Switch to pokémon by clicking on them progress

This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2023-07-19 18:50:58 +02:00
parent 3176c6b9cb
commit bd67179e6d
1 changed files with 64 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -1913,11 +1913,7 @@ Public Class PokedexViewScreen
Dim newPokemon As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(PokeID, PokeAD, True)
Dim playCry As Boolean = False
If Page = 0 Then
playCry = True
End If
LoadPokemonData(-1, newPokemon, playCry)
LoadPokemonData(-1, newPokemon, True)
End If
End If
@ -1940,8 +1936,8 @@ Public Class PokedexViewScreen
End If
End If
If Me.Page = 1 Or Me.Page = 2 Then
If New Rectangle(6, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 32), 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then
Me.Page -= 1
End If
End If
@ -2054,6 +2050,67 @@ Public Class PokedexViewScreen
End Sub
Private Sub UpdatePage3()
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Dim centerVector As Vector2 = Core.GetMiddlePosition(New Size(CInt(64 * scale), CInt(64 * scale)))
Dim pokemon As Pokemon = Nothing
Dim position As Vector2 = New Vector2(0)
Dim mPosition As Vector2 = MouseHandler.MousePosition.ToVector2
For c = 0 To EvolutionLineConnections.Count - 1
For i = 0 To EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList.Count - 1
Dim rect As New Rectangle(CInt(centerVector.X + (EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList(i).Item1 * CInt(64 * scale))), CInt(centerVector.Y + (EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList(i).Item2 * (48 * scale))), CInt(EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList(i).Item3.GetMenuTexture().Width * CSng(32 / EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList(i).Item3.GetMenuTexture().Width * 2) * scale), CInt(EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList(i).Item3.GetMenuTexture().Height * CSng(32 / EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList(i).Item3.GetMenuTexture().Height * 2) * scale))
If rect.Contains(mPosition) Then
pokemon = EvolutionLineConnections(c).ConnectionList(i).Item3
End If
If pokemon IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dexID As String = PokemonForms.GetPokemonDataFileName(pokemon.Number, pokemon.AdditionalData, True)
Dim fIndex As Integer = -1
For f = 0 To Me.Forms.Count - 1
If Me.Forms(f) = dexID Then
If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, dexID) > 0 Then
fIndex = f
End If
End If
If fIndex <> -1 AndAlso Me.Forms(fIndex) IsNot "" Then
Me.FormIndex = fIndex
Dim PokeID As Integer = CInt(Me.Forms(Me.FormIndex).GetSplit(0, "_").GetSplit(0, ";"))
Dim PokeAD As String = ""
If Me.Forms(Me.FormIndex).Contains("_") Then
PokeAD = PokemonForms.GetAdditionalValueFromDataFile(Me.Forms(Me.FormIndex))
ElseIf Me.Forms(Me.FormIndex).Contains(";") Then
PokeAD = Me.Forms(Me.FormIndex).GetSplit(1, ";")
End If
Dim newPokemon As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(PokeID, PokeAD, True)
LoadPokemonData(-1, newPokemon, True)
ElseIf Me.DexIndex > -1 Then
Dim PDexScreen As PokedexScreen = CType(Me.PreScreen, PokedexScreen)
Dim index As Integer = DexIndex
For i = 0 To PDexScreen.PokemonList.Count - 1
If PDexScreen.PokemonList(i).Number = pokemon.Number AndAlso PDexScreen.PokemonList(i).AdditionalData = pokemon.AdditionalData Then
index = i
End If
If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, PokemonForms.GetPokemonDataFileName(PDexScreen.PokemonList(index).Number, PDexScreen.PokemonList(index).AdditionalData, True)) > 0 Then
vLineLength = 1
mLineLength = 1
fadeMainImage = 0
LoadPokemonData(index, Nothing, True)
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Up(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.OemPlus) = True Then
Me.scale += 0.5F
End If