Added a GameMode Move property and 2 functions
* Fixed an issue with GameMode Items in battles * Updated the example files for GameMode Items and GameMode Moves * Maybe fixed something audio volume related * Made it possible to disable the reduction of PP using the DeductPP (bool) property for GameModeMoves * Added the new functions "SetTrigger" and "RemoveTrigger" for GameModeMoves: Function "SetTrigger" checks if a Pokémon does or does not have a certain Status and prevents functions after it from executing if the Pokémon does not have the desired Status. The function is formatted like this: Function|SetTrigger,Target,Triggers * "Target" determines which Pokémon's Status is checked and has to be either 0 or 1 (0 = check own Pokémon, 1 = check opponent's Pokémon) * "Triggers" determines the status effect(s) that should or should not be on the target Pokémon. You can add multiple possible status effects to check for by separating them with a semicolon (;), the values can be: "burn", "freeze", "paralyze", "poison", "badpoison", "anypoison", "sleep", "noburn", "nofreeze", "noparalyze", "nopoison", "nobadpoison", "nopoison", "nosleep" Function "RemoveTrigger" removes such a trigger so that functions after it are executed
This commit is contained in:
@ -1059,10 +1059,10 @@
#Region "UseItem"
Private Shared Sub SelectedItemHandler(ByVal params As Object())
End Sub
Private Shared Sub SelectedItem(ByVal itemID As Integer)
Private Shared Sub SelectedItem(ByVal itemID As String)
Dim Item As Item = Item.GetItemByID(itemID.ToString)
If Item.CanBeUsedInBattle = True Then
@ -1103,9 +1103,9 @@
End If
End Sub
Shared TempItemID As Integer = -1
Shared TempItemID As String = "-1"
Private Shared Sub UseItemhandler(ByVal params As Object())
Private Shared Sub UseItemHandler(ByVal params As Object())
End Sub
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
Select Case name.ToLower()
Case "volume"
MusicManager.MasterVolume = CSng(CDbl(value) / 100)
SoundManager.Volume = CSng(CDbl(value) / 100)
MusicManager.MasterVolume = CSng(CInt(value) / 100)
SoundManager.Volume = CSng(CInt(value) / 100)
Case "music"
MusicManager.MasterVolume = CSng(CDbl(value) / 100)
MusicManager.MasterVolume = CSng(CInt(value) / 100)
Case "sound"
SoundManager.Volume = CSng(CDbl(value) / 100)
SoundManager.Volume = CSng(CInt(value) / 100)
Case "muted"
SoundManager.Muted = CBool(value)
MusicManager.Muted = CBool(value)
@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
Public GameModeFunction As String = "" 'A GameMode can specify a pre defined function for a move.
Public IsGameModeMove As Boolean = False
Public gmDeductPP As Boolean = True
Private _power As Integer = 40
Private _accuracy As Integer = 100
@ -187,6 +188,8 @@
Public EffectChances As New List(Of Integer)
'Damage and effect types
Public MakesContact As Boolean = True
@ -2057,7 +2060,11 @@
''' <param name="Own">If the own Pokémon used the move.</param>
''' <param name="BattleScreen">Reference to the BattleScreen.</param>
Public Overridable Function DeductPP(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean
If Me.IsGameModeMove = True Then
Return gmDeductPP
Return True
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
@ -13,10 +13,171 @@
''' <param name="BattleScreen">Reference to the BattleScreen.</param>
Public Shared Sub ExecuteMoveHitsFunction(ByVal Move As Attack, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
Dim functions() As String = Move.GameModeFunction.Split("|")
Dim Trigger As String = ""
For i = 0 To functions.Count - 1
Dim f As String = functions(i)
Dim fMain As String = f
Dim fSub As String = ""
Select Case f.GetSplit(0, ",").ToLower
Case "settrigger"
Trigger = f.GetSplit(1, ",") & "," & f.GetSplit(2, ",")
Case "removetrigger"
Trigger = ""
End Select
If Trigger <> "" Then
Dim Target As Boolean = CBool(Trigger.GetSplit(0, ","))
Dim Triggers() As String = Trigger.GetSplit(1, ",").Split(";")
Dim Success As Boolean = False
For t = 0 To Triggers.Count - 1
Select Case Triggers(t).ToLower()
Case "burn"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "freeze"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "paralyze"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "poison"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "toxic", "badpoison"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "anypoison"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison OrElse BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison OrElse BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "sleep"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "noburn"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "nofreeze"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "noparalyze"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "nopoison"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "notoxic", "nobadpoison"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "nopoison"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison AndAlso BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison AndAlso BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then
Success = True
End If
End If
Case "nosleep"
If Target = True Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then
Success = True
End If
If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then
Success = True
End If
End If
End Select
If Success = True Then
Trigger = ""
End If
If f.Contains(",") = True Then
fMain = f.GetSplit(0, ",")
fSub = f.GetSplit(1, ",")
@ -196,6 +357,7 @@
Case "sleep"
Sleep(Move, own, BattleScreen, CInt(fSub))
End Select
End If
End Sub
@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
move.UseOppDefense = CBool(value)
Case "useoppevasion"
move.UseOppEvasion = CBool(value)
Case "deductpp"
move.gmDeductPP = CBool(value)
End Select
End If
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Public Class GameModeItemLoader
item.gmIsHealingItem = CBool(value)
Case "healhpamount"
item.gmHealHPAmount = CInt(value)
Case "curestatuseffects"
Case "curestatus"
Dim StatusEffectList As New List(Of String)
Dim valueSplit As String() = value.Split(",")
For i = 0 To valueSplit.Count - 1
@ -984,7 +984,11 @@ Public Class NewInventoryScreen
If cItem.IsGameModeItem = True Then
End If
_closing = True
End Select
@ -1268,7 +1272,7 @@ Public Class NewInventoryScreen
Public Event SelectedObject(params() As Object) Implements ISelectionScreen.SelectedObject
Private Sub FireSelectionEvent(ByVal itemId As Integer)
Private Sub FireSelectionEvent(ByVal itemId As String)
RaiseEvent SelectedObject(New Object() {itemId})
End Sub
Reference in New Issue