The following commands has been replaced by @overworldpokemon.hide:
* @pokemon.hide
* @player.hidepokemonfollow
The following command has been replaced by
* @player.showpokemonfollow
and the following unused command is now replaced by @overworldpokemon.toggle:
* @player.togglepokemonfollow
Renamed all of the songs with properly capitalized names to improve recognizability and readability.
I also changed some song names and added some sounds & I edited the maps and songs accordingly
[Changed Songs]
alph = RuinsOfAlph
barktown = NewBark
frontier = BattleFrontier
indigo = IndigoPlateau
mtmoonsq = MtMoonSquare
rHideout = Rocket_Hideout
safari = SafariZone
safarigate = SafariZone_Gate
kVictoryroad = VictoryRoad
[Added Songs]
Mom (as there wasn't any music for when the mom gives you the pokégear)
PVP_Intro (PVP music didn't have an intro before and I also replaced PVP with a better sounding version)
[Added Sounds]
Emote_Exclamation (can be used when using the ! emote for NPCs)
Receive_HM (the game checks if the name of the item that was received contains "HM", if so, this sound is played instead of the regular item receive sound)
Ported Battle Animation Code
Ported Battle Animations for Tackle, Pound, Growl, Ember and Poison Sting
Normalized all SFX by Perceived Loudness (-11.0 LUFS)
Renamed and moved a bunch of the SFX so they make more sense
Added a jingle when you register a Phone Number
Added a soundeffect for when an elevator reaches its destination