2016-09-19 03:26:44 +02:00
Public Class Spawner
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' Methods to encounter a wild Pokémon.
''' </summary>
Public Enum EncounterMethods As Integer
Land = 0
Headbutt = 1
Surfing = 2
OldRod = 3
GoodRod = 31
SuperRod = 32
[Event] = 4
RockSmash = 5
End Enum
''' <summary>
''' Spawns a Pokémon
''' </summary>
''' <param name="LevelFile">The levelfile that contains this Pokémon</param>
''' <param name="Method">The encounter method.</param>
Public Shared Function GetPokemon(ByVal LevelFile As String, ByVal Method As EncounterMethods, Optional ByVal CanEncounterRoaming As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal InputPokeFile As String = "") As Pokemon
If CanEncounterRoaming = True Then
Dim roamingPokemon As RoamingPokemon = CheckForRoaming(LevelFile, Method)
If Not roamingPokemon Is Nothing Then
Logger.Debug("Roaming Pokemon (" & roamingPokemon.PokemonReference.Number & ") appears!")
BattleSystem.BattleScreen.RoamingBattle = True
BattleSystem.BattleScreen.RoamingPokemonStorage = roamingPokemon
Return roamingPokemon.GetPokemon()
End If
End If
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Dim Pokemons As New List(Of String)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim Chances As New List(Of Integer)
Dim LevelCaps As New List(Of String)
If InputPokeFile = "" Then
pokeFile = LevelFile.Remove(LevelFile.Length - 4, 4) & ".poke"
pokeFile = InputPokeFile
End If
Dim pokeFilePath As String = GameModeManager.GetPokeFilePath(pokeFile)
If System.IO.File.Exists(pokeFilePath) = True Then
Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(pokeFilePath, False, "Spawner.vb")
Dim Data() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(pokeFilePath)
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each Line As String In Data
If Line.StartsWith("{") = True And Line.EndsWith("}") = True Then
Line = Line.Remove(0, Line.IndexOf("{") + 1)
Line = Line.Remove(Line.LastIndexOf("}"))
Dim splits() As String = Line.Split(CChar("|"))
Dim PMethod As Integer = CInt(splits(0))
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Dim Pokemon As String = splits(1)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim Chance As Integer = CInt(splits(2))
Dim DayTime() As String = splits(3).Split(CChar(","))
Dim levelCap As String = splits(4)
'Optional Season and Weather checks:
Dim Weathers() As String = {"-1"}
Dim Seasons() As String = {"-1"}
If splits.Length > 5 Then
Weathers = splits(5).Split(",")
End If
If splits.Length > 6 Then
Seasons = splits(6).Split(",")
End If
If Weathers.Contains("-1") = True Or Weathers.Contains(CInt(World.GetWeatherFromWeatherType(Screen.Level.WeatherType)).ToString()) = True Then
If Seasons.Contains("-1") = True Or Seasons.Contains(CInt(World.CurrentSeason).ToString()) = True Then
If DayTime.Contains("-1") = True Or DayTime.Contains(CInt(World.GetTime()).ToString()) = True Then
If Method = PMethod Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
i += 1
End If
If Pokemons.Count > 0 Then
Dim Pokemon As Pokemon = CalculatePokemon(Pokemons, Chances, LevelCaps)
Return Pokemon
Return Nothing
End If
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
Private Shared pokeFile As String = ""
Private Shared Function CheckForRoaming(ByVal LevelFile As String, ByVal Method As Integer) As RoamingPokemon
If Method = 0 Or Method = 2 Then
Dim roamingData() As String = Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData.SplitAtNewline()
If roamingData.Length > 0 Then
Dim possibleEncounters As New List(Of String)
For Each cLine As String In roamingData
2021-09-30 17:16:26 +02:00
If cLine <> "" And cLine.CountSeperators("|") = 6 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
possibleEncounters = possibleEncounters.Randomize()
If possibleEncounters.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To possibleEncounters.Count - 1
Dim line As String = possibleEncounters(i)
Dim data() As String = line.Split(CChar("|"))
If data(3).ToLower() = LevelFile.ToLower() Then
Return New RoamingPokemon(line)
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
2022-07-08 06:06:32 +02:00
Private Shared Function CalculatePokemon(ByVal Pokemons As List(Of String), ByVal Chances As List(Of Integer), ByVal LevelCaps As List(Of String)) As Pokemon
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim totalNumber As Integer = 0
For Each c As Integer In Chances
totalNumber += c
Dim r As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, totalNumber + 1)
Dim x As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To Chances.Count - 1
x += Chances(i)
If r < x Then
Dim levelCap() As String = LevelCaps(i).Split(CChar(","))
Dim minLevel As Integer = CInt(levelCap(0))
Dim maxLevel As Integer = CInt(levelCap(1))
If maxLevel < minLevel Then
maxLevel = minLevel
End If
Dim level As Integer = Core.Random.Next(minLevel, maxLevel + 1)
'Hustle/Pressure/Vital Spirit:
If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 0 Then
Dim abilityName As String = Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Ability.Name.ToLower()
If abilityName = "hustle" Or abilityName = "pressure" Or abilityName = "vital spirit" Then
If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 50 Then
level = maxLevel
End If
End If
End If
Dim addLevel As Integer = 0
If Core.Player.DifficultyMode = 1 Then
addLevel = CInt(Math.Floor(level / 10))
ElseIf Core.Player.DifficultyMode = 2 Then
addLevel = CInt(Math.Floor(level / 5))
End If
level += addLevel
If level > CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("MaxLevel", "100")) Then
level = CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("MaxLevel", "100"))
End If
2022-07-08 06:06:32 +02:00
Dim PkID As Integer = CInt(Pokemons(i).Split(CChar("_"))(0))
Dim PkAD As String = ""
Dim p As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(PkID)
For Each region As String In Screen.Level.RegionalForm.ToLower().Split(CChar(","))
If p.RegionalForms <> Nothing AndAlso p.RegionalForms.ToLower().Contains(region) Then
PkAD = region
End If
If Pokemons(i).Contains("_") Then
PkAD = Pokemons(i).Split(CChar("_"))(1)
End If
p = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(PkID, PkAD)
p.Generate(level, True, PkAD)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
BattleSystem.BattleScreen.TempPokeFile = pokeFile
Return p
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
2016-09-19 03:26:44 +02:00
End Class