Main Menu Work In Progress 28-09-2021

When selecting the Options button at the Main Menu, the top row moves up, revealing the Options row beneath it

When selecting the Options button at the Main Menu, the options row fades in now

The Options row now has the right amount of selectable buttons (4, not 5)

When selecting the Options button at the Main Menu, the top row doesn't reset position now

The distance between Options buttons is now the same as the top row
This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2021-09-28 15:34:12 +02:00
parent b0ca5ab1d9
commit ee42876afa
1 changed files with 153 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -248,14 +248,24 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
Inherits Screen
Private _screenOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Position of the main menu relative to the _screenOrigin
Private _screenOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Target where the main menu needs to move to
Private _screenOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Position of the top row relative to the _screenOrigin
Private _screenOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Target where the top needs to move to
Private _screenOrigin As Vector2 = New Vector2(CSng(ScreenSize.Width / 2 - 80 - 180), CSng(ScreenSize.Height / 2 - 80)) 'Center of the game window. It's adjusted when resizing the window.
Private _mainOffset As Vector2 = _screenOffset
Private _optionsOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Position of the options row relative to the _screenOrigin
Private _optionsOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Target where the options row needs to move to
Private _gameJoltOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Position of the gamejolt row relative to the _screenOrigin
Private _gameJoltOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Target where the gamejolt needs to move to
Private _loading As Boolean = True
Private _fadeInMain As Single = 0F
Private _fadeInOptions As Single = 0F
Private _fadeInGameJolt As Single = 0F
Private _GameJoltOpacity As Single = 0F
Private _expandDisplay As Single = 0F
Private _closingDisplay As Boolean = False
Private _displayTextFade As Single = 0F
@ -268,8 +278,9 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
Private _MainProfiles As New List(Of GameProfile)
Private _GameJoltProfiles As New List(Of GameProfile)
Private _OptionProfiles As New List(Of GameProfile)
Private _selectedProfile As Integer = 1
Private _OptionsProfiles As New List(Of GameProfile)
Public Shared _selectedProfile As Integer = 1
Public Shared _selectedProfileTemp As Integer = _selectedProfile
Private _GameJoltButtonIndex As Integer = 0 'This is to tell which button on a GameJolt profile is selected: the profile itself or the gender & reset buttons
Public Shared _menuIndex As Integer = 0 '0 = Game Profiles, 1 = GameJolt Submenu, 2 = Options Submenu, 3 = GameJolt Options Submenu
@ -286,10 +297,18 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
_menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu")
_oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu")
_screenOffset.X = 0
_screenOffsetTarget.X = _screenOffset.X
_screenOffset.Y = 0
_screenOffsetTarget.Y = _screenOffset.Y
_screenOffset = New Vector2(0, 0)
_screenOffsetTarget = _screenOffset
_mainOffset = _screenOffset
_optionsOffset = New Vector2(0, 0)
_optionsOffsetTarget = _optionsOffset
_gameJoltOffset = New Vector2(0, 0)
_gameJoltOffsetTarget = _gameJoltOffset
_selectedProfile = 1
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile)
_sliderPosition = _sliderTarget
@ -301,15 +320,23 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
Public Overrides Sub Update()
If _loading = False Then
'Shift the top row horizontally
_mainOffset.X = _screenOffset.X
'Shift the main menu vertically
Select Case _menuIndex
Case 0
_screenOffsetTarget.Y = 0
Case 1, 2
_optionsOffsetTarget.X = _screenOffsetTarget.X
Case 1
_screenOffsetTarget.Y = -180 - 32
_optionsOffsetTarget.X = _gameJoltOffsetTarget.X
Case 2
_screenOffsetTarget.Y = -180 - 32
Case 3
_screenOffsetTarget.Y = -320 - 32
End Select
'Fade in Options row
If _menuIndex = 2 Or _menuIndex = 3 Then
If _fadeInOptions < 1.0F Then
_fadeInOptions = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _fadeInOptions, 0.93F)
@ -318,14 +345,16 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End If
End If
If _fadeInOptions > 1.0F Then
_fadeInOptions = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _fadeInOptions, -0.93F)
If _fadeInOptions + 0.01F <= 0.0F Then
If _fadeInOptions > 0.0F Then
_fadeInOptions = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _fadeInOptions, 0.93F)
If _fadeInOptions - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then
_fadeInOptions = 0.0F
End If
End If
End If
If _fadeInMain < 1.0F Then
'Fade in the Top row
If _fadeInMain < 1.0F Then
_fadeInMain = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _fadeInMain, 0.93F)
If _fadeInMain + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then
_fadeInMain = 1.0F
@ -383,16 +412,39 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End If
If CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then
If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _MainProfiles.Count - 1 Then
_selectedProfile += 1
_screenOffsetTarget.X -= 180
_GameJoltButtonIndex = 0
End If
If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then
_selectedProfile -= 1
_screenOffsetTarget.X += 180
_GameJoltButtonIndex = 0
End If
Select Case _menuIndex
Case 0
If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _MainProfiles.Count - 1 Then
_selectedProfile += 1
_screenOffsetTarget.X -= 180
_GameJoltButtonIndex = 0
End If
If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then
_selectedProfile -= 1
_screenOffsetTarget.X += 180
_GameJoltButtonIndex = 0
End If
Case 1
If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _GameJoltProfiles.Count - 1 Then
_selectedProfile += 1
_gameJoltOffsetTarget.X -= 180
_GameJoltButtonIndex = 0
End If
If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then
_selectedProfile -= 1
_gameJoltOffsetTarget.X += 180
_GameJoltButtonIndex = 0
End If
Case 2, 3
If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1 Then
_selectedProfile += 1
_optionsOffsetTarget.X -= 180
End If
If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then
_selectedProfile -= 1
_optionsOffsetTarget.X += 180
End If
End Select
End If
If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt AndAlso _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Loaded Then
@ -405,8 +457,14 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
_GameJoltButtonIndex = Clamp(_GameJoltButtonIndex, 0, 3)
End If
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _MainProfiles.Count - 1)
Select Case _menuIndex
Case 0
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _MainProfiles.Count - 1)
Case 1
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _GameJoltProfiles.Count - 1)
Case 2, 3
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1)
End Select
If _fadeInMain = 1.0F Then
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) Then
Select Case _GameJoltButtonIndex
@ -454,29 +512,34 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End If
Case 1, 2
_menuIndex = 0
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile)
Case 3
_menuIndex = 1
_selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp
_sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile)
End Select
End If
If _fadeInMain = 1.0F Then
If _closingDisplay Then
If _expandDisplay > 0.0F Then
_expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F)
If _expandDisplay - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then
_expandDisplay = 0.0F
End If
If _closingDisplay Then
If _expandDisplay > 0.0F Then
_expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F)
If _expandDisplay - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then
_expandDisplay = 0.0F
End If
If _expandDisplay < 1.0F Then
_expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F)
If _expandDisplay + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then
_expandDisplay = 1.0F
End If
End If
If _expandDisplay < 1.0F Then
_expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F)
If _expandDisplay + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then
_expandDisplay = 1.0F
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
@ -545,6 +608,32 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateOptionsOffset()
If _optionsOffset.X > _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then
_optionsOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.X, _optionsOffset.X, 0.93F)
If _optionsOffset.X - 0.01F <= _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then
_optionsOffset.X = _optionsOffsetTarget.X
End If
End If
If _optionsOffset.X < _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then
_optionsOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.X, _optionsOffset.X, 0.93F)
If _optionsOffset.X + 0.01F >= _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then
_optionsOffset.X = _optionsOffsetTarget.X
End If
End If
If _optionsOffset.Y > _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then
_optionsOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.Y, _optionsOffset.Y, 0.93F)
If _optionsOffset.Y - 0.01F <= _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then
_optionsOffset.Y = _optionsOffsetTarget.Y
End If
End If
If _optionsOffset.Y < _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then
_optionsOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.Y, _optionsOffset.Y, 0.93F)
If _optionsOffset.Y + 0.01F >= _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then
_optionsOffset.Y = _optionsOffsetTarget.Y
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw()
@ -579,13 +668,13 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
Dim textSize As Vector2 = FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString("Please wait..")
GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, "Please wait" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(windowSize.Width / 2.0F - textSize.X / 2.0F, windowSize.Height / 2.0F - textSize.Y / 2.0F + 100), Color.White)
Select Case _menuIndex
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub
@ -624,18 +713,14 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End Sub
Private Sub DrawMainProfiles()
Dim MoveOffset As Single = 0
If _menuIndex = 0 Then
MoveOffset = _screenOffset.X
End If
For x = 0 To _MainProfiles.Count - 1
' Draw main profiles.
Dim xmain As Boolean = x = _selectedProfile
If _menuIndex <> 0 Then
xmain = False
End If
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + MoveOffset + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain))
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _mainOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain))
_MainProfiles(x).Draw(New Vector2(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffset.Y)), CInt(_fadeInMain * 255), (xmain), _menuTexture)
If _MainProfiles(x).IsGameJolt AndAlso _MainProfiles(x).Loaded AndAlso (xmain) Then
@ -646,7 +731,7 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
If _fadeInMain = 1.0F And _menuIndex = 0 Then
' Draw arrow.
If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt = False Then
SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(0, 16, 32, 16), Color.White)
SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(0, 16, 32, 16), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(_fadeInMain * 255)))
SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), Color.White)
End If
@ -709,25 +794,28 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawOptionProfiles(IsGameJoltOptions As Boolean)
Private Sub DrawOptionsProfiles(IsGameJoltOptions As Boolean)
' Draw profiles.
For x = 0 To _OptionProfiles.Count - 1
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _screenOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100)
For x = 0 To _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1
Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _optionsOffset.X + x * 180
_OptionProfiles(x).Draw(New Vector2(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y)), CInt(_fadeInOptions * 255), (x = _selectedProfile), _menuTexture)
_OptionsProfiles(x).Draw(New Vector2(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y)), CInt(_fadeInOptions * 255), (x = _selectedProfile), _menuTexture)
If _fadeInOptions = 1.0F Then
' Draw arrow.
If _menuIndex <> 0 Then
SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), Color.White)
End If
' Draw arrow.
If _menuIndex <> 0 Then
SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(_fadeInOptions * 255)))
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetSliderTarget(ByVal index As Integer) As Integer
Return CInt(_screenOffset.X + index * 180 + 80)
Select Case _menuIndex
Case 2, 3
Return CInt(_optionsOffset.X + index * 180 + 80)
Case Else
Return CInt(_screenOffset.X + index * 180 + 80)
End Select
End Function
Public Overrides Sub ChangeTo()
@ -737,7 +825,7 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
End If
If _OptionProfiles.Count = 0 Then
If _OptionsProfiles.Count = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
@ -769,10 +857,10 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
_loading = False
End Sub
Private Sub LoadOptionProfiles()
_OptionProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 0))
_OptionProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 1))
_OptionProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 2))
_OptionProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 3))
_OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 0))
_OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 1))
_OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 2))
_OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 3))
End Sub
Private Class GameProfile
@ -1230,6 +1318,8 @@ Public Class NewMainMenuScreen
messageBox.Show("The required GameMode does not exist." & Environment.NewLine & "Reaquire the GameMode to play on this profile.")
_menuIndex = 2
_selectedProfileTemp = _selectedProfile
_selectedProfile = 0
'SetScreen(New NewOptionScreen(CurrentScreen))
End If
End If