Main Menu & Options Menu Fixes and Improvements
* Gave enabled Content Packs better feedback by making the text green if it's enabled * Removed the "enabled" suffix from enabled Content Packs * Changed the "enabled:no/yes" text in the Content Pack menu to "Enable" when the selected Pack is disabled and "Disable" when the selected Pack is enabled * Fixed mouse clicks registering in a different location on the Content Packs menu When clicking any button on the row above the options submenu while the options submenu is opened, I made it close the submenu and move to that button. * Added visual keypress feedback when pressing a commandbutton. The key will revert back to it's regular look when the mouse/keyboard/controller button is released. * Fixed the jump when moving the cursor in the options menu from a slider to a button and vice versa. * added an "apply" button to the main menu's option menus * Made the "back" buttons in the main menu's option menus not apply the changes. * Made the language change when you scroll through the languages. Tokens in other languages need to be updated!
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ global_new,New
global_please_wait,Please wait
@ -24,11 +23,15 @@ global_cancel,Cancel
global_player_name,Player name
global_play_time,Play Time
@ -76,7 +79,6 @@ global_pokemon_move_cut,Cut
global_eggs_cannot_hold,Eggs cannot hold items.
@ -117,27 +119,7 @@ DeleteScreen:
delete_menu_delete_confirm,Do you really want to delete the save
pack_menu_up,Move Up
pack_menu_down,Move Down
@ -270,46 +252,80 @@ option_screen_title,Options
option_screen_warning,Options aren't saved yet, scroll down and choose "Save options."
option_screen_backadvice,PRESS E TO GO BACK
option_screen_textspeed_description,The speed the textbox shows up and~displays the text
option_screen_fov_description,The field of view. The higher the value is,~the more you can see.~Warning: Too large value can cause lags in larger maps.
option_screen_mousespeed_description,The Mousespeed sets the speed on which the~mouse can rotate the view.
option_screen_volume_description,The volume of the background music.~This settings is for all save states.
option_screen_render_distance_description,The renderdistance determines,~how far you can see.~By turning this down, you can improve your FPS.
option_screen_game_textspeed,Text Speed
option_screen_game_textspeed_description,The speed the textbox shows up and~displays the text
option_screen_game_difficulty_description,Difficulty mode~Sets the level of difficulty.
option_screen_game_difficulty_superhard,Super Hard
option_screen_game_viewbobbing,View Bobbing
option_screen_game_viewbobbing_description,Turns camera shaking on or off.
option_screen_graphics_description,Affects if some objects are rendered~or not. By turning this down, you can improve your FPS.~This settings is for all save states.
option_screen_offset_map_quality,Offset map quality
option_screen_offset_map_quality_description,Sets the quality of the offset maps.~The details and update frequency of offset maps increase with this value.~Set this value to 0 to prevent the game from loading offset maps.
option_screen_animations_in_battle,Animations in battle
option_screen_animations_in_battle_attacks_off,Attacks off
option_screen_animations_in_battle_description,Determines if the game shows battle animations.
option_screen_difficulty_description,Difficulty mode~Sets the level of difficulty.
option_screen_graphics_fov,Field of View
option_screen_graphics_fov_description,The field of view. The higher the value is,~the more you can see.~Warning: Too large value can cause lags in larger maps.
option_screen_graphics_renderdistance,Render Distance
option_screen_graphics_renderdistance_description,The render distance determines,~how far you can see.~By turning this down, you can improve your FPS.
option_screen_graphics_offset_mapquality,Offset Map Quality
option_screen_graphics_offset_mapquality_description,Sets the quality of the offset maps.~The details and update frequency of offset maps increase with this value.~Set this value to 0 to prevent the game from loading offset maps.
option_screen_graphics_graphics_description,Affects if some objects are rendered~or not. By turning this down, you can improve your FPS.~This settings is for all save states.
option_screen_graphics_multisampling,Multi Sampling
option_screen_battle_3dmodels,3D Models
option_screen_battle_animations_description,Determines if the game shows battle animations.
option_screen_battle_battlestyle,Battle Style
option_screen_battle_style_description,Battle Style~Set: You are not asked to switch out your Pokémon~Shift: You can switch out your Pokémon after defeating an opponent.
option_screen_view_bobbing,View bobbing
option_screen_view_bobbing_description,Turns camera shaking on or off.
option_screen_reset_options,Reset options.
option_screen_reset_options_description,Resets all options.
option_screen_controls_xboxgamepad,Xbox Gamepad
option_screen_controls_resetkeybindings,Reset Key Bindings
option_screen_controls_cameraspeed,Camera Speed
option_screen_controls_cameraspeed_description,The camera speed sets the speed on which the~mouse can rotate the view.
option_screen_controls_cameraspeed_fast,Super fast!
option_screen_controls_cameraspeed_fastest,SPEED OF LIGHT!
option_screen_audio_volume_music,Music Volume
option_screen_audio_volume_music_description,The volume of the background music.
option_screen_audio_volume_sfx,SoundFX Volume
option_screen_audio_volume_music_description,The volume of the sound effects and jingles.
option_screen_contentpacks_up,Move Up
option_screen_contentpacks_down,Move Down
option_screen_resetoptions,Reset options.
option_screen_resetoptions_description,Resets all options.
option_screen_save_options,Save options.
option_screen_save_options_description,Save the options and close the menu.
option_screen_close_menu,Close menu.
option_screen_close_menu_description,Close the menu and do not save~the changes.
Item Detail Screen:
@ -414,7 +414,49 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End If
End If
Case 2, 3
Case 2
For x = 0 To _MainProfiles.Count - 1
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _mainOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain))
If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffsetTarget.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
_menuIndex = 0
Dim diff As Integer = CInt(_screenOffset.X + x * 180) - CInt(_optionsOffset.X + _selectedProfile * 180)
_screenOffsetTarget.X -= diff
_selectedProfile = x
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(x)
End If
For x = 0 To _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _optionsOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain))
If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _optionsOffset.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
If _selectedProfile = x Then
If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then
End If
If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then
Dim diff As Integer = x - _selectedProfile
_optionsOffsetTarget.X -= diff * 180
_selectedProfile = x
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
Case 3
For x = 0 To _GameJoltProfiles.Count - 1
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _gameJoltOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain))
If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffsetTarget.Y + -180 + 32), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
Dim diff As Integer = x - _selectedProfile
_gameJoltOffsetTarget.X -= diff * 180
_menuIndex = 1
_selectedProfile = x
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(x)
End If
For x = 0 To _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _optionsOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain))
@ -539,14 +581,17 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then
SetScreen(New PressStartScreen())
End If
Case 1, 2
_menuIndex = 0
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile)
Case 3
_menuIndex = 1
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile)
End Select
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.ForwardMoveKey) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.UpKey) Then
@ -555,10 +600,12 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
_menuIndex = 0
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile)
Case 3
_menuIndex = 1
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile)
End Select
End If
@ -604,13 +651,13 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
Core.Player.Skin = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSpriteFile(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender)
_MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender)
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonResetSave()
_MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender)
End Sub
Private Sub ClickedProfile()
Select Case _menuIndex
Case 0
@ -846,6 +893,8 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
Select Case _menuIndex
Case 2, 3
Return CInt(_optionsOffset.X + index * 180 + 80)
Case 1
Return CInt(_gameJoltOffset.X + index * 180 + 80)
Case Else
Return CInt(_screenOffset.X + index * 180 + 80)
End Select
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
Private Languages As New List(Of String)
Private LanguageNames As New List(Of String)
Private currentLanguage As String = "en"
Private currentLanguage As String = Localization.LanguageSuffix
Private TempLanguage As String = Localization.LanguageSuffix
Public Shared languageMenuIndex(3) As Integer
Private PackNames As New List(Of String)
@ -218,10 +219,6 @@
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EscapeKey) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey1) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey2) Or MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.RightButton) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.B) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetLanguages()
@ -302,15 +299,19 @@
For i = 0 To x
Dim Name As String = PackNames(i + packsMenuIndex(2))
If EnabledPackNames.Contains(Name) = True Then
Name &= " (" & Localization.GetString("pack_menu_enabled") & ")"
textColor = New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade))
End If
If i + packsMenuIndex(2) = packsMenuIndex(0) Then
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 318, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50 + 2)), textColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50)), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
If i + packsMenuIndex(2) = packsMenuIndex(0) Then
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320 + 2, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50)), New Color(181, 255, 82, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50)), New Color(98, 205, 8, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
End If
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50)), textColor)
If i + packsMenuIndex(2) = packsMenuIndex(0) Then
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320 + 2, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50 + 2)), textColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50)), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Name, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 320, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 120 + i * 50)), textColor)
End If
End If
End If
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@
End If
If GameInstance.IsMouseVisible = True Then
For i = 0 To 3
If New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 328, 204 + i * 50, 500, 48).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then
If New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 328, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 128 + i * 50), 500, 48).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then
If MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.LeftButton) = True Then
packsMenuIndex(0) = i + packsMenuIndex(2)
End If
@ -407,7 +408,7 @@
If hasMP3 = True Or hasOGG = True Or hasWMA = True Then
PInfoContent = Localization.GetString("pack_menu_songs")
PInfoContent = Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_songs")
End If
End If
If IO.Directory.Exists(contentPackPath & "Sounds") = True Then
@ -431,7 +432,7 @@
PInfoContent &= ", "
End If
PInfoContent &= Localization.GetString("pack_menu_sounds")
PInfoContent &= Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_sounds")
End If
End If
@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
PInfoContent &= ", "
End If
PInfoContent &= Localization.GetString("pack_menu_textures")
PInfoContent &= Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_textures")
Exit For
End If
End If
@ -489,11 +490,11 @@
Dim CanvasTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu", New Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48), "")
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 240 + 4, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 144), 480, 64), New Color(77, 147, 198, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_name") & ": " & PInfoName, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(Localization.GetString("pack_menu_name") & ": " & PInfoName).X / 2) + 2, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 128 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_name") & ": " & PInfoName, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(Localization.GetString("pack_menu_name") & ": " & PInfoName).X / 2), CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 128)), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_name") & ": " & PInfoName, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_name") & ": " & PInfoName).X / 2) + 2, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 128 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_name") & ": " & PInfoName, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_name") & ": " & PInfoName).X / 2), CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 128)), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 272 + 4, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 72), 544, 196), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_version") & ": " & PInfoVersion & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("pack_menu_by") & ": " & PInfoAuthor & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("pack_menu_content") & ": " & PInfoContent & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("pack_menu_description") & ": " & Environment.NewLine & PInfoDescription.Replace("<br>", Environment.NewLine), New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 272 + 16, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 64)), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_version") & ": " & PInfoVersion & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_by") & ": " & PInfoAuthor & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_content") & ": " & PInfoContent & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_description") & ": " & Environment.NewLine & PInfoDescription.Replace("<br>", Environment.NewLine).Replace("~", Environment.NewLine), New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2) - 272 + 16, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 64)), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * _pageFade)))
End Sub
Private Sub UpdatePackInformationMenu()
@ -593,7 +594,7 @@
SpriteBatch.Draw(_texture, New Rectangle(halfWidth - 140, halfHeight - 232, 16, 16), New Rectangle(80, 0, 16, 16), mainBackgroundColor)
SpriteBatch.Draw(_texture, New Rectangle(halfWidth - 124, halfHeight - 216, 16, 16), New Rectangle(80, 0, 16, 16), mainBackgroundColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, "Options", New Vector2(halfWidth - 390, halfHeight - 228), mainBackgroundColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, Localization.GetString("option_screen_title", "Options"), New Vector2(halfWidth - 390, halfHeight - 228), mainBackgroundColor)
For y = 0 To CInt(_enrollY) Step 16
For x = 0 To 800 Step 16
@ -609,22 +610,8 @@
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawCursor()
Dim currentControl As Control = Nothing
Dim XOffset As Integer = 0
For Each control As Control In ControlList
If control._position = _cursorDestPosition Then
currentControl = control
Exit For
End If
If ControlList.Count > 0 Then
If currentControl.ControlType = "ScrollBar" Then
XOffset = 400 - 68
End If
End If
Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "")
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(_cursorPosition.X) + XOffset + 60, CInt(_cursorPosition.Y) - 28, 48, 48), New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * Me._interfaceFade)), 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(_cursorPosition.X) + 60, CInt(_cursorPosition.Y) - 28, 48, 48), New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * Me._interfaceFade)), 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawCurrentPage()
For Each C As Control In ControlList
@ -785,9 +772,22 @@
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetCursorPosition(ByVal direction As String)
Dim ScrollControl As Control = Nothing
Dim pos = GetButtonPosition(direction)
'Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(pos.X + 180, pos.Y - 42)
Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y)
'Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(pos.X + 180, pos.Y - 42)
For Each control As Control In ControlList
If control._position = New Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y) Then
If control.ControlType = "ScrollBar" Then
ScrollControl = control
Exit For
End If
End If
If ScrollControl IsNot Nothing Then
cPosition.X += 332
End If
_cursorDestPosition = cPosition
End Sub
@ -796,9 +796,16 @@
Dim currentControl As Control = Nothing
For Each control As Control In ControlList
If control._position = _cursorDestPosition Then
currentControl = control
Exit For
If control.ControlType = "ScrollBar" Then
If control._position.Y = _cursorDestPosition.Y Then
currentControl = control
Exit For
End If
If control._position = _cursorDestPosition Then
currentControl = control
Exit For
End If
End If
@ -921,104 +928,116 @@
Select Case ScreenIndex
Case 0 ' Main Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90, Delta_Y + 80), 1, 64, "Game", AddressOf SwitchToGame, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 310, Delta_Y + 80), 1, 64, "Graphics", AddressOf SwitchToGraphics, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530, Delta_Y + 80), 1, 64, "Battle", AddressOf SwitchToBattle, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 200, Delta_Y + 168), 1, 64, "Controls", AddressOf SwitchToControls, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 420, Delta_Y + 168), 1, 64, "Audio", AddressOf SwitchToAudio, 5))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90, Delta_Y + 80), 1, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game", "Game"), AddressOf SwitchToGame, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 310, Delta_Y + 80), 1, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics", "Graphics"), AddressOf SwitchToGraphics, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530, Delta_Y + 80), 1, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_battle", "Battle"), AddressOf SwitchToBattle, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 200, Delta_Y + 168), 1, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls", "Controls"), AddressOf SwitchToControls, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 420, Delta_Y + 168), 1, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_audio", "Audio"), AddressOf SwitchToAudio, 5))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, "Apply", AddressOf Apply, 6))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 286 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 2, 48, "Reset Options", AddressOf Reset, 7))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, "Close", AddressOf Close, 8))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_apply", "Apply"), AddressOf Apply, 6))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 286 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("option_screen_resetoptions", "Reset Options"), AddressOf Reset, 7))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_close", "Close"), AddressOf Close, 8))
Case 1 ' "Game" from the Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 60), 400, "Text Speed", Me.TextSpeed, 1, 3, AddressOf ChangeTextspeed, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 60), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_textspeed", "Text Speed"), Me.TextSpeed, 1, 3, AddressOf ChangeTextspeed, 1))
If CBool(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("LockDifficulty", "0")) = False Then
Dim d As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
d.Add(0, "Easy")
d.Add(1, "Hard")
d.Add(2, "Super Hard")
d.Add(0, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_difficulty_easy", "Easy"))
d.Add(1, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_difficulty_hard", "Hard"))
d.Add(2, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_difficulty_superhard", "Super Hard"))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 120), 400, "Difficulty", Me.Difficulty, 0, 2, AddressOf ChangeDifficulty, d, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 120), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_difficulty", "Difficulty"), Me.Difficulty, 0, 2, AddressOf ChangeDifficulty, d, 2))
End If
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 180), 3, 64, "View Bobbing", Me.ViewBobbing, AddressOf ToggleBobbing, {"Off", "On"}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 180), 3, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_game_viewbobbing", "View Bobbing"), Me.ViewBobbing, AddressOf ToggleBobbing, {Localization.GetString("global_off", "Off"), Localization.GetString("global_on", "On")}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
Case 2 ' "Graphics" from the Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 40), 400, "Field of View", CInt(Me.FOV), 45, 120, AddressOf ChangeFOV, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 40), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_fov", "Field of View"), CInt(Me.FOV), 45, 120, AddressOf ChangeFOV, 1))
Dim d As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
d.Add(0, "Tiny")
d.Add(1, "Small")
d.Add(2, "Normal")
d.Add(3, "Far")
d.Add(4, "Extreme")
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 100), 400, "Render Distance", Me.RenderDistance, 0, 4, AddressOf ChangeRenderDistance, d, 2))
d.Add(0, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_renderdistance_tiny", "Tiny"))
d.Add(1, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_renderdistance_small", "Small"))
d.Add(2, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_renderdistance_normal", "Normal"))
d.Add(3, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_renderdistance_far","Far"))
d.Add(4, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_renderdistance_extreme", "Extreme"))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 100), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_renderdistance", "Render Distance"), Me.RenderDistance, 0, 4, AddressOf ChangeRenderDistance, d, 2))
Dim d1 As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
d1.Add(0, "Off")
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 160), 400, "Offset Map Quality", Me.LoadOffsetMaps, 0, 100, AddressOf ChangeOffsetMaps, d1, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 160), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_offset_mapquality", "Offset Map Quality"), Me.LoadOffsetMaps, 0, 100, AddressOf ChangeOffsetMaps, d1, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 220), 3, 64, "Graphics", CBool(Me.GraphicStyle), AddressOf ToggleGraphicsStyle, {"Fast", "Fancy"}.ToList(), 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 300), 3, 64, "Multi Sampling", Me.PreferMultiSampling, AddressOf ToggleMultiSampling, {"Off", "On"}.ToList(), 5))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 220), 3, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_graphics", "Graphics"), CBool(Me.GraphicStyle), AddressOf ToggleGraphicsStyle, {Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_graphics_fast", "Fast"), Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_graphics_fancy", "Fancy")}.ToList(), 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 300), 3, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_graphics_multisampling", "Multi Sampling"), Me.PreferMultiSampling, AddressOf ToggleMultiSampling, {"Off", "On"}.ToList(), 5))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf SwitchToMain, 6))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToMain, 6))
Case 3 ' "Battle" from the Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100 + 20, Delta_Y + 100), 2, 64, "3D Models", CBool(ShowModels), AddressOf ToggleShowModels, {"Off", "On"}.ToList(), 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 400 + 20, Delta_Y + 100), 2, 64, "Animations", CBool(Me.ShowBattleAnimations), AddressOf ToggleAnimations, {"Off", "On"}.ToList(), 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100 + 20, Delta_Y + 200), 2, 64, "Battle Style", CBool(Me.BattleStyle), AddressOf ToggleBattleStyle, {"Shift", "Set"}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100 + 20, Delta_Y + 100), 2, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_battle_3dmodels", "3D Models"), CBool(ShowModels), AddressOf ToggleShowModels, {Localization.GetString("global_off", "Off"), Localization.GetString("global_on", "On")}.ToList(), 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 400 + 20, Delta_Y + 100), 2, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_battle_animations", "Animations"), CBool(Me.ShowBattleAnimations), AddressOf ToggleAnimations, {Localization.GetString("global_off", "Off"), Localization.GetString("global_on", "On")}.ToList(), 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100 + 20, Delta_Y + 200), 2, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_battle_battlestyle", "Battle Style"), CBool(Me.BattleStyle), AddressOf ToggleBattleStyle, {Localization.GetString("option_screen_battle_battlestyle_shift", "Shift"), Localization.GetString("option_screen_battle_battlestyle_set", "Set")}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
Case 4 ' "Controls" from the Options menu.
If PreScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 100), 5, 64, "Xbox Gamepad", Me.GamePadEnabled, AddressOf ToggleXBOX360Controller, {"Disabled", "Enabled"}.ToList(), 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 200), 3, 64, "Reset Key Bindings", AddressOf ResetKeyBindings, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf ApplyControls, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 100), 5, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_xboxgamepad", "Xbox Gamepad"), Me.GamePadEnabled, AddressOf ToggleXBOX360Controller, {"Disabled", "Enabled"}.ToList(), 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 200), 3, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_resetkeybindings", "Reset Key Bindings"), AddressOf ResetKeyBindings, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_apply", "Apply"), AddressOf ControlsApply, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf Close, 4))
Dim d As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
d.Add(1, "...Slow...")
d.Add(12, "Standard")
d.Add(38, "Super fast!")
d.Add(50, "SPEED OF LIGHT!")
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 60), 400, "Camera Speed", Me.CameraSpeed, 1, 50, AddressOf ChangeCameraSpeed, d, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 120), 5, 64, "Xbox Gamepad", Me.GamePadEnabled, AddressOf ToggleXBOX360Controller, {"Disabled", "Enabled"}.ToList(), 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 200), 3, 64, "Reset Key Bindings", AddressOf ResetKeyBindings, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
d.Add(1, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_cameraspeed_slow", "...Slow..."))
d.Add(12, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_cameraspeed_medium", "Standard"))
d.Add(38, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_cameraspeed_fast", "Super fast!"))
d.Add(50, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_cameraspeed_fastest", "SPEED OF LIGHT!"))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 60), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_cameraspeed", "Camera Speed"), Me.CameraSpeed, 1, 50, AddressOf ChangeCameraSpeed, d, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 120), 5, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_xboxgamepad", "Xbox Gamepad"), Me.GamePadEnabled, AddressOf ToggleXBOX360Controller, {"Disabled", "Enabled"}.ToList(), 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 200), 3, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_controls_resetkeybindings", "Reset Key Bindings"), AddressOf ResetKeyBindings, 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
End If
Case 5 ' "Audio" from the Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 60), 400, "Music Volume", Me.Music, 0, 100, AddressOf ChangeMusicVolume, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 120), 400, "Sound Volume", Me.Sound, 0, 100, AddressOf ChangeSoundVolume, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 200), 1, 64, "Muted", CBool(Me.Muted), AddressOf ToggleMute, {"No", "Yes"}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 60), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_audio_volume_music", "Music Volume"), Me.Music, 0, 100, AddressOf ChangeMusicVolume, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ScrollBar(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 120), 400, Localization.GetString("option_screen_audio_volume_sfx", "SoundFX Volume"), Me.Sound, 0, 100, AddressOf ChangeSoundVolume, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 100, Delta_Y + 200), 1, 64, Localization.GetString("option_screen_audio_muted", "Muted"), CBool(Me.Muted), AddressOf ToggleMute, {"No", "Yes"}.ToList(), 3))
If PreScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf AudioApply, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_apply", "Apply"), AddressOf AudioApply, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf Close, 5))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToMain, 4))
End If
Case 6 ' "Language" from the Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 286 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf LanguageApply, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_apply", "Apply"), AddressOf LanguageApply, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf Close, 2))
Case 7 ' "ContentPacks" from the Options menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 64), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_up"), AddressOf ButtonUp, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 120), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_down"), AddressOf ButtonDown, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 176), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_enabled"), isSelectedEnabled, AddressOf PackEnabledToggle, {Localization.GetString("global_no"), Localization.GetString("global_yes")}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 232), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_information"), AddressOf SwitchToPackInformation, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 64), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_up"), AddressOf ButtonUp, 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 120), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_down"), AddressOf ButtonDown, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 176), 2, 48, "", isSelectedEnabled, AddressOf PackEnabledToggle, {Localization.GetString("global_enable"), Localization.GetString("global_disable")}.ToList(), 3))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 604, Delta_Y + 232), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("option_screen_contentpacks_information"), AddressOf SwitchToPackInformation, 4))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Apply", AddressOf PacksApply, 5))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 310 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf Close, 6))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_apply", "Apply"), AddressOf PacksApply, 5))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 310 + 24, Delta_Y + 327), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf Close, 6))
Case 8 ' "Information" from the ContentPacks menu.
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("pack_menu_enabled"), isSelectedEnabled, AddressOf PackEnabledToggle, {Localization.GetString("global_no"), Localization.GetString("global_yes")}.ToList(), 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, "Back", AddressOf SwitchToContentPacks, 2))
Me.ControlList.Add(New ToggleButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 90 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 2, 48, Localization.GetString("global_enabled"), isSelectedEnabled, AddressOf PackEnabledToggle, {Localization.GetString("global_no"), Localization.GetString("global_yes")}.ToList(), 1))
Me.ControlList.Add(New CommandButton(New Vector2(Delta_X + 530 + 24, Delta_Y + 336), 1, 48, Localization.GetString("global_back", "Back"), AddressOf SwitchToContentPacks, 2))
End Select
If ScreenIndex <> 7 Then
_cursorDestPosition = ControlList(0)._position
If ControlList(0).ControlType = "ScrollBar" Then
_cursorDestPosition = New Vector2(ControlList(0)._position.X + 332, ControlList(0)._position.Y)
_cursorDestPosition = ControlList(0)._position
End If
_cursorDestPosition = ControlList(4)._position
If ControlList(0).ControlType = "ScrollBar" Then
_cursorDestPosition = New Vector2(ControlList(4)._position.X + 332, ControlList(4)._position.Y)
_cursorDestPosition = ControlList(4)._position
End If
End If
End Sub
@ -1028,10 +1047,15 @@
End Sub
Private Sub Close()
If currentLanguage <> TempLanguage Then
End If
_closing = True
End Sub
Private Sub ApplyControls()
Private Sub ControlsApply()
Core.GameOptions.GamePadEnabled = Me.GamePadEnabled
_closing = True
End Sub
@ -1144,6 +1168,7 @@
If Languages.Contains(currentLanguage) = True Then
languageMenuIndex(0) = Languages.IndexOf(currentLanguage)
TempLanguage = currentLanguage
End If
languageMenuIndex(1) = 0
languageMenuIndex(2) = 0
@ -1301,6 +1326,7 @@
MusicManager.Muted = CBool(Me.Muted)
SoundManager.Muted = CBool(Me.Muted)
_closing = True
End Sub
@ -1310,6 +1336,9 @@
If currentLanguage <> Languages(languageMenuIndex(0)) Then
currentLanguage = Languages(languageMenuIndex(0))
End If
_closing = True
End Sub
#End Region
@ -1417,17 +1446,20 @@
Dim c As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * s._interfaceFade * s._pageFade))
Dim size As Integer = Me.Size
Dim ToggleDivider As String = ": "
If Me.Text = "" Then
ToggleDivider = ""
End If
Dim B As New Vector2
Dim t As String = Me.Text
Dim textColor As New Color
If Toggled Then
t &= ": " & Settings(1)
t &= ToggleDivider & Settings(1)
B.X = 16
B.Y = 32
textColor = (New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * s._interfaceFade * s._pageFade)))
t &= ": " & Settings(0)
t &= ToggleDivider & Settings(0)
B.X = 16
B.Y = 16
textColor = (New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * s._interfaceFade * s._pageFade)))
@ -1481,6 +1513,7 @@
Inherits Control
Private _buttonWidth As Integer = 1
Private _text As String = ""
Private TextureY As Integer
Public Property Position As Vector2
@ -1526,6 +1559,7 @@
Me._text = Text
Me.ID = ID
Me.OnClickTrigger = ClickSub
TextureY = 16
End Sub
@ -1535,9 +1569,9 @@
Dim pos As Vector2 = Me.Position
Dim c As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * s._interfaceFade * s._pageFade))
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(s._texture, New Rectangle(CInt(pos.X), CInt(pos.Y), Size, Size), New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), c)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(s._texture, New Rectangle(CInt(pos.X) + Size, CInt(pos.Y), Size * ButtonWidth, Size), New Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), c)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(s._texture, New Rectangle(CInt(pos.X) + Size * (ButtonWidth + 1), CInt(pos.Y), Size, Size), New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), c, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(s._menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(pos.X), CInt(pos.Y), Size, Size), New Rectangle(16, TextureY, 16, 16), c)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(s._menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(pos.X) + Size, CInt(pos.Y), Size * ButtonWidth, Size), New Rectangle(32, TextureY, 16, 16), c)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(s._menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(pos.X) + Size * (ButtonWidth + 1), CInt(pos.Y), Size, Size), New Rectangle(16, TextureY, 16, 16), c, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.0F)
Dim fontWidth As Integer = CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Text).X * 1.0)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Text, New Vector2(CInt((pos.X + (Size * (2 + ButtonWidth) - fontWidth) * 0.5F)), CInt(pos.Y) + CInt(16 * Size / 64)), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * s._interfaceFade * s._pageFade)), 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
@ -1545,20 +1579,38 @@
Public Overrides Sub Update(ByRef s As NewOptionScreen)
Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(_position.X), CInt(_position.Y), (2 + ButtonWidth) * Size, Size)
Dim Click As Boolean = False
If s._pageClosing = False And s._pageOpening = False Then
If r.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then
If P3D.Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Click = True
End If
End If
If Click = True Then
TextureY = 32
End If
If MouseHandler.ButtonUp(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.LeftButton) Then
TextureY = 16
Click = False
End If
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) Then
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
If Position = s._cursorDestPosition Then
End If
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(KeyBindings.EnterKey1) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(KeyBindings.EnterKey2) = True Or ControllerHandler.ButtonDown(Buttons.A) = True Then
If Position = s._cursorDestPosition Then
TextureY = 32
TextureY = 16
End If
End If
Click = False
End If
End Sub
End Class
Reference in New Issue