2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class MapScreen
Inherits Screen
Public Const RasterSize As Integer = 32
Public Shared mapOffsetX As Integer = 100
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
Public Shared mapOffsetY As Integer = 75
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Const MapMoveSpeed As Integer = 3
Dim flag ( ) As Object = { }
Dim regions As New List ( Of String )
Dim regionPointer As Integer = 0
Dim currentRegion As String = " "
Dim cities As New List ( Of City )
Dim routes As New List ( Of Route )
Dim places As New List ( Of Place )
2016-09-29 19:02:07 +02:00
Dim RoamingPoke As New List ( Of Roaming )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim objectsTexture As Texture2D
Dim mapTexture As Texture2D
Dim texture As Texture2D
Dim hoverText As String = " "
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Dim pokehoverText As String = " "
Dim drawObjects ( 3 ) As Boolean
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim backgroundOffset As Single = 0 . 0F
Dim CursorPosition As New Vector2 ( 0 )
Dim lastMousePosition As Vector2
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal regions As List ( Of String ) , ByVal startIndex As Integer , ByVal flag ( ) As Object )
Me . Identification = Identifications . MapScreen
Me . PreScreen = currentScreen
Me . flag = flag
Me . currentRegion = regions ( startIndex )
Me . regions = regions
Me . regionPointer = startIndex
Me . drawObjects = Player . Temp . MapSwitch
Me . MouseVisible = False
Me . objectsTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Map\map_objects " )
LoadMapTexture ( )
Me . texture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\General " )
Me . FillMap ( )
Dim v As Vector2 = GetPlayerPosition ( )
If v . X <> 0 Or v . Y <> 0 Then
Me . CursorPosition = Me . GetPlayerPosition ( ) + New Vector2 ( mapOffsetX , mapOffsetY )
Me . CursorPosition = New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y )
End If
Me . lastMousePosition = Me . CursorPosition
Mouse . SetPosition ( CInt ( CursorPosition . X ) , CInt ( CursorPosition . Y ) )
End Sub
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal startRegion As String , ByVal flag ( ) As Object )
Me . New ( currentScreen , { startRegion } . ToList ( ) , 0 , flag )
End Sub
Private Sub LoadMapTexture ( )
Me . mapTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Map\ " & Me . currentRegion & " _map " )
End Sub
Private Sub ResetScreen ( )
mapOffsetX = 100
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
mapOffsetY = 75
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
For i = 0 To 3
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Me . drawObjects ( i ) = True
End Sub
Private Sub FillMap ( )
mapOffsetX = 100
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
mapOffsetY = 75
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Me . routes . Clear ( )
Me . places . Clear ( )
Me . cities . Clear ( )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Me . RoamingPoke . Clear ( )
Dim TempPoke As New List ( Of Roaming )
Dim RoamingPokeName As New List ( Of String )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim path As String = GameModeManager . GetScriptPath ( " worldmap\ " & Me . currentRegion & " .dat " )
Security . FileValidation . CheckFileValid ( path , False , " MapScreen.vb " )
Dim InputData ( ) As String = System . IO . File . ReadAllLines ( path )
For Each line As String In InputData
If line <> " " And line . StartsWith ( " { "" " ) = True Then
Dim Tags As New Dictionary ( Of String , String )
Dim Data ( ) As String = line . Split ( CChar ( " } " ) )
For Each Tag As String In Data
If Tag . Contains ( " { " ) = True And Tag . Contains ( " [ " ) = True Then
Dim TagName As String = Tag . Remove ( 0 , 2 )
TagName = TagName . Remove ( TagName . IndexOf ( " "" " ) )
Dim TagContent As String = Tag . Remove ( 0 , Tag . IndexOf ( " [ " ) + 1 )
TagContent = TagContent . Remove ( TagContent . IndexOf ( " ] " ) )
Tags . Add ( TagName . ToLower ( ) , TagContent )
End If
Select Case Tags ( " placetype " ) . ToLower ( )
Case " city "
Dim Name As String = Tags ( " name " )
Dim MapFiles ( ) As String = Tags ( " mapfiles " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) )
Dim PositionList As List ( Of String ) = Tags ( " position " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . ToList ( )
Dim Size As String = Tags ( " size " )
Dim CitySize As City . CitySize = City . CitySize . Small
Select Case Size . ToLower ( )
Case " small " , " 0 "
CitySize = City . CitySize . Small
Case " vertical " , " 1 "
CitySize = City . CitySize . Vertical
Case " horizontal " , " 2 "
CitySize = City . CitySize . Horizontal
Case " big " , " 3 "
CitySize = City . CitySize . Big
Case " large " , " 4 "
CitySize = City . CitySize . Large
End Select
If Tags . ContainsKey ( " flyto " ) = True Then
Dim FlyTo As New List ( Of String )
FlyTo = Tags ( " flyto " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . ToList ( )
cities . Add ( New City ( Name , MapFiles , CInt ( PositionList ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( PositionList ( 1 ) ) , CitySize , FlyTo ( 0 ) , New Vector3 ( CSng ( FlyTo ( 1 ) ) , CSng ( FlyTo ( 2 ) ) , CSng ( FlyTo ( 3 ) ) ) ) )
cities . Add ( New City ( Name , MapFiles , CInt ( PositionList ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( PositionList ( 1 ) ) , CitySize , " " , Nothing ) )
End If
Case " route "
Dim Name As String = Tags ( " name " )
Dim MapFiles ( ) As String = Tags ( " mapfiles " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) )
Dim PositionList As List ( Of String ) = Tags ( " position " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . ToList ( )
Dim RouteDirection As Route . RouteDirections = Route . RouteDirections . Horizontal
Select Case Tags ( " direction " ) . ToLower ( )
Case " horizontal " , " 0 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . Horizontal
Case " vertical " , " 1 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . Vertical
Case " horizontalendright " , " 2 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . HorizontalEndRight
Case " horizontalendleft " , " 3 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . HorizontalEndLeft
Case " verticalendup " , " 4 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . VerticalEndUp
Case " verticalenddown " , " 5 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . VerticalEndDown
Case " curvedownright " , " 6 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . CurveDownRight
Case " curvedownleft " , " 7 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . CurveDownLeft
Case " curveupleft " , " 8 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . CurveUpLeft
Case " curveupright " , " 9 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . CurveUpRight
Case " tup " , " 10 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . TUp
Case " tdown " , " 13 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . TDown
Case " tleft " , " 14 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . TLeft
Case " tright " , " 15 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . TRight
Case " horizontalconnection " , " 11 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . HorizontalConnection
Case " verticalconnection " , " 12 "
RouteDirection = Route . RouteDirections . VerticalConnection
End Select
Dim RouteType As Route . RouteTypes = Route . RouteTypes . Land
Select Case Tags ( " routetype " ) . ToLower ( )
Case " land " , " 0 "
RouteType = Route . RouteTypes . Land
Case " water " , " 1 "
RouteType = Route . RouteTypes . Water
End Select
If Tags . ContainsKey ( " flyto " ) = True Then
Dim FlyTo As New List ( Of String )
FlyTo = Tags ( " flyto " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . ToList ( )
routes . Add ( New Route ( Name , MapFiles , CInt ( PositionList ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( PositionList ( 1 ) ) , RouteDirection , RouteType , FlyTo ( 0 ) , New Vector3 ( CSng ( FlyTo ( 1 ) ) , CSng ( FlyTo ( 2 ) ) , CSng ( FlyTo ( 3 ) ) ) ) )
routes . Add ( New Route ( Name , MapFiles , CInt ( PositionList ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( PositionList ( 1 ) ) , RouteDirection , RouteType , " " , Nothing ) )
End If
Case " place "
Dim Name As String = Tags ( " name " )
Dim MapFiles ( ) As String = Tags ( " mapfiles " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) )
Dim PositionList As List ( Of String ) = Tags ( " position " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . ToList ( )
Dim Size As String = Tags ( " size " )
Dim PlaceSize As Place . PlaceSizes = Place . PlaceSizes . Small
Select Case Size . ToLower ( )
Case " small " , " 0 "
PlaceSize = Place . PlaceSizes . Small
Case " vertical " , " 1 "
PlaceSize = Place . PlaceSizes . Vertical
Case " round " , " 2 "
PlaceSize = Place . PlaceSizes . Round
Case " square " , " 3 "
PlaceSize = Place . PlaceSizes . Square
Case " verticalbig " , " 4 "
PlaceSize = Place . PlaceSizes . VerticalBig
Case " large " , " 5 "
PlaceSize = Place . PlaceSizes . Large
End Select
If Tags . ContainsKey ( " flyto " ) = True Then
Dim FlyTo As New List ( Of String )
FlyTo = Tags ( " flyto " ) . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . ToList ( )
places . Add ( New Place ( Name , MapFiles , CInt ( PositionList ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( PositionList ( 1 ) ) , PlaceSize , FlyTo ( 0 ) , New Vector3 ( CSng ( FlyTo ( 1 ) ) , CSng ( FlyTo ( 2 ) ) , CSng ( FlyTo ( 3 ) ) ) ) )
places . Add ( New Place ( Name , MapFiles , CInt ( PositionList ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( PositionList ( 1 ) ) , PlaceSize , " " , Nothing ) )
End If
End Select
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
2016-10-03 05:42:26 +02:00
If Not String . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( Core . Player . RoamingPokemonData ) Then
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
If Core . Player . RoamingPokemonData . Length > 0 AndAlso Core . Player . RoamingPokemonData . Contains ( " | " ) Then
For Each Pokes As String In Core . Player . RoamingPokemonData . SplitAtNewline
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' PokémonID,Level,regionID,startLevelFile,MusicLoop,PokemonData
2016-10-03 05:42:26 +02:00
Dim TempData ( ) As String = Pokes . Split ( " | " )
Dim MapFiles ( ) As String = Tags ( " mapfiles " ) . Split ( " , " )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Dim PokeCurrentLocation As String = TempData ( 3 )
If MapFiles . Contains ( PokeCurrentLocation ) Then
2016-10-03 05:42:26 +02:00
TempPoke . Add ( New Roaming ( CInt ( TempData ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( Tags ( " position " ) . Split ( " , " ) ( 0 ) ) , CInt ( Tags ( " position " ) . Split ( " , " ) ( 1 ) ) , Tags ( " name " ) ) )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
End If
2016-10-03 05:42:26 +02:00
If RoamingPokeName Is Nothing OrElse Not RoamingPokeName . Contains ( Pokemon . GetPokemonByID ( CInt ( TempData ( 0 ) ) ) . GetName ) Then
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
RoamingPokeName . Add ( Pokemon . GetPokemonByID ( CInt ( TempData ( 0 ) ) ) . GetName )
End If
End If
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
If TempPoke . Count > 0 And RoamingPokeName . Count > 0 Then
For Each Pokes As String In RoamingPokeName
2016-09-29 22:16:55 +02:00
Dim MapObject As List ( Of Roaming ) = ( From p As Roaming In TempPoke Where p . Name = Pokes Order By p . Distance Ascending ) . ToList ( )
If MapObject IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not MapObject . Count = 0 Then
RoamingPoke . Add ( MapObject . ElementAt ( MapObject ( 0 ) . getSkipIndex ) )
End If
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update ( )
If lastMousePosition <> New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y ) Then
Me . CursorPosition = New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y )
Me . lastMousePosition = New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y )
End If
If Controls . Dismiss ( ) = True Then
Player . Temp . MapSwitch = Me . drawObjects
Core . SetScreen ( New TransitionScreen ( Me , Me . PreScreen , Color . Black , False ) )
End If
If Controls . Up ( False , True , False , True , True , True ) = True Then
CursorPosition . Y -= MapMoveSpeed * 2 . 0F
Mouse . SetPosition ( CInt ( CursorPosition . X ) , CInt ( CursorPosition . Y ) )
Me . lastMousePosition = New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y )
End If
If Controls . Down ( False , True , False , True , True , True ) = True Then
CursorPosition . Y += MapMoveSpeed * 2 . 0F
Mouse . SetPosition ( CInt ( CursorPosition . X ) , CInt ( CursorPosition . Y ) )
Me . lastMousePosition = New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y )
End If
If Controls . Left ( False , True , False , True , True , True ) = True Then
CursorPosition . X -= MapMoveSpeed * 2 . 0F
Mouse . SetPosition ( CInt ( CursorPosition . X ) , CInt ( CursorPosition . Y ) )
Me . lastMousePosition = New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y )
End If
If Controls . Right ( False , True , False , True , True , True ) = True Then
CursorPosition . X += MapMoveSpeed * 2 . 0F
Mouse . SetPosition ( CInt ( CursorPosition . X ) , CInt ( CursorPosition . Y ) )
Me . lastMousePosition = New Vector2 ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X , MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y )
End If
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
'If New Rectangle(0, 0, 50, Core.windowSize.Height).Contains(New Point(CInt(CursorPosition.X), CInt(CursorPosition.Y))) = True Then
' mapOffsetX += MapMoveSpeed
'End If
'If New Rectangle(0, 0, Core.windowSize.Width, 50).Contains(New Point(CInt(CursorPosition.X), CInt(CursorPosition.Y))) = True Then
' mapOffsetY += MapMoveSpeed
'End If
'If New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 50, 0, 50, Core.windowSize.Height).Contains(New Point(CInt(CursorPosition.X), CInt(CursorPosition.Y))) = True Then
' mapOffsetX -= MapMoveSpeed
'End If
'If New Rectangle(0, Core.windowSize.Height - 50, Core.windowSize.Width, 50).Contains(New Point(CInt(CursorPosition.X), CInt(CursorPosition.Y))) = True Then
' mapOffsetY -= MapMoveSpeed
'End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim mapOffset As New Vector2 ( MapScreen . mapOffsetX , MapScreen . mapOffsetY )
Dim cursorPoint As New Point ( CInt ( CursorPosition . X ) , CInt ( CursorPosition . Y ) )
Me . hoverText = " "
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Me . pokehoverText = " "
If hoverText = " " And pokehoverText = " " And drawObjects ( 3 ) = True Then
For Each Poke As Roaming In RoamingPoke
If Poke . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) . Contains ( cursorPoint ) = True Then
pokehoverText = Poke . Name
hoverText = Poke . Location
Exit For
End If
End If
If hoverText = " " And pokehoverText = " " And drawObjects ( 2 ) = True Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
For Each Place As Place In places
If Place . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) . Contains ( cursorPoint ) = True Then
If Controls . Accept ( True , True , True ) = True Then
Place . Click ( flag )
End If
hoverText = Place . Name
Exit For
End If
End If
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
If hoverText = " " And pokehoverText = " " And drawObjects ( 0 ) = True Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
For Each City As City In cities
If City . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) . Contains ( cursorPoint ) = True Then
If Controls . Accept ( True , True , True ) = True Then
City . Click ( flag )
End If
hoverText = City . Name
Exit For
End If
End If
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
If hoverText = " " And pokehoverText = " " And drawObjects ( 1 ) = True Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
For Each Route As Route In routes
If Route . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) . Contains ( cursorPoint ) = True Then
If Controls . Accept ( True , True , True ) = True Then
Route . Click ( flag )
End If
hoverText = Route . Name
End If
End If
backgroundOffset += 1 . 0F
If backgroundOffset >= 64 . 0F Then
backgroundOffset = 0 . 0F
End If
UpdateSwitch ( )
Dim cPointer As Integer = Me . regionPointer
If KeyBoardHandler . KeyPressed ( Keys . LeftShift ) = True Or ControllerHandler . ButtonPressed ( Buttons . LeftTrigger ) = True Then
regionPointer -= 1
End If
If KeyBoardHandler . KeyPressed ( Keys . RightShift ) = True Or ControllerHandler . ButtonPressed ( Buttons . RightTrigger ) = True Then
regionPointer += 1
End If
If regionPointer < 0 Then
regionPointer = Me . regions . Count - 1
ElseIf regionPointer > Me . regions . Count - 1 Then
regionPointer = 0
End If
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' regionPointer = regionPointer.Clamp(0, Me.regions.Count - 1)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If regionPointer <> cPointer Then
Me . currentRegion = regions ( regionPointer )
LoadMapTexture ( )
Me . FillMap ( )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSwitch ( )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
For i = 0 To 3
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim r As New Rectangle ( Core . windowSize . Width - 170 , 100 + i * 30 , 90 , 30 )
If Controls . Accept ( True , True , True ) = True Then
If r . Contains ( New Point ( CInt ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . X ) , CInt ( MouseHandler . MousePosition . Y ) ) ) = True Then
Me . drawObjects ( i ) = Not Me . drawObjects ( i )
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw ( )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( Core . windowSize , New Color ( 84 , 198 , 216 ) )
For y = 0 To Core . windowSize . Height Step 64
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . texture , New Rectangle ( Core . windowSize . Width - 128 , y , 128 , 64 ) , New Rectangle ( 48 , 0 , 16 , 16 ) , Color . White )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . objectsTexture , New Rectangle ( mapOffsetX + 15 , mapOffsetY + 15 , CInt ( mapTexture . Width / 16 ) * MapScreen . RasterSize * 2 , CInt ( mapTexture . Height / 16 ) * MapScreen . RasterSize * 2 ) , New Rectangle ( 96 , 40 , 16 , 16 ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 100 ) )
Dim mapOffset As New Vector2 ( MapScreen . mapOffsetX , MapScreen . mapOffsetY )
For x = 0 To mapTexture . Width / 16
If x * 16 <= mapTexture . Width - 16 Then
For y = 0 To mapTexture . Height / 16
If y * 16 <= mapTexture . Height - 16 Then
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . mapTexture , New Rectangle ( CInt ( x * MapScreen . RasterSize * 2 + mapOffset . X ) , CInt ( y * MapScreen . RasterSize * 2 + mapOffset . Y ) , MapScreen . RasterSize * 2 , MapScreen . RasterSize * 2 ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( x * 16 ) , CInt ( y * 16 ) , 16 , 16 ) , Color . White )
End If
End If
If drawObjects ( 1 ) = True Then
For Each Route As Route In routes
Dim isSelected As Boolean = False
If Route . ContainFiles . Contains ( Level . LevelFile . ToLower ( ) ) = True Then
isSelected = True
End If
Dim c As Color = Color . White
If flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) = " fly " And Route . CanFlyTo ( flag ) = False Then
c = Color . Gray
End If
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Route . getTexture ( objectsTexture , isSelected ) , Route . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) , c )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If drawObjects ( 0 ) = True Then
For Each City As City In Me . cities
Dim isSelected As Boolean = False
If City . ContainFiles . Contains ( Level . LevelFile . ToLower ( ) ) = True Then
isSelected = True
End If
Dim c As Color = Color . White
If flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) = " fly " And City . CanFlyTo ( flag ) = False Then
c = Color . Gray
End If
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( City . getTexture ( objectsTexture , isSelected ) , City . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) , c )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If drawObjects ( 2 ) = True Then
For Each Place As Place In places
Dim isSelected As Boolean = False
If Place . ContainFiles . Contains ( Level . LevelFile . ToLower ( ) ) = True Then
isSelected = True
End If
Dim c As Color = Color . White
If flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) = " fly " And Place . CanFlyTo ( flag ) = False Then
c = Color . Gray
End If
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Place . getTexture ( objectsTexture , isSelected ) , Place . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) , c )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
If drawObjects ( 3 ) = True Then
For Each Pokes As Roaming In RoamingPoke
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Pokes . getTexture ( ) , Pokes . getRectangle ( mapOffset ) , Color . White )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
End If
If Me . hoverText <> " " And Me . pokehoverText <> " " Then
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " pokemon_name_ " & Me . pokehoverText ) & " at " & Localization . GetString ( " Places_ " & Me . hoverText ) , New Vector2 ( Me . CursorPosition . X + 30 , Me . CursorPosition . Y - 31 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " pokemon_name_ " & Me . pokehoverText ) & " at " & Localization . GetString ( " Places_ " & Me . hoverText ) , New Vector2 ( Me . CursorPosition . X + 29 , Me . CursorPosition . Y - 32 ) , Color . White )
ElseIf Me . hoverText <> " " And Me . pokehoverText = " " Then
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " Places_ " & Me . hoverText ) , New Vector2 ( Me . CursorPosition . X + 30 , Me . CursorPosition . Y - 31 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " Places_ " & Me . hoverText ) , New Vector2 ( Me . CursorPosition . X + 29 , Me . CursorPosition . Y - 32 ) , Color . White )
End If
Dim regionString As String = Localization . GetString ( Me . currentRegion ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToUpper ( ) & Me . currentRegion . Remove ( 0 , 1 ) )
If Me . regions . Count > 1 Then
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
regionString &= " (Press the Shift/Shoulder Buttons to switch between regions.) "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . InGameFont , regionString , New Vector2 ( MapScreen . mapOffsetX + 3 , MapScreen . mapOffsetY - 30 ) , Color . Black )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . InGameFont , regionString , New Vector2 ( MapScreen . mapOffsetX , MapScreen . mapOffsetY - 33 ) , Color . White )
DrawSwitch ( )
DrawCursor ( )
End Sub
Private Sub DrawSwitch ( )
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' Cities:
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim r As New Rectangle ( 104 , 0 , 12 , 12 )
If drawObjects ( 0 ) = False Then
r = New Rectangle ( 116 , 0 , 12 , 12 )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . objectsTexture , New Rectangle ( Core . windowSize . Width - 170 , 100 , 24 , 24 ) , r , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 220 ) )
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_cities " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 139 , 101 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_cities " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 140 , 100 ) , Color . White )
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' Routes:
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
r = New Rectangle ( 104 , 12 , 12 , 12 )
If drawObjects ( 1 ) = False Then
r = New Rectangle ( 116 , 12 , 12 , 12 )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . objectsTexture , New Rectangle ( Core . windowSize . Width - 170 , 130 , 24 , 24 ) , r , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 220 ) )
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_routes " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 139 , 131 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_routes " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 140 , 130 ) , Color . White )
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' Places:
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
r = New Rectangle ( 104 , 24 , 12 , 12 )
If drawObjects ( 2 ) = False Then
r = New Rectangle ( 116 , 24 , 12 , 12 )
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . objectsTexture , New Rectangle ( Core . windowSize . Width - 170 , 160 , 24 , 24 ) , r , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 220 ) )
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_places " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 139 , 161 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_places " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 140 , 160 ) , Color . White )
2017-01-22 00:01:31 +01:00
' Roaming:
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
r = New Rectangle ( 113 , 65 , 14 , 14 )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
If drawObjects ( 3 ) = False Then
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
r = New Rectangle ( 113 , 81 , 14 , 14 )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
End If
2018-12-21 21:19:17 +01:00
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( Me . objectsTexture , New Rectangle ( Core . windowSize . Width - 172 , 187 , 28 , 28 ) , r , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 220 ) )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_roaming " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 139 , 191 ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , Localization . GetString ( " map_screen_roaming " ) , New Vector2 ( Core . windowSize . Width - 140 , 190 ) , Color . White )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Sub
Private Sub DrawCursor ( )
Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\General " , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 16 , 16 ) , " " )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( t , New Rectangle ( CInt ( CursorPosition . X ) , CInt ( CursorPosition . Y ) - 30 , 32 , 32 ) , Color . White )
End Sub
Public Shared Sub UseFly ( ByVal FlyToFile As String , ByVal FlyToPosition As Vector3 , ByVal flag ( ) As Object )
Screen . Camera . PlannedMovement = New Vector3 ( 0 , 2 , 0 )
Dim p As Pokemon = CType ( flag ( 1 ) , Pokemon )
Dim skinName As String = Screen . Level . OwnPlayer . SkinName
If Screen . Level . Surfing = True Then
skinName = Core . Player . TempSurfSkin
Screen . Level . Surfing = False
Screen . Level . OverworldPokemon . Visible = False
End If
If Screen . Level . Riding = True Then
skinName = Core . Player . TempRideSkin
Screen . Level . Riding = False
End If
Dim isShiny As String = " N "
If Not p Is Nothing Then
If p . IsShiny = True Then
isShiny = " S "
End If
End If
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Dim s As String = " version=2 " & Environment . NewLine &
" @text.show( " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " used~Fly.) " & Environment . NewLine
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If CType ( Screen . Camera , OverworldCamera ) . ThirdPerson = False Then
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
s &= " @camera.activateThirdPerson " & Environment . NewLine
End If
s &= " @camera.setposition(0,0.9,3) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @level.wait(30) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @pokemon.cry( " & p . Number & " ) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.wearskin([POKEMON| " & isShiny & " ] " & p . Number & PokemonForms . GetOverworldAddition ( p ) & " ) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.turnto(2) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.move(2) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.fix " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.setmovement(0,2,3) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.move(3) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @screen.fadeout(10) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.defix " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.reset " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.turnto(0) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.warp( " & FlyToFile & " , " & FlyToPosition . X . ToString ( ) . ReplaceDecSeparator ( ) & " , " & ( FlyToPosition . Y - 4 + 0 . 1F ) . ToString ( ) . ReplaceDecSeparator ( ) & " , " & ( FlyToPosition . Z + 6 ) . ToString ( ) . ReplaceDecSeparator ( ) & " ,0) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.setyaw(0) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.setposition(0,-3.7,-4.5) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @sound.play(Battle\Effects\effect_fly) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @level.update " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.setmovement(0,-2,-3) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @screen.fadein(10) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.fix " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.move(2) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.reset " & Environment . NewLine &
" @camera.defix(1) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.setmovement(0,-2,0) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.move(2) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.turnto(2) " & Environment . NewLine &
" @player.wearskin( " & skinName & " ) " & Environment . NewLine
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
While Core . CurrentScreen . Identification <> Identifications . OverworldScreen
If Core . CurrentScreen . PreScreen . Identification = Identifications . OverworldScreen Then
Core . SetScreen ( New TransitionScreen ( Core . CurrentScreen , Core . CurrentScreen . PreScreen , Color . White , False ) )
Exit While
Core . SetScreen ( Core . CurrentScreen . PreScreen )
End If
End While
If CType ( Screen . Camera , OverworldCamera ) . ThirdPerson = False Then
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
s &= " @camera.deactivatethirdperson " & Environment . NewLine
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
s &= " @level.wait(1) " & Environment . NewLine &
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
" :end "
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " Fly used " , 1 )
Core . Player . IsFlying = True
CType ( CType ( Core . CurrentScreen , TransitionScreen ) . NewScreen , OverworldScreen ) . ActionScript . StartScript ( s , 2 , False )
End Sub
Private Function GetPlayerPosition ( ) As Vector2
Dim v As Vector2 = New Vector2 ( 0 , 0 )
Dim r As New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
Dim mapOffset As New Vector2 ( mapOffsetX , mapOffsetY )
For Each City As City In Me . cities
If City . ContainFiles . Contains ( Level . LevelFile . ToLower ( ) ) = True Then
v = City . getPosition ( )
r = City . getRectangle ( mapOffset )
End If
For Each Place As Place In Me . places
If Place . ContainFiles . Contains ( Level . LevelFile . ToLower ( ) ) = True Then
v = Place . getPosition ( )
r = Place . getRectangle ( mapOffset )
End If
For Each Route As Route In Me . routes
If Route . ContainFiles . Contains ( Level . LevelFile . ToLower ( ) ) = True Then
v = Route . getPosition ( )
r = Route . getRectangle ( mapOffset )
End If
Return ( v + New Vector2 ( CInt ( r . Width / 2 ) , CInt ( r . Height / 2 ) ) )
End Function
Public Class City
Public Enum CitySize
End Enum
Public Name As String = " ??? "
Public ContainFiles As New List ( Of String )
Public PositionX As Integer = 0
Public PositionY As Integer = 0
Public FlyToFile As String = " "
Public FlyToPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3 ( 0 )
Public Size As CitySize = CitySize . Small
Dim T As Texture2D = Nothing
Public Sub New ( ByVal Name As String , ByVal ContainFiles ( ) As String , ByVal PositionX As Integer , ByVal PositionY As Integer , ByVal Size As CitySize , Optional ByVal FlyToFile As String = " " , Optional ByVal FlyToPosition As Vector3 = Nothing )
Me . Name = Name
For Each file As String In ContainFiles
Me . ContainFiles . Add ( file . ToLower ( ) )
Me . PositionX = PositionX
Me . PositionY = PositionY
Me . Size = Size
Me . FlyToFile = FlyToFile
Me . FlyToPosition = FlyToPosition
End Sub
Public Function getPosition ( ) As Vector2
Return New Vector2 ( Me . PositionX * MapScreen . RasterSize , Me . PositionY * MapScreen . RasterSize )
End Function
Public Function getRectangle ( ByVal offset As Vector2 ) As Rectangle
Dim sizeX As Integer = 0
Dim sizeY As Integer = 0
Select Case Me . Size
Case CitySize . Small
sizeX = 1
sizeY = 1
Case CitySize . Horizontal
sizeX = 2
sizeY = 1
Case CitySize . Vertical
sizeX = 1
sizeY = 2
Case CitySize . Big
sizeX = 2
sizeY = 2
Case CitySize . Large
sizeX = 3
sizeY = 2
End Select
sizeX *= MapScreen . RasterSize
sizeY *= MapScreen . RasterSize
Return New Rectangle ( CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . X + offset . X ) , CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . Y + offset . Y ) , sizeX , sizeY )
End Function
Public Function getTexture ( ByVal FullTexture As Texture2D , ByVal isSelected As Boolean ) As Texture2D
If Me . T Is Nothing Or isSelected = True Then
Dim r As Rectangle
Dim modX As Integer = 0
If isSelected = True Then
modX = 36
End If
Select Case Me . Size
Case CitySize . Small
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 0 , 12 , 12 )
Case CitySize . Vertical
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 12 , 12 , 24 )
Case CitySize . Horizontal
r = New Rectangle ( 12 + modX , 0 , 24 , 12 )
Case CitySize . Big
r = New Rectangle ( 12 + modX , 12 , 24 , 24 )
Case CitySize . Large
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 36 , 36 , 24 )
End Select
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
Me . T = TextureManager . GetTexture ( FullTexture , r )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Return Me . T
End Function
Public Sub Click ( ByVal flag ( ) As Object )
Select Case flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( )
Case " fly "
If CanFlyTo ( flag ) Then
MapScreen . UseFly ( FlyToFile , FlyToPosition , flag )
End If
End Select
End Sub
Public Function CanFlyTo ( ByVal flag ( ) As Object ) As Boolean
If flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) = " fly " Then
If FlyToPosition <> Nothing And FlyToFile <> " " Then
If Core . Player . VisitedMaps . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . Contains ( FlyToFile ) = True Or GameController . IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Or Core . Player . SandBoxMode = True Then
Return True
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class
Public Class Route
Public Enum RouteTypes
End Enum
Public Enum RouteDirections
End Enum
Public Name As String = " "
Public PositionX As Integer = 0
Public PositionY As Integer = 0
Public ContainFiles As New List ( Of String )
Public FlyToFile As String = " "
Public FlyToPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3 ( 0 )
Public RouteDirection As RouteDirections = RouteDirections . Horizontal
Public RouteType As RouteTypes = RouteTypes . Land
Dim T As Texture2D = Nothing
Public Sub New ( ByVal Name As String , ByVal ContainFiles ( ) As String , ByVal PositionX As Integer , ByVal PositionY As Integer , ByVal RouteDirection As RouteDirections , ByVal RouteType As RouteTypes , Optional ByVal FlyToFile As String = " " , Optional ByVal FlyToPosition As Vector3 = Nothing )
Me . Name = Name
Me . PositionX = PositionX
Me . PositionY = PositionY
Me . RouteDirection = RouteDirection
Me . RouteType = RouteType
For Each file As String In ContainFiles
Me . ContainFiles . Add ( file . ToLower ( ) )
Me . FlyToFile = FlyToFile
Me . FlyToPosition = FlyToPosition
End Sub
Public Function getPosition ( ) As Vector2
Return New Vector2 ( Me . PositionX * MapScreen . RasterSize , Me . PositionY * MapScreen . RasterSize )
End Function
Public Function getRectangle ( ByVal offset As Vector2 ) As Rectangle
Dim sizeX As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim sizeY As Single = 1 . 0F
Select Case Me . RouteDirection
Case RouteDirections . Horizontal
sizeX = 1 . 25F
sizeY = 0 . 75F
Case RouteDirections . Vertical
sizeX = 0 . 75F
sizeY = 1 . 25F
Case RouteDirections . CurveDownLeft , RouteDirections . CurveDownRight , RouteDirections . CurveUpLeft , RouteDirections . CurveUpRight , RouteDirections . TUp , RouteDirections . TDown , RouteDirections . TRight , RouteDirections . TLeft
sizeX = 0 . 75F
sizeY = 0 . 75F
Case RouteDirections . HorizontalConnection
sizeX = 1 . 0F
sizeY = 0 . 75F
Case RouteDirections . VerticalConnection
sizeX = 0 . 75F
sizeY = 1 . 0F
Case RouteDirections . HorizontalEndRight , RouteDirections . HorizontalEndLeft , RouteDirections . VerticalEndDown , RouteDirections . VerticalEndUp
sizeX = 0 . 75F
sizeY = 0 . 75F
End Select
Dim PositionOffset As New Vector2 ( ( ( 1 - sizeX ) * MapScreen . RasterSize ) / 2 , ( ( 1 - sizeY ) * MapScreen . RasterSize ) / 2 )
If Me . RouteDirection = RouteDirections . HorizontalConnection Then
PositionOffset . X += 0 . 5F * MapScreen . RasterSize
End If
If Me . RouteDirection = RouteDirections . VerticalConnection Then
PositionOffset . Y += 0 . 5F * MapScreen . RasterSize
End If
sizeX *= MapScreen . RasterSize
sizeY *= MapScreen . RasterSize
Return New Rectangle ( CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . X + PositionOffset . X + offset . X ) , CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . Y + PositionOffset . Y + offset . Y ) , CInt ( sizeX ) , CInt ( sizeY ) )
End Function
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Public Function getTexture ( ByVal FullTexture As Texture2D , ByVal isSelected As Boolean ) As Texture2D
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Me . T Is Nothing Or isSelected = True Then
Dim r As Rectangle
Dim modX As Integer = 0
If Me . RouteType = RouteTypes . Water Then
modX = 32
End If
If isSelected = True Then
modX = 64
End If
Dim y As Integer = 64
Select Case Me . RouteDirection
Case RouteDirections . Horizontal , RouteDirections . HorizontalConnection
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 0 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . TUp
r = New Rectangle ( 8 + modX , 0 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . TDown
r = New Rectangle ( 8 + modX , 24 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . TRight
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 24 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . TLeft
r = New Rectangle ( 24 + modX , 16 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . Vertical , RouteDirections . VerticalConnection
r = New Rectangle ( 16 + modX , 0 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . HorizontalEndRight
r = New Rectangle ( 24 + modX , 0 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . CurveUpLeft
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 8 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . CurveDownRight
r = New Rectangle ( 8 + modX , 8 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . CurveUpRight
r = New Rectangle ( 16 + modX , 8 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . CurveDownLeft
r = New Rectangle ( 24 + modX , 8 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . HorizontalEndLeft
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 16 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . VerticalEndDown
r = New Rectangle ( 8 + modX , 16 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case RouteDirections . VerticalEndUp
r = New Rectangle ( 16 + modX , 16 + y , 8 , 8 )
End Select
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
Me . T = TextureManager . GetTexture ( FullTexture , r )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Return Me . T
End Function
Public Sub Click ( ByVal flag ( ) As Object )
Select Case flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( )
Case " fly "
If CanFlyTo ( flag ) = True Then
MapScreen . UseFly ( FlyToFile , FlyToPosition , flag )
End If
End Select
End Sub
Public Function CanFlyTo ( ByVal flag ( ) As Object ) As Boolean
If flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) = " fly " Then
If FlyToPosition <> Nothing And FlyToFile <> " " Then
If Core . Player . VisitedMaps . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . Contains ( FlyToFile ) = True Or GameController . IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Or Core . Player . SandBoxMode = True Then
Return True
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class
Public Class Place
Public Enum PlaceSizes
End Enum
Public Name As String = " ??? "
Public ContainFiles As New List ( Of String )
Public PositionX As Integer
Public PositionY As Integer
Public PlaceSize As PlaceSizes
Public FlyToFile As String = " "
Public FlyToPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3 ( 0 )
Dim T As Texture2D = Nothing
Public Sub New ( ByVal Name As String , ByVal ContainFiles ( ) As String , ByVal PositionX As Integer , ByVal PositionY As Integer , ByVal PlaceSize As PlaceSizes , Optional ByVal FlyToFile As String = " " , Optional ByVal FlyToPosition As Vector3 = Nothing )
Me . Name = Name
Me . PositionX = PositionX
Me . PositionY = PositionY
Me . PlaceSize = PlaceSize
For Each file As String In ContainFiles
Me . ContainFiles . Add ( file . ToLower ( ) )
Me . FlyToFile = FlyToFile
Me . FlyToPosition = FlyToPosition
End Sub
Public Function getPosition ( ) As Vector2
Return New Vector2 ( Me . PositionX * MapScreen . RasterSize , Me . PositionY * MapScreen . RasterSize )
End Function
Public Function getRectangle ( ByVal offset As Vector2 ) As Rectangle
Dim sizeX As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim sizeY As Single = 1 . 0F
Select Case Me . PlaceSize
Case PlaceSizes . Small
sizeX = 1 . 0F
sizeY = 1 . 0F
Case PlaceSizes . Vertical
sizeX = 1 . 0F
sizeY = 2 . 0F
Case PlaceSizes . Round
sizeX = 1 . 5F
sizeY = 1 . 5F
Case PlaceSizes . Square
sizeX = 2 . 0F
sizeY = 2 . 0F
Case PlaceSizes . VerticalBig
sizeX = 1 . 5F
sizeY = 2 . 5F
Case PlaceSizes . Large
sizeX = 3 . 5F
sizeY = 2 . 5F
End Select
Dim PositionOffset As New Vector2 ( ( ( 1 - sizeX ) * MapScreen . RasterSize ) / 2 , ( ( 1 - sizeY ) * MapScreen . RasterSize ) / 2 )
If Me . PlaceSize = PlaceSizes . Vertical Then
PositionOffset . Y += 0 . 5F * MapScreen . RasterSize
End If
sizeX *= MapScreen . RasterSize
sizeY *= MapScreen . RasterSize
Return New Rectangle ( CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . X + PositionOffset . X + offset . X ) , CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . Y + PositionOffset . Y + offset . Y ) , CInt ( sizeX ) , CInt ( sizeY ) )
End Function
Public Function getTexture ( ByVal FullTexture As Texture2D , ByVal isSelected As Boolean ) As Texture2D
If Me . T Is Nothing Or isSelected = True Then
Dim r As Rectangle
Dim modX As Integer = 0
If isSelected = True Then
modX = 56
End If
Dim y As Integer = 96
Select Case Me . PlaceSize
Case PlaceSizes . Small
r = New Rectangle ( 12 + modX , 20 + y , 8 , 8 )
Case PlaceSizes . Vertical
r = New Rectangle ( 40 + modX , 16 + y , 8 , 16 )
Case PlaceSizes . Round
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 20 + y , 12 , 12 )
Case PlaceSizes . Square
r = New Rectangle ( 40 + modX , 0 + y , 16 , 16 )
Case PlaceSizes . VerticalBig
r = New Rectangle ( 0 + modX , 0 + y , 12 , 20 )
Case PlaceSizes . Large
r = New Rectangle ( 12 + modX , 0 + y , 28 , 20 )
End Select
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
Me . T = TextureManager . GetTexture ( FullTexture , r )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Return Me . T
End Function
Public Sub Click ( ByVal flag ( ) As Object )
Select Case flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( )
Case " fly "
If CanFlyTo ( flag ) = True Then
MapScreen . UseFly ( FlyToFile , FlyToPosition , flag )
End If
End Select
End Sub
Public Function CanFlyTo ( ByVal flag ( ) As Object ) As Boolean
If flag ( 0 ) . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) = " fly " Then
If FlyToPosition <> Nothing And FlyToFile <> " " Then
If Core . Player . VisitedMaps . Split ( CChar ( " , " ) ) . Contains ( FlyToFile ) = True Or GameController . IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Or Core . Player . SandBoxMode = True Then
Return True
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Public Class Roaming
Public ID As Integer
Public Name As String
Public Location As String
Public PositionX As Integer
Public PositionY As Integer
Public Distance As Double
Dim T As Texture2D = Nothing
Public Sub New ( ByVal ID As Integer , ByVal PositionX As Integer , ByVal PositionY As Integer , ByVal Location As String )
Me . ID = ID
Me . Name = Pokemon . GetPokemonByID ( ID ) . GetName
Me . PositionX = PositionX
Me . PositionY = PositionY
Me . Location = Location
2016-10-03 05:42:26 +02:00
Me . Distance = Math . Pow ( Math . Pow ( PositionX , 2 ) + Math . Pow ( PositionY , 2 ) , 0 . 5 )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
End Sub
Public Function getPosition ( ) As Vector2
Return New Vector2 ( Me . PositionX * MapScreen . RasterSize , Me . PositionY * MapScreen . RasterSize )
End Function
Public Function getRectangle ( ByVal offset As Vector2 ) As Rectangle
Dim sizeX As Integer = 1
Dim sizeY As Integer = 1
sizeX *= MapScreen . RasterSize
sizeY *= MapScreen . RasterSize
Return New Rectangle ( CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . X + offset . X ) , CInt ( Me . getPosition ( ) . Y + offset . Y ) , sizeX , sizeY )
End Function
2016-10-03 05:42:26 +02:00
Public Function getTexture ( ) As Texture2D
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\PokemonMenu " )
Dim IndexX As Integer = 0
Dim IndexY As Integer = 0
Dim SizeX As Integer = 32
Dim SizeY As Integer = 32
IndexY = CInt ( Math . Floor ( ID / 33 ) )
IndexX = ( ID - ( IndexY * 32 ) ) - 1
2016-10-06 19:42:31 +02:00
T = TextureManager . GetTexture ( Texture , New Rectangle ( IndexX * 32 , IndexY * 32 , SizeX , SizeY ) )
2016-09-29 18:17:29 +02:00
Return T
End Function
Public Function getSkipIndex ( ) As Integer
Select Case Location
Case " Route 31 " , " Route 37 " , " Route 42 "
Return 0
Case " Route 29 " , " Route 30 " , " Route 33 " , " Route 34 " , " Route 35 " , " Route 36 " , " Route 38 " , " Route 39 " , " Route 44 "
Return 1
Case " Route 32 " , " Route 45 "
Return 2
Case Else
Return 0
End Select
End Function
End Class
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Class