diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityFaceRotate.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityFaceRotate.vb
index 16e3281e4..d9625e756 100644
--- a/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityFaceRotate.vb
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityFaceRotate.vb
@@ -3,21 +3,19 @@
Inherits BattleAnimation3D
Dim TargetEntity As NPC
- Dim TargetModel As Entity = Nothing
Dim EndFaceRotation As Integer
Dim TurnSteps As Integer = 0
Dim TurnSpeed As Integer = 1
Dim TurnTime As Single = 0.0F
Dim TurnDelay As Single = 0.0F
- Public Sub New(ByVal TargetEntity As NPC, ByVal TurnSteps As Integer, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal EndFaceRotation As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal TurnSpeed As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal TurnDelay As Single = 0.25F, Optional TargetModel As Entity = Nothing)
+ Public Sub New(ByVal TargetEntity As NPC, ByVal TurnSteps As Integer, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal EndFaceRotation As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal TurnSpeed As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal TurnDelay As Single = 0.25F)
MyBase.New(New Vector3(0.0F), TextureManager.DefaultTexture, New Vector3(1.0F), startDelay, endDelay)
If EndFaceRotation = -1 Then
Me.EndFaceRotation = TargetEntity.faceRotation
Me.EndFaceRotation = EndFaceRotation
End If
- Me.TargetModel = TargetModel
Me.TurnSteps = TurnSteps
Me.TargetEntity = TargetEntity
Me.TurnSpeed = TurnSpeed
@@ -34,9 +32,6 @@
If Me.TargetEntity.faceRotation < 0 Then
Me.TargetEntity.faceRotation += 4
End If
- If Me.TargetModel IsNot Nothing Then
- Me.TargetModel.Rotation = Entity.GetRotationFromInteger(Me.TargetEntity.faceRotation)
- End If
Me.TurnSteps -= TurnSpeed.ToPositive()
Me.TurnTime = TurnDelay
@@ -45,9 +40,6 @@
If Me.TargetEntity.faceRotation <> Me.EndFaceRotation Then
Me.TargetEntity.faceRotation = Me.EndFaceRotation
- If Me.TargetModel IsNot Nothing Then
- Me.TargetModel.Rotation = Entity.GetRotationFromInteger(Me.EndFaceRotation)
- End If
End If
Me.Ready = True
End If
diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityMove.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityMove.vb
index b480bf1ac..ec7aef0d5 100644
--- a/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityMove.vb
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityMove.vb
@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@
End Sub
Private Sub Move()
+ Dim DestinationOffset As Vector3 = New Vector3(0)
+ If TargetEntity.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ DestinationOffset = New Vector3(0, -0.5, 0)
+ End If
Select Case MovementCurve
Case Curves.EaseIn
If EasedIn = False Then
@@ -128,17 +134,17 @@
TargetEntity.Position.X = Me.Destination.X
End If
End If
- If TargetEntity.Position.Y < Me.Destination.Y Then
+ If TargetEntity.Position.Y < Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y Then
TargetEntity.Position.Y += Me.MoveYSpeed
- If TargetEntity.Position.Y >= Me.Destination.Y - 0.05 Then
- TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y
+ If TargetEntity.Position.Y >= Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y - 0.05 Then
+ TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y
End If
- ElseIf TargetEntity.Position.Y > Me.Destination.Y Then
+ ElseIf TargetEntity.Position.Y > Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y Then
TargetEntity.Position.Y -= Me.MoveYSpeed
- If TargetEntity.Position.Y <= Me.Destination.Y + 0.05 Then
- TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y
+ If TargetEntity.Position.Y <= Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y + 0.05 Then
+ TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y
End If
End If
If TargetEntity.Position.Z < Me.Destination.Z Then
@@ -166,15 +172,15 @@
TargetEntity.Position.X = Me.Destination.X
End If
End If
- If TargetEntity.Position.Y < Me.Destination.Y Then
- TargetEntity.Position.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(TargetEntity.Position.Y, Me.Destination.Y, Me.InterpolationSpeed)
- If TargetEntity.Position.Y > Me.Destination.Y - 0.05 Then
- TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y
+ If TargetEntity.Position.Y < Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y Then
+ TargetEntity.Position.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(TargetEntity.Position.Y, Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y, Me.InterpolationSpeed)
+ If TargetEntity.Position.Y > Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y - 0.05 Then
+ TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y
End If
- ElseIf TargetEntity.Position.Y > Me.Destination.Y Then
- TargetEntity.Position.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(TargetEntity.Position.Y, Me.Destination.Y, Me.InterpolationSpeed)
- If TargetEntity.Position.Y < Me.Destination.Y + 0.05 Then
- TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y
+ ElseIf TargetEntity.Position.Y > Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y Then
+ TargetEntity.Position.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(TargetEntity.Position.Y, Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y, Me.InterpolationSpeed)
+ If TargetEntity.Position.Y < Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y + 0.05 Then
+ TargetEntity.Position.Y = Me.Destination.Y + DestinationOffset.Y
End If
End If
If TargetEntity.Position.Z < Me.Destination.Z Then
@@ -189,7 +195,7 @@
End If
End If
End If
- If TargetEntity.Position = Destination Then
+ If TargetEntity.Position = Destination + DestinationOffset Then
Me.Ready = True
End If
End Sub
diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityOpacity.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityOpacity.vb
index 9697090f5..0ab014d35 100644
--- a/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityOpacity.vb
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntityOpacity.vb
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
Me.FadeIn = FadeIn
Me.TransitionSpeed = TransitionSpeed
Me.TargetEntity = entity
Me.TargetEntity.NormalOpacity = StartState
Me.Visible = False
diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntitySetPosition.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntitySetPosition.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e14f5d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleAnimations/BAEntitySetPosition.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Public Class BAEntitySetPosition
+ Inherits BattleAnimation3D
+ Public TargetEntity As Entity
+ Public SetPosition As Vector3
+ Public RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean
+ Public Sub New(ByRef Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal SetPosition As Vector3, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single)
+ MyBase.New(New Vector3(0.0F), TextureManager.DefaultTexture, New Vector3(1.0F), startDelay, endDelay)
+ Me.RemoveEntityAfter = RemoveEntityAfter
+ Me.SetPosition = SetPosition
+ Me.Visible = False
+ Me.TargetEntity = Entity
+ Me.AnimationType = AnimationTypes.Move
+ End Sub
+ Public Overrides Sub DoActionActive()
+ Dim SetPositionOffset As Vector3 = New Vector3(0)
+ If TargetEntity.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ SetPositionOffset = New Vector3(0, -0.5, 0)
+ End If
+ TargetEntity.Position = Me.SetPosition + SetPositionOffset
+ Me.Ready = True
+ End Sub
+ Public Overrides Sub DoRemoveEntity()
+ If Me.RemoveEntityAfter = True Then
+ TargetEntity.CanBeRemoved = True
+ End If
+ End Sub
+End Class
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/Battle.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/Battle.vb
index add047afa..2228d951d 100644
--- a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/Battle.vb
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/Battle.vb
@@ -1434,8 +1434,8 @@
ConfusedAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Confused", 0, 0)
Dim DuckEntity1 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-0.25, 0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
- Dim DuckEntity2 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
- Dim DuckEntity3 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
+ Dim DuckEntity2 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
+ Dim DuckEntity3 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0)
ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0)
@@ -2716,7 +2716,7 @@
If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle = False AndAlso Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
If own = False Then
- Dim FaintAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True, BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel)
+ Dim FaintAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True)
FaintAnimation.AnimationPlaySound(CStr(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Number), 0, 2, False, True)
FaintAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, -1, 0, 0.05, False, False, 2, 2)
@@ -3570,12 +3570,12 @@
Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
'Confused Animation
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
- Dim ConfusedAnimation As New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own)
+ Dim ConfusedAnimation As New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own)
ConfusedAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Confused", 0, 0)
Dim DuckEntity1 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-0.25, 0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
- Dim DuckEntity2 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
- Dim DuckEntity3 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
+ Dim DuckEntity2 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
+ Dim DuckEntity3 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0)
ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0)
ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0)
@@ -4049,6 +4049,7 @@
val = 6 + statC
End If
End If
+ Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
Dim StatAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(Nothing, False)
@@ -4084,13 +4085,10 @@
printMessage &= " slightly fell."
End Select
Select Case statString
Case "attack"
p.StatAttack -= val
- Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
Select Case message
Case "" 'Print default message only
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage))
@@ -4107,7 +4105,6 @@
Case "defense"
p.StatDefense -= val
- Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
Select Case message
Case "" 'Print default message only
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage))
@@ -4124,7 +4121,6 @@
Case "special attack"
p.StatSpAttack -= val
- Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
Select Case message
Case "" 'Print default message only
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage))
@@ -4141,7 +4137,6 @@
Case "special defense"
p.StatSpDefense -= val
- Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
Select Case message
Case "" 'Print default message only
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage))
@@ -4158,7 +4153,6 @@
Case "speed"
p.StatSpeed -= val
- Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
Select Case message
Case "" 'Print default message only
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage))
@@ -4175,7 +4169,6 @@
Case "evasion"
p.Evasion -= val
- Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
Select Case message
Case "" 'Print default message only
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage))
@@ -4192,7 +4185,6 @@
Case "accuracy"
p.Accuracy -= val
- Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen)
Select Case message
Case "" 'Print default message only
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage))
@@ -4377,11 +4369,9 @@
Public Sub ReduceHP(ByVal HPAmount As Integer, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String, ByVal sound As String)
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
Dim pNPC As Entity = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC
- Dim pModel As Entity = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonModel
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC
- pModel = BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel
End If
If p.HP > 0 And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then
@@ -4398,7 +4388,7 @@
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject(sound, False, 0.0F))
End If
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
- Dim HitAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own, pModel)
+ Dim HitAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own)
HitAnimation.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 0, 0)
HitAnimation.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, True, 1, 1, 0)
HitAnimation.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 2, 0)
@@ -5929,7 +5919,7 @@
'Whirlpool Animation
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
- Dim WhirlpoolAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OwnPokemonNPC, False,, True)
+ Dim WhirlpoolAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OwnPokemonNPC, False, True)
WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Whirlpool", 0.0F, 0)
Dim WhirlpoolEntity As Entity = WhirlpoolAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.3, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Whirlpool"), New Vector3(0.0F), 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)
WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationRotate(WhirlpoolEntity, False, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, 0, 0, True, False, False, False)
@@ -6806,7 +6796,7 @@
ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen)
'Whirlpool Animation
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
- Dim WhirlpoolAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OppPokemonNPC, True,, True)
+ Dim WhirlpoolAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OppPokemonNPC, True, True)
WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Whirlpool", 0.0F, 0)
Dim WhirlpoolEntity As Entity = WhirlpoolAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.3, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Whirlpool"), New Vector3(0.0F), 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)
WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationRotate(WhirlpoolEntity, False, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, 0, 0, True, False, False, False)
@@ -7352,14 +7342,20 @@
BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New TextQueryObject(insertMessage))
- Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, False, BattleScreen.OwnPokemonModel)
+ Dim PositionOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ PositionOffsetY = 0.5F
+ End If
+ Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, False)
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
' Ball Closes
BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 0, 0)
Dim SmokeReturned As Integer = 0
- Dim SmokePosition = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
- Dim SmokeDestination As Vector3 = New Vector3(0, 0, 0)
+ Dim SmokePosition = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10) + PositionOffsetY, CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
+ Dim SmokeDestination As Vector3 = New Vector3(0, PositionOffsetY, 0)
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
@@ -7376,12 +7372,11 @@
' Pokemon disappears
BallReturn.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 1, 0)
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
- BallReturn.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, False, False, 2, 0,,, 3)
' Ball returns
BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 1, 0)
- Dim BallReturnEntity As Entity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(Nothing, BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F)
- BallReturn.AnimationMove(BallReturnEntity, True, -2, 0, 0, 0.1, False, True, 1, 0,, 0.3)
+ Dim BallReturnEntity As Entity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0 + PositionOffsetY, 0), BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F)
+ BallReturn.AnimationMove(BallReturnEntity, True, -2, 0 + PositionOffsetY, 0, 0.1, False, True, 1, 0,, 0.3)
End If
BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, BallReturn)
@@ -7408,6 +7403,7 @@
ownShiny = "S"
End If
+ Dim FallOffset = 0.0F
Dim ownModel As String = BattleScreen.GetModelName(True)
If ownModel = "" Then
BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon), 0, 1, -1, -1))
@@ -7418,27 +7414,27 @@
BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New TextQueryObject("Go, " & BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!"))
' Ball is thrown
- Dim BallThrow As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, False, BattleScreen.OwnPokemonModel)
+ Dim BallThrow As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, False)
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 0, 0)
- Dim BallThrowEntity As Entity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-2, -0.15, 0), BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F)
- BallThrow.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, 0.35, 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, -0.3,, 0.025F)
+ Dim BallThrowEntity As Entity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-2, CSng(-0.15 + PositionOffsetY), 0), BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F)
+ BallThrow.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, CSng(0.35 + PositionOffsetY), 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, -0.3,, 0.025F)
' Ball Opens
BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 3, 0)
Dim SmokeSpawned As Integer = 0
- Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
+ Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10) + PositionOffsetY, CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10))
Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F)
- Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(Nothing, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 3)
+ Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, PositionOffsetY, 0), SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 3)
BallThrow.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 3.0F, 0.0F)
@@ -7447,10 +7443,11 @@
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
' Pokemon appears
+ BallThrow.AnimationSetPosition(Nothing, False, 12, CSng(0.5), 13, 0, 0)
BallThrow.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, True, 1, 3, 0)
BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound(CStr(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Number), 4, 0,, True)
' Pokémon falls down
- BallThrow.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, 0, 0.05F, False, False, 5, 0,,, 3)
+ BallThrow.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0 + PositionOffsetY, 0, 0.05F, False, False, 5, 0,,, 3)
' Pokemon appears
BallThrow.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, True, 1, 0, 0)
@@ -7728,7 +7725,7 @@
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message))
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
- Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True, BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel)
+ Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True)
' Ball Closes
BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 0, 0)
Dim SmokeReturned As Integer = 0
@@ -7794,7 +7791,7 @@
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & ": ""Come back, " & BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!"""))
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
- Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True, BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel)
+ Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True)
' Ball Closes
BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 0, 0)
@@ -7852,7 +7849,7 @@
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OppPokemon, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1))
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & ": ""Go, " & BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!"""))
- Dim BallThrow As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False, BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel)
+ Dim BallThrow As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False)
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
' Ball is thrown
diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/BattleScreen.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/BattleScreen.vb
index a3398e874..e07b1db91 100644
--- a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/BattleScreen.vb
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/BattleScreen.vb
@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@
Public OwnTrainerNPC As NPC
Public OppTrainerNPC As NPC
- Public OwnPokemonModel As Entity
- Public OppPokemonModel As Entity
Public OwnPokemonIndex As Integer = 0
Public OppPokemonIndex As Integer = 0
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@
Public DrawColoredScreen As Boolean = True
Public ColorOverlay As Color = Color.Black
- Public BattleMapOffset As New Vector3(0)
+ Public Shared BattleMapOffset As New Vector3(0)
Public Overrides Function GetScreenStatus() As String
Dim pokemonString As String = "OwnPokemon=OWNEMPTY" & Environment.NewLine &
@@ -223,29 +220,29 @@
End If
Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True)
+ Dim OwnEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False)
+ Dim OppEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
- If ownModel = "" Then
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, 1), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Models\Pokemon\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing, 1,,, ownModel), WallBlock)
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
+ End If
+ OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, OwnEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, 1,,, ownModel), NPC)
+ OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, OppEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)},,,, oppModel), NPC)
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ End If
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel)
- If oppModel = "" Then
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Models\Pokemon\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, oppModel), WallBlock)
- End If
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel)
Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin
If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then
@@ -356,40 +353,42 @@
oppShiny = "S"
End If
- Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True)
- Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False)
Dim InitiallyVisibleOwn As Integer = 1
If IsPVPBattle = True AndAlso Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
InitiallyVisibleOwn = 0
End If
- If ownModel = "" Then
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, InitiallyVisibleOwn), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Pokemon\Models\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing, InitiallyVisibleOwn,,, ownModel), WallBlock)
- End If
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonNPC)
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel)
Dim InitiallyVisibleOpp As Integer = 1
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
InitiallyVisibleOpp = 0
End If
- If oppModel = "" Then
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OppPokemon), 1, OppPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, InitiallyVisibleOpp), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OppPokemon), 1, OppPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing, InitiallyVisibleOpp,,, oppModel), WallBlock)
+ Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True)
+ Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False)
+ Dim OwnEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ Dim OppEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
+ End If
+ OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, OwnEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, InitiallyVisibleOwn,,, ownModel), NPC)
+ OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, OppEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, InitiallyVisibleOpp,,, oppModel), NPC)
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ End If
+ Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonNPC)
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel)
Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin
If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then
@@ -414,27 +413,38 @@
Dim q1 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject(Trainer.Name & " " & "wants to battle!")
Dim q11 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject(Trainer.Name & ": """ & "Go," & " " & OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!""")
+ Dim OppAnimationOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If OppPokemonNPC.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ OppAnimationOffsetY = 0.5F
+ End If
+ Dim OwnAnimationOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If OwnPokemonNPC.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ OwnAnimationOffsetY = 0.5F
+ End If
' Ball is thrown
- Dim BallThrowOpp As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(OppPokemonNPC, False, OppPokemonModel)
+ Dim BallThrowOpp As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(OppPokemonNPC, False)
If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
BallThrowOpp.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 0, 0)
- BallThrowOpp.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, False, False, 2, 0,,, 3)
+ BallThrowOpp.AnimationSetPosition(Nothing, False, 15, CSng(0.5 + OppEntityOffsetY), 13, 0, 0)
Dim BallThrowEntity As Entity = BallThrowOpp.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(2, -0.15, 0), Me.OppPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F)
- BallThrowOpp.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, 0.35, 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, 0.3,, 0.025F)
+ BallThrowOpp.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, CSng(0.35 + OppAnimationOffsetY), 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, 0.3,, 0.025F)
' Ball Opens
BallThrowOpp.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 3, 0)
Dim SmokeSpawnedOpp As Integer = 0
- Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
+ Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10) + OppAnimationOffsetY, CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10))
Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F)
- Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallThrowOpp.SpawnEntity(Nothing, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 3)
+ Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallThrowOpp.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, OppAnimationOffsetY, 0), SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 3)
BallThrowOpp.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 3.0F, 0.0F)
@@ -466,27 +476,27 @@
If IsPVPBattle = True AndAlso Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 Then
' Ball is thrown
- Dim BallThrowOwn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(Me.OwnPokemonNPC, False, Me.OwnPokemonModel)
+ Dim BallThrowOwn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(Me.OwnPokemonNPC, False)
BallThrowOwn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 0, 0)
BallThrowOwn.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, False, False, 2, 0,,, 3)
Dim BallThrowEntity As Entity = BallThrowOwn.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-2, -0.15, 0), Me.OwnPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F)
- BallThrowOwn.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, 0.35, 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, 0.3,, 0.025F)
+ BallThrowOwn.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, CSng(0.35 + OwnAnimationOffsetY), 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, 0.3,, 0.025F)
' Ball Opens
BallThrowOwn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 3, 0)
Dim SmokeSpawned As Integer = 0
- Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
+ Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10) + OwnAnimationOffsetY, CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10))
Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke")
Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10))
Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F)
- Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallThrowOwn.SpawnEntity(Nothing, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 3)
+ Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallThrowOwn.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, OwnAnimationOffsetY, 0), SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 3)
BallThrowOwn.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 3.0F, 0.0F)
@@ -576,29 +586,31 @@
End If
Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True)
- Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False)
+ Dim OwnEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
- If ownModel = "" Then
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, ownModel), WallBlock)
+ Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False)
+ Dim OppEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
+ End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
+ End If
+ OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0 + OwnEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, 1,,, ownModel), NPC)
+ OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0 + OppEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)},,,, oppModel), NPC)
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
End If
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel)
- If oppModel = "" Then
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, oppModel), WallBlock)
- End If
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel)
Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin
If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then
@@ -688,29 +700,31 @@
End If
Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True)
- Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False)
+ Dim OwnEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
- If ownModel = "" Then
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, 1), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Pokemon\Models\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing, 1,,, ownModel), WallBlock)
+ Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False)
+ Dim OppEntityOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
+ End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppEntityOffsetY = -0.5F
+ End If
+ OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0 + OwnEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}, 1,,, ownModel), NPC)
+ OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0 + OppEntityOffsetY, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)},,,, oppModel), NPC)
+ If ownModel <> "" Then
+ OwnPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ End If
+ If oppModel <> "" Then
+ OppPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
End If
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel)
- If oppModel = "" Then
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, "Pokemon\Models\Bulbasaur\Normal"), WallBlock)
- Else
- OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC)
- OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("WallBlock", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing,,,, oppModel), WallBlock)
- End If
- Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel)
Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin
If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then
@@ -866,12 +880,6 @@
If e Is OppTrainerNPC Then
End If
- If e Is OwnPokemonModel Then
- ForegroundEntities.Add(e)
- End If
- If e Is OppPokemonModel Then
- ForegroundEntities.Add(e)
- End If
If ForegroundEntities.Count > 0 Then
ForegroundEntities = (From f In ForegroundEntities Order By f.CameraDistance Descending).ToList()
@@ -1097,12 +1105,20 @@ nextIndex:
End Sub
Public Function FocusOwnPokemon() As QueryObject
- Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.X + 1.0F, Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.5F, Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Z + 1.0F) - BattleMapOffset, Screen.Camera.Position, 0.06F, 0.06F, CSng(MathHelper.PiOver4) + 0.05F, Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.3F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F)
+ Dim PositionOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ PositionOffsetY = 0.5
+ End If
+ Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.X + 1.0F, Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.5F + PositionOffsetY, Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Z + 1.0F) - BattleMapOffset, Screen.Camera.Position, 0.06F, 0.06F, CSng(MathHelper.PiOver4) + 0.05F, Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.3F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F)
Return q
End Function
Public Function FocusOppPokemon() As QueryObject
- Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 1.0F, Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.5F, Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z + 1.0F) - BattleMapOffset, Screen.Camera.Position, 0.06F, 0.06F, -CSng(MathHelper.PiOver4) - 0.05F, Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.3F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F)
+ Dim PositionOffsetY As Single = 0.0F
+ If Me.OppPokemonNPC.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ PositionOffsetY = 0.5
+ End If
+ Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 1.0F, Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.5F + PositionOffsetY, Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z + 1.0F) - BattleMapOffset, Screen.Camera.Position, 0.06F, 0.06F, -CSng(MathHelper.PiOver4) - 0.05F, Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.3F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F)
Return q
End Function
diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/AnimationQueryObject.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/AnimationQueryObject.vb
index cbed1e6a3..61d8dd53d 100644
--- a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/AnimationQueryObject.vb
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/AnimationQueryObject.vb
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
Public AnimationSequence As List(Of BattleAnimation3D)
Public SpawnedEntities As List(Of Entity)
Public CurrentEntity As Entity
- Public CurrentModel As Entity
Public DrawBeforeEntities As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsReady As Boolean
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@
End Get
End Property
- Public Sub New(ByVal entity As Entity, ByVal BattleFlipped As Boolean, Optional ByVal model As Entity = Nothing, Optional DrawBeforeEntities As Boolean = False)
+ Public Sub New(ByVal entity As Entity, ByVal BattleFlipped As Boolean, Optional DrawBeforeEntities As Boolean = False)
Me.AnimationSequence = New List(Of BattleAnimation3D)
Me.SpawnedEntities = New List(Of Entity)
@@ -27,9 +26,6 @@
If entity IsNot Nothing Then
Me.CurrentEntity = entity
End If
- If model IsNot Nothing Then
- Me.CurrentModel = model
- End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal BV2Screen As BattleScreen)
@@ -101,7 +97,7 @@
AnimationEnded = True
End Sub
- Public Function SpawnEntity(ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal Scale As Vector3, ByVal Opacity As Single, Optional ByVal startDelay As Single = 0.0F, Optional ByVal endDelay As Single = 0.0F) As Entity
+ Public Function SpawnEntity(ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal Scale As Vector3, ByVal Opacity As Single, Optional ByVal startDelay As Single = 0.0F, Optional ByVal endDelay As Single = 0.0F, Optional ModelPath As String = "") As Entity
Dim NewPosition As Vector3
If Not Position = Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
@@ -123,6 +119,19 @@
SpawnedEntity.Opacity = Opacity
SpawnedEntity.Visible = False
+ If ModelPath <> "" Then
+ SpawnedEntity.ModelPath = ModelPath
+ SpawnedEntity.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(SpawnedEntity.ModelPath)
+ SpawnedEntity.Scale *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ If BattleFlipped = True Then
+ Dim FlipRotation As Integer = Entity.GetRotationFromVector(SpawnedEntity.Rotation)
+ FlipRotation += 2
+ If FlipRotation > 3 Then
+ FlipRotation -= 4
+ End If
+ SpawnedEntity.Rotation.Y = Entity.GetRotationFromInteger(FlipRotation).Y
+ End If
+ End If
Return SpawnedEntity
@@ -146,22 +155,19 @@
Public Sub AnimationMove(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal DestinationX As Single, ByVal DestinationY As Single, ByVal DestinationZ As Single, ByVal Speed As Single, ByVal SpinX As Boolean, ByVal SpinZ As Boolean, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal SpinXSpeed As Single = 0.1F, Optional ByVal SpinZSpeed As Single = 0.1F, Optional MovementCurve As Integer = 3, Optional MoveYSpeed As Single = 0.0F)
Dim MoveEntity As Entity
- Dim ModelEntity As Entity = Nothing
Dim Destination As Vector3
If Entity Is Nothing Then
MoveEntity = CurrentEntity
- If Me.CurrentModel IsNot Nothing Then
- ModelEntity = Me.CurrentModel
- End If
MoveEntity = Entity
End If
If Not BattleFlipped = Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
DestinationX *= -1.0F
- DestinationZ *= -1.0F
If SpinZ = True Then
SpinXSpeed *= -1.0F
SpinZSpeed *= -1.0F
@@ -177,21 +183,29 @@
Dim baEntityMove As BAEntityMove = New BAEntityMove(MoveEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, Destination, Speed, SpinX, SpinZ, startDelay, endDelay, SpinXSpeed, SpinZSpeed, MovementCurve, MoveYSpeed)
- If ModelEntity IsNot Nothing Then
- Dim baModelMove As BAEntityMove = New BAEntityMove(CType(CurrentModel, Entity), False, Destination, Speed, SpinX, SpinZ, startDelay, endDelay, SpinXSpeed, SpinZSpeed, MovementCurve, MoveYSpeed)
- AnimationSequence.Add(baModelMove)
+ End Sub
+ Public Sub AnimationSetPosition(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal PositionX As Single, ByVal PositionY As Single, ByVal PositionZ As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single)
+ Dim SetEntity As Entity
+ Dim SetPosition As Vector3
+ If Entity Is Nothing Then
+ SetEntity = CurrentEntity
+ Else
+ SetEntity = Entity
End If
+ SetPosition = New Vector3(PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ) + BattleScreen.BattleMapOffset
+ Dim baEntitySetPosition As BAEntitySetPosition = New BAEntitySetPosition(SetEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, SetPosition, startDelay, endDelay)
+ AnimationSequence.Add(baEntitySetPosition)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationFade(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal TransitionSpeed As Single, ByVal FadeIn As Boolean, ByVal EndState As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal startState As Single = -1.0F)
Dim FadeEntity As Entity
- Dim FadeModel As Entity = Nothing
If Entity Is Nothing Then
FadeEntity = CurrentEntity
- If Me.CurrentModel IsNot Nothing Then
- FadeModel = Me.CurrentModel
- End If
FadeEntity = Entity
End If
@@ -199,20 +213,11 @@
Dim baEntityOpacity As BAEntityOpacity = New BAEntityOpacity(FadeEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, TransitionSpeed, FadeIn, EndState, startDelay, endDelay, startState)
- If FadeModel IsNot Nothing Then
- Dim baModelOpacity As BAEntityOpacity = New BAEntityOpacity(CType(FadeModel, Entity), False, TransitionSpeed, FadeIn, EndState, startDelay, endDelay, startState)
- AnimationSequence.Add(baModelOpacity)
- End If
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationRotate(Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal RotationSpeedX As Single, ByVal RotationSpeedY As Single, ByVal RotationSpeedZ As Single, ByVal EndRotationX As Single, ByVal EndRotationY As Single, ByVal EndRotationZ As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, ByVal DoXRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoYRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoZRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoReturn As Boolean)
Dim RotateEntity As Entity
- Dim RotateModel As Entity = Nothing
If Entity Is Nothing Then
RotateEntity = CurrentEntity
- If Me.CurrentModel IsNot Nothing Then
- RotateModel = Me.CurrentModel
- End If
RotateEntity = Entity
End If
@@ -222,21 +227,13 @@
Dim baEntityRotate As BAEntityRotate = New BAEntityRotate(RotateEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, RotationSpeedVector, EndRotation, startDelay, endDelay, DoXRotation, DoYRotation, DoZRotation, DoReturn)
- If RotateModel IsNot Nothing Then
- Dim baModelRotate As BAEntityRotate = New BAEntityRotate(CType(RotateModel, Entity), False, RotationSpeedVector, EndRotation, startDelay, endDelay, DoXRotation, DoYRotation, DoZRotation, DoReturn)
- AnimationSequence.Add(baModelRotate)
- End If
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationTurnNPC(ByVal TurnSteps As Integer, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal EndFaceRotation As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal TurnSpeed As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal TurnDelay As Single = 0.25F)
Dim TurnNPC As NPC = Nothing
- Dim TurnModel As Entity = Nothing
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
TurnNPC = CType(CurrentEntity, NPC)
- If Me.CurrentModel IsNot Nothing Then
- TurnModel = Me.CurrentModel
- End If
End If
If Not BattleFlipped = Nothing AndAlso BattleFlipped = True Then
@@ -244,17 +241,19 @@
TurnSpeed *= -1
End If
- Dim BAEntityFaceRotate As BAEntityFaceRotate = New BAEntityFaceRotate(TurnNPC, TurnSteps, startDelay, endDelay, EndFaceRotation, TurnSpeed, TurnDelay, TurnModel)
+ Dim BAEntityFaceRotate As BAEntityFaceRotate = New BAEntityFaceRotate(TurnNPC, TurnSteps, startDelay, endDelay, EndFaceRotation, TurnSpeed, TurnDelay)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationScale(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal Grow As Boolean, ByVal EndSizeX As Single, ByVal EndSizeY As Single, ByVal EndSizeZ As Single, ByVal SizeSpeed As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal Anchors As String = "")
Dim ScaleEntity As Entity
- Dim ScaleModel As Entity = Nothing
If Entity Is Nothing Then
ScaleEntity = CurrentEntity
- If Me.CurrentModel IsNot Nothing Then
- ScaleModel = Me.CurrentModel
+ If ScaleEntity.Model IsNot Nothing Then
+ EndSizeX *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ EndSizeY *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ EndSizeZ *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ SizeSpeed *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
End If
ScaleEntity = Entity
@@ -264,10 +263,6 @@
Dim EndSize As Vector3 = New Vector3(EndSizeX, EndSizeY, EndSizeZ)
Dim baEntityScale As BAEntityScale = New BAEntityScale(ScaleEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, Scale, Grow, EndSize, SizeSpeed, startDelay, endDelay, Anchors)
- If ScaleModel IsNot Nothing Then
- Dim baModelScale As BAEntityScale = New BAEntityScale(CType(ScaleModel, Entity), False, Scale, Grow, EndSize, SizeSpeed, startDelay, endDelay, Anchors)
- End If
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationPlaySound(ByVal sound As String, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal stopMusic As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal IsPokemon As Boolean = False)
diff --git a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/ToggleEntityQueryObject.vb b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/ToggleEntityQueryObject.vb
index d22a5f5d7..92428f549 100644
--- a/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/ToggleEntityQueryObject.vb
+++ b/P3D/Battle/BattleSystemV2/QueryObjects/ToggleEntityQueryObject.vb
@@ -79,16 +79,9 @@
Public Overrides Sub Update(BV2Screen As BattleScreen)
If changedIDs = False Then
changedIDs = True
- If Me.ownModelID > -1 Then
- BV2Screen.OwnPokemonModel.ID = ownModelID
- End If
If Me.ownNPCID > -1 Then
BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.ID = ownNPCID
End If
- If Me.oppModelID > -1 Then
- BV2Screen.OppPokemonModel.ID = oppModelID
- End If
If Me.oppNPCID > -1 Then
BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.ID = oppNPCID
End If
@@ -98,37 +91,34 @@
Case 0
Select Case Me._entity
Case BattleEntities.OwnPokemon
- If BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.ID = 1 Then
- BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Visible = GetVisible(BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Visible)
- BV2Screen.OwnPokemonModel.Visible = False
- Else
- BV2Screen.OwnPokemonModel.Visible = GetVisible(BV2Screen.OwnPokemonModel.Visible)
- BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Visible = False
- End If
+ BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Visible = GetVisible(BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Visible)
Case BattleEntities.OppPokemon
- If BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.ID = 1 Then
- BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = GetVisible(BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible)
- BV2Screen.OppPokemonModel.Visible = False
- Else
- BV2Screen.OppPokemonModel.Visible = GetVisible(BV2Screen.OppPokemonModel.Visible)
- BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = False
- End If
+ BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = GetVisible(BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible)
End Select
Case 1
Select Case Me._entity
Case BattleEntities.OwnPokemon
+ BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.ModelPath = ""
+ BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Model = Nothing
+ BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(1)
BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.SetupSprite(_newTexture, "", False)
Case BattleEntities.OppPokemon
+ BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.ModelPath = ""
+ BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Model = Nothing
+ BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(1)
BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.SetupSprite(_newTexture, "", False)
End Select
Case 2
Select Case Me._entity
Case BattleEntities.OwnPokemon
- BV2Screen.OwnPokemonModel.ModelPath = _newTexture
- BV2Screen.OwnPokemonModel.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(BV2Screen.OwnPokemonModel.ModelPath)
+ BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(BV2Screen.OwnPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.ModelPath = _newTexture
+ BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(BV2Screen.OwnPokemonNPC.ModelPath)
Case BattleEntities.OppPokemon
- BV2Screen.OppPokemonModel.ModelPath = _newTexture
- BV2Screen.OppPokemonModel.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(BV2Screen.OppPokemonModel.ModelPath)
+ BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Scale = New Vector3(BV2Screen.OppPokemon.GetModelProperties().Item1) * ModelManager.MODELSCALE
+ BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.ModelPath = _newTexture
+ BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(BV2Screen.OppPokemonNPC.ModelPath)
End Select
End Select
_done = True
diff --git a/P3D/Entites/Entity.vb b/P3D/Entites/Entity.vb
index 91a0d3a8d..5de488eae 100644
--- a/P3D/Entites/Entity.vb
+++ b/P3D/Entites/Entity.vb
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
If part.Effect.GetType().Name.ToLower() = Screen.Effect.GetType().Name.ToLower() Then
With CType(part.Effect, BasicEffect)
Lighting.UpdateLighting(CType(part.Effect, BasicEffect), True)
+ .Alpha = Me.Opacity
.DiffuseColor = Screen.Effect.DiffuseColor
If Not Screen.Level.World Is Nothing Then
diff --git a/P3D/Entites/Other/NPC.vb b/P3D/Entites/Other/NPC.vb
index daf0998fd..27067bc18 100644
--- a/P3D/Entites/Other/NPC.vb
+++ b/P3D/Entites/Other/NPC.vb
@@ -481,8 +481,12 @@
Me.Rotation.Y = Screen.Camera.Yaw
End If
- If Me.Rotation.Y <> faceRotation Then
- Me.Rotation.Y = GetRotationFromInteger(faceRotation).Y
+ Dim ChangeRotation As Integer = faceRotation + 2
+ If ChangeRotation > 3 Then
+ ChangeRotation -= 4
+ End If
+ If Me.Rotation.Y <> ChangeRotation Then
+ Me.Rotation.Y = GetRotationFromInteger(ChangeRotation).Y
End If
End If
diff --git a/P3D/P3D.vbproj b/P3D/P3D.vbproj
index cbd48021e..c82d192b3 100644
--- a/P3D/P3D.vbproj
+++ b/P3D/P3D.vbproj
@@ -28207,6 +28207,7 @@
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Attack.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Attack.vb
index daf456644..bb67751c1 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Attack.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Attack.vb
@@ -2168,18 +2168,16 @@
Dim BattleFlip As Boolean = False
Dim CurrentPokemon As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
Dim CurrentEntity As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC
- Dim CurrentModel As Entity = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonModel
If own = False Then
BattleFlip = True
CurrentPokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
CurrentEntity = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC
- CurrentModel = BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel
End If
- Me.InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(BattleScreen, BattleFlip, CurrentPokemon, CurrentEntity, CurrentModel)
+ Me.InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(BattleScreen, BattleFlip, CurrentPokemon, CurrentEntity)
End If
End Sub
- Public Overridable Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overridable Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
'Override this method in the attack class to insert the move animation query objects into the queue.
End Sub
@@ -2188,18 +2186,16 @@
Dim BattleFlip As Boolean = False
Dim CurrentPokemon As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
Dim CurrentEntity As NPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC
- Dim CurrentModel As Entity = BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel
If own = False Then
BattleFlip = True
CurrentPokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
CurrentEntity = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC
- CurrentModel = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonModel
End If
- Me.InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(BattleScreen, BattleFlip, CurrentPokemon, CurrentEntity, CurrentModel)
+ Me.InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(BattleScreen, BattleFlip, CurrentPokemon, CurrentEntity)
End If
End Sub
- Public Overridable Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overridable Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
'Override this method in the attack class to insert the move animation query objects into the queue.
End Sub
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Fire/Ember.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Fire/Ember.vb
index 00ec877a9..ac6c3fcd4 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Fire/Ember.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Fire/Ember.vb
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
Dim TextureYOffset As Integer = 0
If BattleFlip = True Then
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
Dim TextureYOffset As Integer = 0
If BattleFlip = True Then
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/Absorb.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/Absorb.vb
index 2d5ee4ab3..82a1e07b7 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/Absorb.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/Absorb.vb
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
Dim maxAmount As Integer = 12
Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/VineWhip.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/VineWhip.vb
index e81217411..eda0e7303 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/VineWhip.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Grass/VineWhip.vb
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
- Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip, CurrentModel)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
+ Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Grass\VineWhip_Start", 0.5, 2.5)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, -0.1, 0.025, False, False, 0, 0.5)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, False, False, 0.75, 0)
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Grass\VineWhip_Hit", 0, 2.5)
Dim TextureXOffset As Integer = 0
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Attract.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Attract.vb
index 8aa0d4f2b..169054fa9 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Attract.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Attract.vb
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
For i = 0 To 6
Dim HeartEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(Nothing, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Attract"), New Vector3(0.25F), 1.0F, CSng(i * 0.2))
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
For i = 0 To 6
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Bind.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Bind.vb
index f890313ed..848e0441f 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Bind.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Bind.vb
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Normal
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Bind", 5.0F, 0)
Dim BindEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 0, 80, 40), ""), New Vector3(1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F), 1, 0, 0.75)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Growl.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Growl.vb
index 588d838d9..cfa54b8e0 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Growl.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Growl.vb
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound(CStr(CurrentPokemon.Number), 0, 0,, True)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Leer.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Leer.vb
index b26faddb2..788b5d97d 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Leer.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Leer.vb
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Leer", 0, 0)
Dim SpawnEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.1, 0.1), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Leer"), New Vector3(0.5F), 1.0F, 0, 2)
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
MoveAnimation.AnimationFade(SpawnEntity, True, 1.0F, False, 0.0F, 2, 0)
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
- Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip, CurrentModel)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
+ Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, -0.1, 0.025, False, False, 0, 0.5)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.025, False, False, 0.75, 0.5)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, -0.1, 0.025, False, False, 1.75, 0.5)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Pound.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Pound.vb
index 57048ceba..e8a75c60c 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Pound.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Pound.vb
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Me.AIField2 = AIField.Nothing
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Pound", 0.5, 2.5)
Dim PoundEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Pound"), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 3)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Scratch.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Scratch.vb
index 7f702314c..b8ee2ed9a 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Scratch.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Scratch.vb
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Scratch", 0.5, 2.5)
Dim TextureXOffset As Integer = 0
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Tackle.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Tackle.vb
index 37993b5d5..3e144c64a 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Tackle.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Tackle.vb
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
- Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip, CurrentModel)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
+ Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, -0.5F, 0, 0, 0.3F, False, False, 0, 0,,, 2)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, 0, 0.3F, False, False, 1, 0,,, 2)
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Tackle", 0, 0)
Dim SpawnEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Tackle"), New Vector3(0.5F), 1.0F, 0, 2)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/TailWhip.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/TailWhip.vb
index f25fa923a..bfd8b53f7 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/TailWhip.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/TailWhip.vb
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
- Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip, CurrentModel)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
+ Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationTurnNPC(2, 0, 0, 1, -1)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\TailWhip", 1, 0)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0, -0.1, 0.025, False, False, 1, 0.5)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Wrap.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Wrap.vb
index 1a5e0f99f..d5a2d6b38 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Wrap.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Normal/Wrap.vb
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Wrap", 5.0F, 0)
Dim WrapEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 0, 80, 40), ""), New Vector3(1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F), 1, 0, 0.75)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Poison/PoisonSting.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Poison/PoisonSting.vb
index 28315724f..1eb49245d 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Poison/PoisonSting.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Poison/PoisonSting.vb
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
Dim TextureYOffset As Integer = 0
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
Dim TextureYOffset As Integer = 0
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Clamp.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Clamp.vb
index 8ee63149a..cb9c32e5d 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Clamp.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Clamp.vb
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Water
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
Dim offsetLeft As Single = -0.35
Dim offsetRight As Single = 0.35
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/WaterGun.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/WaterGun.vb
index 5fcde42a9..8720fe785 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/WaterGun.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/WaterGun.vb
@@ -52,20 +52,20 @@
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
Dim WaterEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\WaterGun", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 0.75F)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(WaterEntity, True, 2, 0.5, 0, 0.075, False, False, 0, 0,,,, 0.05)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Watergun_Start", 0, 0)
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
- Dim WaterEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-2, 1, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\WaterGun", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 0.75F)
+ Dim WaterEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-2, 1, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\WaterGun", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 0.5F)
MoveAnimation.AnimationMove(WaterEntity, True, 0, 0, 0, 0.075, False, False, 0, 0,,,, 0.035)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Watergun_Hit", 3, 0)
- Dim HitEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\WaterGun", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 0.75F, 3, 1)
+ Dim HitEntity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\WaterGun", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 0.5F, 3, 1)
MoveAnimation.AnimationFade(HitEntity, True, 1.0F, False, 0.0F, 5, 0)
Dim WaterDrop1Position As Vector3 = New Vector3(-0.25, 0.25, -0.25)
diff --git a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Whirlpool.vb b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Whirlpool.vb
index 54e6a4caf..53a215d2a 100644
--- a/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Whirlpool.vb
+++ b/P3D/Pokemon/Attacks/Water/Whirlpool.vb
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Water
End If
End If
End Sub
- Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC, ByVal CurrentModel As Entity)
- Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip,, True)
+ Public Overrides Sub InternalOpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
+ Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip, True)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Whirlpool", 0.0F, 0)
Dim WhirlpoolEntity As Entity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.3F, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Whirlpool"), New Vector3(0.0F), 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)
MoveAnimation.AnimationRotate(WhirlpoolEntity, False, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, 0, 0, True, False, False, False)
diff --git a/P3D/Screens/Battle/BattleCatchScreen.vb b/P3D/Screens/Battle/BattleCatchScreen.vb
index fd1c294ff..d4c7d4503 100644
--- a/P3D/Screens/Battle/BattleCatchScreen.vb
+++ b/P3D/Screens/Battle/BattleCatchScreen.vb
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
Dim p As Pokemon
- Dim ModelVisible As Boolean = True
Dim SpriteVisible As Boolean = False
Dim BattleScreen As BattleSystem.BattleScreen
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
Me.BattleScreen = BattleScreen
p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
- Me.ModelVisible = BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel.Visible
Me.SpriteVisible = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible
@@ -47,11 +45,7 @@
Dim RenderObjects As New List(Of Entity)
- If BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel IsNot Nothing Then
- RenderObjects.Add(BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel)
- Else
- RenderObjects.Add(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC)
- End If
+ RenderObjects.Add(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC)
If RenderObjects.Count > 0 Then
RenderObjects = (From r In RenderObjects Order By r.CameraDistance Descending).ToList()
@@ -192,9 +186,6 @@ nextIndex:
Loop While SmokeParticlesClose <= 38
' Pokémon Shrinks
CatchAnimation.AnimationScale(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.035F, 3, 0)
- If BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel IsNot Nothing Then
- CatchAnimation.AnimationScale(BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.035F, 3, 0)
- End If
' Ball falls
CatchAnimation.AnimationMove(BallEntity, False, 3, -0.35, 0, 0.1F, False, False, 8, 0)
@@ -242,9 +233,7 @@ nextIndex:
' Pokemon appears
CatchAnimation.AnimationScale(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False, True, PokemonScale.X, PokemonScale.Y, PokemonScale.Z, 0.035F, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0)
- If BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel IsNot Nothing Then
- CatchAnimation.AnimationScale(BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel, False, True, PokemonScale.X, PokemonScale.Y, PokemonScale.Z, 0.035F, 12 + Shakes.Count * 10, 0)
- End If
End If