Fix Pokémon Learn Move Bugs

This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2024-02-14 12:08:59 +01:00
parent ac07ee10ea
commit 0a218527b3
10 changed files with 186 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -8302,12 +8302,13 @@
For i = 0 To expPokemon.Count - 1
Dim PokeIndex As Integer = expPokemon(i)
Dim AttackLearnList As New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
Dim LevelUpAmount As Integer = 0
Dim originalLevel As Integer = Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level
If Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level < CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("MaxLevel", "100")) Then
Dim EXP As Integer = BattleCalculation.GainExp(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex), BattleScreen, expPokemon)
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).GetDisplayName() & " gained " & EXP & " experience points."))
Dim originalLevel As Integer = Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level
Dim moveLevel As Integer = originalLevel
For e = 1 To EXP
@ -8327,11 +8328,30 @@
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\exp_max", False))
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).GetDisplayName() & " reached level " & moveLevel & "!"))
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New DisplayLevelUpQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex), oldStats))
If Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns.ContainsKey(moveLevel) = True AndAlso Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).KnowsMove(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level)) = False Then
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New LearnMovesQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex), Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns(moveLevel), BattleScreen))
End If
End If
LevelUpAmount = moveLevel - originalLevel
End If
If LevelUpAmount > 0 Then
For l = 1 To LevelUpAmount
If Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns.ContainsKey(originalLevel + l) Then
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns(originalLevel + l)
For a = 0 To aList.Count - 1
If AttackLearnList.Contains(aList(a)) = False AndAlso Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).KnowsMove(aList(a)) = False Then
End If
End If
End If
If AttackLearnList.Count > 0 Then
For a = 0 To AttackLearnList.Count - 1
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New LearnMovesQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex), AttackLearnList(a), BattleScreen))
End If

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@ -547,10 +547,12 @@ Public Class GameModeItem
Return ""
End If
For Each learnAttack As BattleSystem.Attack In p.AttackLearns.Values
If learnAttack.ID = gmTeachMove.ID Then
Return ""
End If
For Each aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) In p.AttackLearns.Values
For Each learnAttack As BattleSystem.Attack In aList
If learnAttack.ID = gmTeachMove.ID Then
Return ""
End If
If gmCanTeachAlways = True Then

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@ -42,24 +42,28 @@ Namespace Items.Medicine
Dim removedItem As Boolean = False
If Pokemon.AttackLearns.ContainsKey(Pokemon.Level) = True Then
If Pokemon.KnowsMove(Pokemon.AttackLearns(Pokemon.Level)) = False Then
If Pokemon.Attacks.Count = 4 Then
s &= "@pokemon.learnattack(" & PokeIndex & "," & Pokemon.AttackLearns(Pokemon.Level).ID & ")" & Environment.NewLine
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = Pokemon.AttackLearns(Pokemon.Level)
For a = 0 To aList.Count - 1
If Pokemon.KnowsMove(aList(a)) = False Then
If Pokemon.Attacks.Count = 4 Then
s &= "@pokemon.learnattack(" & PokeIndex & "," & aList(a).ID & ")" & Environment.NewLine
Dim t As String = Me.RemoveItem()
If t <> "" Then
s &= "" & t & ")" & Environment.NewLine
Dim t As String = Me.RemoveItem()
If t <> "" Then
s &= "" & t & ")" & Environment.NewLine
End If
removedItem = True
s &= ",1)" & Environment.NewLine &
"" & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " learned~" & aList(a).Name & "!" & Me.RemoveItem() & ")" & Environment.NewLine
removedItem = True
PlayerStatistics.Track("Moves learned", 1)
End If
removedItem = True
s &= ",1)" & Environment.NewLine &
"" & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " learned~" & Pokemon.AttackLearns(Pokemon.Level).Name & "!" & Me.RemoveItem() & ")" & Environment.NewLine
removedItem = True
PlayerStatistics.Track("Moves learned", 1)
End If
End If
End If
If Pokemon.CanEvolve(EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp, "") = True Then

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@ -143,10 +143,12 @@
Return ""
End If
For Each learnAttack As BattleSystem.Attack In p.AttackLearns.Values
If learnAttack.ID = Attack.ID Then
Return ""
End If
For Each aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) In p.AttackLearns.Values
For Each learnAttack As BattleSystem.Attack In aList
If learnAttack.ID = Attack.ID Then
Return ""
End If
If CanTeachAlways = True Then

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@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ Public Class Pokemon
Private _type1 As Element
Private _type2 As Element
Public StartItems As New Dictionary(Of Item, Integer)
Public AttackLearns As New Dictionary(Of Integer, BattleSystem.Attack)
Public AttackLearns As New Dictionary(Of Integer, List(Of BattleSystem.Attack))
Public EggMoves As New List(Of Integer)
Public TutorAttacks As New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
Public EvolutionConditions As New List(Of EvolutionCondition)
@ -1385,6 +1385,7 @@ Public Class Pokemon
''' Loads definition data from the data files and empties the temp textures.
''' </summary>
Public Sub ReloadDefinitions()
Me.LoadDefinitions(Me.Number, Me.AdditionalData)
End Sub
@ -1562,12 +1563,11 @@ Public Class Pokemon
Dim MoveID As Integer = CInt(Value.GetSplit(1))
If AttackLearns.ContainsKey(Level) = True Then
While AttackLearns.ContainsKey(Level)
Level += 1
End While
AttackLearns.Add(Level, New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack))
End If
Me.AttackLearns.Add(Level, BattleSystem.Attack.GetAttackByID(MoveID))
Case "evolutioncondition"
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ Public Class Pokemon
Me.EggPokemon = Me.Number.ToString
End If
Dim pAttacks As New SortedDictionary(Of Integer, BattleSystem.Attack)
Dim pAttacks As New SortedDictionary(Of Integer, List(Of BattleSystem.Attack))
For i = 0 To AttackLearns.Count - 1
pAttacks.Add(AttackLearns.Keys(i), AttackLearns.Values(i))
@ -2138,26 +2138,29 @@ Public Class Pokemon
Dim canLearnMoves As New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
For i = 0 To Me.AttackLearns.Count - 1
If Me.AttackLearns.Keys(i) <= Me.Level Then
For Each levelAttack As BattleSystem.Attack In Me.AttackLearns(Me.AttackLearns.Keys(i))
Dim hasMove As Boolean = False
Dim hasMove As Boolean = False
For Each m As BattleSystem.Attack In Me.Attacks
If m.ID = Me.AttackLearns.Values(i).ID Then
hasMove = True
Exit For
End If
If hasMove = False Then
For Each m As BattleSystem.Attack In canLearnMoves
If m.ID = Me.AttackLearns.Values(i).ID Then
For Each m As BattleSystem.Attack In Me.Attacks
If m.ID = levelAttack.ID Then
hasMove = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If hasMove = False Then
For Each m As BattleSystem.Attack In canLearnMoves
If m.ID = levelAttack.ID Then
hasMove = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If hasMove = False Then
End If
If hasMove = False Then
End If
End If
@ -2452,7 +2455,13 @@ Public Class Pokemon
''' <param name="learnLevel">The level the Pokémon learns the desired move on.</param>
Public Sub LearnAttack(ByVal learnLevel As Integer)
If AttackLearns.ContainsKey(learnLevel) = True Then
Dim a As BattleSystem.Attack = AttackLearns(learnLevel)
Dim a As BattleSystem.Attack
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = AttackLearns(learnLevel)
If aList.Count > 1 Then
a = aList(Random.Next(0, aList.Count - 1))
a = aList(0)
End If
For Each la As BattleSystem.Attack In Attacks
If la.ID = a.ID Then

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@ -111,14 +111,18 @@
Case 1
cParent = parent2
End Select
For Each THMMove As BattleSystem.Attack In p.AttackLearns.Values
For Each m1 As BattleSystem.Attack In cParent.Attacks
If m1.ID = THMMove.ID Then
Dim newAttack As BattleSystem.Attack = BattleSystem.Attack.GetAttackByID(m1.ID)
End If
For Each aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) In p.AttackLearns.Values
For Each THMMove As BattleSystem.Attack In aList
For Each m1 As BattleSystem.Attack In cParent.Attacks
If m1.ID = THMMove.ID Then
Dim newAttack As BattleSystem.Attack = BattleSystem.Attack.GetAttackByID(m1.ID)
End If
End If
' Egg Moves:

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@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
Dim evolutionStarted As Boolean = False
Dim evolved As Boolean = False
Dim brokeEvolution As Boolean = False
Dim learnAttack As Boolean = False
Dim AttackLearnList As New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
Dim EvolutionArg As String = ""
Dim EvolutionTrigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger
@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
Sparks.Add(New Spark())
If evolutionReady = False And TextBox.Showing = False Then
MusicManager.Play("evolution", True)
@ -260,16 +261,19 @@
evolutionReady = True
Dim t As String = "Congratulations!*Your " & currentPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "~evolved into " & evolvedPokemon.GetName() & "!"
If evolvedPokemon.AttackLearns.ContainsKey(evolvedPokemon.Level) = True Then
If evolvedPokemon.KnowsMove(evolvedPokemon.AttackLearns(evolvedPokemon.Level)) = False Then
If evolvedPokemon.Attacks.Count = 4 Then
Me.learnAttack = True
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = evolvedPokemon.AttackLearns(evolvedPokemon.Level)
For a = 0 To aList.Count - 1
If evolvedPokemon.KnowsMove(aList(a)) = False Then
If evolvedPokemon.Attacks.Count = 4 Then
t &= "*" & evolvedPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " learned~" & evolvedPokemon.AttackLearns(evolvedPokemon.Level).Name & "!"
PlayerStatistics.Track("Moves learned", 1)
t &= "*" & evolvedPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " learned~" & aList(a).Name & "!"
PlayerStatistics.Track("Moves learned", 1)
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Me.EvolutionTrigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.Trading Then
@ -298,9 +302,9 @@
End If
If TextBox.Showing = False Then
If learnAttack = True Then
learnAttack = False
Core.SetScreen(New LearnAttackScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, evolvedPokemon, evolvedPokemon.AttackLearns(evolvedPokemon.Level)))
If AttackLearnList.Count > 0 Then
Core.SetScreen(New LearnAttackScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, evolvedPokemon, AttackLearnList))
End If
@ -346,10 +350,15 @@
Dim HPpercentage As Integer = CInt((currentPokemon.HP / currentPokemon.MaxHP) * 100)
Dim ID As String = currentPokemon.GetEvolutionID(Me.EvolutionTrigger, Me.EvolutionArg)
If ID.Contains(CChar("_")) Then
evolvedPokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(CInt(ID.Split(CChar("_"))(0)), ID.Split(CChar("_"))(1))
evolvedPokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(CInt(ID.Split(CChar("_"))(0)), ID.Split(CChar("_"))(1), True)
evolvedPokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(CInt(ID))
evolvedPokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(CInt(ID), "", True)
End If
If evolvedPokemon.AdditionalData = "" AndAlso currentPokemon.AdditionalData <> "" Then
evolvedPokemon.AdditionalData = currentPokemon.AdditionalData
End If
evolvedPokemon.Status = currentPokemon.Status
evolvedPokemon.EVHP = currentPokemon.EVHP

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Inherits Screen
Dim Pokemon As Pokemon
Dim newAttack As BattleSystem.Attack
Dim newAttacks As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
Dim mainTexture As Texture2D
Dim chosen As Boolean = False
@ -17,16 +17,22 @@
Dim currentCharIndex As Integer = 0
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal Pokemon As Pokemon, ByVal newAttacks As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack))
Me.New(currentScreen, Pokemon, newAttacks, "-1")
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal Pokemon As Pokemon, ByVal newAttack As BattleSystem.Attack)
Me.New(currentScreen, Pokemon, newAttack, "-1")
Me.New(currentScreen, Pokemon, New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) From {newAttack}, "-1")
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal Pokemon As Pokemon, ByVal newAttack As BattleSystem.Attack, ByVal MachineItemID As String)
Me.New(currentScreen, Pokemon, New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) From {newAttack}, MachineItemID)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal Pokemon As Pokemon, ByVal newAttacks As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack), ByVal MachineItemID As String)
Me.Identification = Identifications.LearnAttackScreen
Me.PreScreen = currentScreen
Me.Pokemon = Pokemon
Me.newAttack = newAttack
Me.newAttacks = newAttacks
Me.MachineItemID = MachineItemID
mainTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu")
@ -118,7 +124,7 @@
Dim A As BattleSystem.Attack
If AttackIndex = 4 Then
A = newAttack
A = newAttacks(0)
A = Pokemon.Attacks(AttackIndex)
End If
@ -146,7 +152,7 @@
For i = 0 To Me.Pokemon.Attacks.Count - 1
DrawAttack(i, Me.Pokemon.Attacks(i))
DrawAttack(4, newAttack)
DrawAttack(4, newAttacks(0))
End If
If chosen = True Then
@ -156,9 +162,9 @@
Dim drawText As String = ""
If AttackIndex = 4 Then
drawText = "Give up on learning """ & newAttack.Name & """?"
drawText = "Give up on learning """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """?"
drawText = "Forget """ & Pokemon.Attacks(AttackIndex).Name & """ to learn """ & newAttack.Name & """?"
drawText = "Forget """ & Pokemon.Attacks(AttackIndex).Name & """ to learn """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """?"
If canForget = False Then
drawText = "Cannot forget the move " & Pokemon.Attacks(AttackIndex).Name & " because" & Environment.NewLine & "it's a Hidden Machine move."
End If
@ -208,15 +214,15 @@
End If
If currentCharIndex > (Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " ").Length + 1 Then
If currentCharIndex < GetText().Length Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ("wants to learn """ & newAttack.Name & """. But " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " can only learn 4 attacks." & Environment.NewLine & "Do you want " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " to forget an attack to learn """ & newAttack.Name & """?").Remove(currentCharIndex - (Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " ").Length), New Vector2(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Pokemon.GetDisplayName()).X + 152, 20), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ("wants to learn """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """. But " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " can only learn 4 attacks." & Environment.NewLine & "Do you want " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " to forget an attack to learn """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """?").Remove(currentCharIndex - (Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " ").Length), New Vector2(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Pokemon.GetDisplayName()).X + 152, 20), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "wants to learn """ & newAttack.Name & """. But " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " can only learn 4 attacks." & Environment.NewLine & "Do you want " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " to forget an attack to learn """ & newAttack.Name & """?", New Vector2(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Pokemon.GetDisplayName()).X + 152, 20), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "wants to learn """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """. But " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " can only learn 4 attacks." & Environment.NewLine & "Do you want " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " to forget an attack to learn """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """?", New Vector2(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Pokemon.GetDisplayName()).X + 152, 20), Color.White)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetText() As String
Return Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " wants to learn """ & newAttack.Name & """. But " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " can only learn 4 attacks." & Environment.NewLine & "Do you want " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " to forget an attack to learn """ & newAttack.Name & """?"
Return Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " wants to learn """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """. But " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " can only learn 4 attacks." & Environment.NewLine & "Do you want " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " to forget an attack to learn """ & newAttacks(0).Name & """?"
End Function
Private Sub DrawAttack(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal A As BattleSystem.Attack)
@ -253,13 +259,13 @@
Private Sub ClickYes()
If canForget = True Then
Dim Text As String = Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " didn't~learn " & newAttack.Name & "!"
Dim Text As String = Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " didn't~learn " & newAttacks(0).Name & "!"
If AttackIndex <> 4 Then
TeachMovesScreen.LearnedMove = True
Text = "1... 2... 3... and...*Ta-da!*" & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " forgot~" & Pokemon.Attacks(AttackIndex).Name & " and..."
Pokemon.Attacks.Insert(AttackIndex, newAttack)
Pokemon.Attacks.Insert(AttackIndex, newAttacks(0))
If Me.MachineItemID <> "-1" Then
PlayerStatistics.Track("TMs/HMs used", 1)
@ -285,7 +291,12 @@
TextBox.Show(Text, {}, False, False)
Core.GameInstance.IsMouseVisible = False
If Me.newAttacks.Count > 1 Then
Core.SetScreen(New LearnAttackScreen(Me.PreScreen, Me.Pokemon, Me.newAttacks))
End If
End If
End Sub
@ -295,7 +306,7 @@
End Sub
Private Sub FollowUpText()
TextBox.Show("... " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " learned~" & newAttack.Name & "!")
TextBox.Show("... " & Pokemon.GetDisplayName() & " learned~" & newAttacks(0).Name & "!")
SoundManager.PlaySound("success_small", True)
End Sub

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@ -17,28 +17,31 @@
Me.Identification = Identifications.TeachMovesScreen
For i = 0 To Pokemon.AttackLearns.Count - 1
Dim tutorMove As BattleSystem.Attack = Pokemon.AttackLearns.Values(i)
Dim learnLevel As Integer = Pokemon.AttackLearns.Keys(i)
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = Pokemon.AttackLearns.Values(i)
For a = 0 To aList.Count - 1
Dim tutorMove As BattleSystem.Attack = aList(a)
Dim learnLevel As Integer = Pokemon.AttackLearns.Keys(i)
If learnLevel <= Pokemon.Level Then
Dim canLearnMove As Boolean = True
If learnLevel <= Pokemon.Level Then
Dim canLearnMove As Boolean = True
For Each learnedAttack As BattleSystem.Attack In Pokemon.Attacks
If learnedAttack.ID = tutorMove.ID Then
canLearnMove = False
For Each learnedAttack As BattleSystem.Attack In Pokemon.Attacks
If learnedAttack.ID = tutorMove.ID Then
canLearnMove = False
End If
For Each move As BattleSystem.Attack In MovesList
If move.ID = tutorMove.ID Then
canLearnMove = False
End If
If canLearnMove = True Then
End If
For Each move As BattleSystem.Attack In MovesList
If move.ID = tutorMove.ID Then
canLearnMove = False
End If
If canLearnMove = True Then
End If
End If
Me.MouseVisible = False
@ -64,10 +67,14 @@
End If
For i = 0 To Pokemon.AttackLearns.Count - 1
Dim learnAttack As BattleSystem.Attack = Pokemon.AttackLearns.Values(i)
If learnAttack.ID = a.ID Then
canLearnMove = True
End If
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = Pokemon.AttackLearns.Values(i)
For lA = 0 To aList.Count - 1
Dim learnAttack As BattleSystem.Attack = aList(lA)
If learnAttack.ID = a.ID Then
canLearnMove = True
End If
For Each eggMoveID As Integer In Pokemon.EggMoves
If eggMoveID = a.ID Then

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@ -742,11 +742,18 @@
End If
p.Level += amount
For i = 0 To amount - 1
If p.AttackLearns.ContainsKey(originalLevel + i) = True AndAlso p.KnowsMove(p.AttackLearns(originalLevel + i)) = False Then
AttackLearnList.Add(p.AttackLearns(originalLevel + i))
End If
If amount > 0 Then
For i = 1 To amount
If p.AttackLearns.ContainsKey(originalLevel + i) = True Then
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = p.AttackLearns(originalLevel + i)
For a = 0 To aList.Count - 1
If AttackLearnList.Contains(aList(a)) = False AndAlso p.KnowsMove(aList(a)) = False Then
End If
End If
End If
Dim s As String = "version=2" & Environment.NewLine
If amount > 0 Then