version=2 :if:=true @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,0) @level.wait(5) @npc.wearskin(0,) @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,+2,0,3)>) @level.update Hi!*Thanks alot for the Rail Pass!*: Pardon?*: Is it~that fun to mimic~my every move?) @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,0) @level.wait(5) @npc.wearskin(0,10) @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,+2,0,3)>) @level.update You bet!~It's a scream!) :end :endif :if:=true @item.remove(130) Yay!*That's my Clefairy Poké Doll!*See the tear where the~right leg is sewn on?*That's proof!*Ok.~Here's the Magnet Train~Pass like I promised!) @item.give(134,1) @item.messagegive(134,1) @register.register(copycat3) @npc.register(saffron\copycat2.dat|2|position|6,0.4,0)'s the Pass~for the Magnet Train.*The rail company man~gave me that when~they tore down our old~house for the Station.) :end :endif @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,0) @level.wait(5) @npc.wearskin(0,) @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,+2,0,3)>) @level.update Hi!*I heard that you lost your~favorite Poké Doll.*:~If I find it, you'll give~me a Rail Pass?*:~I'll go find it for you.*You think you lost it when~you went to Vermilion City?) @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,0) @level.wait(5) @npc.wearskin(0,10) @npc.turn(0,1) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,2) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,3) @level.wait(5) @npc.turn(0,+2,0,3)>) @level.update Pardon?*I shouldn't decide~what you should do?*But I'm really worried...*What if someone finds it?) @register.register(copycat1) :end