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121 lines
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Imports System
Imports Microsoft.Xna.Framework
Imports Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Public Enum EffectDirtyFlags
WorldViewProj = 1
World = 2
EyePosition = 4
MaterialColor = 8
Fog = 16
FogEnable = 32
AlphaTest = 64
ShaderIndex = 128
All = -1
End Enum
Public Module EffectHelpers
Public Function EnableDefaultLighting(ByVal light0 As DirectionalLight, ByVal light1 As DirectionalLight, ByVal light2 As DirectionalLight) As Vector3
light0.Direction = New Vector3(-0.5265408F, -0.5735765F, -0.6275069F)
light0.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(1, 0.9607844F, 0.8078432F)
light0.SpecularColor = New Vector3(1, 0.9607844F, 0.8078432F)
light0.Enabled = True
light1.Direction = New Vector3(0.7198464F, 0.3420201F, 0.6040227F)
light1.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.9647059F, 0.7607844F, 0.4078432F)
light1.SpecularColor = Vector3.Zero
light1.Enabled = True
light2.Direction = New Vector3(0.4545195F, -0.7660444F, 0.4545195F)
light2.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.3231373F, 0.3607844F, 0.3937255F)
light2.SpecularColor = New Vector3(0.3231373F, 0.3607844F, 0.3937255F)
light2.Enabled = True
Return New Vector3(0.05333332F, 0.09882354F, 0.1819608F)
End Function
Public Function SetWorldViewProjAndFog(ByVal dirtyFlags As EffectDirtyFlags, ByRef world As Matrix, ByRef view As Matrix, ByRef projection As Matrix, ByRef worldView As Matrix, ByVal fogEnabled As Boolean, ByVal fogStart As Single, ByVal fogEnd As Single, ByVal worldViewProjParam As EffectParameter, ByVal fogVectorParam As EffectParameter) As EffectDirtyFlags
If (dirtyFlags And EffectDirtyFlags.WorldViewProj) <> 0 Then
Dim worldViewProj As Matrix = Nothing
Matrix.Multiply(world, view, worldView)
Matrix.Multiply(worldView, projection, worldViewProj)
dirtyFlags = dirtyFlags And Not EffectDirtyFlags.WorldViewProj
End If
If fogEnabled Then
If (dirtyFlags And (EffectDirtyFlags.Fog Or EffectDirtyFlags.FogEnable)) <> 0 Then
SetFogVector(worldView, fogStart, fogEnd, fogVectorParam)
dirtyFlags = dirtyFlags And Not (EffectDirtyFlags.Fog Or EffectDirtyFlags.FogEnable)
End If
If (dirtyFlags And EffectDirtyFlags.FogEnable) <> 0 Then
dirtyFlags = dirtyFlags And Not EffectDirtyFlags.FogEnable
End If
End If
Return dirtyFlags
End Function
Public Function SetLightingMatrices(ByVal dirtyFlags As EffectDirtyFlags, ByRef world As Matrix, ByRef view As Matrix, ByVal worldParam As EffectParameter, ByVal worldInverseTransposeParam As EffectParameter, ByVal eyePositionParam As EffectParameter) As EffectDirtyFlags
If (dirtyFlags And EffectDirtyFlags.World) <> 0 Then
Dim worldTranspose As Matrix = Nothing, worldInverseTranspose As Matrix = Nothing
Matrix.Invert(world, worldTranspose)
Matrix.Transpose(worldTranspose, worldInverseTranspose)
dirtyFlags = dirtyFlags And Not EffectDirtyFlags.World
End If
If (dirtyFlags And EffectDirtyFlags.EyePosition) <> 0 Then
Dim viewInverse As Matrix = Nothing
Matrix.Invert(view, viewInverse)
dirtyFlags = dirtyFlags And Not EffectDirtyFlags.EyePosition
End If
Return dirtyFlags
End Function
Public Sub SetMaterialColor(ByVal lightingEnabled As Boolean, ByVal alpha As Single, ByRef diffuseColor As Vector3, ByRef emissiveColor As Vector3, ByRef ambientLightColor As Vector3, ByVal diffuseColorParam As EffectParameter, ByVal emissiveColorParam As EffectParameter)
If lightingEnabled Then
Dim diffuse = New Vector4()
Dim emissive = New Vector3()
diffuse.X = diffuseColor.X * alpha
diffuse.Y = diffuseColor.Y * alpha
diffuse.Z = diffuseColor.Z * alpha
diffuse.W = alpha
emissive.X = (emissiveColor.X + ambientLightColor.X * diffuseColor.X) * alpha
emissive.Y = (emissiveColor.Y + ambientLightColor.Y * diffuseColor.Y) * alpha
emissive.Z = (emissiveColor.Z + ambientLightColor.Z * diffuseColor.Z) * alpha
Dim diffuse = New Vector4 With {
.X = (diffuseColor.X + emissiveColor.X) * alpha,
.Y = (diffuseColor.Y + emissiveColor.Y) * alpha,
.Z = (diffuseColor.Z + emissiveColor.Z) * alpha,
.W = alpha
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetFogVector(ByRef worldView As Matrix, ByVal fogStart As Single, ByVal fogEnd As Single, ByVal fogVectorParam As EffectParameter)
If fogStart = fogEnd Then
fogVectorParam.SetValue(New Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1))
Dim scale = 1F / (fogStart - fogEnd)
Dim fogVector = New Vector4 With {
.X = worldView.M13 * scale,
.Y = worldView.M23 * scale,
.Z = worldView.M33 * scale,
.W = (worldView.M43 + fogStart) * scale
End If
End Sub
End Module