655 lines
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655 lines
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Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Namespace GameJolt
Public Class APICall
Public Structure JoltParameter
Dim Name As String
Dim Value As String
End Structure
Public Enum RequestMethod
End Enum
Private Class APIURL
Dim Values As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim BaseURL As String = ""
Public Sub New(ByVal baseURL As String)
Me.BaseURL = baseURL
If Me.BaseURL.StartsWith("/") = False Then
Me.BaseURL = "/" & baseURL
End If
If Me.BaseURL.EndsWith("/") = False Then
Me.BaseURL &= "/"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddKeyValuePair(ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As String)
Me.Values.Add(Key, Value)
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property GetURL() As String
Dim url As String = HOST & API.API_VERSION & Me.BaseURL
For i = 0 To Me.Values.Count - 1
Dim appendString As String = ""
If i = 0 Then
appendString &= "?"
appendString &= "&"
End If
appendString &= Me.Values.Keys(i) & "="
appendString &= UrlEncoder.Encode(Me.Values.Values(i))
url &= appendString
Return url
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Delegate Sub DelegateCallSub(ByVal result As String)
Public CallSub As DelegateCallSub
Dim username As String
Dim token As String
Dim loggedIn As Boolean
Const HOST As String = "http://api.gamejolt.com/api/game/"
Dim Exception As System.Exception = Nothing
Public Event CallFails(ByVal ex As Exception)
Public Event CallSucceeded(ByVal returnData As String)
Private ReadOnly Property GameID() As String
Return StringObfuscation.DeObfuscate(CONST_GAMEID)
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly Property GameKey() As String
Return StringObfuscation.DeObfuscate(CONST_GAMEKEY)
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal CallSub As DelegateCallSub)
Me.CallSub = CallSub
Me.username = API.username
Me.token = API.token
Me.loggedIn = API.LoggedIn
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Me.username = API.username
Me.token = API.token
Me.loggedIn = API.LoggedIn
End Sub
Public Sub VerifyUser(ByVal newUsername As String, ByVal newToken As String)
API.username = newUsername
API.token = newToken
username = newUsername
token = newToken
Dim url As New APIURL("/users/auth/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
#Region "Storage"
Public Sub SetStorageData(ByVal key As String, ByVal data As String, ByVal useUsername As Boolean)
If useUsername = True Then
If loggedIn = False Then
Dim up As New Exception("User not logged in!") 'Happens when a user tries to send an API call but is not logged in.
Throw up
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/set/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST, data)
End If
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/set/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST, data)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateStorageData(ByVal key As String, ByVal value As String, ByVal operation As String, ByVal useUsername As Boolean)
If useUsername = True Then
If loggedIn = False Then
Dim up As New Exception("User not logged in!") 'Happens when a user tries to send an API call but is not logged in.
Throw up
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/update/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
url.AddKeyValuePair("operation", operation)
url.AddKeyValuePair("value", value)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End If
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/update/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
url.AddKeyValuePair("operation", operation)
url.AddKeyValuePair("value", value)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetStorageData(ByVal keys() As String, ByVal dataItems() As String, ByVal useUsernames() As Boolean)
If keys.Length <> dataItems.Length Or keys.Length <> useUsernames.Length Then
Dim ex As New Exception("The data arrays do not have the same lengths.")
ex.Data.Add("Keys Length", keys.Length)
ex.Data.Add("Data Length", dataItems.Length)
ex.Data.Add("Username permission Length", useUsernames.Length)
Throw ex
End If
Dim url As String = HOST & API.API_VERSION & "/batch/" & "?game_id=" & GameID & "¶llel=true"
Dim postDataURL As String = ""
For i = 0 To keys.Length - 1
Dim key As String = keys(i)
Dim data As String = dataItems(i)
Dim useUsername As Boolean = useUsernames(i)
If useUsername = True And loggedIn = False Then
Throw New Exception("User not logged in!")
End If
If useUsername = True Then
postDataURL &= "&requests[]=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(GetHashedURL("/data-store/set/" & "?game_id=" & GameID & "&username=" & username & "&user_token=" & token & "&key=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(key) & "&data=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(data)))
postDataURL &= "&requests[]=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(GetHashedURL("/data-store/set/" & "?game_id=" & GameID & "&key=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(key) & "&data=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(data)))
End If
Initialize(url, RequestMethod.POST, postDataURL)
End Sub
Public Sub SetStorageDataRestricted(ByVal key As String, ByVal data As String)
Dim url As String = HOST & API.API_VERSION & "/data-store/set/" & "?game_id=" & GameID & "&key=" & key & "&restriction_username=" & API.username & "&restriction_user_token=" & API.token
Initialize(url, RequestMethod.POST, data)
End Sub
Public Sub GetStorageData(ByVal key As String, ByVal useUsername As Boolean)
If useUsername = True Then
If loggedIn = False Then
Throw New Exception("User not logged in!")
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End If
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub GetStorageData(ByVal keys() As String, ByVal useUsername As Boolean)
If useUsername = True Then
If loggedIn = False Then
Throw New Exception("User not logged in!")
Dim url As String = HOST & API.API_VERSION & "/batch/"
Dim firstURL As Boolean = True
For Each key As String In keys
Dim keyURL As String = "?"
If firstURL = False Then
keyURL = "&"
End If
keyURL &= "requests[]=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(GetHashedURL(HOST & API.API_VERSION & "/data-store/" & "?game_id=" & GameID & "&username=" & username & "&user_token=" & token & "&key=" & key))
url &= keyURL
firstURL = False
url &= "&game_id=" & GameID
Initialize(url, RequestMethod.GET)
End If
Dim url As String = HOST & API.API_VERSION & "/batch/"
Dim firstURL As Boolean = True
For Each key As String In keys
Dim keyURL As String = "?"
If firstURL = False Then
keyURL = "&"
End If
keyURL &= "requests[]=" & UrlEncoder.Encode(GetHashedURL(HOST & API.API_VERSION & "/data-store/" & "?game_id=" & GameID & "&key=" & key))
url &= keyURL
firstURL = False
url &= "&game_id=" & GameID
Initialize(url, RequestMethod.GET)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub FetchUserdata(ByVal username As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/users/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub FetchUserdataByID(ByVal user_id As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/users/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_id", user_id)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub GetKeys(ByVal useUsername As Boolean, ByVal pattern As String)
If useUsername = True Then
If loggedIn = False Then
Throw New Exception("User not logged in!")
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/get-keys/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("pattern", pattern)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End If
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/get-keys/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("pattern", pattern)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveKey(ByVal key As String, ByVal useUsername As Boolean)
If useUsername = True Then
If loggedIn = False Then
Throw New Exception("User Not logged in!")
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/remove/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End If
Dim url As New APIURL("/data-store/remove/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("key", key)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Sessions"
Public Sub OpenSession()
Dim url As New APIURL("/sessions/open/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub CheckSession()
Dim url As New APIURL("/sessions/ping/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub PingSession()
Dim url As New APIURL("/sessions/ping/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub CloseSession()
Dim url As New APIURL("/sessions/close/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Trophy"
Public Sub FetchAllTrophies()
Dim url As New APIURL("/trophies/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub FetchAllAchievedTrophies()
Dim url As New APIURL("/trophies/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("achieved", "true")
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub FetchTrophy(ByVal trophy_id As Integer)
Dim url As New APIURL("/trophies/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("trophy_id", trophy_id.ToString())
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub TrophyAchieved(ByVal trophy_id As Integer)
Dim url As New APIURL("/trophies/add-achieved/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("trophy_id", trophy_id.ToString())
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveTrophyAchieved(ByVal trophy_id As Integer)
Dim url As New APIURL("/trophies/remove-achieved/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("trophy_id", trophy_id.ToString())
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "ScoreTable"
Public Sub FetchTable(ByVal score_count As Integer, ByVal table_id As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/scores/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("limit", score_count.ToString())
url.AddKeyValuePair("table_id", table_id)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub FetchUserRank(ByVal table_id As String, ByVal sort As Integer)
Dim url As New APIURL("/scores/get-rank/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("sort", sort.ToString())
url.AddKeyValuePair("table_id", table_id)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub AddScore(ByVal score As String, ByVal sort As Integer, ByVal table_id As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/scores/add/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("score", score)
url.AddKeyValuePair("sort", sort.ToString())
url.AddKeyValuePair("table_id", table_id)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Friends"
Public Sub FetchFriendList(ByVal user_id As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/friends/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_id", user_id)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub FetchSentFriendRequest()
Dim url As New APIURL("/friends/sent-requests/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub FetchReceivedFriendRequests()
Dim url As New APIURL("/friends/received-requests/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.GET)
End Sub
Public Sub SendFriendRequest(ByVal targetuserID As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/friends/send-request/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("target_user_id", targetuserID)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End Sub
Public Sub CancelFriendRequest(ByVal targetUserID As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/friends/cancel-request/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("target_user_id", targetUserID)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End Sub
Public Sub AcceptFriendRequest(ByVal targetUserID As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/friends/accept-request/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("target_user_id", targetUserID)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End Sub
Public Sub DeclineFriendRequest(ByVal targetUserID As String)
Dim url As New APIURL("/friends/decline-request/")
url.AddKeyValuePair("game_id", GameID)
url.AddKeyValuePair("username", username)
url.AddKeyValuePair("user_token", token)
url.AddKeyValuePair("target_user_id", targetUserID)
Initialize(url.GetURL(), RequestMethod.POST)
End Sub
#End Region
Private url As String = ""
Private PostData As String = ""
Private Function GetHashedURL(ByVal url As String) As String
Dim m As MD5 = MD5.Create()
Dim data() As Byte = m.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(url & GameKey))
Dim sBuild As New StringBuilder()
For i = 0 To data.Length - 1
Dim newurl As String = url & "&signature=" & sBuild.ToString()
Return newurl
End Function
Private Sub Initialize(ByVal url As String, ByVal method As RequestMethod, Optional ByVal PostData As String = "")
Exception = Nothing
Dim newurl As String = GetHashedURL(url & "&format=keypair")
Debug.Print(newurl) 'Intentional
If method = RequestMethod.POST Then
Me.url = newurl
Me.PostData = PostData
Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf POSTRequst)
t.IsBackground = True
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(newurl), HttpWebRequest)
request.Method = method.ToString()
request.BeginGetResponse(AddressOf EndResult, request)
Catch ex As Exception
API.APICallCount -= 1
RaiseEvent CallFails(ex)
End Try
End If
API.APICallCount += 1
End Sub
Private Sub POSTRequst()
Dim gotData As String = ""
Dim gotDataSuccess As Boolean = False
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = True
request.Method = "POST"
Dim post As String = "data=" & PostData
request.ContentLength = post.Length
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = False
Dim writer As StreamWriterLock = New StreamWriterLock(request.GetRequestStream())
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
gotData = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
gotDataSuccess = True
Catch ex As Exception
RaiseEvent CallFails(ex)
API.APICallCount -= 1
End Try
'Handle data outside of the try...catch because the result function could throw an error:
If gotDataSuccess = True Then
If Not CallSub Is Nothing Then
RaiseEvent CallSucceeded(gotData)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EndResult(ByVal result As IAsyncResult)
Dim data As String = ""
If result.IsCompleted Then
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(result.AsyncState, HttpWebRequest)
data = New StreamReader(request.EndGetResponse(result).GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
End If
Catch ex As Exception
RaiseEvent CallFails(ex)
API.APICallCount -= 1
End Try
'Handle data outside of the try...catch because the result function could throw an error:
If data <> "" Then
If Not CallSub Is Nothing Then
RaiseEvent CallSucceeded(data)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace