2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
Namespace Screens . MainMenu
''' <summary>
''' The screen that is used to act out a New Game sequence.
''' </summary>
Public Class NewNewGameScreen
Inherits OverworldScreen
Private Shared _fadeValue As Integer = 255 'Fade progress value for the black screen fade.
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen )
Identification = Identifications . NewGameScreen
CanChat = False
MouseVisible = False
IsOverlay = True
PreScreen = currentScreen
CanBePaused = False
UpdateFadeOut = True
'Set up 3D environment variables (Effect, Camera, SkyDome and Level):
Effect = New BasicEffect ( GraphicsDevice )
Effect . FogEnabled = True
'Reset Construct:
ScriptStorage . Clear ( )
Me . ActionScript . Scripts . Clear ( )
Camera = New NewGameCamera ( )
SkyDome = New SkyDome ( )
Level = New Level ( )
Level . Load ( GameModeManager . ActiveGameMode . StartMap )
Core . Player . Unload ( )
2018-02-24 01:20:42 +01:00
MusicManager . PlayNoMusic ( )
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
'Initialize the World information with the loaded level.
Level . World . Initialize ( Level . EnvironmentType , Level . WeatherType )
Me . ActionScript . StartScript ( " newgame\intro " , 0 )
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update ( )
Lighting . UpdateLighting ( Effect ) 'Update the lighting on the basic effect.
'Update the Dialogues:
ChooseBox . Update ( )
If ChooseBox . Showing = False Then
TextBox . Update ( )
End If
If PokemonImageView . Showing = True Then
PokemonImageView . Update ( )
End If
'If no dialogue is showing, do level update tasks:
If TextBox . Showing = False And ChooseBox . Showing = False And PokemonImageView . Showing = False Then
If Me . ActionScript . IsReady Then
Camera . Update ( )
Level . Update ( )
End If
If ActionScript . Scripts . Count = 0 Then
If CurrentScreen . Identification = Screen . Identifications . NewGameScreen Then
2017-10-17 08:15:45 +02:00
Core . SetScreen ( New TransitionScreen ( CurrentScreen , New OverworldScreen ( ) , Color . Black , False , AddressOf RemoveFade ) )
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
2017-10-17 08:15:45 +02:00
'Dim fadeSpeed As Integer = 12
'If OverworldScreen.FadeValue > 0 Then
' OverworldScreen.FadeValue -= fadeSpeed
' If OverworldScreen.FadeValue <= 0 Then
' OverworldScreen.FadeValue = 0
' End If
'End If
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
End If
Me . ActionScript . Update ( ) 'Update construct scripts.
End If
Camera . Update ( )
Level . Update ( )
End If
SkyDome . Update ( )
'Update the World with new environment variables.
Level . World . Initialize ( Level . EnvironmentType , Level . WeatherType )
End Sub
2017-10-17 08:15:45 +02:00
Public Sub RemoveFade ( )
FadeValue = 0
End Sub
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
Public Overrides Sub Draw ( )
SkyDome . Draw ( Camera . FOV )
Level . Draw ( )
PokemonImageView . Draw ( )
TextBox . Draw ( )
'Only draw the ChooseBox when it's the current screen, cause the same ChooseBox might get used on other screens.
If IsCurrentScreen ( ) = True Then
ChooseBox . Draw ( )
End If
If FadeValue > 0 Then
2019-10-11 20:39:42 +02:00
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( windowSize , New Color ( FadeColor . R , FadeColor . G , FadeColor . B , FadeValue ) )
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub EndNewGame ( ByVal map As String , ByVal x As Single , ByVal y As Single , ByVal z As Single , ByVal rot As Integer )
Dim folderPath As String = Core . Player . Name
Dim folderPrefix As Integer = 0
If folderPath . ToLower ( ) = " autosave " Then
folderPath = " autosave0 "
End If
Dim savePath As String = GameController . GamePath & " \Save\ "
While IO . Directory . Exists ( savePath & folderPath ) = True
If folderPath <> Core . Player . Name Then
folderPath = folderPath . Remove ( folderPath . Length - folderPrefix . ToString ( ) . Length , folderPrefix . ToString ( ) . Length )
End If
folderPath &= folderPrefix
folderPrefix += 1
End While
If IO . Directory . Exists ( GameController . GamePath & " \Save " ) = False Then
IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( GameController . GamePath & " \Save " )
End If
2017-10-17 08:15:45 +02:00
'IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(savePath & folderPath)
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
Core . Player . filePrefix = folderPath
Core . Player . GameStart = Date . Now
Core . Player . startFOV = 60
Core . Player . startFreeCameraMode = True
Core . Player . startPosition = New Vector3 ( x , y , z )
Core . Player . startMap = map
Core . Player . startRotationSpeed = 12
Core . Player . startSurfing = False
Core . Player . startThirdPerson = False
Core . Player . startRiding = False
Core . Player . startRotation = CSng ( MathHelper . Pi * ( rot / 2 ) )
2019-01-22 05:38:32 +01:00
Core . Player . BerryData = CreateBerryData ( )
Core . Player . AddVisitedMap ( " yourroom.dat " )
Core . Player . SaveCreated = GameController . GAMEDEVELOPMENTSTAGE & " " & GameController . GAMEVERSION
Core . Player . RivalName = " ??? "
Dim ot As String = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 999999 ) . ToString ( )
While ot . Length < 6
ot = " 0 " & ot
End While
Core . Player . OT = ot
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
End Sub
2019-01-22 05:38:32 +01:00
Private Shared Function CreateBerryData ( ) As String
Dim s As String = " {route29.dat|13,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route29.dat|14,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route29.dat|15,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {azalea.dat|9,0,3|0|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {azalea.dat|9,0,4|1|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {azalea.dat|9,0,5|0|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route30.dat|7,0,41|10|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route30.dat|14,0,5|2|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route30.dat|15,0,5|6|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route30.dat|16,0,5|2|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {routes\route35.dat|0,0,4|7|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {routes\route35.dat|1,0,4|8|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route36.dat|37,0,7|0|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route36.dat|38,0,7|4|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route36.dat|39,0,7|3|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route39.dat|8,0,2|9|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route39.dat|8,0,3|6|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route38.dat|13,0,12|16|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route38.dat|14,0,12|23|1|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {route38.dat|15,0,12|16|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {routes\route43.dat|13,0,45|23|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {routes\route43.dat|13,0,46|24|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {routes\route43.dat|13,0,47|25|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {safarizone\main.dat|3,0,11|5|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {safarizone\main.dat|4,0,11|0|2|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} " & Environment . NewLine &
" {safarizone\main.dat|5,0,11|6|3|0|2012,9,21,4,0,0|1} "
Return s
End Function
2017-08-14 06:14:45 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' A screen used to select from a range of skins.
''' </summary>
Public Class CharacterSelectionScreen
Inherits Screen
Private _skins As String ( )
Private _sprites As New List ( Of Texture2D )
Private _offset As Single = 0F
Private _index As Integer = 0
Private _fadeIn As Single = 0F
Private Shared _selectedSkin As String = " "
Public Shared Property SelectedSkin ( ) As String
Return _selectedSkin
End Get
Set ( value As String )
_selectedSkin = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal skins As String ( ) )
Identification = Identifications . CharacterSelectionScreen
PreScreen = currentScreen
CanBePaused = True
CanChat = False
CanDrawDebug = True
CanGoFullscreen = True
CanTakeScreenshot = True
MouseVisible = True
For Each skin As String In skins
_sprites . Add ( TextureManager . GetTexture ( " Textures\NPC\ " & skin ) )
_skins = skins
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update ( )
If _fadeIn < 1 . 0F Then
_fadeIn = MathHelper . Lerp ( 1 . 0F , _fadeIn , 0 . 95F )
If _fadeIn + 0 . 01F >= 1 . 0F Then
_fadeIn = 1 . 0F
End If
If Controls . Left ( True ) And _index > 0 Then
_index -= 1
_offset -= 280
End If
If Controls . Right ( True ) And _index < _skins . Count - 1 Then
_index += 1
_offset += 280
End If
If _offset > 0F Then
_offset = MathHelper . Lerp ( 0F , _offset , 0 . 9F )
If _offset - 0 . 01F <= 0F Then
_offset = 0F
End If
ElseIf _offset < 0F Then
_offset = MathHelper . Lerp ( 0F , _offset , 0 . 9F )
If _offset + 0 . 01F >= 0F Then
_offset = 0F
End If
End If
If Controls . Accept ( False , True , True ) Then
_selectedSkin = _skins ( _index )
SetScreen ( PreScreen )
End If
If Controls . Accept ( True , False , False ) Then
For i = 0 To _skins . Count - 1
If New Rectangle ( CInt ( windowSize . Width / 2 - 128 + i * 280 - _index * 280 + _offset ) , CInt ( windowSize . Height / 2 - 128 ) , 256 , 256 ) . Contains ( MouseHandler . MousePosition ) Then
If i = _index Then
_selectedSkin = _skins ( _index )
SetScreen ( PreScreen )
_offset += ( i - _index ) * 280
_index = i
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw ( )
PreScreen . Draw ( )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( windowSize , Screens . UI . ColorProvider . MainColor ( False , CInt ( 100 * _fadeIn ) ) )
DrawGradients ( 255 )
SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , " Select your appearance " , New Vector2 ( windowSize . Width / 2 . 0F - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( " Select your appearance " ) . X , 100 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , CInt ( 255 * _fadeIn ) ) , 0F , Vector2 . Zero , 2 . 0F , SpriteEffects . None , 0F )
For i = 0 To _sprites . Count - 1
Dim sprite As Texture2D = _sprites ( i )
Dim frameSize As New Size ( CInt ( sprite . Width / 3 ) , CInt ( sprite . Height / 4 ) )
Dim outSize As Integer = 256 - Math . Abs ( _index - i ) * 30
SpriteBatch . Draw ( sprite , New Rectangle ( CInt ( windowSize . Width / 2 - CInt ( outSize / 2 ) + i * 280 - _index * 280 + _offset ) , CInt ( windowSize . Height / 2 - 128 ) , outSize , outSize ) , New Rectangle ( 0 , frameSize . Height * 2 , frameSize . Width , frameSize . Height ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , CInt ( 255 * _fadeIn ) ) )
SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , _skins ( _index ) , New Vector2 ( windowSize . Width / 2 . 0F - FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( _skins ( _index ) ) . X / 2 . 0F , windowSize . Height / 2 . 0F + 200 ) , New Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , CInt ( 255 * _fadeIn ) ) )
End Sub
End Class
End Class
End Namespace