From 4c92f343d7ec1ed5aa5a716d70f19d98e376d211 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: JappaWakka <>
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2022 16:17:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Hopefully this'll fix some issues (description)
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Pokémon without a CatchMethod or CatchLocation get defaulted to "Somehow obtained at" and "an unknown place" respectively.
 P3D/Pokemon/Monster/Pokemon.vb         |  4 ++--
 P3D/Screens/Pokemon/EvolutionScreen.vb |  6 ++++++
 P3D/Screens/Pokemon/SummaryScreen.vb   | 10 +++++++++-
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Monster/Pokemon.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Monster/Pokemon.vb
index 12449c29f..30bae424f 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Monster/Pokemon.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Monster/Pokemon.vb
@@ -906,9 +906,9 @@ Public Class Pokemon
     Private _OT As String = "00000"
     Private _status As StatusProblems = StatusProblems.None
     Private _nature As Natures
-    Private _catchLocation As String = "at unknown place"
+    Private _catchLocation As String = "an unknown place"
     Private _catchTrainerName As String = "???"
-    Private _catchMethod As String = "somehow obtained"
+    Private _catchMethod As String = "Somehow obtained at"
     Private _friendship As Integer
     Private _isShiny As Boolean
     Private _individualValue As String = ""
diff --git a/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/EvolutionScreen.vb b/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/EvolutionScreen.vb
index 72b1f80e7..639340fe3 100644
--- a/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/EvolutionScreen.vb
+++ b/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/EvolutionScreen.vb
@@ -402,6 +402,12 @@
         evolvedPokemon.Item = currentPokemon.Item
         evolvedPokemon.CatchBall = currentPokemon.CatchBall
+        If currentPokemon.CatchMethod = "" Then
+            currentPokemon.CatchMethod = "Somehow obtained at"
+        End If
+        If currentPokemon.CatchLocation = "" Then
+            currentPokemon.CatchLocation = "an unknown place"
+        End If
         evolvedPokemon.CatchLocation = currentPokemon.CatchLocation
         evolvedPokemon.CatchMethod = currentPokemon.CatchMethod
         evolvedPokemon.CatchTrainerName = currentPokemon.CatchTrainerName
diff --git a/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/SummaryScreen.vb b/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/SummaryScreen.vb
index 81adb15ec..e23a3c692 100644
--- a/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/SummaryScreen.vb
+++ b/P3D/Screens/Pokemon/SummaryScreen.vb
@@ -400,7 +400,15 @@
             SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Catch Method", New Vector2(DeltaX + 360, DeltaY + 366 + 64), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(220 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
-            Dim text As String = .CatchMethod.Replace(.CatchMethod(0), Char.ToUpper(.CatchMethod(0))) & " " & .CatchLocation
+            If .CatchMethod = "" Then
+                .CatchMethod = "Somehow obtained at"
+            End If
+            If .CatchLocation = "" Then
+                .CatchLocation = "an unknown place"
+            End If
+            Dim text As String = .CatchMethod.Replace(.CatchMethod(0), Char.ToUpper(.CatchMethod(0))) & " " & .CatchLocation & "."
             SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, text.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1.0F, 300), New Vector2(DeltaX + 358, DeltaY + 336 + 128), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(220 * _fadeIn * _pageFade)))
             'EV/IV values