version=2 @daycare.clean(2) :if:=False to Team Rocket~activities we aren't~accepting trainer's~Pokémon right now.*Come back later.) :end :endif :if:=true husband was looking for you.) :end :endif, it's you!~Good to see you.*Your Pokémon can~only be doing good!) :if:=0 level, your~ has~grown by .) :endif :if:=0 level, your~ has~grown by .) :endif may I help you?) :select: :when:0 Pokémon,Cancel) :when:Leave Pokémon @script.start(floe\daycare\leave_pokemon) :when:Cancel Again.) :endwhen :end :when:1 Pokémon,Take back,Cancel) :when:Leave Pokémon @script.start(floe\daycare\leave_pokemon) :when:Take back have energetic Pokémon!~Would you like your~Pokémon back?) @script.start(floe\daycare\take_back) :when:Cancel Again.) :endwhen :end :when:2 back,Cancel) :when:Take back have energetic Pokémon!~Would you like your~Pokémon back?) @script.start(floe\daycare\take_back) :when:Cancel Again.) :endwhen :end :endwhen :end