Fix for BattleCatchScreen crash

This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2022-04-22 21:56:25 +02:00
parent 409fa3f300
commit cf0bb03e10
3 changed files with 182 additions and 165 deletions

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
Me.RemoveEntityAfter = RemoveEntityAfter
Me.RotationSpeedVector = RotationSpeedVector
Me.EndRotation = EndRotation
Me.ReturnVector = Me.Rotation
Me.TargetEntity = Entity
Me.ReturnVector = TargetEntity.Rotation
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal RotationSpeedVector As Vector3, ByVal EndRotation As Vector3, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, ByVal DoXRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoYRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoZRotation As Boolean)

View File

@ -26,8 +26,12 @@
If BattleFlipped <> Nothing Then
Me.BattleFlipped = BattleFlipped
End If
Me.CurrentEntity = entity
Me.CurrentModel = model
If entity IsNot Nothing Then
Me.CurrentEntity = entity
End If
If model IsNot Nothing Then
Me.CurrentModel = model
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal BV2Screen As BattleScreen)
@ -103,20 +107,24 @@
Public Function SpawnEntity(ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal Scale As Vector3, ByVal Opacity As Single, Optional ByVal startDelay As Single = 0.0F, Optional ByVal endDelay As Single = 0.0F) As Entity
Dim NewPosition As Vector3
If Not Position = Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
NewPosition.X = CurrentEntity.Position.X - Position.X
NewPosition.Y = CurrentEntity.Position.Y + Position.Y
NewPosition.Z = CurrentEntity.Position.Z + Position.Z
If BattleFlipped <> Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
NewPosition.X = CurrentEntity.Position.X - Position.X
NewPosition.Y = CurrentEntity.Position.Y + Position.Y
NewPosition.Z = CurrentEntity.Position.Z + Position.Z
NewPosition = Position
End If
NewPosition = Position
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
NewPosition = CurrentEntity.Position + Position
NewPosition = Position
End If
End If
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
NewPosition = CurrentEntity.Position + Position
NewPosition = Position
End If
NewPosition = Position
End If
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
@ -171,7 +179,7 @@
End If
End If
If CurrentEntity Is Nothing Then
Destination = MoveEntity.Position + New Vector3(DestinationX, DestinationY, DestinationZ)
Destination = New Vector3(DestinationX, DestinationY, DestinationZ)
Destination = CurrentEntity.Position + New Vector3(DestinationX, DestinationY, DestinationZ)
End If

View File

@ -4,17 +4,10 @@
Dim Ball As Item
Dim Animations As BattleSystem.AnimationQueryObject = New BattleSystem.AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, Nothing, BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel)
Dim BallStartPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(Camera.Position.X - 1.0F, Camera.Position.Y, Camera.Position.Z - 1.0F) + BattleScreen.BattleMapOffset
Dim BallEntity As Entity = Nothing
Dim PokemonScale As Vector3
Dim AnimationStarted As Boolean = False
Dim caught As Boolean = False
Dim InBall As Boolean = False
Dim AnimationIndex As Integer = 0
Dim renamed As Boolean = False
Dim InBall As Boolean = False
Dim textboxStart As Boolean = False
Dim showPokedexEntry As Boolean = False
@ -28,6 +21,8 @@
Dim SpriteVisible As Boolean = False
Dim BattleScreen As BattleSystem.BattleScreen
Dim AnimationHasStarted As Boolean = False
Dim AnimationList As New List(Of BattleSystem.AnimationQueryObject)
Public Sub New(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleSystem.BattleScreen, ByVal Ball As Item)
Me.Identification = Identifications.BattleCatchScreen
@ -42,9 +37,6 @@
Me.ModelVisible = BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel.Visible
Me.SpriteVisible = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible
BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel.Visible = False
BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = True
End Sub
@ -55,7 +47,9 @@
Dim RenderObjects As New List(Of Entity)
If InBall = False Then
If BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel IsNot Nothing Then
End If
@ -67,7 +61,26 @@
Animations.Draw(CType(Me.PreScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen))
If AnimationList.Count > 0 Then
Dim cIndex As Integer = 0
Dim cQuery As New List(Of BattleSystem.AnimationQueryObject)
If AnimationList.Count > cIndex Then
Dim cQueryObject As BattleSystem.AnimationQueryObject = AnimationList(cIndex)
If cQueryObject.PassThis = True Then
cIndex += 1
GoTo nextIndex
End If
End If
For Each cQueryObject As BattleSystem.AnimationQueryObject In cQuery
End If
@ -75,7 +88,26 @@
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateAnimations()
Animations.Update(CType(Me.PreScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen))
Dim cIndex As Integer = 0
If AnimationList.Count > cIndex Then
Dim cQueryObject As BattleSystem.QueryObject = AnimationList(cIndex)
If cQueryObject.IsReady = True Then
If cQueryObject.PassThis = True Then
GoTo nextIndex
End If
If cQueryObject.PassThis = True Then
cIndex += 1
GoTo nextIndex
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetCamera()
@ -97,102 +129,149 @@
CType(Camera, BattleSystem.BattleCamera).UpdateMatrices()
CType(Camera, BattleSystem.BattleCamera).UpdateFrustum()
If TextBox.Showing = False Then
If Me.IsCurrentScreen() = True Then
If AnimationStarted = False Then
If Me._playIntroSound = False Then
Me._playIntroSound = True
End If
BallEntity = Animations.SpawnEntity(BallStartPosition, Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F)
Select Case Me.AnimationIndex
Case 0
InBall = True
AnimationIndex = 1
AnimationStarted = False
Case 1
AnimationIndex = 2
AnimationStarted = False
Case 2, 3, 4, 5
If StayInBall() = True Then
AnimationIndex += 1
Select Case AnimationIndex
Case 0
If AnimationHasStarted = False Then
PokemonScale = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Scale
'Ball is thrown
Dim CatchAnimation = New BattleSystem.AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, Nothing, BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel)
CatchAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 0, 0)
Dim BallPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 3, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.15F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z)
Dim BallEntity As Entity = CatchAnimation.SpawnEntity(BallPosition, Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F, 0, 0)
CatchAnimation.AnimationMove(BallEntity, False, 0F, 0.25F, 0, 0.075, False, False, 0F, 0F,,,, 0.025)
CatchAnimation.AnimationRotate(BallEntity, False, 0, 0, -0.5, 0, 0, -6 * MathHelper.Pi, 0, 0, False, False, True, False)
CatchAnimation.AnimationRotate(BallEntity, False, 0, 0, 6 * MathHelper.Pi, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, False, False, True, False)
' Ball closes
CatchAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 3, 0)
Dim SmokeParticlesClose As Integer = 0
Dim SmokePosition = New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X + CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y + CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z + CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(0.025F, 0.25F, 0.025F)
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10))
Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 25.0F)
Dim SmokeEntity = CatchAnimation.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1, 3, 0)
CatchAnimation.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 3, 0)
Loop While SmokeParticlesClose <= 38
' Pokémon Shrinks
CatchAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.035F, 3, 0)
' Ball falls
CatchAnimation.AnimationMove(BallEntity, False, 0, -0.25, 0, 0.1F, False, False, 8, 0)
CatchAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Land", 9, 0)
Dim Shakes As List(Of Boolean) = New List(Of Boolean)
For i = 0 To 3
If StayInBall() = True Then
Select Case i
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
InBall = True
End Select
Exit For
InBall = False
End If
For i = 0 To Shakes.Count - 1
CatchAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Shake", 12 + i * 10, 0)
If Shakes(i) = False Then
CatchAnimation.AnimationRotate(BallEntity, False, 0, 0, 0.15F, 0, 0, MathHelper.PiOver4, 12 + i * 10, 0, False, False, True, True)
CatchAnimation.AnimationRotate(BallEntity, False, 0, 0, -0.15F, 0, 0, 0 - MathHelper.PiOver4, 12 + i * 10, 0, False, False, True, True)
End If
If InBall = True Then
For i = 0 To 2
Dim StarPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y - 0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z - 0.05F)
Dim StarDestination As Vector3 = New Vector3(0 - 0.05F, 0.4F, 0 - ((1 - i) * 0.4F) - 0.05F)
Dim StarEntity As Entity = CatchAnimation.SpawnEntity(StarPosition, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\BallCatchStar"), New Vector3(0.35F), 1.0F, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10)
CatchAnimation.AnimationMove(StarEntity, True, StarDestination.X, StarDestination.Y, StarDestination.Z, 0.01F, False, False, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0.0F,,, 3, 0.02F)
CatchAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Catch", 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 4)
AnimationIndex = 21
InBall = False
CatchAnimation.AnimationFade(BallEntity, True, 1.0F, False, 0.0F, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0)
CatchAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Break", 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0)
' Ball Opens
Dim SmokeParticlesOpen As Integer = 0
Dim SmokePosition = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position
Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10))
Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 25.0F)
Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = CatchAnimation.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0)
CatchAnimation.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0)
Loop While SmokeParticlesOpen <= 38
' Pokemon appears
CatchAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, PokemonScale.X, PokemonScale.Y, PokemonScale.Z, 0.035F, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0)
End If
AnimationStarted = False
Case 6
AnimationIndex = 7
AnimationStarted = False
Case 7
AnimationIndex = 8
AnimationStarted = False
AnimationHasStarted = True
If AnimationList.Count = 0 Then
AnimationIndex = 1
End If
End If
Case 1
' After animation
If InBall = True Then
'Caught Pokémon
BattleSystem.Battle.Caught = True
Case 8
AnimationIndex = 9
If showPokedexEntry = True Then
Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New PokedexViewScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, p, True), Color.White, False))
End If
Case 9
AnimationIndex = 10
Core.SetScreen(New NameObjectScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, p))
Case 10 ' After Catch
If p.CatchBall.ID = 186 Then
p.FullRestore() ' Heal Ball
End If
PlayerStatistics.Track("Caught Pokemon", 1)
AnimationIndex = 11
Case 11
BattleSystem.Battle.Won = True
CType(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen).EndBattle(False)
Case 20 ' Failed
If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count < 6 Then
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
p.SetCatchInfos(Me.Ball, "Illegally caught!")
End If
Case 21 ' After Break
'Pokémon broke free
CType(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen).Battle.InitializeRound(CType(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen), New BattleSystem.Battle.RoundConst() With {.StepType = BattleSystem.Battle.RoundConst.StepTypes.Text, .Argument = "It broke free!"})
End Select
End If
End If
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetVisibility()
BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel.Visible = ModelVisible
BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = SpriteVisible
End Sub
Private Sub CatchPokemon()
@ -252,76 +331,6 @@
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetupAnimation()
Me.AnimationStarted = True
Select Case Me.AnimationIndex
Case 0
PokemonScale = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Scale
Animations.AnimationMove(BallEntity, False, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, 0.0F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0F,, 0.3)
Case 1
Dim SmokeParticles As Integer = 0
Dim SmokePosition = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Position + New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
Dim SmokeDestination = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Position
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10))
Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 10.0F)
Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = Animations.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F)
Animations.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F)
Loop While SmokeParticles <= 38
Animations.AnimationMove(BallEntity, False, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X, BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Y, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z, 0.01F, False, False, 0.0F, 6.0F,,, 3)
Animations.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.05F, 0.05F, 0.05F, 0.02F, 0.0F, 0.0F, "1")
Animations.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)
Case 2
Animations.AnimationMove(BallEntity, False, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X, BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Y - 0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z, 0.02F, False, False, 0.0F, 6.0F,,, 3)
Case 3, 5
Animations.AnimationRotate(BallEntity, False, 0, 0, 0.05F, 0, 0, 1.0F, 0.0F, 4.0F, False, False, True, True)
Case 4, 6
Animations.AnimationRotate(BallEntity, False, 0, 0, -0.05F, 0, 0, -1.0F, 0.0F, 4.0F, False, False, True, True)
Case 7 ' Catch Animation
For i = 0 To 2
Dim StarPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z)
Dim StarDestination As Vector3 = New Vector3(StarPosition.X, StarPosition.Y + 0.4F, StarPosition.Z - ((1 - i) * 0.4F))
Dim StarEntity As Entity = Animations.SpawnEntity(StarPosition, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\BallCatchStar"), New Vector3(0.1F), 1.0F)
Animations.AnimationMove(StarEntity, True, StarDestination.X, StarDestination.Y, StarDestination.Z, 0.01F, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F,,, 3)
Animations.AnimationMove(BallEntity, False, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X, BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Y - 0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z, 0.02F, False, False, 0.0F, 6.0F,,, 3)
Case 8
Animations.AnimationFade(BallEntity, True, 0.01F, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)
Case 21 ' Break Animation
' Ball Opens
Dim SmokeParticles As Integer = 0
Dim SmokePosition = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Position
Dim SmokeDestination = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Position + New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10))
Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 10.0F)
Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = Animations.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F)
Animations.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F)
Loop While SmokeParticles <= 38
' Pokemon appears
Animations.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 1, 0.0F, 0.0F)
Animations.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, PokemonScale.X, PokemonScale.Y, PokemonScale.Z, 0.02F, 0.0F, 0.0F, "1")
End Select
End Sub
Private Function StayInBall() As Boolean
Dim cp As Pokemon = p