Implemented InterfaceScale option

This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2023-10-12 18:25:43 +02:00
parent 5c3adbcb2a
commit 721b7d992c
6 changed files with 69 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ Public Class CoreSpriteBatch
''' <param name="Font">A font for diplaying text.</param>
''' <param name="Text">A text string.</param>
''' <param name="Position">The location (in screen coordinates) to draw the sprite.</param>
''' <param name="Color">The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting.</param>
''' <param name="Color">The color to tint a sprite. Use Color.White for full color with no tinting.</param>interfacescal
''' <param name="Rotation">Specifies the angle (in radians) to rotate the sprite about its center.</param>
''' <param name="Origin">The sprite origin; the default is (0,0) which represents the upper-left corner.</param>
''' <param name="Scale">Scale factor.</param>
@ -307,10 +307,22 @@ Public Class CoreSpriteBatch
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property InterfaceScale() As Double
If Core.windowSize.Height < Core.CurrentScreen.GetScreenScaleMinimum().Height Or Core.windowSize.Width < Core.CurrentScreen.GetScreenScaleMinimum().Width Then
Return 0.5D
End If
Return 1D
Select Case Core.GameOptions.InterfaceScale
Case 1
Return 0.5D
Case 2
Return 1D
Case 3
Return 2d
Case Else
If Core.windowSize.Height < Core.CurrentScreen.GetScreenScaleMinimum().Height Or Core.windowSize.Width < Core.CurrentScreen.GetScreenScaleMinimum().Width Then
Return 0.5D
End If
If Core.windowSize.Height > Core.CurrentScreen.GetScreenScaleMaximum().Height Or Core.windowSize.Width > Core.CurrentScreen.GetScreenScaleMaximum().Width Then
Return 2D
End If
Return 1D
End Select
End Get
End Property

View File

@ -15,7 +15,16 @@
Public MaxOffsetLevel As Integer = 0
Public UpdateDisabled As Boolean = False
Public Extras As New List(Of String)
Private _interfaceScale As Integer = 0
Public Property InterfaceScale As Integer
Return _interfaceScale
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_interfaceScale = CInt(value)
End Set
End Property
Public Sub LoadOptions()
If Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\") = False Then
@ -109,6 +118,8 @@
End If
Case "updatedisabled"
UpdateDisabled = CBool(value)
Case "interfacescale"
InterfaceScale = CInt(value)
End Select
End If
@ -153,6 +164,7 @@
"ForceMusic|" & Me.ForceMusic.ToNumberString() & Environment.NewLine &
"MaxOffsetLevel|" & Me.MaxOffsetLevel.ToString() & Environment.NewLine &
"UpdateDisabled|" & Me.UpdateDisabled.ToNumberString() & Environment.NewLine &
"InterfaceScale|" & Me.InterfaceScale.ToString() & Environment.NewLine &
"Extras|" & String.Join(";", Me.Extras)
File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\options.dat", Data)
@ -184,6 +196,7 @@
"ForceMusic|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"MaxOffsetLevel|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"UpdateDisabled|0" & Environment.NewLine &
"InterfaceScale|0" & Environment.NewLine &
File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\options.dat", s)

View File

@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
Public Sub Draw(ByVal Position As Vector2, Optional ByVal DrawBox As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Size As Single = 1.0F)
If Me.Showing = True Then
With Core.SpriteBatch
Dim sizeMultiplier As Integer = CInt(3 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))
'Bounding box
If DrawBox Then
Dim MaxWidth = 0
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@
MaxWidth = 48
End If
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\ChooseBox", New Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48), ""), 3, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y), CInt((MaxWidth * 3) * Size), CInt((48 * Size) * Options.Count)), True)
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\ChooseBox", New Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48), ""), sizeMultiplier, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y), CInt((MaxWidth * sizeMultiplier) * Size), CInt(48 * Size * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale) * Options.Count)), False)
End If
For i = 0 To Options.Count - 1
@ -165,17 +166,18 @@
Case "textfont", "braille"
useSize = 2 * Size
End Select
.DrawString(Me.TextFont.SpriteFont, Options(i).Replace("[POKE]", "Poké"), New Vector2(CInt(Position.X + 48), CInt(Position.Y) + 32 + i * 48 * Size), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, useSize, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
useSize = CInt(useSize * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))
.DrawString(Me.TextFont.SpriteFont, Options(i).Replace("[POKE]", "Poké"), New Vector2(CInt(Position.X + CInt(48 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), CInt(Position.Y) + CInt((32 + i * 48 * Size) * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, useSize, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\ChooseBox"), New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X + 24), CInt(Position.Y) + 34 + CInt(index * 48 * Size), CInt(24 * Size), CInt(24 * Size)), New Rectangle(72, 0, 8, 8), Color.White)
.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\ChooseBox"), New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X + CInt(24 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), CInt(Position.Y) + CInt((34 + CInt(index * 48 * Size)) * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(24 * Size * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(24 * Size * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), New Rectangle(72, 0, 8, 8), Color.White)
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Draw()
If Me.Showing = True Then
Dim Position As Vector2 = New Vector2(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - 48, Core.windowSize.Height - 160.0F - 96.0F - (Options.Count - 1) * 48)
Dim Position As Vector2 = New Vector2(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(48 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), Core.windowSize.Height - CInt(160.0F * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)) - CInt(96.0F * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)) - CInt((Options.Count - 1) * 48 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)))
End If
End Sub

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
Public Sub Update()
If Showing = True Then
If PositionY <= Core.windowSize.Height - 160.0F Then
If PositionY <= Core.windowSize.Height - CSng(160.0F * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)) Then
If through = False Then
If Text.Count > currentChar Then
If Delay <= 0.0F Then
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
Public Sub Draw()
If Me.Showing = True Then
With Core.SpriteBatch
.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\TextBox"), New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - 240, CInt(PositionY), 480, 144), New Rectangle(0, 0, 160, 48), Color.White)
.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\TextBox"), New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(240 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(PositionY), CInt(480 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(144 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), New Rectangle(0, 0, 160, 48), Color.White)
Dim m As Single = 1.0F
Select Case Me.TextFont.FontName.ToLower()
@ -224,11 +224,12 @@
m = 2.0F
End Select
.DrawString(Me.TextFont.SpriteFont, Me.showText(0), New Vector2(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - 210, CInt(PositionY) + 40), Me.TextColor, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, m, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
.DrawString(Me.TextFont.SpriteFont, Me.showText(1), New Vector2(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - 210, CInt(PositionY) + 75), Me.TextColor, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, m, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
m = CInt(m * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))
.DrawString(Me.TextFont.SpriteFont, Me.showText(0), New Vector2(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(210 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(PositionY) + CInt(40 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), Me.TextColor, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, m, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
.DrawString(Me.TextFont.SpriteFont, Me.showText(1), New Vector2(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(210 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(PositionY) + CInt(75 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), Me.TextColor, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, m, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
If Me.CanProceed = True And Me.through = True Then
.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\TextBox"), New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) + 192, CInt(PositionY) + 128, 16, 16), New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), Color.White)
.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\TextBox"), New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2) + CInt(192 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(PositionY) + CInt(128 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(16 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), CInt(16 * Math.Ceiling(Core.SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))), New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), Color.White)
End If
End With
End If

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Public Class NewOptionScreen
Dim ShowBattleAnimations As Integer = 1
Dim DiagonalMovement As Boolean = True
Dim Difficulty As Integer = 0
Dim InterfaceScale As Integer = 0
Dim BattleStyle As Integer = 1
Dim LoadOffsetMaps As Integer = 1
Dim ViewBobbing As Boolean = True
@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ Public Class NewOptionScreen
Me.Sound = CInt(SoundManager.Volume * 100)
Me.RenderDistance = Core.GameOptions.RenderDistance
Me.GraphicStyle = Core.GameOptions.GraphicStyle
Me.InterfaceScale = Core.GameOptions.InterfaceScale
Me.ShowBattleAnimations = Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations
Me.DiagonalMovement = Core.Player.DiagonalMovement
Me.BattleStyle = Core.Player.BattleStyle
@ -749,7 +751,6 @@ Public Class NewOptionScreen
End If
If ScrollControl IsNot Nothing Then
cPosition.X += 332
End If
_cursorDestPosition = cPosition
@ -942,8 +943,16 @@ Public Class NewOptionScreen
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 120), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_difficulty", "Difficulty"), Me.Difficulty, 0, 2, AddressOf ChangeDifficulty, d, 2))
End If
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 180), 3, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_viewbobbing", "View Bobbing"), Me.ViewBobbing, AddressOf ToggleBobbing, {Localization.GetString("global_off", "Off"), Localization.GetString("global_on", "On")}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
Dim s As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
s.Add(0, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_interfacescale_automatic", "Automatic"))
s.Add(1, "0.5x")
s.Add(2, "1x")
s.Add(3, "2x")
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 180), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_interfacescale", "Interface Scale"), Me.InterfaceScale, 0, 3, AddressOf ChangeInterfaceScale, s, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 240), 3, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_viewbobbing", "View Bobbing"), Me.ViewBobbing, AddressOf ToggleBobbing, {Localization.GetString("global_off", "Off"), Localization.GetString("global_on", "On")}.ToList(), 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToMain, 5))
Case 2 ' "Graphics" from the Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 40), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_fov", "Field of View"), CInt(Me.FOV), 45, 120, AddressOf ChangeFOV, 1))
@ -1074,6 +1083,7 @@ Public Class NewOptionScreen
Me.Sound = 50
Me.RenderDistance = 2
Me.GraphicStyle = 1
Me.InterfaceScale = 0
Me.ShowBattleAnimations = 1
Me.DiagonalMovement = False
Me.Difficulty = 0
@ -1095,6 +1105,7 @@ Public Class NewOptionScreen
SoundManager.Muted = CBool(Me.Muted)
Core.GameOptions.RenderDistance = Me.RenderDistance
Core.GameOptions.GraphicStyle = Me.GraphicStyle
Core.GameOptions.InterfaceScale = Me.InterfaceScale
If PreScreen.Identification <> Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then
TextBox.TextSpeed = Me.TextSpeed
@ -1251,6 +1262,9 @@ Public Class NewOptionScreen
Private Sub ChangeDifficulty(ByVal c As ScrollBar)
Me.Difficulty = c.Value
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeInterfaceScale(ByVal c As ScrollBar)
Me.InterfaceScale = c.Value
End Sub
#End Region

View File

@ -446,6 +446,16 @@ Public MustInherit Class Screen
Return New Size(800, 620)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the maximum size for the screen size to display a regular interface before switching to the large size.
''' </summary>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks>The default size is 800x620 pixels.</remarks>
Public Overridable Function GetScreenScaleMaximum() As Size
'// Default size: 2560x1440 pixels.
Return New Size(2560, 1440)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the spritebatch that should render a font.
''' </summary>