Public Class BattleCatchScreen Inherits Screen Dim Ball As Item Dim Animations As New List(Of BattleAnimation3D) Dim AnimationStarted As Boolean = False Dim catched As Boolean = False Dim InBall As Boolean = False Dim AnimationIndex As Integer = 0 Dim renamed As Boolean = False Dim textboxStart As Boolean = False Dim showPokedexEntry As Boolean = False Dim boxData As String = "" Dim sentToBox As Boolean = False Dim p As Pokemon Dim ModelVisible As Boolean = True Dim SpriteVisible As Boolean = False Dim BattleScreen As BattleSystem.BattleScreen Public Sub New(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleSystem.BattleScreen, ByVal Ball As Item) Me.Identification = Identifications.BattleCatchScreen Me.Ball = Ball Me.PreScreen = BattleScreen Me.UpdateFadeIn = True Me.BattleScreen = BattleScreen p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Me.ModelVisible = BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel.Visible Me.SpriteVisible = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel.Visible = False BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = True SetCamera() End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() SkyDome.Draw(45.0F) Level.Draw() Dim RenderObjects As New List(Of Entity) For Each a As BattleAnimation3D In Me.Animations RenderObjects.Add(a) Next If InBall = False Then RenderObjects.Add(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC) End If If RenderObjects.Count > 0 Then RenderObjects = (From r In RenderObjects Order By r.CameraDistance Descending).ToList() End If For Each [Object] As Entity In RenderObjects [Object].Render() Next World.DrawWeather(Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather) TextBox.Draw() End Sub Private Sub UpdateAnimations() Animations = (From a In Animations Order By a.CameraDistance Descending).ToList() For i = 0 To Animations.Count - 1 If i <= Animations.Count - 1 Then Dim a As BattleAnimation3D = Animations(i) If a.CanRemove = True Then i -= 1 Animations.Remove(a) Else a.Update() End If End If Next For Each Animation As BattleAnimation3D In Animations Animation.UpdateEntity() Next End Sub Private Sub SetCamera() Camera.Position = New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 2.5F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.25F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z + 0.5F) - BattleScreen.BattleMapOffset Camera.Pitch = -0.25F Camera.Yaw = MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F + 0.25F End Sub Dim _playIntroSound As Boolean = False Public Overrides Sub Update() Lighting.UpdateLighting(Screen.Effect) If textboxStart = False Then textboxStart = True TextBox.Show(Core.Player.Name & " used a " & Ball.Name & "!", {}, False, False) End If TextBox.Update() SkyDome.Update() Level.Update() SetCamera() BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.UpdateEntity() CType(Camera, BattleSystem.BattleCamera).UpdateMatrices() CType(Camera, BattleSystem.BattleCamera).UpdateFrustum() If TextBox.Showing = False Then If Me._playIntroSound = False Then Me._playIntroSound = True SoundManager.PlaySound("Battle\throw") End If UpdateAnimations() If Me.IsCurrentScreen() = True Then If AnimationStarted = False Then SetupAnimation() Else If Me.Animations.Count = 0 Then Select Case Me.AnimationIndex Case 0 SoundManager.PlaySound("PokeballOpen") InBall = True AnimationIndex = 1 AnimationStarted = False SetupAnimation() Case 1 AnimationIndex = 2 AnimationStarted = False SetupAnimation() Case 2, 3, 4, 5 If StayInBall() = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("Battle\ballshake") AnimationIndex += 1 Else SoundManager.PlaySound("PokeballOpen") AnimationIndex = 21 InBall = False End If AnimationStarted = False SetupAnimation() Case 6 AnimationIndex = 7 AnimationStarted = False SetupAnimation() Case 7 AnimationIndex = 8 AnimationStarted = False SetupAnimation() CatchPokemon() Case 8 AnimationIndex = 9 If showPokedexEntry = True Then Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New PokedexViewScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, p, True), Color.White, False)) End If Case 9 AnimationIndex = 10 Core.SetScreen(New NameObjectScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, p)) Case 10 ' After Catch If p.CatchBall.ID = 186 Then p.FullRestore() ' Heal Ball End If PlayerStatistics.Track("Caught Pokemon", 1) StorePokemon() AnimationIndex = 11 Case 11 Core.SetScreen(Me.PreScreen) BattleSystem.Battle.Won = True CType(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen).EndBattle(False) Case 20 ' Failed If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count < 6 Then Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon p.SetCatchInfos(Me.Ball, "Illegally caught!") Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(p) End If ResetVisibility() Core.SetScreen(Me.PreScreen) Case 21 ' After Break ResetVisibility() Core.SetScreen(Me.PreScreen) CType(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen).Battle.InitializeRound(CType(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleSystem.BattleScreen), New BattleSystem.Battle.RoundConst() With {.StepType = BattleSystem.Battle.RoundConst.StepTypes.Text, .Argument = "It broke free!"}) End Select End If End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub ResetVisibility() BattleScreen.OppPokemonModel.Visible = ModelVisible BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = SpriteVisible End Sub Private Sub CatchPokemon() p.ResetTemp() Dim s As String = "Gotcha!~" & p.GetName() & " was caught!" If Core.Player.HasPokedex = True Then If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, p.Number) < 2 Then s &= "*" & p.GetName() & "'s data was~added to the Pokédex." showPokedexEntry = True End If End If If p.IsShiny = True Then Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, p.Number, 3) Else If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, p.Number) < 3 Then Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, p.Number, 2) End If End If p.SetCatchInfos(Me.Ball, "caught at") MusicManager.Play("wild_defeat", True, 0.0F) SoundManager.PlaySound("success", True) TextBox.Show(s, {}, False, False) End Sub Private Sub StorePokemon() Dim s As String = "" If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count < 6 Then If BattleScreen.BattleMode = BattleSystem.BattleScreen.BattleModes.BugContest And Core.Player.Pokemons(Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1).CatchBall.ID = 177 And Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 1 Then Core.Player.Pokemons.RemoveAt(Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1) ElseIf BattleScreen.BattleMode = BattleSystem.BattleScreen.BattleModes.BugContest And Core.Player.Pokemons(0).CatchBall.ID = 177 And Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 1 Then Core.Player.Pokemons.RemoveAt(0) End If Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(p) Else Dim boxName As String = StorageSystemScreen.GetBoxName(StorageSystemScreen.DepositPokemon(p, Player.Temp.PCBoxIndex)) s = "It was transfered to Box~""" & boxName & """~on your PC." End If If p.IsShiny = True Then If p.Number <> 130 Then GameJolt.Emblem.AchieveEmblem("stars") End If End If Core.Player.AddPoints(3, "Caught Pokémon.") If s <> "" Then TextBox.Show(s) End If End Sub Private Sub SetupAnimation() Me.AnimationStarted = True Select Case Me.AnimationIndex Case 0 Animations.Add(New BAMove(New Vector3(Camera.Position.X - 1.0F, Camera.Position.Y, Camera.Position.Z - 0.5F) + BattleScreen.BattleMapOffset, Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, 0.0F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), 0.04F, True, True, 1.0F, 0.0F)) Case 1 BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Visible = False Animations.Add(New BAMove(New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, 0.0F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, 0.0F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), 0.01F, 0.0F, 6.0F)) Dim Size As New BASize(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Textures(0), BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Scale, False, New Vector3(0.05F), 0.02F, 0.0F, 0.0F) Size.Anchor = {} Animations.Add(Size) Case 2 Animations.Add(New BAMove(New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, 0.0F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), 0.02F, 0.0F, 6.0F)) Case 3, 5 Animations.Add(New BARotation(New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), New Vector3(0, 0, 0.05F), New Vector3(0, 0, 1.0F), 0.0F, 4.0F, False, False, True, True)) Case 4, 6 Animations.Add(New BARotation(New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), New Vector3(0, 0, -0.05F), New Vector3(0, 0, -1.0F), 0.0F, 4.0F, False, False, True, True)) Case 7 ' Catch Animation For i = 0 To 2 Dim v As Vector3 = New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z) Animations.Add(New BAMove(v, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Other\YellowCloud"), New Vector3(0.1F), New Vector3(v.X, v.Y + 0.4F, v.Z - ((1 - i) * 0.4F)), 0.01F, 0.0F, 0.0F)) Next Animations.Add(New BAMove(New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), 0.02F, 0.0F, 6.0F)) Case 8 Animations.Add(New BAOpacity(New Vector3(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 0.05F, -0.35F, BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z), Ball.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 0.01F, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)) Case 21 ' Break Animation End Select End Sub Private Function StayInBall() As Boolean Dim cp As Pokemon = p Dim MaxHP As Integer = cp.MaxHP Dim CurrentHP As Integer = cp.HP Dim CatchRate As Integer = cp.CatchRate Dim BallRate As Single = Ball.CatchMultiplier Dim PokemonStartFriendship As Integer = cp.Friendship Select Case Ball.Name.ToLower() Case "repeat ball" If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, cp.Number) > 1 Then BallRate = 1.5F End If Case "nest ball" BallRate = CSng((40 - cp.Level) / 10) BallRate = CInt(MathHelper.Clamp(BallRate, 1, 4)) Case "net ball" If cp.IsType(Element.Types.Bug) = True Or cp.IsType(Element.Types.Water) = True Then BallRate = 3.0F End If Case "dive ball" If BattleSystem.BattleScreen.DiveBattle = True Then BallRate = 3.5F End If Case "dusk ball" If Screen.Level.World.EnvironmentType = World.EnvironmentTypes.Cave Or Screen.Level.World.EnvironmentType = World.EnvironmentTypes.Dark Then BallRate = 3.0F ElseIf Screen.Level.World.EnvironmentType = World.EnvironmentTypes.Outside And World.GetTime() = 0 Then BallRate = 3.5F End If Case "fast ball" If cp.BaseSpeed >= 100 Then BallRate = 4.0F End If Case "level ball" If CInt(Math.Floor(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Level / 4)) > cp.Level Then BallRate = 8.0F ElseIf CInt(Math.Floor(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Level / 2)) > cp.Level Then BallRate = 4.0F ElseIf BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Level > cp.Level Then BallRate = 2.0F End If Case "love ball" If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Number = cp.Number And BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Gender <> cp.Gender Then BallRate = 8.0F End If Case "moon ball" For Each ev As EvolutionCondition In cp.EvolutionConditions For Each con As EvolutionCondition.Condition In ev.Conditions If con.ConditionType = EvolutionCondition.ConditionTypes.Item And con.Argument = "8" And ev.Trigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.ItemUse Then BallRate = 4.0F Exit For End If Next If BallRate = 4.0F Then Exit For End If Next Case "heavy ball" Dim weight As Single = cp.PokedexEntry.Weight If weight > 451.5F And weight < 677.3F Then BallRate = 2.0F ElseIf weight > 677.3F And weight < 903.0F Then BallRate = 3.0F ElseIf weight > 903.0F Then BallRate = 4.0F End If Case "friend ball" cp.Friendship = 200 Case "quick ball" If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Rounds < 2 Then BallRate = 5.0F End If Case "timer ball" BallRate = CInt(((BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Rounds + 10) / 10)).Clamp(1, 4) End Select Dim Status As Single = 1.0F Select Case cp.Status Case Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison, Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison, Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn, Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Status = 1.5F Case Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep, Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Status = 2.0F End Select Dim CaptureRate As Integer = CInt(Math.Floor(((1 + (MaxHP * 3 - CurrentHP * 2) * CatchRate * BallRate * Status) / (MaxHP * 3)))) If BattleScreen.PokemonSafariStatus < 0 Then For i = 1 To BattleScreen.PokemonSafariStatus CaptureRate *= 2 Next ElseIf BattleScreen.PokemonSafariStatus > 0 Then For i = 1 To BattleScreen.PokemonSafariStatus.ToPositive() CaptureRate = CInt(CaptureRate / 2) Next End If If CaptureRate <= 0 Then CaptureRate = 1 End If Dim B As Integer = CInt(1048560 / Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(16711680 / CaptureRate))) Dim R As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, 65535 + 1) If R > B Then cp.Friendship = PokemonStartFriendship Return False Else Return True End If End Function End Class