Mouse support added to mailscreen

This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2023-07-24 16:22:44 +02:00
parent 5ed44da99b
commit 9749ba72bc
1 changed files with 116 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(420, 140, 660, 2), Color.DarkGray)
Dim text As String = ("Text: " & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & mail.MailText).CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 600)
Dim text As String = mail.MailText.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 600)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, text, New Vector2(430, 160), Color.Black)
Dim yPlus As Integer = CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(text).Y)
@ -246,28 +246,67 @@
End If
End If
Dim text As String = ("Text: (" & Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1).MailText.Length & "/" & 200 & ")" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1).MailText.Replace("<br>", Environment.NewLine)).CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 600)
Dim text As String = Core.Player.Mails(index - 1).MailText.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 600)
Dim yPlus As Integer = CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(text).Y)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
If New Rectangle(440, yPlus + 320, 160, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
EditMailIndex = 0
End If
If New Rectangle(640, yPlus + 320, 160, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
EditMailIndex = 1
End If
Dim MailIndex As Integer = -1
For i = 0 To 8
If i < Core.Player.Mails.Count + 1 Then
If New Rectangle(46, 82 + 64 * i, 288, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
MailIndex = scrollIndex + i
Exit For
End If
If New Rectangle(46, 82 + 64 * i, 288, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
EditMailIndex = 1
Exit For
End If
End If
If MailIndex <> -1 Then
selectIndex = MailIndex
If Me.selectIndex = 0 Then
Me.index = -1
Dim selScreen As New NewInventoryScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, {5}, 5, Nothing)
selScreen.Mode = Screens.UI.ISelectionScreen.ScreenMode.Selection
selScreen.CanExit = True
If EditMailIndex = 0 Then
Me.TempNewMail = Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1)
Dim selScreen = New PartyScreen(Me, Item.GetItemByID(TempNewMail.MailID.ToString), AddressOf Me.ChosenPokemon, "Give mail to:", True) With {.Mode = Screens.UI.ISelectionScreen.ScreenMode.Selection, .CanExit = True}
AddHandler selScreen.SelectedObject, AddressOf ChosenPokemonHandler
AddHandler selScreen.SelectedObject, AddressOf ChosenMailHandler
If Me.index = Me.selectIndex Then
Me.index = -1
Me.index = Me.selectIndex
Dim m As Items.MailItem.MailData = Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1)
Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1) = New Items.MailItem.MailData With {.MailHeader = m.MailHeader, .MailID = m.MailID, .MailOriginalTrainerOT = m.MailOriginalTrainerOT, .MailAttachment = m.MailAttachment, .MailRead = True, .MailSender = m.MailSender, .MailSignature = m.MailSignature, .MailText = m.MailText}
End If
End If
Me.index = -1
EditMailIndex = 0
If New Rectangle(440, yPlus + 320, 160, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
EditMailIndex = 0
End If
If New Rectangle(640, yPlus + 320, 160, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
EditMailIndex = 1
End If
If EditMailIndex = 0 Then
Me.TempNewMail = Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1)
Dim selScreen = New PartyScreen(Me, Item.GetItemByID(TempNewMail.MailID.ToString), AddressOf Me.ChosenPokemon, "Give mail to:", True) With {.Mode = Screens.UI.ISelectionScreen.ScreenMode.Selection, .CanExit = True}
AddHandler selScreen.SelectedObject, AddressOf ChosenPokemonHandler
Me.index = -1
EditMailIndex = 0
End If
End If
End If
@ -301,7 +340,7 @@
scrollIndex -= 1
End While
If Controls.Accept(True, True, True) = True Then
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
If Me.selectIndex = 0 Then
Dim selScreen As New NewInventoryScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, {5}, 5, Nothing)
@ -322,6 +361,40 @@
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) Then
Dim MailIndex As Integer = -1
For i = 0 To 8
If i < Core.Player.Mails.Count + 1 Then
If New Rectangle(46, 82 + 64 * i, 288, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
MailIndex = scrollIndex + i
Exit For
End If
End If
If MailIndex <> -1 Then
selectIndex = MailIndex
If Me.selectIndex = 0 Then
Dim selScreen As New NewInventoryScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, {5}, 5, Nothing)
selScreen.Mode = Screens.UI.ISelectionScreen.ScreenMode.Selection
selScreen.CanExit = True
AddHandler selScreen.SelectedObject, AddressOf ChosenMailHandler
If Me.index = Me.selectIndex Then
Me.index = -1
Me.index = Me.selectIndex
Dim m As Items.MailItem.MailData = Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1)
Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1) = New Items.MailItem.MailData With {.MailHeader = m.MailHeader, .MailID = m.MailID, .MailOriginalTrainerOT = m.MailOriginalTrainerOT, .MailAttachment = m.MailAttachment, .MailRead = True, .MailSender = m.MailSender, .MailSignature = m.MailSignature, .MailText = m.MailText}
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then
@ -396,11 +469,36 @@
End Select
End If
Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(400, 64, 672, 576)
Dim text As String = ("Text: (" & TempNewMail.MailText.Length & "/" & 200 & ")" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & TempNewMail.MailText.Replace("<br>", Environment.NewLine)).CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 600)
Dim yPlus As Integer = CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(text).Y)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Dim MailIndex As Integer = -1
For i = 0 To 8
If i < Core.Player.Mails.Count + 1 Then
If New Rectangle(46, 82 + 64 * i, 288, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
MailIndex = scrollIndex + i
Exit For
End If
If New Rectangle(46, 82 + 64 * i, 288, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
EditMailIndex = 4
Exit For
End If
End If
If MailIndex <> -1 Then
selectIndex = MailIndex
If Me.selectIndex = 0 Then
Me.index = -1
Me.index = Me.selectIndex
Dim m As Items.MailItem.MailData = Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1)
Core.Player.Mails(Me.index - 1) = New Items.MailItem.MailData With {.MailHeader = m.MailHeader, .MailID = m.MailID, .MailOriginalTrainerOT = m.MailOriginalTrainerOT, .MailAttachment = m.MailAttachment, .MailRead = True, .MailSender = m.MailSender, .MailSignature = m.MailSignature, .MailText = m.MailText}
End If
End If
If New Rectangle(420, 92, 660, 40).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
EditMailIndex = 0
End If