Determine best attacking move:
Dim attackDic As New Dictionary ( Of Integer , Integer )
For i = 0 To m . Count - 1
2023-03-27 17:59:57 +02:00
If MoveHasAIField ( m ( i ) , Attack . AIField . Damage ) = True AndAlso m ( i ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( i ) IsNot BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( IDtoMoveIndex ( m , 214 ) ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
attackDic . Add ( i , 0 )
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
'If has more than 0 attacking moves:
If attackDic . Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To attackDic . Count - 1
Dim key As Integer = attackDic . Keys ( i )
Dim cMove As Attack = m ( key )
Dim value As Integer = 0
Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation . CalculateEffectiveness ( False , cMove , BattleScreen )
'Base power
If effectiveness <> 0 . 0F Then
value += CInt ( cMove . GetBasePower ( False , BattleScreen ) * effectiveness )
End If
value += cMove . GetAccuracy ( False , BattleScreen )
If p . IsType ( cMove . Type . Type ) = True Then
value += 35
End If
'Ignore PP left for now...
'Attack stats:
If cMove . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical Then
value += p . StatAttack * 15
Else 'Special
value += p . StatSpAttack * 15
End If
If cMove . UseOppDefense = True Then
If cMove . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical Then
value -= op . StatDefense * 15
Else 'Special
value -= p . StatSpDefense * 15
End If
End If
'Dry skin: +fire
If cMove . GetAttackType ( False , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Fire And op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " dry skin " Then
value += 25
End If
'Use never-miss attack when own accuracy is low/opp evasion is high
If cMove . Accuracy = 0 Or cMove . GetUseAccEvasion ( False , BattleScreen ) = False Then
If p . Accuracy < 0 Then
value += CInt ( Math . Abs ( p . Accuracy * 15 ) )
End If
If op . Evasion > 0 Then
value += op . Evasion * 15
End If
End If
'If the pokemon has other options, dont use selfdestruct or explosion too often:
If cMove . ID = 120 Or cMove . ID = 153 Then
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 8 ) <> 0 Then
value = Core . Random . Next ( 50 , 100 )
End If
End If
'Add randomness value:
value += Core . Random . Next ( - 35 , 35 )
If value < 0 Then
value = 0
End If
If effectiveness = 0 . 0F Then
value = 0
End If
'Don't use moves that get absorbed by abilities:
If cMove . GetAttackType ( False , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Water And op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " water absorb " Then
value = 0
End If
If cMove . GetAttackType ( False , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Electric And op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " volt absorb " Then
value = 0
End If
If cMove . GetAttackType ( False , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Electric And op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " motor drive " Then
value = 0
End If
If cMove . GetAttackType ( False , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Grass And op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " sap sipper " Then
value = 0
End If
If cMove . GetAttackType ( False , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Fire And op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " flash fire " Then
value = 0
End If
If cMove . GetAttackType ( False , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Water And op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " dry skin " Then
value = 0
End If
'Special moves to not use:
If cMove . ID = 150 Then 'Never use splash
value = 0
End If
If cMove . ID = 214 And p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Then 'Never use Sleep Talk when user is not sleeping.
value = 0
End If
If cMove . ID = 171 And op . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Then 'Never use nightmare when opponent is not sleeping.
value = 0
End If
If cMove . ID = 138 And op . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Then 'Never use Dream eater when opponent is not sleeping
value = 0
End If
attackDic ( key ) = value
'Debug feature: Enable if not sure
'For t = 0 To attackDic.Count - 1
' Logger.Debug(t.ToString() & ": " & m(attackDic.Keys(t)).Name & "; VALUE: " & attackDic.Values(t))
Dim index As Integer = 0
If attackDic . Count > 1 Then
If attackDic . Values ( 1 ) > attackDic . Values ( index ) Then
index = 1
End If
End If
If attackDic . Count > 2 Then
If attackDic . Values ( 2 ) > attackDic . Values ( index ) Then
index = 2
End If
End If
If attackDic . Count > 3 Then
If attackDic . Values ( 3 ) > attackDic . Values ( index ) Then
index = 3
End If
End If
'Dis too:
'Logger.Debug("CHOSEN: " & m(attackDic.Keys(index)).Name & "; VALUE: " & attackDic.Values(index))
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , attackDic . Keys ( index ) )
End If
'once everything else failed, choose one of the attacking moves:
Dim chosenAttackMove As Integer = MoveAI ( m , Attack . AIField . Damage )
If chosenAttackMove > - 1 Then
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , chosenAttackMove )
End If
2023-07-22 12:06:03 +02:00
'if no attacking moves, return random move:
If BattleScreen . Trainer . AILevel >= 0 Then
Dim AvailableAttacks As List ( Of Integer ) = New List ( Of Integer )
For i = 0 To m . Count - 1
AvailableAttacks . Add ( i )
Dim OppAttackChoice As Integer = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , AvailableAttacks . Count )
Dim Ready As Boolean = False
While Ready = False
If m ( OppAttackChoice ) Is BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove OrElse m ( OppAttackChoice ) . Disabled > 0 OrElse BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTaunt > 0 AndAlso BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Attacks ( OppAttackChoice ) . Category = Attack . Categories . Status Then
AvailableAttacks . Remove ( OppAttackChoice )
If AvailableAttacks . Count > 0 Then
OppAttackChoice = AvailableAttacks ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , AvailableAttacks . Count ) )
Return New RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = RoundConst . StepTypes . Move , . Argument = Attack . GetAttackByID ( 165 ) }
End If
Ready = True
End If
End While
Return ProduceOppStep ( m , OppAttackChoice )
End If
'catch crash: return struggle
2023-03-09 19:36:47 +01:00
Return New RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = RoundConst . StepTypes . Move , . Argument = Attack . GetAttackByID ( 165 ) }
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Function
Private Shared Function HasOtherAttackingMoveThanExplosion ( ByVal m As List ( Of Attack ) , ByVal leaveOutIndex As Integer ) As Boolean
For i = 0 To m . Count - 1
If i <> leaveOutIndex Then
If m ( i ) . ID <> 121 And m ( i ) . ID <> 153 Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Shared Function GetAttackingMove ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal m As List ( Of Attack ) ) As Integer
Return 0
End Function
Private Shared Function CheckForTypeIneffectiveness ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal m As List ( Of Attack ) , ByVal i As Integer ) As Boolean
Dim move As Attack = m ( i )
If move . ImmunityAffected = True Then
Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation . CalculateEffectiveness ( False , move , BattleScreen )
If effectiveness = 0 . 0F Then
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Shared Function RPercent ( ByVal p As Integer ) As Boolean
If p >= 100 Then
Return True
End If
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 100 ) < p Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Shared Function MoveAI ( ByVal m As List ( Of Attack ) , ByVal AIType As Attack . AIField ) As Integer
Dim validMoves As New List ( Of Integer )
2023-03-18 19:56:52 +01:00
Dim _battleScreen As Screen = Core . CurrentScreen
While _battleScreen . Identification <> Screen . Identifications . BattleScreen
_battleScreen = _battleScreen . PreScreen
End While
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
For i = 0 To m . Count - 1
2023-03-27 17:59:57 +02:00
If m ( i ) . Disabled = 0 AndAlso m ( i ) IsNot CType ( _battleScreen , BattleScreen ) . FieldEffects . OppTormentMove Then
2023-03-18 19:56:52 +01:00
If CType ( _battleScreen , BattleScreen ) . FieldEffects . OppTaunt = 0 OrElse m ( i ) . Category <> Attack . Categories . Status Then
2023-03-09 20:00:20 +01:00
If m ( i ) . AIField1 = AIType Or m ( i ) . AIField2 = AIType Or m ( i ) . AIField3 = AIType Then
validMoves . Add ( i )
End If
2023-03-09 19:36:47 +01:00
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If validMoves . Count > 0 Then
Return validMoves ( Core . Random . Next ( 0 , validMoves . Count ) )
End If
Return - 1
End Function
Private Shared Function MoveHasAIField ( ByVal m As Attack , ByVal AIType As Attack . AIField ) As Boolean
Return m . AIField1 = AIType Or m . AIField2 = AIType Or m . AIField3 = AIType
End Function
Private Shared Function HasMove ( ByVal m As List ( Of Attack ) , ByVal ID As Integer ) As Boolean
For Each move As Attack In m
If move . ID = ID Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Shared Function IDtoMoveIndex ( ByVal m As List ( Of Attack ) , ByVal ID As Integer ) As Integer
For i = 0 To m . Count - 1
If m ( i ) . ID = ID Then
Return i
End If
Return - 1
End Function
#Region "ProduceSteps"
Private Shared Function ProduceOppStep ( ByVal m As List ( Of Attack ) , ByVal i As Integer ) As Battle . RoundConst
While i > m . Count - 1
i -= 1
End While
If m . Count = 0 Then
Throw New Exception ( " An empty move array got passed in! " )
End If
Return New Battle . RoundConst With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Move , . Argument = m ( i ) }
End Function
Private Shared Function ProduceOppStep ( ByVal ItemID As Integer , ByVal target As Integer ) As Battle . RoundConst
Return New Battle . RoundConst With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Item , . Argument = ItemID . ToString ( ) & " , " & target . ToString ( ) }
End Function
Private Shared Function ProduceOppStep ( ByVal SwitchID As Integer ) As Battle . RoundConst
Return New Battle . RoundConst With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Switch , . Argument = SwitchID . ToString ( ) }
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Item"
Private Shared Function TrainerHasItem ( ByVal ItemID As Integer , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Boolean
For Each Item As Item In BattleScreen . Trainer . Items
If Item . ID = ItemID Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Shared Function GetBestPotion ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Integer
Dim potionRange As List ( Of Integer ) = { 18 , 17 , 16 , 15 , 14 } . ToList ( )
Dim bestPotion As Integer = - 1
For Each I As Item In BattleScreen . Trainer . Items
If potionRange . Contains ( I . ID ) = True Then
If potionRange . IndexOf ( I . ID ) > bestPotion Then
bestPotion = potionRange . IndexOf ( I . ID )
End If
End If
If bestPotion = - 1 Then
Return - 1
Return potionRange ( bestPotion )
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function GetBestRevive ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Integer
For Each Item As Item In BattleScreen . Trainer . Items
If Item . ID = 40 Then
Return 40
End If
Return 39
End Function
Private Shared Function GetPotionHealHP ( ByVal p As Pokemon , ByVal ItemID As Integer ) As Integer
Select Case ItemID
Case 18
Return 20
Case 17
Return 50
Case 16
Return 200
Case 15
Return p . MaxHP
Case 14
Return p . MaxHP
End Select
Return 0
End Function
#End Region
Private Shared Function GetPokemonValue ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal p As Pokemon ) As Integer
Dim total As Integer = 0
For Each TeamP As Pokemon In BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons
total += TeamP . BaseHP + TeamP . BaseAttack + TeamP . BaseDefense + TeamP . BaseSpAttack + TeamP . BaseSpDefense + TeamP . BaseSpeed
Dim pTotal As Integer = p . BaseHP + p . BaseAttack + p . BaseDefense + p . BaseSpAttack + p . BaseSpDefense + p . BaseSpeed
Dim percent As Integer = CInt ( ( pTotal / total ) * 100 )
Return percent
End Function
End Class
End Namespace