2018-02-21 16:34:06 +01:00
Imports P3D . Screens . UI
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' Displays the inventory and gives the player options to choose and use items.
''' </summary>
Public Class NewInventoryScreen
Inherits Screen
Implements ISelectionScreen
'Private _translation As Globalization.Classes.LOCAL_InventoryScreen
Private target_1 As RenderTarget2D
Private target_2 As RenderTarget2D
Private itemBatch As CoreSpriteBatch
Private infoBatch As CoreSpriteBatch
''' <summary>
''' Texture from file: GUI\Menus\General
''' </summary>
Private _texture As Texture2D
''' <summary>
''' Texture from file: GUI\Menus\Inventory
''' </summary>
Private _menuTexture As Texture2D
'Stores the current tab index and if the player is controlling the tab list:
Private _tabIndex As Integer = 0
Private _tabInControl As Boolean = True
'We have 8 indexes for the current page and item on that page (0-9) here, for each tab:
Private _itemindex As Integer ( ) = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
Private _pageIndex As Integer ( ) = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
2017-08-27 08:18:29 +02:00
'Shows amount window if tossing item when true
Private _tossingItems As Boolean = False
Private _tossValue As Integer = 1
2017-08-28 03:32:49 +02:00
'Stuff related to blurred PreScreens
Private _preScreenTexture As RenderTarget2D
Private _preScreenTarget As RenderTarget2D
Private _blurScreens As Identifications ( ) = { Identifications . BattleScreen ,
Identifications . OverworldScreen ,
Identifications . MailSystemScreen }
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' The item index of the current tab and page:
''' </summary>
Private Property ItemIndex As Integer
Return _itemindex ( _tabIndex )
End Get
Set ( value As Integer )
_itemindex ( _tabIndex ) = value
End Set
End Property
''' <summary>
''' The page index for the current tab.
''' </summary>
Private Property PageIndex As Integer
Return _pageIndex ( _tabIndex )
End Get
Set ( value As Integer )
_pageIndex ( _tabIndex ) = value
End Set
End Property
'Stores a value from 0-255 for each tab that determines their light state when scrolling over it.
Private _tabHighlight As Integer ( ) = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
'Interface animation state values:
Private _interfaceFade As Single = 0F
Private _closing As Boolean = False
Private _enrollY As Single = 0F
Private _itemIntro As Single = 0F
'Item animation:
Private Class ItemAnimation
Public _shakeV As Single
Public _shakeLeft As Boolean
Public _shakeCount As Integer
End Class
'The current state for the item animations:
Private _itemAnimation As ItemAnimation
'If the info popup is visible:
Private _isInfoShowing As Boolean = False
'Info popup state information:
Private _infoSide As Integer = 0 '0 = left, 1 = right
Private _infoSize As Integer = 0
Private _infoSizeTarget As Integer = 0
Private _infoPosition As Integer = 0
Private _infoPositionTarget As Integer = 0
Private _itemColumnLeft As Integer = 0 'Until which item column is considered left
Private _itemColumnLeftOffset As Integer = 0
Private _itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget As Integer = 0
Private _itemColumnRightOffset As Integer = 0
Private _itemColumnRightOffsetTarget As Integer = 0
'Selectable options for items.
' - Use
' - Give (to pokémon)
' - Toss
' - Select
Private Const INFO_ITEM_OPTION_USE As String = " USE "
Private Const INFO_ITEM_OPTION_GIVE As String = " GIVE "
Private Const INFO_ITEM_OPTION_TOSS As String = " TOSS "
Private Const INFO_ITEM_OPTION_SELECT As String = " SELECT "
Private _infoItemOptions As New List ( Of String )
Private _infoItemOptionsNormal As New List ( Of String ) 'Contains untranslated strings.
Private _infoItemOptionSize As Integer ( ) = { 0 , 0 , 0 }
Private _infoItemOptionSelection As Integer = 0
'Items for the current tab:
Private _items As PlayerInventory . ItemContainer ( )
'Displays a message box:
Private _messageDelay As Single = 0F
Private _messageText As String = " "
Public Delegate Sub DoStuff ( ByVal ItemID As Integer )
Dim ReturnItem As DoStuff
Dim AllowedPages ( ) As Integer
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal AllowedPages As Integer ( ) , ByVal StartPageIndex As Integer , ByVal DoStuff As DoStuff )
2017-08-28 03:32:49 +02:00
_preScreenTarget = New RenderTarget2D ( GraphicsDevice , windowSize . Width , windowSize . Height )
2018-02-22 23:43:27 +01:00
_blur = New Resources . Blur . BlurHandler ( windowSize . Width , windowSize . Height )
2017-08-28 03:32:49 +02:00
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
_tabIndex = StartPageIndex
2018-10-27 23:43:52 +02:00
_pageIndex = Player . Temp . BagPageIndex
_itemindex = Player . Temp . BagItemIndex
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
Me . AllowedPages = AllowedPages
ReturnItem = DoStuff
'JSON Stuff
'_translation = New Globalization.Classes.LOCAL_InventoryScreen()
2017-10-28 04:39:40 +02:00
target_1 = New RenderTarget2D ( GraphicsDevice , 816 , 400 - 32 , False , SurfaceFormat . Color , DepthFormat . Depth24Stencil8 , 0 , RenderTargetUsage . PreserveContents )
target_2 = New RenderTarget2D ( GraphicsDevice , 500 , 368 , False , SurfaceFormat . Color , DepthFormat . Depth24Stencil8 )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
itemBatch = New CoreSpriteBatch ( GraphicsDevice )
infoBatch = New CoreSpriteBatch ( GraphicsDevice )
Identification = Identifications . InventoryScreen
PreScreen = currentScreen
IsDrawingGradients = True
_texture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\General " )
_menuTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Inventory " )
''DEBUG: Add all items in the game to the inventory:
'For i = 1 To 2500
' Dim cItem As Item = Item.GetItemByID(i)
' If Not cItem Is Nothing Then
' Core.Player.Inventory.AddItem(cItem.ID, 1)
' End If
ResetAnimation ( )
' Set up the default visible item types configuration:
_visibleItemTypes = New Items . ItemTypes ( ) { Items . ItemTypes . Standard ,
Items . ItemTypes . Medicine ,
Items . ItemTypes . Plants ,
Items . ItemTypes . Pokéballs ,
Items . ItemTypes . Machines ,
Items . ItemTypes . Mail ,
Items . ItemTypes . BattleItems ,
Items . ItemTypes . KeyItems }
'TODO: Load state information from the PlayerTemp.
_tabHighlight ( _tabIndex ) = 255
'Load the items once when loading up the inventory screen:
LoadItems ( )
End Sub
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal AllowedPages ( ) As Integer , ByVal DoStuff As DoStuff )
Me . New ( currentScreen , AllowedPages , Player . Temp . BagIndex , DoStuff )
End Sub
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen )
Me . New ( currentScreen , { } , Player . Temp . BagIndex , Nothing )
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw ( )
2017-08-28 03:32:49 +02:00
If _blurScreens . Contains ( PreScreen . Identification ) Then
DrawPrescreen ( )
PreScreen . Draw ( )
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
DrawGradients ( CInt ( 255 * _interfaceFade ) )
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
DrawMain ( )
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
DrawTabs ( )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
DrawMessage ( )
PokemonImageView . Draw ( )
TextBox . Draw ( )
2017-08-27 08:18:29 +02:00
ChooseBox . Draw ( )
DrawAmount ( )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End Sub
2018-02-22 23:43:27 +01:00
Private _blur As Resources . Blur . BlurHandler
2017-08-28 03:32:49 +02:00
Private Sub DrawPrescreen ( )
If _preScreenTexture Is Nothing OrElse _preScreenTexture . IsContentLost Then
SpriteBatch . EndBatch ( )
Dim target As RenderTarget2D = _preScreenTarget
GraphicsDevice . SetRenderTarget ( target )
GraphicsDevice . Clear ( BackgroundColor )
SpriteBatch . BeginBatch ( )
PreScreen . Draw ( )
SpriteBatch . EndBatch ( )
GraphicsDevice . SetRenderTarget ( Nothing )
SpriteBatch . BeginBatch ( )
_preScreenTexture = target
End If
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _blur . Perform ( _preScreenTexture ) , windowSize , Color . White )
End Sub
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' Draws the temporary message.
''' </summary>
Private Sub DrawMessage ( )
If _messageDelay > 0F Then
Dim textFade As Single = 1 . 0F
If _messageDelay <= 1 . 0F Then
textFade = _messageDelay
End If
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - 150 ) , CInt ( Core . windowSize . Height - 200 ) , 300 , 100 ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , CInt ( 150 * textFade * _interfaceFade ) ) )
Dim text As String = _messageText . CropStringToWidth ( FontManager . ChatFont , 250 )
Dim size As Vector2 = FontManager . ChatFont . MeasureString ( text )
SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . ChatFont , text , New Vector2 ( CSng ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - size . X / 2 ) , CSng ( Core . windowSize . Height - 150 - size . Y / 2 ) ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , CInt ( 255 * textFade * _interfaceFade ) ) )
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Draws the tabs on the top of the UI.
''' </summary>
Private Sub DrawTabs ( )
Dim halfWidth As Integer = CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 )
Dim halfHeight As Integer = CInt ( Core . windowSize . Height / 2 )
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = Color . White
If _closing = True Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , CInt ( 255 * _interfaceFade ) )
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
For x = 0 To 368 Step 16
Dim cTabIndex As Integer = CInt ( Math . Floor ( x / 48 ) )
Dim bgColor As Color = Color . White
If cTabIndex <> _tabIndex And cTabIndex < _tabHighlight . Length Then
Dim gC As Integer = 128 + CInt ( 128 * ( _tabHighlight ( cTabIndex ) / 255 ) )
bgColor = New Color ( gC , gC , gC )
End If
If _closing Then
bgColor = New Color ( bgColor . R , bgColor . G , bgColor . B , CInt ( CInt ( bgColor . A ) * _interfaceFade ) )
End If
For y = 0 To 32 Step 16
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _menuTexture , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 + x , halfHeight - 200 + y , 16 , 16 ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 4 , 4 ) , bgColor )
If x Mod 48 = 32 Then
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _menuTexture , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 + x - 24 , halfHeight - 200 + 8 , 32 , 32 ) , GetTabImageRect ( cTabIndex ) , bgColor )
End If
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
Dim TabDesriptionWidth As Integer = 176
Dim TbgColor As New Color ( 128 , 128 , 128 )
If _closing Then
TbgColor = New Color ( TbgColor . R , TbgColor . G , TbgColor . B , CInt ( CInt ( TbgColor . A ) * _interfaceFade ) )
End If
For x = 0 To TabDesriptionWidth Step 16
For y = 0 To 32 Step 16
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _menuTexture , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 + x + 384 , halfHeight - 200 + y , 16 , 16 ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 4 , 4 ) , TbgColor )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( Core . SpriteBatch , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 + 384 + TabDesriptionWidth + 16 , halfHeight - 200 , 800 - ( 384 + TabDesriptionWidth ) , 48 ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , CInt ( TbgColor . A * 0 . 5 ) ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , CInt ( TbgColor . A * 0 . 00 ) ) , True , - 1 )
Dim TabName As String = " "
Select Case _tabIndex
Case 0 : TabName = " Standard "
Case 1 : TabName = " Medicine "
Case 2 : TabName = " Plants "
Case 3 : TabName = " Pokéball "
Case 4 : TabName = " TM/HM "
Case 5 : TabName = " Mail "
Case 6 : TabName = " Battle Items "
Case 7 : TabName = " Key Items "
End Select
Dim gColor As New Color ( 164 , 164 , 164 )
If _closing Then
gColor = New Color ( gColor . R , gColor . G , gColor . B , CInt ( CInt ( gColor . A ) * _interfaceFade ) )
End If
Dim fontWidth As Integer = CInt ( FontManager . ChatFont . MeasureString ( TabName ) . X )
SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . ChatFont , TabName , New Vector2 ( halfWidth - 400 + 384 + CInt ( ( TabDesriptionWidth - fontWidth ) * 0 . 5 ) , halfHeight - 200 + 12 ) , gColor )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Draws the main content.
''' </summary>
Private Sub DrawMain ( )
'Calculate the center of the screen:
Dim halfWidth As Integer = CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 )
Dim halfHeight As Integer = CInt ( Core . windowSize . Height / 2 )
'When the interface is fading in/out, use a custom alpha:
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = Color . White
If _closing = True Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , CInt ( 255 * _interfaceFade ) )
End If
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 , halfHeight - 232 , 260 , 32 ) , New Color ( 84 , 198 , 216 , mainBackgroundColor . A ) )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 140 , halfHeight - 216 , 16 , 16 ) , New Color ( 84 , 198 , 216 , mainBackgroundColor . A ) )
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _texture , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 140 , halfHeight - 232 , 16 , 16 ) , New Rectangle ( 80 , 0 , 16 , 16 ) , mainBackgroundColor )
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _texture , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 124 , halfHeight - 216 , 16 , 16 ) , New Rectangle ( 80 , 0 , 16 , 16 ) , mainBackgroundColor )
SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . ChatFont , " Inventory " , New Vector2 ( halfWidth - 390 , halfHeight - 228 ) , mainBackgroundColor )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
'Draw background pattern:
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
For y = 0 To CInt ( _enrollY ) Step 16
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
For x = 0 To 800 Step 16
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _texture , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 + x , halfHeight - 200 + y , 16 , 16 ) , New Rectangle ( 64 , 0 , 4 , 4 ) , mainBackgroundColor )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
'This draws the lowest row so the background is not cut off:
Dim modRes As Integer = CInt ( _enrollY ) Mod 16
If modRes > 0 Then
For x = 0 To 800 Step 16
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
SpriteBatch . Draw ( _texture , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 + x , CInt ( _enrollY + ( halfHeight - 200 ) ) , 16 , modRes ) , New Rectangle ( 64 , 0 , 4 , 4 ) , mainBackgroundColor )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End If
'Create a render target and render the items to it.
'We do this because the items move to the left/right "outside" of the screen.
'So we don't need to fiddle around with the offset, we just move them outside the render target.
If CInt ( _enrollY ) - 32 > 0 Then 'Only draw, when the size is at least 1 pixel high.
'Bring back when Monogame begins supporting this stuff
' Dim target As New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, 816, CInt(_enrollY) - 32, False, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents)
GraphicsDevice . SetRenderTarget ( target_1 )
GraphicsDevice . Clear ( Color . Transparent )
'Create a designated sprite batch:
itemBatch . BeginBatch ( )
Dim itemPanelAlpha As Integer = CInt ( If ( _tabInControl , 180 , 255 ) * _interfaceFade )
Dim iX , iY As Integer
For i = 0 To 9
iX = CInt ( Math . Floor ( i / 2 ) )
iY = i Mod 2
If _items . Length > i + ( PageIndex * 10 ) Then
Dim cItem = Item . GetItemByID ( _items ( i + ( PageIndex * 10 ) ) . ItemID )
If _itemIntro >= i / 10 Then
Dim Yoffset As Integer = 0
If _itemIntro < ( i + 1 ) / 10 Then
Yoffset = CInt ( ( _itemIntro - ( i / 10 ) ) * 80 )
End If
Dim XOffset As Integer = ComputeXOffset ( iX )
Dim itemLoc = New Vector2 ( iX * 160 + 32 + XOffset , 48 + iY * 160 + 32 )
Dim size As Integer = If ( i = ItemIndex , 96 , 72 )
itemBatch . Draw ( cItem . Texture , New Rectangle ( CInt ( itemLoc . X ) + 48 , CInt ( itemLoc . Y ) + Yoffset , size , size ) , Nothing , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , itemPanelAlpha ) ,
If ( i = ItemIndex , _itemAnimation . _shakeV , 0F ) , New Vector2 ( cItem . Texture . Width / 2 . 0F ) , SpriteEffects . None , 0F )
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
Dim nameTextHeight As Integer = 24
If _tabIndex = 4 Then
nameTextHeight = 40
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( itemBatch , New Rectangle ( CInt ( itemLoc . X ) - 16 - 9 , CInt ( itemLoc . Y ) + 48 , 128 + 18 , nameTextHeight ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , CInt ( If ( _tabInControl , 64 , 128 ) * _interfaceFade ) ) )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
Dim fontWidth As Integer = CInt ( FontManager . MiniFont . MeasureString ( cItem . Name ) . X )
itemBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , cItem . Name , itemLoc + New Vector2 ( 48 - fontWidth / 2 . 0F , 51 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , itemPanelAlpha ) )
2017-08-22 08:44:56 +02:00
If _tabIndex <> 7 Then
itemBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , " x " & _items ( i + ( PageIndex * 10 ) ) . Amount . ToString ( ) , itemLoc + New Vector2 ( 84 , 26 ) , New Color ( 40 , 40 , 40 , itemPanelAlpha ) )
2017-10-16 00:08:16 +02:00
End If
If _tabIndex = 4 Then
Dim AttackName As String = CType ( cItem , Items . TechMachine ) . Attack . Name
Dim TMfontWidth As Integer = CInt ( FontManager . MiniFont . MeasureString ( AttackName ) . X )
itemBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MiniFont , AttackName , itemLoc + New Vector2 ( 48 - TMfontWidth / 2 . 0F , 51 + 16 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , itemPanelAlpha ) )
2017-08-22 08:44:56 +02:00
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End If
End If
'When the info is visible, draw it:
If _infoSize > 0 Then
DrawInfo ( itemBatch , target_1 )
End If
itemBatch . EndBatch ( )
'Reset to back buffer and render the result:
GraphicsDevice . SetRenderTarget ( Nothing )
Dim drawheight As Integer = 368
If _closing Then
drawheight = CInt ( _enrollY ) - 32
End If
SpriteBatch . Draw ( target_1 , New Rectangle ( halfWidth - 400 , halfHeight - 200 + 48 , 816 , drawheight ) , mainBackgroundColor )
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Draws the info popup.
''' </summary>
Private Sub DrawInfo ( ByVal preBatch As SpriteBatch , ByVal preTarget As RenderTarget2D )
2018-10-17 10:30:27 +02:00
If _items . Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
'Create a new render target and set it.
'Bring back when Monogame begins supporting this stuff
' Dim target As New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, _infoSize, 368, False, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents)
GraphicsDevice . SetRenderTarget ( target_2 )
2018-01-07 18:28:50 +01:00
GraphicsDevice . Clear ( Color . Transparent )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
'Render background:
infoBatch . BeginBatch ( )
2018-01-07 18:28:50 +01:00
Dim alpha = CInt ( CSng ( _infoSize ) / 500 * 255 )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
For y = 0 To 368 Step 16
For x = 0 To _infoSize + 16 Step 16
2018-01-07 18:28:50 +01:00
If x < _infoSize - 16 Then
infoBatch . Draw ( _menuTexture , New Rectangle ( x , y , 16 , 16 ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 4 , 4 ) , New Color ( 128 , 128 , 128 , alpha ) )
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
2018-01-07 18:28:50 +01:00
Canvas . DrawGradient ( infoBatch , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 100 , 368 ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , alpha ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , True , - 1 )
Canvas . DrawGradient ( infoBatch , New Rectangle ( _infoSize - 100 , 0 , 100 , 368 ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , alpha ) , True , - 1 )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
'Get item and gets its display texts based on the item category:
2018-10-17 10:30:27 +02:00
Dim getIndex As Integer = ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10
Dim cItem As Item = Item . GetItemByID ( _items ( getIndex ) . ItemID )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
infoBatch . Draw ( cItem . Texture , New Rectangle ( 24 , 24 , 48 , 48 ) , Color . White )
Dim itemTitle As String = cItem . Name
Dim itemSubTitle As String = cItem . ItemType . ToString ( )
Dim itemDescription As String = cItem . Description
Select Case cItem . ItemType
Case Items . ItemTypes . Machines
Dim techMachine = CType ( cItem , Items . TechMachine )
itemTitle = techMachine . Attack . Name
If techMachine . IsTM Then
'JSON stuff
'itemSubTitle = _translation.TECH_MACHINE_TITLE(cItem.ItemType.ToString())
itemSubTitle = " Technical Machine "
'JSON stuff
'itemSubTitle = _translation.HIDDEN_MACHINE_TITLE(cItem.ItemType.ToString())
itemSubTitle = " Hidden Machine "
End If
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
itemDescription &= Environment . NewLine & techMachine . Attack . Description
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
Case Items . ItemTypes . Standard
'JSON stuff
'itemSubTitle = _translation.STANDARD_ITEM_TITLE(cItem.ItemType.ToString())
itemSubTitle = cItem . ItemType . ToString ( ) & " Item "
Case Items . ItemTypes . KeyItems
'JSON stuff
'itemSubTitle = _translation.KEYITEM_TITLE(cItem.ItemType.ToString())
itemSubTitle = " Key Item "
Case Items . ItemTypes . Pokéballs
'JSON stuff
'itemSubTitle = _translation.POKEBALL_TITLE(cItem.ItemType.ToString())
itemSubTitle = " Poké Ball "
Case Items . ItemTypes . Plants
'JSON stuff
'itemSubTitle = _translation.PLANT_TITLE(cItem.ItemType.ToString())
itemSubTitle = " Plant "
Case Items . ItemTypes . BattleItems
'JSON stuff
'itemSubTitle = _translation.BATTLEITEM_TITLE(cItem.ItemType.ToString())
itemSubTitle = " Battle Item "
End Select
infoBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . TextFont , itemTitle , New Vector2 ( 80 , 20 ) , Color . White , 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 2 . 0F , SpriteEffects . None , 0F )
infoBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . TextFont , itemSubTitle , New Vector2 ( 80 , 46 ) , Color . LightGray , 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 5F , SpriteEffects . None , 0F )
infoBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . TextFont , itemDescription . CropStringToWidth ( FontManager . TextFont , 1 . 0F , 430 ) , New Vector2 ( 28 , 84 ) , Color . LightGray , 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 1 . 0F , SpriteEffects . None , 0F )
For i = 0 To _infoItemOptions . Count - 1
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( infoBatch , New Rectangle ( CInt ( 250 - _infoItemOptionSize ( i ) / 2 ) , 158 + i * 64 , _infoItemOptionSize ( i ) , 48 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 20 ) )
infoBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . TextFont , _infoItemOptions ( i ) , New Vector2 ( CInt ( 250 - FontManager . TextFont . MeasureString ( _infoItemOptions ( i ) ) . X ) , 168 + i * 64 ) , Color . White , 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 2 . 0F , SpriteEffects . None , 0F )
infoBatch . EndBatch ( )
'Set the target that was previously active and render the new target on top of that:
GraphicsDevice . SetRenderTarget ( preTarget )
2018-01-07 18:28:50 +01:00
preBatch . Draw ( target_2 , New Rectangle ( _infoPosition + 80 , 0 , target_2 . Width , target_2 . Height ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , alpha ) )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End Sub
2017-08-27 08:18:29 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' Draws the amount of items to be tossed.
''' </summary>
Private Sub DrawAmount ( )
If _tossingItems Then
Dim cItem As Item = Item . GetItemByID ( _items ( ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10 ) . ItemID )
Dim CanvasTexture As Texture2D
CanvasTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Menu " ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 48 , 48 ) )
Dim trashText As String = _tossValue & " / " & Core . Player . Inventory . GetItemAmount ( cItem . ID )
Dim offsetX As Integer = 100
Dim offsetY As Integer = Core . windowSize . Height - 390
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Canvas . DrawImageBorder ( CanvasTexture , 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) + 180 + offsetX , 240 + offsetY , 128 , 64 ) )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . InGameFont , trashText , New Vector2 ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - ( FontManager . InGameFont . MeasureString ( trashText ) . X / 2 ) + 256 + offsetX , 276 + offsetY ) , Color . Black )
2017-08-27 08:18:29 +02:00
End If
End Sub
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' Determines the x-offset of an item based on the <see cref="_itemColumnLeft"/> value.
''' </summary>
Private Function ComputeXOffset ( ByVal itemPositionId As Integer ) As Integer
Dim i As Integer = itemPositionId
'Determine if we are in the left or right portion:
Dim isLeft As Boolean = _itemColumnLeft >= i
If isLeft Then
Return _itemColumnLeftOffset
Return _itemColumnRightOffset
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the texture rectangle that contains the tab image from GUI\Menus\Inventory.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="i">The tab index.</param>
Private Function GetTabImageRect ( ByVal i As Integer ) As Rectangle
Select Case _visibleItemTypes ( i )
Case Items . ItemTypes . Standard
Return New Rectangle ( 0 , 16 , 16 , 16 )
Case Items . ItemTypes . Medicine
Return New Rectangle ( 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 )
Case Items . ItemTypes . Plants
Return New Rectangle ( 0 , 32 , 16 , 16 )
Case Items . ItemTypes . Pokéballs
Return New Rectangle ( 48 , 16 , 16 , 16 )
Case Items . ItemTypes . Machines
Return New Rectangle ( 32 , 16 , 16 , 16 )
Case Items . ItemTypes . Mail
Return New Rectangle ( 16 , 32 , 16 , 16 )
Case Items . ItemTypes . BattleItems
Return New Rectangle ( 48 , 32 , 16 , 16 )
Case Items . ItemTypes . KeyItems
Return New Rectangle ( 32 , 32 , 16 , 16 )
End Select
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Update ( )
'Updates the tab highlight:
For index = 0 To _tabHighlight . Length - 1
If index <> _tabIndex Then
If _tabHighlight ( index ) > 0 Then
_tabHighlight ( index ) -= 15
If _tabHighlight ( index ) < 0 Then
_tabHighlight ( index ) = 0
End If
End If
_tabHighlight ( index ) = 255
End If
'Update the message:
If _messageDelay > 0F Then
_messageDelay -= 0 . 1F
If _messageDelay <= 0F Then
_messageDelay = 0F
End If
End If
If _closing Then
' When the interface is closing, only update the closing animation
' Once the interface is completely closed, set to the previous screen.
If _interfaceFade > 0F Then
_interfaceFade = MathHelper . Lerp ( 0 , _interfaceFade , 0 . 8F )
If _interfaceFade < 0F Then
_interfaceFade = 0F
End If
End If
If _enrollY > 0 Then
_enrollY = MathHelper . Lerp ( 0 , _enrollY , 0 . 8F )
If _enrollY <= 0 Then
_enrollY = 0
End If
End If
If _enrollY <= 2 . 0F Then
'TODO: Set the interface state to PlayerTemp.
SetScreen ( PreScreen )
End If
'Update intro animation:
Dim maxWindowHeight As Integer = 400
If _enrollY < maxWindowHeight Then
_enrollY = MathHelper . Lerp ( maxWindowHeight , _enrollY , 0 . 8F )
If _enrollY >= maxWindowHeight Then
_enrollY = maxWindowHeight
End If
End If
If _interfaceFade < 1 . 0F Then
_interfaceFade = MathHelper . Lerp ( 1 . 0F , _interfaceFade , 0 . 95F )
If _interfaceFade > 1 . 0F Then
_interfaceFade = 1 . 0F
End If
End If
If _itemIntro < 1 . 0F Then
_itemIntro += 0 . 05F
If _itemIntro > 1 . 0F Then
_itemIntro = 1 . 0F
End If
End If
'Control update:
UpdateShakeAnimation ( )
' Input update:
If TextBox . Showing = False And ChooseBox . Showing = False And PokemonImageView . Showing = False Then
Dim isTabsSelected = _tabInControl
UpdateTabs ( )
If Not isTabsSelected Then
If _isInfoShowing Then
UpdateInfo ( )
UpdateItems ( )
End If
End If
End If
'Update the Dialogues:
ChooseBox . Update ( )
If ChooseBox . Showing = False Then
TextBox . Update ( )
End If
If PokemonImageView . Showing = True Then
PokemonImageView . Update ( )
End If
UpdateInfoAnimation ( )
End If
2017-08-27 08:18:29 +02:00
'Update the toss amount indicator:
If _tossingItems Then
Dim cItem As Item = Item . GetItemByID ( _items ( ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10 ) . ItemID )
If Controls . Right ( True , True , True , True ) Then
_tossValue += 1
End If
If Controls . Left ( True , True , True , True ) Then
_tossValue -= 1
End If
_tossValue = CInt ( MathHelper . Clamp ( _tossValue , 1 , Core . Player . Inventory . GetItemAmount ( cItem . ID ) ) )
If Not TextBox . Showing Then
If Controls . Accept Then
Core . Player . Inventory . RemoveItem ( cItem . ID , _tossValue )
LoadItems ( )
_tossingItems = False
ElseIf Controls . Dismiss Then
_tossingItems = False
End If
_tossValue = 1
End If
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTabs ( )
If Controls . Left ( True , True , True , True , True , True ) And _tabInControl Or ControllerHandler . ButtonPressed ( Buttons . LeftShoulder ) Then
_tabIndex -= 1
If AllowedPages . Count > 0 And AllowedPages . Contains ( _tabIndex ) = False Then
While AllowedPages . Contains ( _tabIndex ) = False
_tabIndex -= 1
If _tabIndex < 0 Then
_tabIndex = 7
ElseIf _tabIndex > 7 Then
_tabIndex = 0
End If
End While
End If
If _tabIndex < 0 Then
_tabIndex = 7
ElseIf _tabIndex > 7 Then
_tabIndex = 0
End If
_itemIntro = 0F
ResetAnimation ( )
LoadItems ( )
End If
If Controls . Right ( True , True , True , True , True , True ) And _tabInControl Or ControllerHandler . ButtonPressed ( Buttons . RightShoulder ) Then
_tabIndex += 1
If AllowedPages . Count > 0 And AllowedPages . Contains ( _tabIndex ) = False Then
While AllowedPages . Contains ( _tabIndex ) = False
_tabIndex += 1
If _tabIndex < 0 Then
_tabIndex = 7
ElseIf _tabIndex > 7 Then
_tabIndex = 0
End If
End While
End If
If _tabIndex < 0 Then
_tabIndex = 7
ElseIf _tabIndex > 7 Then
_tabIndex = 0
End If
_itemIntro = 0F
ResetAnimation ( )
LoadItems ( )
End If
If _tabInControl Then
If Controls . Dismiss ( ) And CanExit Then
_closing = True
End If
If Controls . Accept ( ) And _items . Length > 0 Then
_tabInControl = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateItems ( )
If Controls . Left ( True , True , True , True , True , True ) Then
ItemIndex -= 2
If ItemIndex < 0 And PageIndex > 0 Then
ItemIndex += 10
PageIndex -= 1
_itemIntro = 0F
ResetAnimation ( )
ElseIf ItemIndex < 0 And PageIndex = 0 Then
If ItemIndex = - 1 Then
ItemIndex = 1
ItemIndex = 0
End If
End If
End If
If Controls . Right ( True , True , True , True , True , True ) Then
If ItemIndex + 2 + ( PageIndex * 10 ) < _items . Length Then
ItemIndex += 2
If ItemIndex > 9 Then
ItemIndex -= 10
PageIndex += 1
_itemIntro = 0F
ResetAnimation ( )
End If
End If
End If
2017-08-22 08:44:56 +02:00
If Controls . Up ( True , True , False , True , True , True ) Then
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
ItemIndex -= 1
If ItemIndex < 0 And PageIndex > 0 Then
ItemIndex += 10
PageIndex -= 1
_itemIntro = 0F
ResetAnimation ( )
ElseIf ItemIndex < 0 And PageIndex = 0 Then
ItemIndex = 0
End If
End If
2017-08-22 08:44:56 +02:00
If Controls . Down ( True , True , False , True , True , True ) Then
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
If ItemIndex + 1 + ( PageIndex * 10 ) < _items . Length Then
ItemIndex += 1
If ItemIndex > 9 Then
ItemIndex -= 10
PageIndex += 1
_itemIntro = 0F
ResetAnimation ( )
End If
End If
End If
If Controls . Accept ( ) AndAlso _items . Length > 0 Then
_infoItemOptionSelection = 0
_isInfoShowing = True
SetInfoSettings ( )
SetItemOptions ( )
End If
If Controls . Dismiss ( ) Then
_tabInControl = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateInfo ( )
For i = 0 To _infoItemOptionSize . Length - 1
If i = _infoItemOptionSelection Then
If _infoItemOptionSize ( i ) < 200 Then
_infoItemOptionSize ( i ) += 20
If _infoItemOptionSize ( i ) >= 200 Then
_infoItemOptionSize ( i ) = 200
End If
End If
If _infoItemOptionSize ( i ) > 0 Then
_infoItemOptionSize ( i ) -= 20
If _infoItemOptionSize ( i ) <= 0 Then
_infoItemOptionSize ( i ) = 0
End If
End If
End If
If Controls . Up ( True ) Then
_infoItemOptionSelection -= 1
If _infoItemOptionSelection < 0 Then
_infoItemOptionSelection = _infoItemOptions . Count - 1
End If
End If
If Controls . Down ( True ) Then
_infoItemOptionSelection += 1
If _infoItemOptionSelection > _infoItemOptions . Count - 1 Then
_infoItemOptionSelection = 0
End If
End If
If Controls . Accept ( ) Then
SelectedItemOption ( )
End If
If Controls . Dismiss ( ) Then
CloseInfoScreen ( )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CloseInfoScreen ( )
_infoSizeTarget = 0
_infoPositionTarget = GetInfoTargetPositionRollback ( )
_itemColumnRightOffsetTarget = 0
_itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget = 0
_isInfoShowing = False
End Sub
2018-10-27 23:43:52 +02:00
Private Sub SaveBagIndex ( )
Player . Temp . BagIndex = _tabIndex
Player . Temp . BagPageIndex = _pageIndex
Player . Temp . BagItemIndex = _itemindex
End Sub
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
Private Sub SelectedItemOption ( )
If _infoItemOptionsNormal . Count > 0 Then
Dim cItem As Item = Item . GetItemByID ( _items ( ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10 ) . ItemID )
Select Case _infoItemOptionsNormal ( _infoItemOptionSelection )
cItem . Use ( )
Dim selScreen = New PartyScreen ( Core . CurrentScreen ) With { . Mode = ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode . Selection , . CanExit = True }
AddHandler selScreen . SelectedObject , AddressOf GiveItemHandler
Core . SetScreen ( selScreen )
2017-08-27 08:18:29 +02:00
TossItem ( cItem )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
FireSelectionEvent ( cItem . ID )
CloseInfoScreen ( )
_closing = True
End Select
2018-10-27 23:43:52 +02:00
SaveBagIndex ( )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End If
End Sub
2017-08-27 08:18:29 +02:00
Private Sub TossItem ( ByVal cItem As Item )
Dim text As String = " Are you sure you want to toss~this item?%Yes|No% "
TextBox . Show ( text , AddressOf Me . TossManyItems , False , False , TextBox . DefaultColor )
End Sub
Private Sub TossManyItems ( ByVal result As Integer )
If result = 0 Then
TextBox . Show ( " Select the amount to toss. " , { } )
_tossingItems = True
End If
End Sub
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' A handler method to convert the incoming object array.
''' </summary>
Private Sub GiveItemHandler ( ByVal params As Object ( ) )
GiveItem ( CInt ( params ( 0 ) ) )
End Sub
Private Sub GiveItem ( ByVal PokeIndex As Integer )
Dim cItem As Item = Item . GetItemByID ( _items ( ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10 ) . ItemID )
Dim Pokemon As Pokemon = Core . Player . Pokemons ( PokeIndex )
If Pokemon . IsEgg ( ) = False Then
Core . Player . Inventory . RemoveItem ( cItem . ID , 1 )
Dim reItem As Item = Nothing
If Not Pokemon . Item Is Nothing Then
reItem = Pokemon . Item
Core . Player . Inventory . AddItem ( reItem . ID , 1 )
End If
Pokemon . Item = Item . GetItemByID ( cItem . ID )
If reItem Is Nothing Then
'JSON Stuff
'ShowMessage(_translation.MESSAGE_GIVE_ITEM(Pokemon.GetDisplayName(), cItem.Name))
ShowMessage ( " Gave " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " a " & cItem . Name & " . " )
'JSON Stuff
'ShowMessage(_translation.MESSAGE_SWITCH_ITEM(Pokemon.GetDisplayName(), reItem.Name, cItem.Name))
ShowMessage ( " Switched " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & reItem . Name & " with a " & cItem . Name & " . " )
End If
LoadItems ( )
2017-08-22 08:44:56 +02:00
If ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10 > _items . Count - 1 Then
ItemIndex = 0
PageIndex = 0
CloseInfoScreen ( )
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
'JSON Stuff
ShowMessage ( " Eggs cannot hold items. " )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowMessage ( ByVal text As String )
_messageDelay = CSng ( text . Length / 1 . 75 )
_messageText = text
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Resets the item animation.
''' </summary>
Private Sub ResetAnimation ( )
_itemAnimation = New ItemAnimation ( )
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Updates the item shake animation.
''' </summary>
Private Sub UpdateShakeAnimation ( )
If _itemAnimation . _shakeLeft = True Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
_itemAnimation . _shakeV -= 0 . 0275F
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
If _itemAnimation . _shakeV <= - 0 . 4F Then
_itemAnimation . _shakeCount -= 1
_itemAnimation . _shakeLeft = False
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
_itemAnimation . _shakeV += 0 . 0275F
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
If _itemAnimation . _shakeV >= 0 . 4F Then
_itemAnimation . _shakeCount -= 1
_itemAnimation . _shakeLeft = True
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Reloads the temporary item list.
''' </summary>
2019-01-30 04:49:09 +01:00
Public Sub LoadItems ( )
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
_items = Core . Player . Inventory . Where ( Function ( x ) Item . GetItemByID ( x . ItemID ) . ItemType = _visibleItemTypes ( _tabIndex ) ) . ToArray ( )
2017-08-22 08:44:56 +02:00
If _tabIndex = 4 Then 'TM/HM
_items = ( From i In _items Order By Item . GetItemByID ( i . ItemID ) . SortValue Ascending ) . ToArray ( )
_items = ( From i In _items Order By Item . GetItemByID ( i . ItemID ) . Name Ascending ) . ToArray ( )
End If
2018-10-17 10:30:27 +02:00
If _items . Count <= ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10 Then
ItemIndex -= 1
If ItemIndex = - 1 Then
If PageIndex > 0 Then
PageIndex -= 1
ItemIndex = 9
ItemIndex = 0
PageIndex = 0
_tabInControl = True
End If
End If
CloseInfoScreen ( )
End If
2017-08-11 07:02:26 +02:00
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Sets the info interface state settings based on the selected item column.
''' </summary>
Private Sub SetInfoSettings ( )
Dim column As Integer = CInt ( Math . Floor ( ItemIndex / 2 ) )
_infoSize = 0
_infoSizeTarget = 500 'Size is always 500.
_itemColumnLeftOffset = 0
_itemColumnRightOffset = 0
Select Case column
Case 0
_infoSide = 0
_infoPosition = column * 160 + 32 + 48
_infoPositionTarget = _infoPosition
_itemColumnLeft = 0
_itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget = 0
_itemColumnRightOffsetTarget = 500
Case 1
_infoSide = 0
_infoPosition = column * 160 + 32 + 48
_infoPositionTarget = _infoPosition - 160
_itemColumnLeft = 1
_itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget = - 160
_itemColumnRightOffsetTarget = 340
Case 2
_infoSide = 0
_infoPosition = column * 160 + 32 + 48
_infoPositionTarget = _infoPosition - 320
_itemColumnLeft = 2
_itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget = - 320
_itemColumnRightOffsetTarget = 180
Case 3
_infoSide = 1
_infoPosition = column * 160 - 80
_infoPositionTarget = _infoPosition - 320
_itemColumnLeft = 2
_itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget = - 320
_itemColumnRightOffsetTarget = 180
Case 4
_infoSide = 1
_infoPosition = column * 160 - 80
_infoPositionTarget = _infoPosition - 500
_itemColumnLeft = 3
_itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget = - 500
_itemColumnRightOffsetTarget = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub SetItemOptions ( )
_infoItemOptions . Clear ( )
_infoItemOptionsNormal . Clear ( )
Dim cItem As Item = Item . GetItemByID ( _items ( ItemIndex + PageIndex * 10 ) . ItemID )
If _mode = ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode . Default Then
If cItem . CanBeUsed Then
'JSON Stuff
_infoItemOptions . Add ( " Use " )
_infoItemOptionsNormal . Add ( INFO_ITEM_OPTION_USE )
End If
If cItem . CanBeHold Then
'JSON Stuff
' _infoItemOptions.Add(_translation.INFO_ITEM_OPTION_GIVE)
_infoItemOptions . Add ( " Give " )
_infoItemOptionsNormal . Add ( INFO_ITEM_OPTION_GIVE )
End If
If cItem . CanBeTossed Then
'JSON Stuff
_infoItemOptions . Add ( " Toss " )
_infoItemOptionsNormal . Add ( INFO_ITEM_OPTION_TOSS )
End If
ElseIf _mode = ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode . Selection Then
'JSON Stuff
_infoItemOptions . Add ( " Select " )
_infoItemOptionsNormal . Add ( INFO_ITEM_OPTION_SELECT )
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Gets the target position of the info box for the rollback animation.
''' </summary>
Private Function GetInfoTargetPositionRollback ( ) As Integer
Dim column As Integer = CInt ( Math . Floor ( ItemIndex / 2 ) )
Select Case column
Case 0
Return column * 160 + 32 + 48
Case 1
Return column * 160 + 32 + 48
Case 2
Return column * 160 + 32 + 48
Case 3
Return column * 160 - 80
Case 4
Return column * 160 - 80
End Select
Return 0
End Function
Private Sub UpdateInfoAnimation ( )
'Make the size grow if needed:
Dim tempInfoSize As Integer = _infoSize
_infoSize = CInt ( MathHelper . Lerp ( _infoSize , _infoSizeTarget , 0 . 1F ) )
If tempInfoSize = _infoSize Then
_infoSize = _infoSizeTarget
End If
'Move the info position to its target:
Dim tempInfoPosition As Integer = _infoPosition
_infoPosition = CInt ( MathHelper . Lerp ( _infoPosition , _infoPositionTarget , 0 . 1F ) )
If tempInfoPosition = _infoPosition Then
_infoPosition = _infoPositionTarget
End If
'Move item offsets:
Dim tempItemColumnLeftOffset As Integer = _itemColumnLeftOffset
_itemColumnLeftOffset = CInt ( MathHelper . Lerp ( _itemColumnLeftOffset , _itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget , 0 . 1F ) )
If tempItemColumnLeftOffset = _itemColumnLeftOffset Then
_itemColumnLeftOffset = _itemColumnLeftOffsetTarget
End If
Dim tempItemColumnRightOffset As Integer = _itemColumnRightOffset
_itemColumnRightOffset = CInt ( MathHelper . Lerp ( _itemColumnRightOffset , _itemColumnRightOffsetTarget , 0 . 1F ) )
If tempItemColumnRightOffset = _itemColumnRightOffset Then
_itemColumnRightOffset = _itemColumnRightOffsetTarget
End If
End Sub
Private _mode As ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode = ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode . Default
Private _canExit As Boolean = True
Private _visibleItemTypes As Items . ItemTypes ( )
Public Event SelectedObject ( params ( ) As Object ) Implements ISelectionScreen . SelectedObject
Private Sub FireSelectionEvent ( ByVal itemId As Integer )
RaiseEvent SelectedObject ( New Object ( ) { itemId } )
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' The current mode of this screen.
''' </summary>
Public Property Mode As ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode Implements ISelectionScreen . Mode
Return _mode
End Get
Set ( value As ISelectionScreen . ScreenMode )
_mode = value
End Set
End Property
''' <summary>
''' If the user can quit the screen in selection mode without choosing an item.
''' </summary>
Public Property CanExit As Boolean Implements ISelectionScreen . CanExit
Return _canExit
End Get
Set ( value As Boolean )
_canExit = value
End Set
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Sets the visible item type tabs.
''' </summary>
Public WriteOnly Property VisibleItemTypes As Items . ItemTypes ( )
Set ( value As Items . ItemTypes ( ) )
_visibleItemTypes = value
End Set
End Property
End Class