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2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class CutDownTree
Inherits Entity
Public Overrides Sub UpdateEntity()
If Me.Rotation.Y <> Screen.Camera.Yaw Then
Me.Rotation.Y = Screen.Camera.Yaw
Me.CreatedWorld = False
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub ClickFunction()
Dim pName As String = ""
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
If p.IsEgg() = False Then
For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks
If a.Name = "Cut" Then
pName = p.GetDisplayName()
Exit For
End If
End If
If pName <> "" Then
Exit For
End If
2023-07-30 18:16:27 +02:00
Dim text As String = Localization.GetString("fieldmove_cut_1", "This tree looks like it~can be Cut down!")
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If pName <> "" And Badge.CanUseHMMove(Badge.HMMoves.Cut) = True Or Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then
2023-07-30 18:16:27 +02:00
text &= Localization.GetString("fieldmove_cut_2", "*Do you want to use Cut?") & "%" & Localization.GetString("global_yes", "Yes") & "|" & Localization.GetString("global_no", "No") & "%"
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Screen.TextBox.Show(text, {Me})
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub ResultFunction(Result As Integer)
If Result = 0 Then
2023-07-30 18:16:27 +02:00
Dim pName As String = "MissignNo."
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
If p.IsEgg() = False Then
For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks
If a.Name = "Cut" Then
pName = p.GetDisplayName()
Exit For
End If
End If
If pName <> "" Then
Exit For
End If
2023-07-30 18:16:27 +02:00
Dim Text As String = pName & " " & Localization.GetString("fieldmove_cut_used", "used~Cut!")
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Me.CanBeRemoved = True
Dim s As String =
"version=2" & Environment.NewLine &
"@text.show(" & Text & ")" & Environment.NewLine &
2023-07-30 18:16:27 +02:00
"@sound.play(FieldMove_Cut,0)" & Environment.NewLine &
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
PlayerStatistics.Track("Cut used", 1)
CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2, False)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Render()
If Me.Model Is Nothing Then
Me.Draw(Me.BaseModel, Textures, False)
Draw(Me.BaseModel, Me.Textures, True, Me.Model)
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Sub
End Class