Merge branch 'master' of
@ -124,11 +124,13 @@
Exit Sub
End If
'If Shadow Force gets programmed, put this in.
'If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter = 1 Then
' InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, xxx)})
' Exit Sub
'End If
'Shadow Force:
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter = 1 Then
SelectedMoveOwn = False
InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 467)})
Exit Sub
End If
'If Sky Drop gets programmed, put this in.
'If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSkyDropCounter = 1 Then
@ -301,10 +303,11 @@
Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 291)}
End If
''Shadow Force:
'If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter = 1 Then
' Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = (19).ToString()}
'End If
'Shadow Force:
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter = 1 Then
SelectedMoveOpp = False
Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 467)}
End If
''Sky Drop:
'If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSkyDropCounter = 1 Then
@ -944,7 +947,7 @@
Dim dig As Integer
Dim dive As Integer
Dim skyDrop As Integer 'not implemented yet
Dim shadowForce As Integer 'not implemented yet
Dim shadowForce As Integer
Dim skullBash As Integer
Dim skyAttack As Integer
Dim solarBeam As Integer
@ -575,6 +575,9 @@
If UsedAttack.ID = 524 Then
Return True
End If
If UsedAttack.ID = 480 Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 763 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 46 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 232 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 72 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.0 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 30 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.0 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 21 KiB |
@ -25508,6 +25508,24 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Abilities\Aerilate.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Abilities\ParentalBond.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Dark\DarkVoid.vb">
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Dragon\SpacialRend.vb">
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Fighting\StormThrow.vb">
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Ghost\ShadowForce.vb">
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Ground\ThousandWaves.vb">
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Ice\Avalanche.vb">
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\LibertySeaMap.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Standard\ExpertBelt.vb" />
<Compile Include="Resources\Blur\BlurHandler.vb" />
@ -25763,9 +25781,13 @@
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleAnimations\BASize.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleAnimations\BattleAnimation3D.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleStats.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\Battle.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\Battle.vb">
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\BattleAnimationScreenV2.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\BattleCalculation.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\BattleCalculation.vb">
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\BattleCameraV2.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\BattleMenu.vb" />
<Compile Include="Battle\BattleSystemV2\BattleScreen.vb" />
@ -26106,7 +26128,9 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Abilities\WonderGuard.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Abilities\WonderSkin.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Abilities\ZenMode.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Attack.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Attack.vb">
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\AttackSpecialFunctions.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Bug\AttackOrder.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Bug\BugBite.vb" />
@ -1080,8 +1080,8 @@
returnMove = New Moves.Dark.NastyPlot()
Case 418
returnMove = New Moves.Steel.BulletPunch()
'Case 419
Case 419
returnMove = New Moves.Ice.Avalanche()
Case 420
returnMove = New Moves.Ice.IceShard()
Case 421
@ -1162,22 +1162,22 @@
returnMove = New Moves.Normal.DoubleHit()
Case 459
returnMove = New Moves.Dragon.RoarOfTime()
'Case 460
'Spacial Rend
Case 460
returnMove = New Moves.Dragon.SpacialRend()
'Case 461
'Lunar Dance
Case 462
returnMove = New Moves.Normal.CrushGrip()
Case 463
returnMove = New Moves.Fire.MagmaStorm()
'Case 464
'Dark Void
Case 464
returnMove = New Moves.Dark.DarkVoid()
Case 465
returnMove = New Moves.Grass.Seedflare()
Case 466
returnMove = New Moves.Ghost.OminousWind()
'Case 467
'Shadow Force
Case 467
returnMove = New Moves.Ghost.ShadowForce()
Case 468
returnMove = New Moves.Dark.HoneClaws()
'Case 469
@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
'Magic Room
Case 479
returnMove = New Moves.Rock.SmackDown()
'Case 480
'Storm Throw
Case 480
returnMove = New Moves.Fighting.StormThrow()
Case 481
returnMove = New Moves.Fire.FlameBurst()
Case 482
@ -1471,9 +1471,9 @@
Case 613
returnMove = New Moves.Flying.OblivionWing()
'Case 614
'Tousand Arrows
'Case 615
'Thousand Waves
'Thousand Arrows
Case 615
returnMove = New Moves.Ground.ThousandWaves()
Case 616
returnMove = New Moves.Ground.LandsWrath()
'Case 617
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Dark
Public Class DarkVoid
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Dark)
Me.ID = 464
Me.OriginalPP = 10
Me.CurrentPP = 10
Me.MaxPP = 10
Me.Power = 0
Me.Accuracy = 50
Me.Category = Categories.Status
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Smart
Me.Name = "Dark Void"
Me.Description = "Opposing Pokémon are dragged into a world of total darkness that makes them sleep."
Me.CriticalChance = 0
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.AllAdjacentFoes
Me.Priority = 0
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = False
Me.ProtectAffected = True
Me.MagicCoatAffected = True
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True
Me.KingsrockAffected = False
Me.CounterAffected = False
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = False
Me.ImmunityAffected = False
Me.RemovesFrozen = False
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsPunchingMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = False
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsSoundMove = False
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = False
Me.AIField1 = AIField.Sleep
Me.AIField2 = AIField.Nothing
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub MoveHits(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
Dim b As Boolean = BattleScreen.Battle.InflictSleep(Not own, own, BattleScreen, -1, "", "move:darkvoid")
If b = False Then
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Me.Name & " failed!"))
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Dragon
Public Class SpacialRend
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Dragon)
Me.ID = 460
Me.OriginalPP = 5
Me.CurrentPP = 5
Me.MaxPP = 5
Me.Power = 100
Me.Accuracy = 95
Me.Category = Categories.Special
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Tough
Me.Name = "Spacial Rend"
Me.Description = "The user tears the target along with the space around it. Critical hits land more easily."
Me.CriticalChance = 2
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.OneAdjacentTarget
Me.Priority = 0
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = False
Me.ProtectAffected = True
Me.MagicCoatAffected = False
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True
Me.KingsrockAffected = True
Me.CounterAffected = False
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = True
Me.ImmunityAffected = True
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.RemovesFrozen = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsPunchingMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = True
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsSoundMove = False
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Fighting
Public Class StormThrow
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Fighting)
Me.ID = 480
Me.OriginalPP = 10
Me.CurrentPP = 10
Me.MaxPP = 10
Me.Power = 60
Me.Accuracy = 100
Me.Category = Categories.Physical
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Cool
Me.Name = "Storm Throw"
Me.Description = "The user strikes the target with a fierce blow. This attack always results in a critical hit."
Me.CriticalChance = 1
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.OneAdjacentTarget
Me.Priority = 0
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = True
Me.ProtectAffected = True
Me.MagicCoatAffected = False
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True
Me.KingsrockAffected = True
Me.CounterAffected = True
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = True
Me.ImmunityAffected = True
Me.RemovesFrozen = False
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsPunchingMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = True
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsSoundMove = False
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Ghost
Public Class ShadowForce
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Ghost)
Me.ID = 467
Me.OriginalPP = 5
Me.CurrentPP = 5
Me.MaxPP = 5
Me.Power = 120
Me.Accuracy = 100
Me.Category = Categories.Physical
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Smart
Me.Name = "Shadow Force"
Me.Description = "The user disappears, then strikes the target on the next turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself."
Me.CriticalChance = 1
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.OneAdjacentTarget
Me.Priority = 0
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = True
Me.ProtectAffected = False
Me.MagicCoatAffected = False
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True
Me.KingsrockAffected = True
Me.CounterAffected = True
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = True
Me.ImmunityAffected = True
Me.RemovesFrozen = False
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsPunchingMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = True
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsSoundMove = False
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True
Me.UseAccEvasion = True
Me.CanHitUnderwater = False
Me.CanHitUnderground = False
Me.CanHitInMidAir = False
Me.AIField1 = AIField.Damage
Me.AIField2 = AIField.MultiTurn
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetUseAccEvasion(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean
Dim shadowforce As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter
If own = False Then
shadowforce = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter
End If
If shadowforce = 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Sub PreAttack(Own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
Dim shadowforce As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter
If Own = False Then
shadowforce = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter
End If
If shadowforce = 0 Then
Me.FocusOppPokemon = False
Me.FocusOppPokemon = True
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function MoveFailBeforeAttack(Own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean
Dim shadowforceCounter As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter
If Own = False Then
shadowforceCounter = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter
End If
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
If Own = False Then
p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
End If
Dim hasToCharge As Boolean = True
If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then
If p.Item.Name.ToLower() = "power herb" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(Own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(Own, BattleScreen) = True Then
If BattleScreen.Battle.RemoveHeldItem(Own, Own, BattleScreen, "Power Herb pushed the use of Shadow Force!", "move:shadowforce") = True Then
hasToCharge = False
End If
End If
End If
If shadowforceCounter = 0 And hasToCharge = True Then
If Own = True Then
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter = 1
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter = 1
End If
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " vanished instantly!"))
Return True
If Own = True Then
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter = 0
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter = 0
End If
Return False
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Sub MoveSelected(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
If own = True Then
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter = 0
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter = 0
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function DeductPP(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean
Dim ShadowForce As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter
If own = False Then
ShadowForce = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter
End If
If ShadowForce = 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
Private Sub MoveFails(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
If own = True Then
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter = 0
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter = 0
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub MoveMisses(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
MoveFails(own, BattleScreen)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub AbsorbedBySubstitute(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
MoveFails(own, BattleScreen)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub InflictedFlinch(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
MoveFails(own, BattleScreen)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub IsSleeping(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
MoveFails(own, BattleScreen)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub HurtItselfInConfusion(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
MoveFails(own, BattleScreen)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub IsAttracted(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
MoveFails(own, BattleScreen)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub MoveHits(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
If own = True Then
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDetectCounter = 0
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppProtectCounter = 0
op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDetectCounter = 0
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnProtectCounter = 0
End If
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Shadow Force lifted " & op.GetDisplayName() & "'s protection!"))
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Ground
Public Class ThousandWaves
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Ground)
Me.ID = 615
Me.OriginalPP = 10
Me.CurrentPP = 10
Me.MaxPP = 10
Me.Power = 90
Me.Accuracy = 100
Me.Category = Categories.Physical
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Tough
Me.Name = "Thousand Waves"
Me.Description = "The user attacks with a wave that crawls along the ground. Those hit can't flee from battle."
Me.CriticalChance = 1
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.AllAdjacentFoes
Me.Priority = 0
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = False
Me.ProtectAffected = True
Me.MagicCoatAffected = False
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True
Me.KingsrockAffected = True
Me.CounterAffected = True
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = True
Me.ImmunityAffected = True
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.RemovesFrozen = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsPunchingMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = True
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsSoundMove = False
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub MoveHits(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
Dim trapped As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTrappedCounter
If own = False Then
trapped = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTrappedCounter
End If
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
If own = False Then
op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
End If
If trapped = 0 Then
If own = True Then
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTrappedCounter = 1
BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTrappedCounter = 1
End If
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " can no longer escape!"))
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Ice
Public Class Avalanche
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Ice)
Me.ID = 419
Me.OriginalPP = 10
Me.CurrentPP = 10
Me.MaxPP = 10
Me.Power = 60
Me.Accuracy = 100
Me.Category = Categories.Physical
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Cool
Me.Name = "Avalanche"
Me.Description = "The power of this attack move is doubled if the user has been hurt by the target in the same turn."
Me.CriticalChance = 1
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.OneAdjacentTarget
Me.Priority = -4
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = True
Me.ProtectAffected = True
Me.MagicCoatAffected = False
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True
Me.KingsrockAffected = True
Me.CounterAffected = True
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = True
Me.ImmunityAffected = True
Me.RemovesFrozen = False
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsPunchingMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = True
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsSoundMove = False
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub MoveHits(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
End If
Dim chance As Integer = GetEffectChance(0, own, BattleScreen)
If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < chance Then
BattleScreen.Battle.LowerStat(Not own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "", "move:aurorabeam")
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetBasePower(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Integer
If own = True Then
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts > BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts Then
If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove Is Nothing Then
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove.IsDamagingMove = True Then
Return Me.Power * 2
End If
End If
End If
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts > BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts Then
If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove Is Nothing Then
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove.IsDamagingMove = True Then
Return Me.Power * 2
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return Me.Power
End Function
End Class
End Namespace