diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/2.5DHero.vbproj b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/2.5DHero.vbproj
index fafe410ee..f0110ccfc 100644
--- a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/2.5DHero.vbproj
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/2.5DHero.vbproj
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@
@@ -12678,6 +12680,24 @@
@@ -12690,6 +12710,12 @@
+ {ed665f9b-07f4-4415-bd72-a728cf1ea909}
+ Kolben
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Entites/Enviroment/SignBlock.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Entites/Enviroment/SignBlock.vb
index 1a93a3122..9e0143eef 100644
--- a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Entites/Enviroment/SignBlock.vb
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Entites/Enviroment/SignBlock.vb
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Public Class SignBlock
+Imports net.Pokemon3D.Game.Scripting.V3
+Public Class SignBlock
Inherits Entity
@@ -34,18 +36,30 @@
End Select
If canRead = True Then
- Dim oScreen As OverworldScreen = CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen)
- If oScreen.ActionScript.IsReady = True Then
+ 'Dim oScreen As OverworldScreen = CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen)
+ 'If oScreen.ActionScript.IsReady = True Then
+ ' SoundManager.PlaySound("select")
+ ' Select Case Me.ActionValue
+ ' Case 0, 3
+ ' oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 1)
+ ' Case 1
+ ' oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 0)
+ ' Case 2
+ ' oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue.Replace("
", Environment.NewLine), 2)
+ ' Case Else
+ ' oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 1)
+ ' End Select
+ 'End If
+ Dim sManager = ScriptManager.Instance
+ If Not sManager.IsActive Then
Select Case Me.ActionValue
- Case 0, 3
- oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 1)
Case 1
- oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 0)
+ sManager.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, ScriptInputType.File, ScriptStartFlag.None)
Case 2
- oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue.Replace("
", Environment.NewLine), 2)
- Case Else
- oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 1)
+ sManager.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue.Replace("
", Environment.NewLine), ScriptInputType.Raw, ScriptStartFlag.None)
+ Case Else ' 0 and 3
+ sManager.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, ScriptInputType.Text, ScriptStartFlag.None)
End Select
End If
End If
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Modules/Extensions.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Modules/Extensions.vb
index a00b87803..2fbd86e91 100644
--- a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Modules/Extensions.vb
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Modules/Extensions.vb
@@ -312,31 +312,7 @@ Module Extensions
Public Function SplitAtNewline(ByVal s As String) As String()
- If s.Contains("§") = False Then
- Return s.Replace(StringHelper.CrLf, "§").Replace(StringHelper.LineFeed, "§").Split(CChar("§"))
- Else
- Dim Data As New List(Of String)
- If s = "" Then
- Return (New List(Of String)).ToArray()
- End If
- Dim i As Integer = 0
- While s <> "" And i < s.Length
- If s.Substring(i).StartsWith(StringHelper.CrLf) = False Or s.Substring(i).StartsWith(StringHelper.LineFeed) = False Then
- i += 1
- Else
- Data.Add(s.Substring(0, i))
- i += 2
- s = s.Remove(0, i)
- i = 0
- End If
- End While
- Data.Add(s.Substring(0, i))
- Return Data.ToArray()
- End If
+ Return s.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None)
End Function
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Overworld/OverworldScreen.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Overworld/OverworldScreen.vb
index 7ea5482f3..a643e6261 100644
--- a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Overworld/OverworldScreen.vb
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/Overworld/OverworldScreen.vb
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ Public Class OverworldScreen
End If
ActionScript.Update() 'Update the action script.
+ Scripting.V3.ScriptManager.Instance.Update()
Else 'Dialogues are showing:
'Update some parts of the camera:
If Camera.Name = "Overworld" Then
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClass.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClass.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eba50b984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClass.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Imports Kolben.Types
+Namespace Scripting.V3.ApiClasses
+ Friend MustInherit Class ApiClass
+ Protected Shared Function EnsureTypeContract(parameters As SObject(), typeContract As Type(), ByRef netObjects As Object(), Optional optionalCount As Integer = 0) As Boolean
+ If parameters.Length + optionalCount >= typeContract.Length Then
+ netObjects = New Object(parameters.Length - 1) {}
+ Dim i = 0
+ While i < parameters.Length
+ netObjects(i) = ScriptOutAdapter.Translate(parameters(i))
+ If i < typeContract.Length AndAlso Not typeContract(i) = netObjects(i).GetType() Then
+ Return False
+ End If
+ i += 1
+ End While
+ Return True
+ Else
+ netObjects = Nothing
+ Return False
+ End If
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClassAttribute.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClassAttribute.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f12f95e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClassAttribute.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Namespace Scripting.V3.ApiClasses
+ Friend Class ApiClassAttribute
+ Inherits Attribute
+ Public Property ClassName As String
+ Public Sub New(className As String)
+ Me.ClassName = className
+ End Sub
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClassMethodAttribute.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClassMethodAttribute.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8998c6b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/ApiClassMethodAttribute.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Namespace Scripting.V3.ApiClasses
+ Friend Class ApiClassMethodAttribute
+ Inherits Attribute
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/Chat.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/Chat.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30f7ec5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/Chat.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Imports Kolben
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Imports Kolben.Types
+Namespace Scripting.V3.ApiClasses
+ Friend NotInheritable Class ChatWrapper
+ Public Shared Function clear(processor As ScriptProcessor, parameters As SObject()) As SObject
+ Chat.ClearChat()
+ Return ScriptInAdapter.GetUndefined(processor)
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/Text.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/Text.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..101ed0756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ApiClasses/Text.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Imports Kolben
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Imports Kolben.Types
+Namespace Scripting.V3.ApiClasses
+ Friend NotInheritable Class Text
+ Inherits ApiClass
+ Public Shared Function show(processor As ScriptProcessor, parameters As SObject()) As SObject
+ Dim netObjects As Object() = Nothing
+ If EnsureTypeContract(parameters, {GetType(String)}, netObjects) Then
+ Screen.TextBox.reDelay = 0.0F
+ Screen.TextBox.Show(CType(netObjects(0), String), {}, False, False)
+ ScriptManager.Instance.WaitFrames(1)
+ End If
+ Return ScriptInAdapter.GetUndefined(processor)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function setFont(processor As ScriptProcessor, parameters As SObject()) As SObject
+ Dim netObjects = New Object(0) {}
+ If EnsureTypeContract(parameters, {GetType(String)}, netObjects) Then
+ Dim fontName = CType(netObjects(0), String)
+ Dim f As FontContainer = FontManager.GetFontContainer(fontName)
+ If Not f Is Nothing Then
+ Screen.TextBox.TextFont = f
+ Else
+ Screen.TextBox.TextFont = FontManager.GetFontContainer("textfont")
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return ScriptInAdapter.Translate(processor, Screen.TextBox.TextFont.FontName)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function debug(processor As ScriptProcessor, parameters As SObject()) As SObject
+ Dim netObjects = New Object(0) {}
+ If EnsureTypeContract(parameters, {GetType(String)}, netObjects) Then
+ Dim text = CType(netObjects(0), String)
+ Logger.Debug("DEBUG: " & text)
+ End If
+ Return ScriptInAdapter.GetUndefined(processor)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function log(processor As ScriptProcessor, parameters As SObject()) As SObject
+ Dim netObjects = New Object(0) {}
+ If EnsureTypeContract(parameters, {GetType(String)}, netObjects) Then
+ Dim text = CType(netObjects(0), String)
+ Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Debug, text)
+ End If
+ Return ScriptInAdapter.GetUndefined(processor)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function setColor(processor As ScriptProcessor, parameters As SObject()) As SObject
+ Dim netObjects As Object() = Nothing
+ If EnsureTypeContract(parameters, {GetType(String)}, netObjects) Then
+ Dim colorType = CType(netObjects(0), String)
+ Select Case colorType.ToLowerInvariant()
+ Case "playercolor", "player"
+ Screen.TextBox.TextColor = TextBox.PlayerColor
+ Case "defaultcolor", "default"
+ Screen.TextBox.TextColor = TextBox.DefaultColor
+ Case Else 'Try to convert the input color name into a color: (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.knowncolor%28v=vs.110%29.aspx)
+ Screen.TextBox.TextColor = Drawing.Color.FromName(colorType).ToXNA()
+ End Select
+ ElseIf EnsureTypeContract(parameters, {GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer)}, netObjects, 1) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(netObjects)
+ Dim r = helper.Pop(Of Integer)
+ Dim g = helper.Pop(Of Integer)
+ Dim b = helper.Pop(Of Integer)
+ Dim a = helper.Pop(255)
+ Screen.TextBox.TextColor = New Color(r, g, b, a)
+ End If
+ Return ScriptInAdapter.GetUndefined(processor)
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ParamHelper.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ParamHelper.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..925ca1205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ParamHelper.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Namespace Scripting.V3
+ Friend NotInheritable Class ParamHelper
+ Private _parameters As Object()
+ Private _index As Integer
+ Public Sub New(parameters As Object())
+ _parameters = parameters
+ End Sub
+ '''
+ ''' Grabs the next item from the parameter stack and advances the stack.
+ '''
+ Public Function Pop(Of T)(Optional defaultValue As T = Nothing) As T
+ If HasEnded() Then Return defaultValue
+ Dim result As T
+ If _parameters(_index) IsNot Nothing Then
+ result = CType(_parameters(_index), T)
+ Else
+ result = defaultValue
+ End If
+ _index += 1
+ Return result
+ End Function
+ '''
+ ''' Skips a set amount of items on the stack.
+ '''
+ Public Sub Skip(Optional steps As Integer = 1)
+ _index += steps
+ End Sub
+ '''
+ ''' Checks if the helper has reached the end of the stack.
+ '''
+ Public Function HasEnded() As Boolean
+ Return _index = _parameters.Length
+ End Function
+ '''
+ ''' Returns the amount of items still on the stack.
+ '''
+ Public Function GetStackSize() As Integer
+ Return _parameters.Length - _index
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/AbilityPrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/AbilityPrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f8ffd601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/AbilityPrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class AbilityPrototype
+ Public Shared Function GetAbility(This As Object) As Ability
+ Return CType(This, AbilityPrototype).ref
+ End Function
+ Public ref As Ability
+ Public Sub New() : End Sub
+ Public Sub New(a As Ability)
+ ref = a
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Constructor(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ objLink.SetReference(NameOf(ref), Ability.GetAbilityByID(CType(parameters(0), Integer)))
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetName(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim a = GetAbility(This)
+ Return a.Name
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetId(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim a = GetAbility(This)
+ Return a.ID
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetDescription(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim a = GetAbility(This)
+ Return a.Description
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/BattlePrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/BattlePrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28720c68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/BattlePrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class BattlePrototype
+ Public canRun As Boolean = True
+ Public canCatch As Boolean = True
+ Public canBlackout As Boolean = True
+ Public canReceiveExp As Boolean = True
+ Public canUseItems As Boolean = True
+ Public frontierTrainer As Integer = -1
+ Public isDiveBattle As Boolean = False
+ Public isInverseBattle As Boolean = False
+ Public customBattleMusic As String = ""
+ Public hiddenAbilityChance As Integer = 0
+ Private Shared Sub ApplyValues(This As BattlePrototype)
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.CanRun = This.canRun
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.CanCatch = This.canCatch
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.CanBlackout = This.canBlackout
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.CanReceiveEXP = This.canReceiveExp
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.CanUseItems = This.canUseItems
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.DiveBattle = This.isDiveBattle
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.IsInverseBattle = This.isInverseBattle
+ BattleSystem.BattleScreen.CustomBattleMusic = This.customBattleMusic
+ Trainer.FrontierTrainer = This.frontierTrainer
+ Screen.Level.HiddenAbilityChance = This.hiddenAbilityChance
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Reset(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ objLink.SetMember("canRun", True)
+ objLink.SetMember("canCatch", True)
+ objLink.SetMember("canBlackout", True)
+ objLink.SetMember("canReceiveExp", True)
+ objLink.SetMember("canUseItems", True)
+ objLink.SetMember("frontierTrainer", -1)
+ objLink.SetMember("isDiveBattle", False)
+ objLink.SetMember("isInverseBattle", False)
+ objLink.SetMember("customBattleMusic", "")
+ objLink.SetMember("hiddenAbilityChance", 0)
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function StartWild(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(PokemonPrototype), GetType(String), GetType(Integer)}, 2) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(parameters)
+ Dim wrapper = helper.Pop(Of PokemonPrototype)
+ Dim musicLoop As String = helper.Pop("")
+ Dim introType As Integer = helper.Pop(Core.Random.Next(0, 10))
+ Dim p = PokemonPrototype.GetPokemon(wrapper)
+ Dim method As Integer = 0
+ If Screen.Level.Surfing = True Then
+ method = 2
+ End If
+ Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, p.Number, 1)
+ ApplyValues(CType(This, BattlePrototype))
+ Dim b As New BattleSystem.BattleScreen(p, Core.CurrentScreen, method)
+ Core.SetScreen(New BattleIntroScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, b, introType, musicLoop))
+ ScriptManager.Instance.WaitFrames(1)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function StartTrainer(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(TrainerPrototype)) Then
+ Dim wrapper = CType(parameters(0), TrainerPrototype)
+ Dim t = New Trainer(wrapper.file)
+ Dim method As Integer = 0
+ If Screen.Level.Surfing = True Then
+ method = 2
+ End If
+ ApplyValues(CType(This, BattlePrototype))
+ Dim b As New BattleSystem.BattleScreen(t, Core.CurrentScreen, method)
+ Core.SetScreen(New BattleIntroScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, b, t, t.GetIniMusicName(), t.IntroType))
+ ScriptManager.Instance.WaitFrames(1)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function EncounterTrainer(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(TrainerPrototype)) Then
+ Dim wrapper = CType(parameters(0), TrainerPrototype)
+ Dim t = New Trainer(wrapper.file)
+ If Not t.IsBeaten() Then
+ CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).TrainerEncountered = True
+ If t.GetInSightMusic() <> "" And t.GetInSightMusic() <> "nomusic" Then
+ MusicManager.PlayMusic(t.GetInSightMusic(), True, 0.0F, 0.0F)
+ End If
+ If t.IntroMessage <> "" Then
+ Screen.TextBox.reDelay = 0.0F
+ Screen.TextBox.Show(t.IntroMessage, {})
+ End If
+ ScriptManager.WaitUntil(Function()
+ Return Not Screen.TextBox.Showing
+ End Function)
+ CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).TrainerEncountered = False
+ Dim method As Integer = 0
+ If Screen.Level.Surfing = True Then
+ method = 2
+ End If
+ ApplyValues(CType(This, BattlePrototype))
+ Dim b As New BattleSystem.BattleScreen(t, Core.CurrentScreen, method)
+ Core.SetScreen(New BattleIntroScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, b, t, t.GetIniMusicName(), t.IntroType))
+ Else
+ Screen.TextBox.reDelay = 0.0F
+ Screen.TextBox.Show(t.DefeatMessage, {})
+ ScriptManager.WaitUntil(Function()
+ Return Not Screen.TextBox.Showing
+ End Function)
+ End If
+ ScriptManager.Instance.WaitFrames(1)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function WonLast(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return BattleSystem.Battle.Won
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/CameraPrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/CameraPrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82b7cd609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/CameraPrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class CameraPrototype
+ Private Shared Function GetCamera() As OverworldCamera
+ Return CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera)
+ End Function
+ Private Shared Sub UpdateCamera(fullUpdate As Boolean)
+ Dim camera = GetCamera()
+ camera.UpdateThirdPersonCamera()
+ If fullUpdate Then
+ camera.UpdateFrustum()
+ camera.UpdateViewMatrix()
+ Screen.Level.Entities = (From e In Screen.Level.Entities Order By e.CameraDistance Descending).ToList()
+ Screen.Level.UpdateEntities()
+ End If
+ End Sub
+ Private Shared Function ParseFocusType(focusType As String) As OverworldCamera.CameraFocusTypes
+ Select Case focusType.ToLowerInvariant()
+ Case "player"
+ Return OverworldCamera.CameraFocusTypes.Player
+ Case "npc"
+ Return OverworldCamera.CameraFocusTypes.NPC
+ Case "entity"
+ Return OverworldCamera.CameraFocusTypes.Entity
+ End Select
+ Return OverworldCamera.CameraFocusTypes.Player
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function Update(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ ScriptManager.Instance.WaitFrames(1)
+ Return Nothing
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetBehindPlayer(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim facing = Screen.Camera.GetPlayerFacingDirection() * MathHelper.PiOver2
+ GetCamera().Yaw = facing
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ Return facing
+ End Function
+#Region "Position"
+ Public Shared Function GetPosition(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim position = GetCamera().ThirdPersonOffset
+ Return New Vector3Prototype(position)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetPosition(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(Vector3Prototype)}) Then
+ Dim camera = GetCamera()
+ Dim v3 = CType(parameters(0), Vector3Prototype)
+ camera.ThirdPersonOffset = v3.ToVector3()
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "Yaw"
+ Public Shared Function GetYaw(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetCamera().Yaw
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetYaw(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetCamera().Yaw = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "Pitch"
+ Public Shared Function GetPitch(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetCamera().Pitch
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetPitch(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetCamera().Pitch = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "X, Y, Z"
+ Public Shared Function GetX(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetCamera().ThirdPersonOffset.X
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetX(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetCamera().ThirdPersonOffset.X = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetY(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetCamera().ThirdPersonOffset.Y
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetY(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetCamera().ThirdPersonOffset.Y = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetZ(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetCamera().ThirdPersonOffset.Z
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetZ(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetCamera().ThirdPersonOffset.Z = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "ThirdPerson"
+ Public Shared Function GetThirdPerson(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetCamera().ThirdPerson
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetThirdPerson(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Boolean)) Then
+ GetCamera().SetThirdPerson(CType(parameters(0), Boolean), False)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "Fixed"
+ Public Shared Function GetFixed(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetCamera().Fixed
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetFixed(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Boolean)) Then
+ GetCamera().Fixed = CType(parameters(0), Boolean)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "Focus"
+ Public Shared Function SetupFocus(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(String), GetType(Integer)}) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(parameters)
+ Dim focusTypeStr = helper.Pop(Of String)
+ Dim focusId = helper.Pop(Of Integer)
+ GetCamera().SetupFocus(ParseFocusType(focusTypeStr), focusId)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function ResetFocus(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ GetCamera().SetupFocus(OverworldCamera.CameraFocusTypes.Player, -1)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetFocusType(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ GetCamera().CameraFocusType = ParseFocusType(CType(parameters(0), String))
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetFocusId(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ GetCamera().CameraFocusID = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ UpdateCamera(True)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/DaycarePrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/DaycarePrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de59c668a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/DaycarePrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class DaycarePrototype
+ Public daycareId As Integer
+ Public Sub New() : End Sub
+ Public Sub New(daycareId As Integer)
+ Me.daycareId = daycareId
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Constructor(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ objLink.SetMember("daycareId", CType(parameters(0), Integer))
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function IndexerGet(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim pokemonIndex = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ For Each line As String In Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline()
+ If line.StartsWith(daycareId.ToString() & "|" & pokemonIndex.ToString() & "|") Then
+ Dim data = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("{"))
+ Dim p = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(data)
+ Return New PokemonPrototype(p)
+ End If
+ Next
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetGrownLevels(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(Integer)}) Then
+ Dim pokemonIndex = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ For Each line As String In Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline()
+ If line.StartsWith(daycareId.ToString() & "|" & pokemonIndex.ToString() & "|") Then
+ Dim data = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("{"))
+ Dim startStep = CInt(line.Split(CChar("|"))(2))
+ Dim p = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(data)
+ Dim startLevel = p.Level
+ p.GetExperience(Core.Player.DaycareSteps - startStep, True)
+ Return p.Level - startLevel
+ End If
+ Next
+ End If
+ Return 0
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetCanBreed(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Return Daycare.CanBreed(daycareId)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetHasEgg(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Return Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline().Any(Function(line As String)
+ Return line.StartsWith(daycareId.ToString() & "|Egg|")
+ End Function)
+ End Function
+ Private Shared Function GetDaycarePokemonCount(daycareId As Integer) As Integer
+ If Core.Player.DaycareData <> "" Then
+ Return Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline().Count(Function(line As String)
+ Return line.StartsWith(daycareId.ToString() & "|")
+ End Function)
+ End If
+ Return 0
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetPokemonCount(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Return GetDaycarePokemonCount(daycareId)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function TakeEgg(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Dim newData As String = ""
+ Dim eggPokemon As Pokemon = Nothing
+ For Each line As String In Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline()
+ If line.StartsWith(daycareId.ToString() & "|Egg|") = False Then
+ If newData <> "" Then
+ newData &= Environment.NewLine
+ End If
+ newData &= line
+ Else
+ eggPokemon = Daycare.ProduceEgg(daycareId)
+ End If
+ Next
+ If eggPokemon Is Nothing Then
+ Return Nothing
+ Else
+ Core.Player.DaycareData = newData
+ Return New PokemonPrototype(eggPokemon)
+ End If
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function TakePokemon(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Dim pokemonIndex = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ Dim newData As String = ""
+ Dim takenPokemon As Pokemon = Nothing
+ For Each line As String In Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline()
+ If line.StartsWith(daycareId.ToString() & "|" & pokemonIndex.ToString() & "|") = True Then
+ Dim data As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("{"))
+ Dim startStep As Integer = CInt(line.Split(CChar("|"))(2))
+ takenPokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(data)
+ takenPokemon.GetExperience(Core.Player.DaycareSteps - startStep, True)
+ Else
+ If newData <> "" Then
+ newData &= Environment.NewLine
+ End If
+ newData &= line
+ End If
+ Next
+ If takenPokemon Is Nothing Then
+ Return Nothing
+ Else
+ Core.Player.DaycareData = newData
+ Return New PokemonPrototype(takenPokemon)
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function PutPokemon(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(Integer), GetType(PokemonPrototype)}) Then
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Dim daycareIndex As Integer = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ Dim wrapper = CType(parameters(1), PokemonPrototype)
+ Dim pokemonData = PokemonPrototype.GetPokemon(wrapper).GetSaveData()
+ If Core.Player.DaycareData <> "" Then
+ Core.Player.DaycareData &= Environment.NewLine
+ End If
+ Core.Player.DaycareData &= daycareId.ToString() & "|" & daycareIndex.ToString() & "|" & Core.Player.DaycareSteps & "|0|" & pokemonData
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function CleanData(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Dim newData As String = ""
+ Dim lines As New List(Of String)
+ For Each line As String In Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline()
+ If line.StartsWith(daycareId & "|") = True Then
+ lines.Add(line)
+ Else
+ If newData <> "" Then
+ newData &= Environment.NewLine
+ End If
+ newData &= line
+ End If
+ Next
+ For i = 0 To lines.Count - 1
+ Dim line As String = lines(i)
+ Dim data() As String = line.Split(CChar("|"))
+ If newData <> "" Then
+ newData &= Environment.NewLine
+ End If
+ If data(1) = "Egg" Then
+ newData &= daycareId.ToString() & "|Egg|" & data(2)
+ Else
+ newData &= daycareId.ToString() & "|" & i.ToString() & "|" & data(2) & "|" & data(3) & "|" & line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("{"))
+ End If
+ Next
+ Core.Player.DaycareData = newData
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function Clear(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Dim newData As String = ""
+ For Each line As String In Core.Player.DaycareData.SplitAtNewline()
+ If line.StartsWith(daycareId.ToString() & "|") = False Then
+ If newData <> "" Then
+ newData &= Environment.NewLine
+ End If
+ newData &= line
+ End If
+ Next
+ Core.Player.DaycareData = newData
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function CallPhone(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim daycareId = CType(This, DaycarePrototype).daycareId
+ Daycare.TriggerCall(daycareId)
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/EntityPrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/EntityPrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb41d6b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/EntityPrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class EntityPrototype
+ Public ref As Entity
+ Public Shared Function GetEntity(This As Object) As Entity
+ Return CType(This, EntityPrototype).ref
+ End Function
+#Region "Position"
+ Public Shared Function GetPosition(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim entity = GetEntity(This)
+ Return New Vector3Prototype(entity.Position)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetPosition(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Vector3Prototype)) Then
+ Dim entity = GetEntity(This)
+ entity.Position = CType(parameters(0), Vector3Prototype).ToVector3()
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetX(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetEntity(This).Position.X
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetX(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetEntity(This).Position.X = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetY(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetEntity(This).Position.Y
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetY(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetEntity(This).Position.Y = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetZ(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return GetEntity(This).Position.Z
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetZ(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number}) Then
+ GetEntity(This).Position.Z = CType(parameters(0), Single)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/ItemPrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/ItemPrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e9a6ba1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/ItemPrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class ItemPrototype
+ Public ref As Item
+ Public Shared Function ToItem(This As Object) As Item
+ Return CType(This, ItemPrototype).ref
+ End Function
+ Public Sub New() : End Sub
+ Public Sub New(item As Item)
+ ref = item
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Constructor(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(Integer), GetType(String)}, 1) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(parameters)
+ Dim itemRef = Item.GetItemByID(helper.Pop(Of Integer))
+ itemRef.AdditionalData = helper.Pop("")
+ objLink.SetReference(NameOf(ref), itemRef)
+ ElseIf TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(String), GetType(String)}, 1) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(parameters)
+ Dim itemRef = Item.GetItemByName(helper.Pop(Of String))
+ itemRef.AdditionalData = helper.Pop("")
+ objLink.SetReference(NameOf(ref), itemRef)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/MovePrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/MovePrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ba42cb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/MovePrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Imports net.Pokemon3D.Game.BattleSystem
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class MovePrototype
+ Public ref As Attack
+ Public Shared Function GetAttack(This As Object) As Attack
+ Return CType(This, MovePrototype).ref
+ End Function
+ Public Sub New() : End Sub
+ Public Sub New(a As Attack)
+ ref = a
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Constructor(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ objLink.SetMember("id", CType(parameters(0), Integer))
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetName(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim attack = GetAttack(This)
+ Return attack.Name
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetPP(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim attack = GetAttack(This)
+ Return attack.CurrentPP
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetMaxPP(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim attack = GetAttack(This)
+ Return attack.MaxPP
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetId(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim attack = GetAttack(This)
+ Return attack.ID
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetCategory(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim attack = GetAttack(This)
+ Return attack.Category.ToString()
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetDescription(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim attack = GetAttack(This)
+ Return attack.Description
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetElementType(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim attack = GetAttack(This)
+ Return attack.Type.Type.ToString()
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/PokemonPrototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/PokemonPrototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22c943b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/PokemonPrototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class PokemonPrototype
+ Public ref As Pokemon
+ Public Shared Function GetPokemon(This As Object) As Pokemon
+ Return CType(This, PokemonPrototype).ref
+ End Function
+ Public Sub New() : End Sub
+ Public Sub New(p As Pokemon)
+ ref = p
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Constructor(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If parameters.Length = 1 AndAlso TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(CType(parameters(0), String))
+ ElseIf parameters.Length >= 2 AndAlso TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer), GetType(String)}, 1) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(parameters)
+ Dim id = helper.Pop(Of Integer)
+ Dim level = helper.Pop(Of Integer)
+ Dim additionalData = helper.Pop("")
+ Dim p = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(id, additionalData)
+ Dim exp = p.NeedExperience(level)
+ p.GetExperience(exp, True)
+ objLink.SetMember("data", p.GetSaveData())
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetLegendaryIds(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Return Pokemon.Legendaries
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetOverworldSprite(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return $"[POKEMON|{If(p.IsShiny, "S", "N")}]{p.Number.ToString()}{PokemonForms.GetOverworldAddition(p)}"
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetId(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Number
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetName(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.OriginalName
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetTranslatedName(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.GetName()
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetNickname(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.NickName
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetNickname(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.NickName = CType(parameters(0), String)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetDisplayName(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.GetDisplayName()
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetIsShiny(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.IsShiny
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetIsShiny(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Boolean)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.IsShiny = CType(parameters(0), Boolean)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetCanSwim(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.CanSwim
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetLevel(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Level
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function PlayCry(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.PlayCry()
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetAdditionalData(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.AdditionalData
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetAdditionalData(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.AdditionalData = CType(parameters(0), String)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetIsEgg(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.IsEgg()
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetNature(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Nature.ToString()
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetNature(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.Nature = Pokemon.ConvertIDToNature(CType(parameters(0), Integer))
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetFriendship(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Friendship
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetFriendship(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.Friendship = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetOT(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.OT
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetOT(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.OT = CType(parameters(0), String)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetCatchTrainer(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.CatchTrainerName
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetCatchTrainer(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.CatchTrainerName = CType(parameters(0), String)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetCatchMethod(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.CatchMethod
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetCatchMethod(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.CatchMethod = CType(parameters(0), String)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetCatchLocation(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.CatchLocation
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetCatchLocation(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.CatchLocation = CType(parameters(0), String)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetCatchBall(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return New ItemPrototype(p.CatchBall)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetCatchBall(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(ItemPrototype)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.CatchBall = ItemPrototype.ToItem(parameters(0))
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetItem(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ If p.Item IsNot Nothing Then
+ Return New ItemPrototype(p.Item)
+ Else
+ Return Nothing
+ End If
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetItem(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(ItemPrototype)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ If parameters(0) Is Nothing Then
+ p.Item = Nothing
+ Else
+ Dim item = CType(parameters(0), ItemPrototype)
+ p.Item = ItemPrototype.ToItem(item)
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetGender(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Gender
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetGender(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Dim newGender As Pokemon.Genders
+ If [Enum].TryParse(CType(parameters(0), String), newGender) Then
+ p.Gender = newGender
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetAbility(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return New AbilityPrototype(p.Ability)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetAbility(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(AbilityPrototype)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.Ability = AbilityPrototype.GetAbility(parameters(0))
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetTypes(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ If p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Blank Then
+ Return {p.Type1.Type.ToString()}
+ Else
+ Return {p.Type1.Type.ToString(), p.Type2.Type.ToString()}
+ End If
+ End Function
+#Region "Stats"
+ Public Shared Function GetStats(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return New With
+ {
+ .hp = p.HP,
+ .maxHp = p.MaxHP,
+ .atk = p.Attack,
+ .def = p.Defense,
+ .spAtk = p.SpAttack,
+ .spDef = p.SpDefense,
+ .speed = p.Speed
+ }
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetEVs(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return New With
+ {
+ .hp = p.EVHP,
+ .atk = p.EVAttack,
+ .def = p.EVDefense,
+ .spAtk = p.EVSpAttack,
+ .spDef = p.EVSpDefense,
+ .speed = p.EVSpeed
+ }
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetEV(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(String), GetType(Integer)}) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Dim evType = CType(parameters(0), String).ToLowerInvariant()
+ Dim evValue = CType(parameters(1), Integer)
+ Select Case evType.ToLower()
+ Case "hp"
+ p.EVHP = evValue
+ Case "atk"
+ p.EVAttack = evValue
+ Case "def"
+ p.EVDefense = evValue
+ Case "spatk"
+ p.EVSpAttack = evValue
+ Case "spdef"
+ p.EVSpDefense = evValue
+ Case "speed"
+ p.EVSpeed = evValue
+ End Select
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetIV(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(String), GetType(Integer)}) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Dim ivType = CType(parameters(0), String).ToLowerInvariant()
+ Dim ivValue = CType(parameters(1), Integer)
+ Select Case ivType.ToLower()
+ Case "hp"
+ p.IVHP = ivValue
+ Case "atk"
+ p.IVAttack = ivValue
+ Case "def"
+ p.IVDefense = ivValue
+ Case "spatk"
+ p.IVSpAttack = ivValue
+ Case "spdef"
+ p.IVSpDefense = ivValue
+ Case "speed"
+ p.IVSpeed = ivValue
+ End Select
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetGiveEVs(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return New With
+ {
+ .hp = p.GiveEVHP,
+ .atk = p.GiveEVAttack,
+ .def = p.GiveEVDefense,
+ .spAtk = p.GiveEVSpAttack,
+ .spDef = p.GiveEVSpDefense,
+ .speed = p.GiveEVSpeed
+ }
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetIVs(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return New With
+ {
+ .hp = p.IVHP,
+ .atk = p.IVAttack,
+ .def = p.IVDefense,
+ .spAtk = p.IVSpAttack,
+ .spDef = p.IVSpDefense,
+ .speed = p.IVSpeed
+ }
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetHP(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.HP
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetHP(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.HP = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetExp(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Experience
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetExp(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.Experience = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function Heal(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer), 1) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Dim hp = New ParamHelper(parameters).Pop(p.MaxHP)
+ p.Heal(hp)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "Moves"
+ Public Shared Function GetMoves(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Attacks.Select(Function(a As BattleSystem.Attack)
+ Return New MovePrototype(a)
+ End Function).ToArray()
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function RemoveMoveAt(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(Integer)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Dim moveIndex = CType(parameters(0), Integer)
+ If p.Attacks.Count > moveIndex Then
+ p.Attacks.RemoveAt(moveIndex)
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function ClearMoves(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.Attacks.Clear()
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function AddMove(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(MovePrototype)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ If p.Attacks.Count < 4 Then
+ Dim move = CType(parameters(0), MovePrototype)
+ p.Attacks.Add(MovePrototype.GetAttack(move))
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+#End Region
+ Public Shared Function ReloadDefinitions(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ p.ReloadDefinitions()
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetStatus(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.Status
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function SetStatus(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Dim newStatus As Pokemon.StatusProblems
+ If [Enum].TryParse(CType(parameters(0), String), newStatus) Then
+ p.Status = newStatus
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function CanEvolve(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, GetType(String)) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(parameters)
+ Dim triggerStr = helper.Pop("LevelUp")
+ Dim trigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger
+ If Not [Enum].TryParse(triggerStr, trigger) Then
+ trigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp
+ End If
+ Dim evolutionArg = helper.Pop("")
+ Dim p = GetPokemon(This)
+ Return p.CanEvolve(trigger, evolutionArg)
+ End If
+ Return False
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/TrainerProtoype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/TrainerProtoype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5487d2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/TrainerProtoype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class TrainerPrototype
+ Public file As String = ""
+ Public Sub New() : End Sub
+ Public Sub New(file As String)
+ Me.file = file
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Constructor(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {GetType(String)}) Then
+ Dim trainerFile = CType(parameters(0), String)
+ objLink.SetMember("file", trainerFile)
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetDefeatMessage(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim wrapper = CType(This, TrainerPrototype)
+ Dim trainer = New Trainer(wrapper.file)
+ Return trainer.DefeatMessage
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetIntroMessage(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim wrapper = CType(This, TrainerPrototype)
+ Dim trainer = New Trainer(wrapper.file)
+ Return trainer.IntroMessage
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetOutroMessage(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ Dim wrapper = CType(This, TrainerPrototype)
+ Dim trainer = New Trainer(wrapper.file)
+ Return trainer.OutroMessage
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/TypeContract.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/TypeContract.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43f25c92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/TypeContract.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Option Strict On
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend Class TypeContract
+ Public Shared Function Ensure(objects As Object(), typeContract As Type, Optional optionalCount As Integer = 0) As Boolean
+ Return Ensure(objects, {typeContract}, optionalCount)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function Ensure(objects As Object(), typeContract As Type(), Optional optionalCount As Integer = 0) As Boolean
+ If optionalCount > typeContract.Length Then
+ Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException(NameOf(optionalCount))
+ End If
+ If objects.Length + optionalCount < typeContract.Length Then
+ Return False
+ End If
+ Return Not typeContract.Where(Function(t As Type, i As Integer)
+ If t Is Nothing Then
+ Return False
+ End If
+ If objects.Length <= i Then
+ Return i < typeContract.Length - optionalCount
+ End If
+ Return objects(i) IsNot Nothing AndAlso objects(i).GetType() <> t
+ End Function).Any()
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function Ensure(objects As Object(), typeContract As Type()(), Optional optionalCount As Integer = 0) As Boolean
+ If optionalCount > typeContract.Length Then
+ Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException(NameOf(optionalCount))
+ End If
+ If objects.Length + optionalCount < typeContract.Length Then
+ Return False
+ End If
+ Return Not typeContract.Where(Function(types As Type(), i As Integer)
+ If types Is Nothing OrElse types.Length = 0 Then
+ Return False
+ End If
+ If objects.Length <= i Then
+ Return i < typeContract.Length - optionalCount
+ End If
+ If objects(i) IsNot Nothing Then
+ For Each t As Type In types
+ If objects(i).GetType() = t Then
+ Return False
+ End If
+ Next
+ Return True
+ Else
+ Return False
+ End If
+ End Function).Any()
+ End Function
+ Private Shared _numberBuffer As Type()
+ Public Shared ReadOnly Property Number() As Type()
+ Get
+ If _numberBuffer Is Nothing Then
+ _numberBuffer = {GetType(Double), GetType(Integer)}
+ End If
+ Return _numberBuffer
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/Vector3Prototype.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/Vector3Prototype.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2142b9756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/Prototypes/Vector3Prototype.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Option Strict On
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Namespace Scripting.V3.Prototypes
+ Friend NotInheritable Class Vector3Prototype
+ Public Function ToVector3() As Vector3
+ Return New Vector3(CType(x, Single), CType(y, Single), CType(z, Single))
+ End Function
+ Public x As Double = 0D
+ Public y As Double = 0D
+ Public z As Double = 0D
+ Public Sub New() : End Sub
+ Public Sub New(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double)
+ Me.x = x
+ Me.y = y
+ Me.z = z
+ End Sub
+ Public Sub New(v As Vector3)
+ x = v.X
+ y = v.Y
+ z = v.Z
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Function Constructor(This As Object, objLink As ScriptObjectLink, parameters As Object()) As Object
+ If TypeContract.Ensure(parameters, {TypeContract.Number, TypeContract.Number, TypeContract.Number}, 3) Then
+ Dim helper = New ParamHelper(parameters)
+ objLink.SetMember("x", helper.Pop(0D))
+ objLink.SetMember("y", helper.Pop(0D))
+ objLink.SetMember("z", helper.Pop(0D))
+ End If
+ Return NetUndefined.Instance
+ End Function
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptInputType.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptInputType.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..362ea44b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptInputType.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Namespace Scripting.V3
+ Friend Enum ScriptInputType
+ File
+ Text
+ Raw
+ End Enum
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptManager.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptManager.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b96c71ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptManager.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+Imports System.Reflection
+Imports System.Threading
+Imports System.Threading.Tasks
+Imports Kolben
+Imports Kolben.Adapters
+Imports Kolben.Types
+Imports net.Pokemon3D.Game.Scripting.V3.ApiClasses
+Namespace Scripting.V3
+ Friend Class ScriptManager
+#Region "Singleton"
+ Private Sub New()
+ ' Set constructor to private to not allow instances.
+ End Sub
+ Private Shared _instance As ScriptManager
+ Public Shared ReadOnly Property Instance As ScriptManager
+ Get
+ If _instance Is Nothing Then
+ _instance = New ScriptManager()
+ End If
+ Return _instance
+ End Get
+ End Property
+#End Region
+ Private _reDelay As Single = 0.0F
+ Private _scriptName As String
+ Private _activeProcessorCount As Integer = 0
+ Private _unlockCamera As Boolean = False
+ Private _waitFrames As Integer = 0
+ Private _prototypeBuffer As List(Of SObject)
+ Private _apiClasses As Dictionary(Of String, MethodInfo())
+ Public Property IsInSightScript As Boolean
+ Public ReadOnly Property IsActive As Boolean
+ Get
+ Return _activeProcessorCount > 0
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ Public Sub StartScript(input As String, inputType As ScriptInputType, flags As ScriptStartFlag)
+ Dim skipDelayCheck As Boolean = flags.HasFlag(ScriptStartFlag.SkipDelayCheck)
+ Dim resetInSight = flags.HasFlag(ScriptStartFlag.ResetInSight)
+ If resetInSight Then
+ IsInSightScript = False
+ End If
+ If skipDelayCheck OrElse _reDelay = 0.0F Then
+ Select Case inputType
+ Case ScriptInputType.File
+ StartScriptFromFile(input)
+ Case ScriptInputType.Text
+ StartScriptFromText(input)
+ Case ScriptInputType.Raw
+ StartScriptFromRaw(input)
+ End Select
+ End If
+ _reDelay = 1.0F
+ End Sub
+ Private Sub StartScriptFromFile(input As String)
+ Logger.Debug($"Start script (ID: {input})")
+ _scriptName = $"Type: Script; Input: {input}"
+ Dim path As String = GameModeManager.GetScriptPath($"{input}.dat")
+ Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(path, False, "ActionScript.vb")
+ If File.Exists(path) Then
+ Dim source = File.ReadAllText(path)
+ RunScript(source)
+ Else
+ Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, $"ActionScript.vb: The script file ""{path}"" doesn't exist!")
+ End If
+ End Sub
+ Private Sub StartScriptFromText(input As String)
+ Logger.Debug($"Start Script (Text: {input})")
+ _scriptName = $"Type: Text; Input: {input}"
+ ' Sanitize text
+ input = input.Replace("""", "\""")
+ Dim source As String = $"import Text from ""Text"";Text.show(""{input}"");"
+ RunScript(source)
+ End Sub
+ Private Sub StartScriptFromRaw(input As String)
+ Dim activator As String = Environment.StackTrace.Split(Environment.NewLine)(3)
+ activator = activator.Remove(activator.IndexOf("("))
+ Logger.Debug($"Start Script (DirectInput; {activator})")
+ _scriptName = $"Type: Direct; Input: {input}"
+ Dim source As String = input
+ RunScript(source)
+ End Sub
+ Private Sub RunScript(source As String)
+ _unlockCamera = True
+ _activeProcessorCount += 1
+ Task.Run(Sub()
+ Try
+ Dim processor = CreateProcessor()
+ Dim result = processor.Run(source)
+ If ScriptContextManipulator.ThrownRuntimeError(processor) Then
+ Dim exObj = ScriptOutAdapter.Translate(result)
+ Dim runtimeException = TryCast(exObj, ScriptRuntimeException)
+ If runtimeException IsNot Nothing Then
+ Throw runtimeException
+ End If
+ End If
+ Catch ex As ScriptRuntimeException
+ Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, $"Script execution failed at runtime. {ex.Type} (L{ex.Line}: {ex.Message})")
+ End Try
+ _activeProcessorCount -= 1
+ End Sub)
+ End Sub
+ Private Function CreateProcessor() As ScriptProcessor
+ If _prototypeBuffer Is Nothing Then
+ InitializePrototypeBuffer()
+ End If
+ Dim processor = New ScriptProcessor(_prototypeBuffer)
+ ScriptContextManipulator.SetCallbackExecuteMethod(processor, AddressOf ExecuteMethod)
+ Return processor
+ End Function
+ Private Function ExecuteMethod(processor As ScriptProcessor, className As String, methodName As String, parameters As SObject()) As SObject
+ If _apiClasses Is Nothing Then
+ InitializeApiClasses()
+ End If
+ If _apiClasses.ContainsKey(className) Then
+ Dim method = _apiClasses(className).FirstOrDefault(Function(m As MethodInfo)
+ Return m.Name = methodName
+ End Function)
+ If method IsNot Nothing Then
+ Dim result = method.Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {processor, parameters})
+ Return TryCast(result, SObject)
+ End If
+ End If
+ Return ScriptInAdapter.GetUndefined(processor)
+ End Function
+ Private Sub InitializePrototypeBuffer()
+ _prototypeBuffer = New List(Of SObject)()
+ Dim processor = New ScriptProcessor()
+ For Each o As Type In GetType(ScriptManager).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(Function(t As Type)
+ Return t.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(ScriptPrototypeAttribute), True).Length > 0
+ End Function)
+ _prototypeBuffer.Add(ScriptInAdapter.Translate(processor, o))
+ Next
+ End Sub
+ Private Sub InitializeApiClasses()
+ _apiClasses = New Dictionary(Of String, MethodInfo())()
+ For Each o As Type In GetType(ScriptManager).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(Function(t As Type)
+ Return t.IsSubclassOf(GetType(ApiClass)) AndAlso
+ t.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(ApiClassAttribute), True).Length > 0
+ End Function)
+ Dim attr = CType(o.GetCustomAttribute(GetType(ApiClassAttribute)), ApiClassAttribute)
+ Dim methods = o.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static).Where(Function(m As MethodInfo)
+ Return m.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(ApiClassMethodAttribute), True).Length > 0
+ End Function).ToArray()
+ If methods.Length > 0 Then
+ _apiClasses.Add(attr.ClassName, methods)
+ End If
+ Next
+ End Sub
+ Public Sub Update()
+ If _waitFrames > 0 Then
+ _waitFrames -= 1
+ End If
+ If Not IsActive Then
+ If _unlockCamera Then
+ _unlockCamera = False
+ Logger.Debug("Unlock Camera")
+ CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).YawLocked = False
+ CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).ResetCursor()
+ End If
+ If _reDelay > 0.0F Then
+ _reDelay -= 0.1F
+ If _reDelay <= 0.0F Then
+ _reDelay = 0.0F
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Sub WaitUntil(condition As Func(Of Boolean))
+ SpinWait.SpinUntil(condition)
+ End Sub
+ Public Sub WaitFrames(Optional frames As Integer = 1)
+ _waitFrames += frames
+ SpinWait.SpinUntil(Function()
+ Return _waitFrames = 0
+ End Function)
+ End Sub
+ End Class
+End Namespace
diff --git a/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptStartFlag.vb b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptStartFlag.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69ba7213e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.5DHero/2.5DHero/World/ActionScript/V3/ScriptStartFlag.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Namespace Scripting.V3
+ Friend Enum ScriptStartFlag
+ None = 0
+ SkipDelayCheck = 1
+ ResetInSight = 2
+ End Enum
+End Namespace