2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class PVPLobbyScreen
Inherits Screen
Enum ScreenStates
End Enum
Public Shared ScreenState As ScreenStates = ScreenStates . Idle
Shared OppTeam As List ( Of Pokemon ) = Nothing 'The team the opponent is using.
Dim OwnTeam As List ( Of Pokemon ) = Nothing 'The team you are using.
Shared PartnerNetworkID As Integer = 0 'The NetworkID of your partner.
Shared WaitingForPlayer As Boolean = False 'If you are the host and waiting for the other player to accept.
Shared SentBattleOffer As Boolean = False 'If you sent a request.
Shared ReceivedBattleOffer As Boolean = False 'If you idle and get a request.
Shared StartBattleRemote As Boolean = False 'If you sent a request and got the accept.
Public Shared DisconnectMessage As String = " "
Shared IsHost As Boolean = True
Dim Cursor As Integer = 0
Dim menuItems As New List ( Of String )
Dim texture As Texture2D = Nothing
2017-08-28 21:53:03 +02:00
Private Shared _oppGameVersion As String = " "
Private _startNow As Boolean = False
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal connectPlayerID As Integer , ByVal isHost As Boolean )
Me . PreScreen = currentScreen
Me . Identification = Identifications . PVPLobbyScreen
Me . texture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\General " )
2018-02-24 01:20:42 +01:00
MusicManager . Play ( " lobby " , True )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Me . MouseVisible = True
Me . CanBePaused = False
PartnerNetworkID = connectPlayerID
WaitingForPlayer = isHost
SentBattleOffer = False
ReceivedBattleOffer = False
OppTeam = Nothing
StartBattleRemote = False
PVPLobbyScreen . IsHost = isHost
OwnTeam = Nothing
OppTeam = Nothing
StoppedBattle = False
BattleSuccessful = False
BattleResults = Nothing
DisconnectMessage = " "
ScreenState = ScreenStates . Idle
If isHost = False Then
Core . ServersManager . ServerConnection . SendPackage ( New Servers . Package ( Servers . Package . PackageTypes . BattleJoin , Core . ServersManager . ID , Servers . Package . ProtocolTypes . TCP , PartnerNetworkID . ToString ( ) ) )
Core . ServersManager . ServerConnection . SendPackage ( New Servers . Package ( Servers . Package . PackageTypes . BattleRequest , Core . ServersManager . ID , Servers . Package . ProtocolTypes . TCP , PartnerNetworkID . ToString ( ) ) )
End If
Me . menuItems = { " Start Battle! " , " Choose Team " , " Quit " } . ToList ( )
Me . BattleBoxPokemon = StorageSystemScreen . GetBattleBoxPokemon ( )
Core . StartThreadedSub ( AddressOf DownloadOnlineSprite )
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadOnlineSprite ( )
Dim p As Servers . Player = Core . ServersManager . PlayerCollection . GetPlayer ( PartnerNetworkID )
If Not p Is Nothing Then
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
If p . GameJoltId <> " " Then
GameJolt . Emblem . GetOnlineSprite ( p . GameJoltId )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw ( )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( Core . windowSize , New Color ( 10 , 145 , 227 ) , New Color ( 6 , 77 , 139 ) , False , - 1 )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width ) , 65 ) , New Color ( 0 , 24 , 114 ) , New Color ( 13 , 138 , 228 ) , False , - 1 )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , " Versus Battle " , New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( " Versus Battle " ) . X / 2 ) , 20 ) , New Color ( 196 , 231 , 255 ) )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( 0 , 65 , Core . windowSize . Width , 1 ) , New Color ( 0 , 24 , 114 ) )
Select Case ScreenState
Case ScreenStates . Idle
If WaitingForPlayer = True Then
Dim t As String = " Waiting for other player " & LoadingDots . Dots
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , t , New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( t ) . X / 2 ) , CSng ( Core . windowSize . Height / 2 - 10 ) ) , Color . White )
Me . DrawIdle ( )
End If
Case ScreenStates . Stopped
Dim t As String = DisconnectMessage
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , t , New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( t ) . X / 2 ) , CSng ( Core . windowSize . Height / 2 - 10 ) ) , Color . White )
Case ScreenStates . ChooseTeam
Me . DrawChooseTeam ( )
Case ScreenStates . BattleResults
Me . DrawBattleResults ( )
End Select
2017-08-28 21:53:03 +02:00
TextBox . Draw ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update ( )
2017-08-28 21:53:03 +02:00
If TextBox . Showing Then
TextBox . Update ( )
Exit Sub
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If ScreenState = ScreenStates . Idle Then
If ConnectScreen . Connected = True Then
Dim partnerOnServer As Boolean = False
For Each p As Servers . Player In Core . ServersManager . PlayerCollection
If p . ServersID = PartnerNetworkID Then
partnerOnServer = True
Exit For
End If
If partnerOnServer = False Then
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
DisconnectMessage = " The other player disconnected. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & " Press any key to exit. "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
ScreenState = ScreenStates . Stopped
End If
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
DisconnectMessage = " You got disconnected from the server. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & " Press any key to exit. "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
ScreenState = ScreenStates . Stopped
End If
End If
Select Case ScreenState
Case ScreenStates . Idle
Me . UpdateIdle ( )
Case ScreenStates . Stopped
If KeyBoardHandler . GetPressedKeys ( ) . Count > 0 Or ControllerHandler . HasControlerInput ( ) = True Or Controls . Accept ( ) = True Or Controls . Dismiss ( ) = True Then
Core . SetScreen ( Me . PreScreen )
End If
Case ScreenStates . ChooseTeam
Me . UpdateChooseTeam ( )
Case ScreenStates . BattleResults
Me . UpdateBattleResults ( )
End Select
End Sub
#Region "Idle"
Private Sub DrawIdle ( )
'Own side:
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( 100 , 200 , 300 , 64 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( New Rectangle ( 0 , 200 , 100 , 64 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) , True , - 1 )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , Core . Player . Name , New Vector2 ( 140 , 215 ) , Color . Black , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 5F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Screen . Level . OwnPlayer . Texture , New Rectangle ( 60 , 200 , 64 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 64 , 32 , 32 ) , Color . White )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( 0 , 264 , 400 , 32 ) , New Color ( 6 , 77 , 139 ) )
If Not OwnTeam Is Nothing Then
If OwnTeam . Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To OwnTeam . Count - 1
Dim p As Pokemon = OwnTeam ( i )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( p . GetMenuTexture ( ) , New Rectangle ( 40 + i * 40 , 264 , 32 , 32 ) , Color . White )
End If
End If
If ReceivedBattleOffer = True Then
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) , 100 , 64 * 4 , 64 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 150 ) )
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , " Your opponent wants to " & Environment . NewLine & " battle with this setup. " , New Vector2 ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) + 4 , 104 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If SentBattleOffer = True Then
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) , 100 , 64 * 4 , 64 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 150 ) )
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , " You want to battle " & Environment . NewLine & " with this setup. " , New Vector2 ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) + 4 , 104 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
For i = 0 To Me . menuItems . Count - 1
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . texture , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) , 200 + i * 96 , 64 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 ) , Color . White )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . texture , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) + 64 , 200 + i * 96 , 64 * 2 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 32 , 16 , 16 , 16 ) , Color . White )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . texture , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) + 64 * 3 , 200 + i * 96 , 64 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 ) , Color . White , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , SpriteEffects . FlipHorizontally , 0 . 0F )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , Me . menuItems ( i ) , New Vector2 ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) + 20 , 216 + i * 96 ) , Color . Black , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 25F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
DrawCursor ( )
'Opp side:
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 300 ) , 200 , 300 , 64 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 400 ) , 200 , 100 , 64 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) , True , - 1 )
Dim t As Texture2D = Nothing
Dim tempPlayer As Servers . Player = Nothing
For Each p As Servers . Player In Core . ServersManager . PlayerCollection
If p . ServersID = PartnerNetworkID Then
Dim tPath As String = NetworkPlayer . GetTexturePath ( p . Skin )
If TextureManager . TextureExist ( tPath ) = True Then
t = TextureManager . GetTexture ( tPath )
t = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " Textures\NPC\0 " )
End If
tempPlayer = p
If p . GameJoltId <> " " Then
If GameJolt . Emblem . HasDownloadedSprite ( p . GameJoltId ) = True Then
Dim newT As Texture2D = GameJolt . Emblem . GetOnlineSprite ( p . GameJoltId )
If Not newT Is Nothing Then
t = newT
End If
End If
End If
Exit For
End If
If Not t Is Nothing And Not tempPlayer Is Nothing Then
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , tempPlayer . Name , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 260 , 215 ) , Color . Black , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 5F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( t , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 340 ) , 200 , 64 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 64 , 32 , 32 ) , Color . White )
End If
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 400 ) , 264 , 400 , 32 ) , New Color ( 6 , 77 , 139 ) )
If Not OppTeam Is Nothing Then
If OppTeam . Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To OppTeam . Count - 1
Dim p As Pokemon = OppTeam ( i )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( p . GetMenuTexture ( ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 360 ) + i * 40 , 264 , 32 , 32 ) , Color . White )
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawCursor ( )
Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2 ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) + 160 , 200 + Me . Cursor * 96 - 42 )
Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\General " , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 16 , 16 ) , " " )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( t , New Rectangle ( CInt ( cPosition . X ) , CInt ( cPosition . Y ) , 64 , 64 ) , Color . White )
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateIdle ( )
If WaitingForPlayer = False Then
If StartBattleRemote = True Then
StartBattleRemote = False
InitializeBattle ( )
2017-08-28 21:53:03 +02:00
ElseIf _startNow Then
_startNow = False
InitializeBattle ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Controls . Up ( True , True , True , True , True , True ) = True Then
Me . Cursor -= 1
If Controls . ShiftDown ( ) = True Then
Me . Cursor -= 4
End If
End If
If Controls . Down ( True , True , True , True , True , True ) = True Then
Me . Cursor += 1
If Controls . ShiftDown ( ) = True Then
Me . Cursor += 4
End If
End If
Me . Cursor = Me . Cursor . Clamp ( 0 , Me . menuItems . Count - 1 )
If Controls . Accept ( True , False , False ) = True Then
For i = 0 To Me . menuItems . Count - 1
If New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - ( 64 * 4 ) / 2 ) , 200 + i * 96 , 64 * 4 , 64 ) . Contains ( MouseHandler . MousePosition ) = True Then
If i = Cursor Then
Me . SelectMenuEntry ( )
Cursor = i
End If
End If
End If
If Controls . Accept ( False , True , True ) = True Then
Me . SelectMenuEntry ( )
End If
End If
If Controls . Dismiss ( ) = True Then
QuitBattle ( )
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SelectMenuEntry ( )
Select Case Me . Cursor
Case 0
Me . StartBattle ( )
Case 1
ScreenState = ScreenStates . ChooseTeam
Case 2
Me . QuitBattle ( )
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub StartBattle ( )
If Not Me . OwnTeam Is Nothing And Not OppTeam Is Nothing Then
2017-08-11 09:01:17 +02:00
Dim selScreen = New PartyScreen ( Core . CurrentScreen , Item . GetItemByID ( 5 ) , AddressOf LeadPickedStart , " Choose your Lead " , True , True , False , _pokemonList : = OwnTeam ) With { . Mode = Screens . UI . ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode . Selection , . CanExit = True }
AddHandler selScreen . SelectedObject , AddressOf LeadPickedStartHandler
Core . SetScreen ( selScreen )
2016-10-21 09:15:35 +02:00
End If
End Sub
2017-08-11 09:01:17 +02:00
Public Sub LeadPickedStartHandler ( ByVal params As Object ( ) )
LeadPickedStart ( CInt ( params ( 0 ) ) )
End Sub
2016-10-21 09:15:35 +02:00
Private Sub LeadPickedStart ( ByVal index As Integer )
BattleSystem . BattleScreen . OwnLeadIndex = index
Core . ServersManager . ServerConnection . SendPackage ( New Servers . Package ( Servers . Package . PackageTypes . BattleOffer ,
2017-08-28 21:53:03 +02:00
Core . ServersManager . ID , Servers . Package . ProtocolTypes . TCP , { PartnerNetworkID . ToString ( ) , CStr ( index ) & " , " & GameController . RELEASEVERSION } . ToList ( ) ) )
2016-10-21 09:15:35 +02:00
If ReceivedBattleOffer = True Then
2017-08-28 21:53:03 +02:00
If GameController . RELEASEVERSION = _oppGameVersion Then
_startNow = True
TextBox . Show ( " Game versions don't match. " )
End If
2016-10-21 09:15:35 +02:00
SentBattleOffer = True
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End Sub
Private Sub QuitBattle ( )
Core . ServersManager . ServerConnection . SendPackage ( New Servers . Package ( Servers . Package . PackageTypes . BattleQuit , Core . ServersManager . ID , Servers . Package . ProtocolTypes . TCP , PartnerNetworkID . ToString ( ) ) )
Core . SetScreen ( Me . PreScreen )
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "ChooseTeam"
Dim BattleBoxPokemon As New List ( Of Pokemon )
Dim ChooseTeamCursor As Integer = 0
Private Sub DrawChooseTeam ( )
Dim t As String = " Choose your team: "
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , t , New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( t ) . X / 2 ) , 100 ) , Color . White )
Dim startPos As New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - 400 , 300 )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - 410 , 230 , 290 , 360 ) , New Color ( 203 , 40 , 41 ) , New Color ( 238 , 128 , 128 ) , False , - 1 )
For i = 0 To 5
Dim x As Integer = i
Dim y As Integer = 0
While x > 1
x -= 2
y += 1
End While
Canvas . DrawBorder ( 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( startPos . X ) + x * 140 , y * 100 + CInt ( startPos . Y ) , 128 , 80 ) , New Color ( 230 , 230 , 230 ) )
If BattleBoxPokemon . Count - 1 >= i Then
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( BattleBoxPokemon ( i ) . GetMenuTexture ( ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( startPos . X ) + x * 140 + 32 , y * 100 + CInt ( startPos . Y ) + 10 , 64 , 64 ) , Color . White )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , " Battle Box " , New Vector2 ( CInt ( startPos . X ) + 80 , CInt ( startPos . Y ) - 45 ) , Color . White )
startPos = New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) + 130 , 300 )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) + 120 , 230 , 290 , 360 ) , New Color ( 84 , 198 , 216 ) , New Color ( 42 , 167 , 198 ) , False , - 1 )
For i = 0 To 5
Dim x As Integer = i
Dim y As Integer = 0
While x > 1
x -= 2
y += 1
End While
Canvas . DrawBorder ( 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( startPos . X ) + x * 140 , y * 100 + CInt ( startPos . Y ) , 128 , 80 ) , New Color ( 230 , 230 , 230 ) )
If Core . Player . Pokemons . Count - 1 >= i Then
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Core . Player . Pokemons ( i ) . GetMenuTexture ( ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( startPos . X ) + x * 140 + 32 , y * 100 + CInt ( startPos . Y ) + 10 , 64 , 64 ) , Color . White )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , " Team " , New Vector2 ( CInt ( startPos . X ) + 106 , CInt ( startPos . Y ) - 45 ) , Color . White )
DrawChooseTeamCursor ( )
End Sub
Private Sub DrawChooseTeamCursor ( )
Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - 280 , 190 )
If ChooseTeamCursor = 1 Then
cPosition = New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) + 250 , 190 )
End If
Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\General " , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 16 , 16 ) , " " )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( t , New Rectangle ( CInt ( cPosition . X ) , CInt ( cPosition . Y ) , 64 , 64 ) , Color . White )
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateChooseTeam ( )
If Controls . Left ( True , True ) = True Then
Me . ChooseTeamCursor = 0
End If
If Controls . Right ( True , True ) = True Then
Me . ChooseTeamCursor = 1
End If
Dim hasBattleBoxPokemon As Boolean = False
For Each p As Pokemon In Me . BattleBoxPokemon
If p . IsEgg ( ) = False Then
hasBattleBoxPokemon = True
Exit For
End If
If Controls . Accept ( True , False , False ) = True Then
If New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) + 120 , 230 , 290 , 360 ) . Contains ( MouseHandler . MousePosition ) = True Then
If ChooseTeamCursor = 0 Then
ChooseTeamCursor = 1
SelectTeam ( )
End If
End If
If New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - 410 , 230 , 290 , 360 ) . Contains ( MouseHandler . MousePosition ) = True Then
If ChooseTeamCursor = 1 Then
ChooseTeamCursor = 0
If hasBattleBoxPokemon = True Then
SelectTeam ( )
End If
End If
End If
End If
If hasBattleBoxPokemon = True Or ChooseTeamCursor = 1 Then
If Controls . Accept ( False , True , True ) = True Then
SelectTeam ( )
End If
End If
If Controls . Dismiss ( True , True , True ) = True Then
ScreenState = ScreenStates . Idle
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SelectTeam ( )
Me . OwnTeam = New List ( Of Pokemon )
If ChooseTeamCursor = 0 Then
Me . OwnTeam . AddRange ( BattleBoxPokemon . ToArray ( ) )
Me . OwnTeam . AddRange ( Core . Player . Pokemons . ToArray ( ) )
End If
For i = 0 To Me . OwnTeam . Count - 1
If i <= Me . OwnTeam . Count - 1 Then
If Me . OwnTeam ( i ) . IsEgg ( ) = True Then
Me . OwnTeam . RemoveAt ( i )
i -= 1
End If
End If
SentBattleOffer = False
ReceivedBattleOffer = False
Dim sendPokemonData As String = " "
For Each p As Pokemon In Me . OwnTeam
If p . IsEgg ( ) = False Then
If sendPokemonData <> " " Then
sendPokemonData &= " | "
End If
sendPokemonData &= p . GetSaveData ( )
End If
Core . ServersManager . ServerConnection . SendPackage ( New Servers . Package ( Servers . Package . PackageTypes . BattleOffer , Core . ServersManager . ID , Servers . Package . ProtocolTypes . TCP , { PartnerNetworkID . ToString ( ) , sendPokemonData } . ToList ( ) ) )
ScreenState = ScreenStates . Idle
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "InputFunctions"
Public Shared Sub OtherPlayerJoins ( )
If IsLobbyScreen ( ) = True Then
WaitingForPlayer = False
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub OtherPlayerQuits ( )
If IsLobbyScreen ( ) = True Then
ScreenState = ScreenStates . Stopped
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
DisconnectMessage = " The other player quit the battle. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & " Press any key to exit. "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ReceiveOppTeam ( ByVal data As String )
If IsLobbyScreen ( ) = True Then
If data = " none " Then
OppTeam = Nothing
OppTeam = New List ( Of Pokemon )
Dim tempData As String = " "
Dim cData As String = data
While cData . Length > 0
If cData ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) = " | " AndAlso tempData ( tempData . Length - 1 ) . ToString ( ) = " } " Then
OppTeam . Add ( Pokemon . GetPokemonByData ( tempData ) )
tempData = " "
tempData &= cData ( 0 ) . ToString ( )
End If
cData = cData . Remove ( 0 , 1 )
End While
If tempData . StartsWith ( " { " ) = True And tempData . EndsWith ( " } " ) = True Then
OppTeam . Add ( Pokemon . GetPokemonByData ( tempData ) )
tempData = " "
End If
End If
SentBattleOffer = False
ReceivedBattleOffer = False
End If
End Sub
2017-08-28 21:53:03 +02:00
Public Shared Sub ReceiveBattleStart ( ByVal data As String )
Dim cData As String ( ) = data . Split ( " , " )
BattleSystem . BattleScreen . OppLeadIndex = CInt ( cData ( 0 ) )
_oppGameVersion = cData ( 1 )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If IsLobbyScreen ( ) = True Then
If SentBattleOffer = True Then
StartBattleRemote = True
ReceivedBattleOffer = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function IsLobbyScreen ( ) As Boolean
Dim s As Screen = Core . CurrentScreen
While s . Identification <> Identifications . PVPLobbyScreen And Not s . PreScreen Is Nothing
s = s . PreScreen
End While
Return ( s . Identification = Identifications . PVPLobbyScreen )
End Function
#End Region
#Region "StartBattle"
Dim TempOriginalTeam As New List ( Of Pokemon )
Public Shared StoppedBattle As Boolean = False 'This is true if changed to the screen from a battle.
Private Sub InitializeBattle ( )
Me . CanChat = False
Me . CanBePaused = False
ScreenState = ScreenStates . StartBattle
Dim tPath As String = " Textures\NPC\0 "
Dim tempPlayer As Servers . Player = Nothing
For Each p As Servers . Player In Core . ServersManager . PlayerCollection
If p . ServersID = PartnerNetworkID Then
tPath = NetworkPlayer . GetTexturePath ( p . Skin )
If TextureManager . TextureExist ( tPath ) = False Then
tPath = " Textures\NPC\0 "
End If
tempPlayer = p
Exit For
End If
tPath = tPath . Remove ( 0 , ( " Textures\NPC\ " ) . Length )
Dim t As New Trainer ( )
t . Pokemons = OppTeam
t . TrainerType = " Pokémon Trainer "
t . DoubleTrainer = False
t . Name = tempPlayer . Name
t . Money = 0
t . SpriteName = tPath
t . Region = " Johto "
t . TrainerFile = " "
t . Items = New List ( Of Item )
t . Gender = 0
t . IntroType = 11
t . OutroMessage = " . . . "
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
t . GameJoltID = tempPlayer . GameJoltId
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
For Each p As Pokemon In t . Pokemons
p . Level = 50
p . CalculateStats ( )
p . FullRestore ( )
TempOriginalTeam . Clear ( )
For Each p As Pokemon In Core . Player . Pokemons
TempOriginalTeam . Add ( Pokemon . GetPokemonByData ( p . GetSaveData ( ) ) )
Core . Player . Pokemons . Clear ( )
For Each p As Pokemon In Me . OwnTeam
If p . IsEgg ( ) = False Then
p . Level = 50
p . CalculateStats ( )
p . FullRestore ( )
Core . Player . Pokemons . Add ( p )
End If
Dim b As New BattleSystem . BattleScreen ( t , Core . CurrentScreen , 0 )
b . IsPVPBattle = True
b . IsHost = IsHost
b . IsRemoteBattle = True
b . PartnerNetworkID = PartnerNetworkID
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
If tempPlayer . GameJoltId <> " " Then
b . PVPGameJoltID = tempPlayer . GameJoltId
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Core . SetScreen ( New BattleIntroScreen ( Core . CurrentScreen , b , t , t . GetIniMusicName ( ) , t . IntroType ) )
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " PVP battles " , 1 )
End Sub
#End Region
Public Overrides Sub ChangeTo ( )
If PVPLobbyScreen . StoppedBattle = True Then
If BattleSuccessful = True Then
ScreenState = ScreenStates . BattleResults
End If
2018-02-24 01:20:42 +01:00
MusicManager . Play ( " lobby " , False )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Core . Player . Pokemons . Clear ( )
Core . Player . Pokemons . AddRange ( TempOriginalTeam . ToArray ( ) )
End If
End Sub
#Region "BattleResults"
Shared BattleResults As BattleResult = Nothing
Public Shared BattleSuccessful As Boolean = False
Class BattleResult
Public Won As Boolean = False
Public OwnPokemon As New List ( Of Pokemon )
Public OppPokemon As New List ( Of Pokemon )
Public OwnStatistics As BattleSystem . BattleScreen . NetworkPlayerStatistics
Public OppStatistics As BattleSystem . BattleScreen . NetworkPlayerStatistics
Public Sub New ( ByVal won As Boolean , ByVal own As List ( Of Pokemon ) , ByVal opp As List ( Of Pokemon ) , ByVal ownStatistics As BattleSystem . BattleScreen . NetworkPlayerStatistics , ByVal oppStatistics As BattleSystem . BattleScreen . NetworkPlayerStatistics )
Me . Won = won
For Each p As Pokemon In own
Me . OwnPokemon . Add ( Pokemon . GetPokemonByData ( p . GetSaveData ( ) ) )
Me . OppPokemon = opp
Me . OwnStatistics = ownStatistics
Me . OppStatistics = oppStatistics
If won = False Then
For Each p As Pokemon In Me . OwnPokemon
p . HP = 0
p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted
For Each p As Pokemon In Me . OppPokemon
p . HP = 0
p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Shared Sub SetupBattleResults ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleSystem . BattleScreen )
BattleSuccessful = True
BattleResults = New BattleResult ( BattleSystem . Battle . Won , Core . Player . Pokemons , BattleScreen . Trainer . Pokemons , BattleScreen . OwnStatistics , BattleScreen . OppStatistics )
If BattleResults . Won = True Then
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " PVP Wins " , 1 )
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " PVP Losses " , 1 )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBattleResults ( )
If Not BattleResults Is Nothing Then
'Draw Result:
Dim resultText As String = " You Won the Battle! "
Dim resultStateText As String = " Won "
Dim resultColor As Color = Color . Orange
If BattleResults . Won = False Then
resultText = " You Lost the Battle! "
resultStateText = " Lost "
resultColor = Color . LightBlue
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , resultText , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 . 0F - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( resultText ) . X / 2 . 0F , 120 ) , Color . White )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , resultStateText , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 . 0F - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( resultText ) . X / 2 . 0F + FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( " You " ) . X , 120 ) , resultColor )
'Own side:
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( 100 , 200 , 300 , 64 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( New Rectangle ( 0 , 200 , 100 , 64 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) , True , - 1 )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , Core . Player . Name , New Vector2 ( 140 , 215 ) , Color . Black , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 5F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Screen . Level . OwnPlayer . Texture , New Rectangle ( 60 , 200 , 64 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 64 , 32 , 32 ) , Color . White )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( 0 , 264 , 400 , 32 ) , New Color ( 6 , 77 , 139 ) )
For i = 0 To BattleResults . OwnPokemon . Count - 1
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleResults . OwnPokemon ( i )
Dim c As Color = Color . White
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Or p . HP <= 0 Then
c = New Color ( 65 , 65 , 65 , 255 )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( p . GetMenuTexture ( ) , New Rectangle ( 40 + i * 40 , 264 , 32 , 32 ) , c )
'Draw Own Statistics:
With BattleResults . OwnStatistics
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Dim s1 As String = " Turns: " & Environment . NewLine &
" Moves: " & Environment . NewLine &
" Switches: " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
" Super Effective: " & Environment . NewLine &
" Not very Effective: " & Environment . NewLine &
" No Effect: " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
" Critical Hits: "
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Dim s2 As String = . Turns & Environment . NewLine &
. Moves & Environment . NewLine &
. Switches & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
. SuperEffective & Environment . NewLine &
. NotVeryEffective & Environment . NewLine &
. NoEffect & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
. Critical
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , s1 , New Vector2 ( 40 , 340 ) , Color . White , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 1F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , s2 , New Vector2 ( 250 , 340 ) , Color . LightBlue , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 1F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
End With
'Draw Pokémon left:
Dim countOwnPokemon As Integer = 0
For Each p As Pokemon In BattleResults . OwnPokemon
If p . IsEgg ( ) = False And p . HP > 0 And p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
countOwnPokemon += 1
End If
Dim countOppPokemon As Integer = 0
For Each p As Pokemon In BattleResults . OppPokemon
If p . IsEgg ( ) = False And p . HP > 0 And p . Status <> Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Then
countOppPokemon += 1
End If
Dim pokeLeft As String = countOwnPokemon . ToString & " VS " & countOppPokemon . ToString ( )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , pokeLeft , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 . 0F - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( pokeLeft ) . X * 2 . 0F , 240 ) , Color . White , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 4 . 0F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
'Opp Side:
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 300 ) , 200 , 300 , 64 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 400 ) , 200 , 100 , 64 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) , New Color ( 177 , 228 , 247 , 200 ) , True , - 1 )
Dim t As Texture2D = Nothing
Dim tempPlayer As Servers . Player = Nothing
For Each p As Servers . Player In Core . ServersManager . PlayerCollection
If p . ServersID = PartnerNetworkID Then
Dim tPath As String = NetworkPlayer . GetTexturePath ( p . Skin )
If TextureManager . TextureExist ( tPath ) = True Then
t = TextureManager . GetTexture ( tPath )
t = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " Textures\NPC\0 " )
End If
tempPlayer = p
Exit For
End If
If Not t Is Nothing And Not tempPlayer Is Nothing Then
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , tempPlayer . Name , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 260 , 215 ) , Color . Black , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 5F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( t , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 340 ) , 200 , 64 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 64 , 32 , 32 ) , Color . White )
End If
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 400 ) , 264 , 400 , 32 ) , New Color ( 6 , 77 , 139 ) )
For i = 0 To BattleResults . OppPokemon . Count - 1
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleResults . OppPokemon ( i )
Dim c As Color = Color . White
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Or p . HP <= 0 Then
c = New Color ( 65 , 65 , 65 , 255 )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( p . GetMenuTexture ( ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width - 360 ) + i * 40 , 264 , 32 , 32 ) , c )
'Draw Opp Statistics:
With BattleResults . OppStatistics
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Dim s1 As String = " Turns: " & Environment . NewLine &
" Moves: " & Environment . NewLine &
" Switches: " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
" Super Effective: " & Environment . NewLine &
" Not very Effective: " & Environment . NewLine &
" No Effect: " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
" Critical Hits: "
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Dim s2 As String = . Turns & Environment . NewLine &
. Moves & Environment . NewLine &
. Switches & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
. SuperEffective & Environment . NewLine &
. NotVeryEffective & Environment . NewLine &
. NoEffect & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine &
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
. Critical
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , s1 , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 360 , 340 ) , Color . White , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 1F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , s2 , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 150 , 340 ) , Color . LightBlue , 0 . 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 1F , SpriteEffects . None , 0 . 0F )
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateBattleResults ( )
If Controls . Accept ( ) = True Then
ScreenState = ScreenStates . Stopped
End If
End Sub
#End Region
End Class