This commit is contained in:
Capt. Segis 2016-09-20 19:40:01 -05:00
commit aeeb1b8e31
610 changed files with 1900 additions and 4653 deletions

View File

@ -109,7 +109,6 @@
<Compile Include="Dialogues\PokemonImageView.vb" />
<Compile Include="Dialogues\TextBox.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Entity.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\EntityGroup.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Enviroment\AllSidesObject.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Enviroment\ApricornPlant.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Enviroment\BerryPlant.vb" />
@ -137,7 +136,6 @@
<Compile Include="Entites\Enviroment\Water.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Enviroment\Waterfall.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Enviroment\Whirlpool.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\OcclusionCulling.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Other\MessageBulb.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Other\NetworkPlayer.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Other\NetworkPokemon.vb" />
@ -145,11 +143,6 @@
<Compile Include="Entites\Other\OverworldPokemon.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Other\OwnPlayer.vb" />
<Compile Include="Entites\Other\Particle.vb" />
<Compile Include="Exceptions\InvalidEntityTypeException.vb" />
<Compile Include="Global Interfaces\ICopyAble.vb" />
<Compile Include="Global Interfaces\IDrawAble.vb" />
<Compile Include="Global Interfaces\IFocusAble.vb" />
<Compile Include="Global Interfaces\IUpdateAble.vb" />
<Compile Include="HelperClasses\Animation.vb" />
<Compile Include="HelperClasses\BasicObject.vb" />
<Compile Include="HelperClasses\Camera.vb" />
@ -941,6 +934,7 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Water\WaterSpout.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Water\Whirlpool.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Attacks\Water\Withdraw.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Apricorns\Apricorn.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Apricorns\BlkApricorn.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Apricorns\BluApricorn.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Apricorns\GrnApricorn.vb" />
@ -948,6 +942,7 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Apricorns\RedApricorn.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Apricorns\WhtApricorn.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Apricorns\YlwApricorn.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Balls\BallItem.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Balls\CherishBall.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Balls\DiveBall.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Balls\DuskBall.vb" />
@ -1037,9 +1032,9 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Berries\WikiBerry.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Berries\YacheBerry.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Berry.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\FileItem.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Item.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\ItemAttribute.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\ItemType.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\BasementKey.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\Bicycle.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\BlueCard.vb" />
@ -1049,6 +1044,7 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\GoodRod.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\GSBall.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\ItemFinder.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\KeyItem.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\LostItem.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\MachinePart.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\KeyItems\MysteryEgg.vb" />
@ -1388,6 +1384,7 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Plates\ZapPlate.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Repels\MaxRepel.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Repels\Repel.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Repels\RepelItem.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Repels\SuperRepel.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Standard\AbilityCapsule.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\Standard\AmuletCoin.vb" />
@ -1508,6 +1505,7 @@
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\XItems\XAccuracy.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\XItems\XAttack.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\XItems\XDefend.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\XItems\XItem.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\XItems\XSpAtk.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\XItems\XSpDef.vb" />
<Compile Include="Pokemon\Items\XItems\XSpeed.vb" />
@ -1673,14 +1671,6 @@
<Compile Include="World\SkyDome.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\Terrain.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\World.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\PropertyListeners\FacePlayerPropertyListener.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\PropertyListeners\ScriptBlockPropertyListener.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\PropertyListeners\StairsPropertyListener.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\XmlEntity.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\XmlEntityRenderer.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\XmlLevelLoader.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\XmlProperty.vb" />
<Compile Include="World\XML\XmlPropertyListener.vb" />
<Reference Include="OpenTK">
@ -1741,4 +1731,4 @@
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.VisualBasic.targets" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MonoGame\v3.0\MonoGame.Content.Builder.targets" />

View File

@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
Public Class BattleAnimationController
Implements IUpdateAble
Implements IDrawAble
Private _battleScreenInstance As BattleScreen
@ -22,11 +19,11 @@
End Sub
Public Sub Update() Implements IUpdateAble.Update
Public Sub Update()
End Sub
Public Sub Draw() Implements IDrawAble.Draw
Public Sub Draw()
End Sub

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ Public Class ObjectDump
If listDump <> "" Then
listDump &= ", "
End If
If valueArray(i) Is Nothing Then
If valueArray.GetValue(i) Is Nothing Then
listDump &= "Nothing"
listDump &= valueArray(i).ToString()
listDump &= valueArray.GetValue(i).ToString()
End If
listDump = "{" & listDump & "}"
@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ Public Class ObjectDump
If listDump <> "" Then
listDump &= ", "
End If
If valueArray(i) Is Nothing Then
If valueArray.GetValue(i) Is Nothing Then
listDump &= "Nothing"
listDump &= valueArray(i).ToString()
listDump &= valueArray.GetValue(i).ToString()
End If
listDump = "{" & listDump & "}"

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Public Class EntityGroup
Inherits Entity
Public Size As Size
Public GroupPosition As Vector3
Public Sub New(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal Rotation As Integer, ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal Size As Size)
'MyBase.New(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Y, Entity.EntityID, Entity.Textures, Entity.TextureIndex, Entity.Collision, Rotation, Entity.Scale, Entity.Model, Entity.ActionValue, Entity.AdditionalValue, New Vector3(1.0F))
Me.GroupPosition = Position
Me.Size = Size
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
Public Class OcclusionCulling
Public Shared Sub Draw()
If Screen.Level.Entities.Count > 0 Then
Dim r As Rectangle = GetTransformed(Screen.Level.OwnPlayer)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(r, Color.Red)
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub DoCulling(ByVal list As List(Of Entity))
Dim pixels(Core.windowSize.Width * Core.windowSize.Height - 1) As Color
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetTransformed(ByVal Entity As Entity) As Rectangle
Dim min As Vector2 = ProjectPoint(Entity.ViewBox.Min)
Dim max As Vector2 = ProjectPoint(Entity.ViewBox.Max)
Debug.Print(min.ToString() & max.ToString())
Return New Rectangle(CInt(min.X), CInt(min.Y), CInt(max.X - min.X), CInt(max.Y - min.Y))
End Function
Private Shared Function ProjectPoint(ByVal Position As Vector3) As Vector2
Dim mat As Matrix = Matrix.Identity * Screen.Camera.View * Screen.Camera.Projection
Dim v4 As Vector4 = Vector4.Transform(Position, mat)
Return New Vector2(CSng(((v4.X / v4.W + 1) * (Core.windowSize.Width / 2))), CSng(((1 - v4.Y / v4.W) * (Core.windowSize.Height / 2))))
End Function
End Class

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
Namespace Exceptions
''' <summary>
''' An exception to be thrown when an entity conversion encounters a type error.
''' </summary>
Public Class InvalidEntityTypeException
Inherits Exception
Public Sub New(ByVal FromType As String, ByVal ToType As String)
MyBase.New("Invalid conversion from entity type """ & FromType & """ to type """ & ToType & """.")
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
''' <summary>
''' An interface for classes to implement that can create a copied instance member.
''' </summary>
Public Interface ICopyAble
''' <summary>
''' Returns a new instance of the class in use.
''' </summary>
Function Copy() As Object
End Interface

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Public Interface IDrawAble
Sub Draw()
End Interface

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Public Interface IFocusAble
Sub Focus()
Sub DeFocus()
Function IsFocused() As Boolean
End Interface

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Public Interface IUpdateAble
Sub Update()
End Interface

View File

@ -12,16 +12,6 @@ Public MustInherit Class BasicObject
Private _Visible As Boolean = True
Private _DisposeReady As Boolean = False
''' <summary>
''' Use the random-function to create randomized values.
''' </summary>
Public Random As New System.Random()
''' <summary>
''' You can store a value in the Tag.
''' </summary>
Public Tag As New Object
#End Region
#Region "Properties"
@ -98,20 +88,6 @@ Public MustInherit Class BasicObject
End Set
End Property
''' <summary>
''' Returns a rectangle created by position, width and height of this object.
''' </summary>
Public Property Rectangle As Rectangle
Return New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y), Width, Height)
End Get
Set(value As Rectangle)
Me.Position = New Vector2(value.X, value.Y)
Me.Width = value.Width
Me.Height = value.Height
End Set
End Property
''' <summary>
''' The size of this object (width and height)
''' </summary>
@ -141,12 +117,4 @@ Public MustInherit Class BasicObject
Me._Position = Position
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Makes the object invisible and ready for disposing.
''' </summary>
Public Sub Remove()
DisposeReady = True
Visible = False
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -26,9 +26,4 @@
Me._Height = Height
End Sub
Public Sub Input(ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer)
Me._Width = Width
Me._Height = Height
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -215,10 +215,6 @@ Public Class KeyboardInput
''' </summary>
Public Class Textbox
Implements IUpdateAble
Implements IDrawAble
Implements IFocusAble
Private _text As String = String.Empty
Dim _inputHandler As New KeyboardInput()
@ -368,7 +364,7 @@ Public Class KeyboardInput
#Region "Update"
Public Sub Update() Implements IUpdateAble.Update
Public Sub Update()
If Me._isFocused = True Then
If Controls.CtrlPressed() = True Then
'Select All (Ctrl + A)
@ -474,7 +470,7 @@ Public Class KeyboardInput
#Region "Rendering"
Public Sub Draw() Implements IDrawAble.Draw
Public Sub Draw()
Dim contentHeight As Integer = Me._height
If contentHeight < 0 Then
contentHeight = CInt(Me._font.MeasureString(TESTFORHEIGHTCHARS).Y) + 2
@ -508,18 +504,18 @@ Public Class KeyboardInput
#Region "Focus"
Public Sub Focus() Implements IFocusAble.Focus
Public Sub Focus()
Me._isFocused = True
End Sub
Public Sub DeFocus() Implements IFocusAble.DeFocus
Public Sub DeFocus()
Me._isFocused = False
Me._selectionStart = 0
Me._selectionLength = 0
End Sub
Public Function IsFocused() As Boolean Implements IFocusAble.IsFocused
Public Function IsFocused() As Boolean
Return Me._isFocused
End Function

View File

@ -2,47 +2,6 @@ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module Extensions
Public Function IsNumericList(Of T)(ByVal l As List(Of T)) As Boolean
For Each O As T In l
If IsNumeric(O.ToString().Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)) = False Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Function IsBooleanicList(Of T)(ByVal l As List(Of T)) As Boolean
For Each O As T In l
If O.ToString() <> "0" And O.ToString() <> "1" And O.ToString().ToLower() <> "true" And O.ToString().ToLower() <> "false" And GetType(Boolean) <> O.GetType Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Function DeleteDuplicates(Of T)(ByVal l As List(Of T)) As List(Of T)
Dim copyList As New List(Of T)
For Each lI As T In l
If copyList.Contains(lI) = False Then
End If
Return copyList
End Function
Public Function ContainsToLower(Of T)(ByVal l As List(Of T), ByVal s As String) As Boolean
For Each Item As T In l
If Item.ToString().ToLower() = s.ToLower() Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Sub Move(Of T)(ByRef l As List(Of T), ByVal moveItemIndex As Integer, ByVal destinationIndex As Integer)
Dim i As T = l(moveItemIndex)
@ -106,44 +65,6 @@ Module Extensions
Return fullString
End Function
Public Function SetSplit(ByVal fullString As String, ByVal valueIndex As Integer, ByVal newValue As String, ByVal replace As Boolean) As String
Return SetSplit(fullString, valueIndex, newValue, ",", replace)
End Function
Public Function SetSplit(ByVal fullString As String, ByVal valueIndex As Integer, ByVal newValue As String, ByVal seperator As String) As String
Return SetSplit(fullString, valueIndex, newValue, seperator, True)
End Function
Public Function SetSplit(ByVal fullString As String, ByVal valueIndex As Integer, ByVal newValue As String) As String
Return SetSplit(fullString, valueIndex, newValue, ",", True)
End Function
Public Function RemoveSplit(ByVal fullString As String, ByVal valueIndex As Integer, ByVal separator As String) As String
If fullString.Contains(separator) = False Then
Return ""
End If
Dim s() As String = fullString.Split(CChar(separator))
Dim rString As String = ""
For x = 0 To s.Count - 1
If x <> valueIndex Then
If rString <> "" Then
rString &= separator
End If
rString &= s(x)
End If
Return rString
End Function
Public Function CountSplits(ByVal fullString As String, ByVal seperator As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer = 0
@ -175,45 +96,6 @@ Module Extensions
Return i
End Function
Public Function CountSeperators(ByVal fullstring As String) As Integer
Return CountSeperators(fullstring, ",")
End Function
Public Sub Print(ByVal s As String)
End Sub
Public Sub Print(ByVal i As Integer)
End Sub
Public Sub Print(ByVal l As Long)
End Sub
Public Sub Print(ByVal s As Single)
End Sub
Public Sub Print(Of T)(ByVal Array() As T)
Dim s As String = "{"
For i = 0 To Array.Length - 1
If i <> 0 Then
s &= ", "
End If
s &= Array(i).ToString()
s &= "}"
End Sub
Public Function ArrayToString(Of T)(ByVal Array() As T, Optional ByVal NewLine As Boolean = False) As String
If NewLine = True Then
@ -254,11 +136,6 @@ Module Extensions
Return s.Replace(vbNewLine, Seperator).Split(CChar(Seperator))
End Function
Public Function ToList(ByVal s As String, ByVal Seperator As String) As List(Of String)
Return s.Replace(vbNewLine, Seperator).Split(CChar(Seperator)).ToList()
End Function
Public Function ToPositive(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
If i < 0 Then
@ -267,14 +144,6 @@ Module Extensions
Return i
End Function
Public Function ToNegative(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
If i > 0 Then
i *= -1
End If
Return i
End Function
Public Function Clamp(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer) As Integer
If i > max Then
@ -554,12 +423,4 @@ Module Extensions
Return New Color(c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Converts a Xna.Framework.Color into a System.Drawing.Color.
''' </summary>
Public Function ToDrawing(ByVal c As Color) As Drawing.Color
Return Drawing.Color.FromArgb(c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A)
End Function
End Module

View File

@ -350,7 +350,6 @@
Public LastPokemonPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(999, 999, 999)
Public PokeFiles As New List(Of String)
Public EarnedAchievements As New List(Of String)
Public FileItems As New List(Of Items.FileItem)
Public PokegearModules As New List(Of Integer)
Public PhoneContacts As New List(Of String)
Public Mails As New List(Of Items.MailItem.MailData)
@ -510,7 +509,6 @@
End If
If IsGameJoltSave = True Then
@ -1832,7 +1830,6 @@

View File

@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ Public Class PlayerInventory
''' </summary>
Public Function GetItemPocketChar(ByVal Item As Item) As String
Select Case Item.ItemType
Case Item.ItemTypes.Standard
Case Items.ItemTypes.Standard
Return ChrW(128)
Case Item.ItemTypes.BattleItems
Case Items.ItemTypes.BattleItems
Return ChrW(135)
Case Item.ItemTypes.KeyItems
Case Items.ItemTypes.KeyItems
Return ChrW(129)
Case Item.ItemTypes.Machines
Case Items.ItemTypes.Machines
Return ChrW(130)
Case Item.ItemTypes.Mail
Case Items.ItemTypes.Mail
Return ChrW(131)
Case Item.ItemTypes.Medicine
Case Items.ItemTypes.Medicine
Return ChrW(132)
Case Item.ItemTypes.Plants
Case Items.ItemTypes.Plants
Return ChrW(133)
Case Item.ItemTypes.Pokéballs
Case Items.ItemTypes.Pokéballs
Return ChrW(134)
End Select

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
''' </summary>
Public Class Attack
Implements ICopyAble
#Region "Fields"
Public Const MOVE_COUNT As Integer = 560
@ -1488,7 +1486,7 @@
'Try to load a GameMode move.
Dim gameModeMove As Attack = GameModeAttackLoader.GetAttackByID(ID)
If Not gameModeMove Is Nothing And GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = False Then
returnMove = CType(gameModeMove.Copy(), Attack)
returnMove = gameModeMove.Copy()
returnMove = New Moves.Normal.Pound()
returnMove.IsDefaultMove = True
@ -1768,7 +1766,7 @@
''' <summary>
''' Returns a copy of this move.
''' </summary>
Public Function Copy() As Object Implements ICopyAble.Copy
Public Function Copy() As Attack
Dim m As Attack
If Me.IsGameModeMove = True Then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Namespace Items.Apricorns
Public MustInherit Class Apricorn
Inherits Item
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanBeUsed As Boolean = False
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanBeUsedInBattle As Boolean = False
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 100
End Class
End Namespace

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Apricorns
<Item(99, "Black Apricorn")>
Public Class BlkApricorn
Inherits Item
Inherits Apricorn
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A black Apricorn It has an indescribable scent."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Black Apricorn", 100, ItemTypes.Plants, 99, 1, 71, New Rectangle(48, 96, 24, 24), "A black Apricorn It has an indescribable scent.")
Me._canBeUsedInBattle = False
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(48, 96, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Apricorns
<Item(89, "Blue Apricorn")>
Public Class BluApricorn
Inherits Item
Inherits Apricorn
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A blue Apricorn. It smells a bit like grass."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Blue Apricorn", 100, ItemTypes.Plants, 89, 1, 70, New Rectangle(336, 72, 24, 24), "A blue Apricorn. It smells a bit like grass.")
Me._canBeUsedInBattle = False
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(336, 72, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Apricorns
<Item(93, "Green Apricorn")>
Public Class GrnApricorn
Inherits Item
Inherits Apricorn
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A green Apricorn. It has a mysterious, aromatic scent."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Green Apricorn", 100, ItemTypes.Plants, 93, 1, 69, New Rectangle(408, 72, 24, 24), "A green Apricorn. It has a mysterious, aromatic scent.")
Me._canBeUsedInBattle = False
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(408, 72, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Apricorns
<Item(101, "Pink Apricorn")>
Public Class PnkApricorn
Inherits Item
Inherits Apricorn
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A pink Apricorn. It has a nice, sweet scent."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Pink Apricorn", 100, ItemTypes.Plants, 101, 1, 68, New Rectangle(72, 96, 24, 24), "A pink Apricorn. It has a nice, sweet scent.")
Me._canBeUsedInBattle = False
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(72, 96, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Apricorns
<Item(85, "Red Apricorn")>
Public Class RedApricorn
Inherits Item
Inherits Apricorn
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A red Apricorn. It assails your nostrils."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Red Apricorn", 100, ItemTypes.Plants, 85, 1, 67, New Rectangle(240, 72, 24, 24), "A red Apricorn. It assails your nostrils.")
Me._canBeUsedInBattle = False
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(240, 72, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Apricorns
<Item(97, "White Apricorn")>
Public Class WhtApricorn
Inherits Item
Inherits Apricorn
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A white Apricorn. It doesn't smell like anything."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("White Apricorn", 100, ItemTypes.Plants, 97, 1, 66, New Rectangle(0, 96, 24, 24), "A white Apricorn. It doesn't smell like anything.")
Me._canBeUsedInBattle = False
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(0, 96, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Apricorns
<Item(92, "Yellow Apricorn")>
Public Class YlwApricorn
Inherits Item
Inherits Apricorn
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A yellow Apricorn. It has an invigorating scent."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Yellow Apricorn", 100, ItemTypes.Plants, 92, 1, 65, New Rectangle(384, 72, 24, 24), "A yellow Apricorn. It has an invigorating scent.")
Me._canBeUsedInBattle = False
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(384, 72, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Namespace Items.Balls
Public MustInherit Class BallItem
Inherits Item
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanBeUsed As Boolean = False
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ItemType As ItemTypes = ItemTypes.Pokéballs
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 1000
End Class
End Namespace

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(45, "Cherish Ball")>
Public Class CherishBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A quite rare Pokéball that has been specially crafted to commemorate an occasion of some sort."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Cherish Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 45, 1, 0, New Rectangle(216, 192, 24, 24), "A quite rare Pokéball that has been specially crafted to commemorate an occasion of some sort.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(216, 192, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(79, "Dive Ball")>
Public Class DiveBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat different Pokéball that works especially well when catching Pokémon that live underwater."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Dive Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 79, 1, 0, New Rectangle(288, 144, 24, 24), "A somewhat different Pokéball that works especially well when catching Pokémon that live underwater.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(288, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(158, "Dusk Ball")>
Public Class DuskBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat different Pokéball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon at night or in dark places like caves."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Dusk Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 158, 1, 0, New Rectangle(360, 216, 24, 24), "A somewhat different Pokéball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon at night or in dark places like caves.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(360, 216, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(161, "Fast Ball")>
Public Class FastBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A Pokéball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon which are quick to run away."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Fast Ball", 150, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 161, 1, 10, New Rectangle(144, 144, 24, 24), "A Pokéball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon which are quick to run away.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(144, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(164, "Friend Ball")>
Public Class FriendBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A Pokéball that makes caught Pokémon more friendly."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Friend Ball", 150, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 164, 1.0F, 1, New Rectangle(192, 144, 24, 24), "A Pokéball that makes caught Pokémon more friendly.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(192, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(4, "Great Ball")>
Public Class GreatBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A good, high-performance Pokéball that provides a higher Pokémon catch rate than a standard Pokéball can."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 600
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CatchMultiplier As Single = 1.5F
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Great Ball", 600, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 4, 1.5F, 1, New Rectangle(72, 0, 24, 24), "A good, high-performance Pokéball that provides a higher Pokémon catch rate than a standard Pokéball can.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(72, 0, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(186, "Heal Ball")>
Public Class HealBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 300
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A remedial Pokéball that restores the HP of a Pokémon caught with it and eliminiates any status conditions. "
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Heal Ball", 300, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 186, 1, 0, New Rectangle(456, 216, 24, 24), "A remedial Pokéball that restores the HP of a Pokémon caught with it and eliminiates any status conditions. ")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(456, 216, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(157, "Heavy Ball")>
Public Class HeavyBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A Pokéball for catching very heavy Pokémon."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Heavy Ball", 150, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 157, 1.0F, 1, New Rectangle(48, 144, 24, 24), "A Pokéball for catching very heavy Pokémon. ")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(48, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(159, "Level Ball")>
Public Class LevelBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A Pokéball for catching Pokémon that are a lower level than your own. "
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Level Ball", 150, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 159, 1, 4, New Rectangle(96, 144, 24, 24), "A Pokéball for catching Pokémon that are a lower level than your own. ")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(96, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(166, "Love Ball")>
Public Class LoveBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "Pokéball for catching Pokémon that are the opposite gender of your Pokémon."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Love Ball", 150, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 166, 1, 8, New Rectangle(240, 144, 24, 24), "Pokéball for catching Pokémon that are the opposite gender of your Pokémon.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(240, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(160, "Lure Ball")>
Public Class LureBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A Pokéball for catching Pokémon hooked by a Rod when fishing."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Lure Ball", 150, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 160, 1, 5, New Rectangle(120, 144, 24, 24), "A Pokéball for catching Pokémon hooked by a Rod when fishing. ")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(120, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(174, "Luxury Ball")>
Public Class LuxuryBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A particularly comfortable Pokéball that makes a wild Pokémon quickly grow friendlier after being caught."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Luxury Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 174, 1, 0, New Rectangle(432, 216, 24, 24), "A particularly comfortable Pokéball that makes a wild Pokémon quickly grow friendlier after being caught.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(432, 216, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(1, "Masterball")>
Public Class Masterball
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "The best Pokéball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, you will catch any wild Pokémon without fail."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanBeTraded As Boolean = False
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CatchMultiplier As Single = 255.0F
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Masterball", 0, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 1, 255, 3, New Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24), "The best Pokéball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, you will catch any wild Pokémon without fail.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
Me._canBeTraded = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(165, "Moon Ball")>
Public Class MoonBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A Pokéball for catching Pokémon that evolve using the Moon Stone."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Moon Ball", 150, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 165, 1, 6, New Rectangle(216, 144, 24, 24), "A Pokéball for catching Pokémon that evolve using the Moon Stone. ")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(216, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(188, "Nest Ball")>
Public Class NestBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat different Pokéball that becomes more effective the lower the level of the wild Pokémon."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Nest Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 188, 1, 0, New Rectangle(24, 240, 24, 24), "A somewhat different Pokéball that becomes more effective the lower the level of the wild Pokémon.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(24, 240, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(80, "Net Ball")>
Public Class NetBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat different Pokéball that is more effective when attempting to catch Water- or Bug-type Pokémon."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Net Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 80, 1, 0, New Rectangle(48, 168, 24, 24), "A somewhat different Pokéball that is more effective when attempting to catch Water- or Bug-type Pokémon.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(48, 168, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(5, "Pokéball")>
Public Class Pokeball
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "An item for catching Pokémon."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 200
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Pokéball", 200, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 5, 1, 0, New Rectangle(96, 0, 24, 24), "An item for catching Pokémon.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(96, 0, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(3, "Premier Ball")>
Public Class PremierBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat rare Pokéball that was made as a commemorative item used to celebrate an event of some sort."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 200
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Premier Ball", 200, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 3, 1, 0, New Rectangle(216, 216, 24, 24), "A somewhat rare Pokéball that was made as a commemorative item used to celebrate an event of some sort.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(216, 216, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(129, "Quick Ball")>
Public Class QuickBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat different Pokéball that has a more successful catch rate if used at the start of a wild encounter."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Quick Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 129, 1, 0, New Rectangle(120, 168, 24, 24), "A somewhat different Pokéball that has a more successful catch rate if used at the start of a wild encounter.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(120, 168, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(168, "Repeat Ball")>
Public Class RepeatBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat different Pokéball that works especially well on Pokémon species that have been caught before."
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Repeat Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 168, 1, 0, New Rectangle(384, 216, 24, 24), "A somewhat different Pokéball that works especially well on Pokémon species that have been caught before.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(384, 216, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(181, "Safari Ball")>
Public Class SafariBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A special Pokéball that is used only in the Great Marsh and the Safari Zone. It is decorated in a camouflage pattern."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 200
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CatchMultiplier As Single = 1.5F
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Safari Ball", 200, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 181, 1.5F, 0, New Rectangle(72, 144, 24, 24), "A special Pokéball that is used only in the Great Marsh and the Safari Zone. It is decorated in a camouflage pattern.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
Me._canBeTraded = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(72, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(177, "Sport Ball")>
Public Class SportBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A special Pokéball for the Bug-Catching Contest."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CatchMultiplier As Single = 1.5F
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Sport Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 177, 1.5F, 0, New Rectangle(384, 144, 24, 24), "A special Pokéball for the Bug-Catching Contest.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(384, 144, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(150, "Timer Ball")>
Public Class TimerBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "A somewhat different Pokéball that becomes progressively more effective the more turns that are taken in battle."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 150
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Timer Ball", 1000, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 150, 1, 0, New Rectangle(336, 216, 24, 24), "A somewhat different Pokéball that becomes progressively more effective the more turns that are taken in battle.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(336, 216, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ Namespace Items.Balls
<Item(2, "Ultra Ball")>
Public Class UltraBall
Inherits Item
Inherits BallItem
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "An ultra-high performance Pokéball that provides a higher success rate for catching Pokémon than a Great Ball."
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property PokeDollarPrice As Integer = 1200
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CatchMultiplier As Single = 2.0F
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("Ultra Ball", 1200, ItemTypes.Pokéballs, 2, 2, 2, New Rectangle(24, 0, 24, 24), "An ultra-high performance Pokéball that provides a higher success rate for catching Pokémon than a Great Ball.")
Me._isBall = True
Me._canBeUsed = False
_textureRectangle = New Rectangle(24, 0, 24, 24)
End Sub
End Class

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2013, "Aguav", 21600, "If held by a Pok<EFBFBD>mon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "6.4cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(21600, "If held by a Pokémon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "6.4cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2056, "Apicot", 86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, its Sp. Def stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "7.6cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its Sp. Def stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "7.6cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 30

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2004, "Aspear", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from being frozen on its own in battle.", "5.0cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from being frozen on its own in battle.", "5.0cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2050, "Babiri", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Steel-type attack.", "26.5cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Steel-type attack.", "26.5cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 25
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2034, "Belue", 64800, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Belue.", "11.8cm", "Very Soft", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(64800, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Belue.", "11.8cm", "Very Soft", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2016, "Bluk", 3600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Bluk.", "10.8cm", "Soft", 3, 6)
MyBase.New(3600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Bluk.", "10.8cm", "Soft", 3, 6)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2046, "Charti", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Rock-type attack.", "2.8cm", "Very Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Rock-type attack.", "2.8cm", "Very Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 20

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2000, "Cheri", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, it can recover from paralysis on its own in battle.", "2.0cm", "Soft", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from paralysis on its own in battle.", "2.0cm", "Soft", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2001, "Chesto", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from sleep on its own in battle.", "8.0cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from sleep on its own in battle.", "8.0cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2051, "Chilian", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one Normal-type attack.", "3.3cm", "Very Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one Normal-type attack.", "3.3cm", "Very Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 25

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2040, "Chople", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fighting-type attack.", "7.7cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fighting-type attack.", "7.7cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 15
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2043, "Coba", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Flying-type attack.", "27.7cm", "Very Hard", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Flying-type attack.", "27.7cm", "Very Hard", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2049, "Colbur", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Dark-type attack.", "3.8cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Dark-type attack.", "3.8cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2026, "Cornn", 21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Cornn.", "7.5cm", "Hard", 2, 4)
MyBase.New(21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Cornn.", "7.5cm", "Hard", 2, 4)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 20

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2061, "Custap", 86400, "If held by a Pokémon, it gets to move first just once in a pinch.", "26.7cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(86400, "If held by a Pokémon, it gets to move first just once in a pinch.", "26.7cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2033, "Durin", 64800, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Durin.", "28.0m", "Hard", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(64800, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Durin.", "28.0m", "Hard", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2059, "Enigma", 86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, being hit by a supereffective attack will restore its HP.", "15.5cm", "Hard", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, being hit by a supereffective attack will restore its HP.", "15.5cm", "Hard", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 40
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2010, "Figy", 18000, "If held by a Pok<EFBFBD>mon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "10.0cm", "Soft", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(18000, "If held by a Pokémon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "10.0cm", "Soft", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 15
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2053, "Ganlon", 86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, its Defense stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "3.3cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its Defense stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "3.3cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 30

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2024, "Grepa", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Sp. Def.", "14.9cm", "Soft", 2, 6)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Sp. Def.", "14.9cm", "Soft", 2, 6)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2048, "Haban", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Dragon-type attack.", "2.3cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Dragon-type attack.", "2.3cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2023, "Hondew", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Sp. Atk.", "16.2cm", "Hard", 2, 6)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Sp. Atk.", "16.2cm", "Hard", 2, 6)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2014, "Iapapa", 21600, "If held by a Pok<EFBFBD>mon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "22.3cm", "Soft", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(21600, "If held by a Pokémon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "22.3cm", "Soft", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2062, "Jaboca", 86400, "If held by a Pokémon, and if a foe's physical attack lands, the foe also takes damage.", "3.3cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(86400, "If held by a Pokémon, and if a foe's physical attack lands, the foe also takes damage.", "3.3cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2047, "Kasib", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Ghost-type attack.", "14.4cm", "Hard", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Ghost-type attack.", "14.4cm", "Hard", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2041, "Kebia", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Poison-type attack.", "8.9cm", "Hard", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Poison-type attack.", "8.9cm", "Hard", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 15

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2021, "Kelpsy", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Attack.", "38.1cm", "Hard", 2, 6)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Attack.", "38.1cm", "Hard", 2, 6)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2057, "Lansat", 86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, its critical-hit ratio will increase when it's in a pinch.", "9.7cm", "Soft", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its critical-hit ratio will increase when it's in a pinch.", "9.7cm", "Soft", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 30
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2005, "Leppa", 14400, "A Berry to be consumed by a Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, it can restore 10 PP to a depleted move during battle.", "2.8cm", "Very Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(14400, "A Berry to be consumed by a Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can restore 10 PP to a depleted move during battle.", "2.8cm", "Very Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2052, "Liechi", 86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, its Attack stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "11.1cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its Attack stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "11.1cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 30
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2008, "Lum", 43200, "A berry to be consumed by a Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, it can recover from any status condition during battle.", "3.4cm", "Super Hard", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(43200, "A berry to be consumed by a Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from any status condition during battle.", "3.4cm", "Super Hard", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2012, "Mago", 21600, "If held by a Pok<EFBFBD>mon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "12.6cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(21600, "If held by a Pokémon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.", "12.6cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2027, "Magost", 21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Magost.", "14.0cm", "Hard", 2, 4)
MyBase.New(21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Magost.", "14.0cm", "Hard", 2, 4)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2060, "Micle", 86400, "If held by a Pok<EFBFBD>mon, it raises the accuracy of a move just once in a pinch.", "4.1cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(86400, "If held by a Pokémon, it raises the accuracy of a move just once in a pinch.", "4.1cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 40

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2017, "Nanab", 3600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Nanab.", "7.7cm", "Very Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(3600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Nanab.", "7.7cm", "Very Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2029, "Nomel", 21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Nomel.", "28.5cm", "Soft", 2, 4)
MyBase.New(21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Nomel.", "28.5cm", "Soft", 2, 4)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2035, "Occa", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fire-type attack.", "8.9cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fire-type attack.", "8.9cm", "Super Hard", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 15
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsHealingItem As Boolean = True
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2006, "Oran", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<6F>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, it can restore its own HP by 10 points during battle.", "3.5cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can restore its own HP by 10 points during battle.", "3.5cm", "Super Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 10
@ -16,8 +18,6 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Me.Type = Element.Types.Poison
Me.Power = 60
Me._isHealingItem = True
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Use()

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2031, "Pamtre", 64800, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Pamtre.", "24.4cm", "Very Soft", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(64800, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Pamtre.", "24.4cm", "Very Soft", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 30

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2036, "Passho", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Water-type attack.", "3.3cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Water-type attack.", "3.3cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 15

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2044, "Payapa", 64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Psychic-type attack.", "25.1cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
MyBase.New(64800, "If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Psychic-type attack.", "25.1cm", "Soft", 1, 5)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2002, "Pecha", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, it can recover from poisoning on its own in battle.", "4.0cm", "Very Soft", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from poisoning on its own in battle.", "4.0cm", "Very Soft", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2007, "Persim", 14400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, it can recover from confusion on its own in battle.", "4.7cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(14400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from confusion on its own in battle.", "4.7cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 10

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2055, "Petaya", 86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, its Sp. Atk stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "23.7cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
MyBase.New(86400, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its Sp. Atk stat will increase when it's in a pinch.", "23.7cm", "Very Hard", 1, 2)
Me.Spicy = 30
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2019, "Pinap", 3600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Pinap.", "8.0cm", "Hard", 3, 6)
MyBase.New(3600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Pinap.", "8.0cm", "Hard", 3, 6)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2020, "Pomeg", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base HP.", "13.0cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base HP.", "13.0cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2022, "Qualot", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Defense.", "11.0cm", "Hard", 2, 6)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. Using it on a Pokémon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Defense.", "11.0cm", "Hard", 2, 6)
Me.Spicy = 10
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2028, "Rabuta", 21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Rabuta.", "22.6cm", "Soft", 2, 4)
MyBase.New(21600, "Pokéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Rabuta.", "22.6cm", "Soft", 2, 4)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Namespace Items.Berries
Inherits Berry
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(2003, "Rawst", 10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pok<EFBFBD>mon. If a Pok<6F>mon holds one, it can recover from a burn on its own in battle.", "3.2cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
MyBase.New(10800, "A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover from a burn on its own in battle.", "3.2cm", "Hard", 2, 3)
Me.Spicy = 0
Me.Dry = 0

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More