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2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
@text.show(The goal may be~far away, but don't~give up yet!~Keep going!)
@text.show(Don't forget, some~Pok<00>mon only appear at~certain times of the day!)
@text.show(If you break rocks,~some Pok<00>mon that were~hiding there might~come jumping out!)
@text.show(That's wonderful you've~been able to gather~this many Pok<00>mon!~The path ahead is long.*Keep up the~great work!)
@text.show(If you Headbutt a tree,~sometimes a Pok<00>mon~might fall out!)
@text.show(A lot of Pok<00>mon not~found in the Johto region~like to congregate~at the Safari Zone.)
@text.show(Some special places in~Johto hold Pok<00>mon that~can't be found anywhere else.)
@text.show(Wow, you've gotten so far...!~I'm actually a little surprised!)
@text.show(This is a critical moment!~You can't become discouraged!)
@text.show(Just a little more!~I've got high expectations~for you!)
@text.show(I have never before~in all my years seen such~an incredible Trainer!)
@text.show(Wow! This is amazing!~There are Pok<00>mon in here~that I never knew existed!)
@text.show(Excellent!*That is an amazing~National Pok<00>dex!*Wow...~You've lived up to my~expectations wonderfully!*No, you've exceeded them,~<player.name>.*You've become an~amazing Trainer!*Thank you, <player.name>!)