version=2 vending machine!~Here's the menu.) Water$200,Soda Pop $300,Lemonade $350,Fanta $750,Cancel) :when:Fresh Water$200 :if:>200!*Fresh Water popped out.) @item.give(46,1) @item.messagegive(46,1) :if:=11!*An extra bottle of Fresh Water~dropped down!) @item.give(46,1) :endif :else don't have~enough money!) :endif :end :when:Soda Pop $300 :if:>300!*Soda Pop popped out.) @item.give(47,1) @item.messagegive(47,1) :if:=11!*An extra bottle of Soda Pop~dropped down!) @item.give(47,1) :endif :else don't have~enough money!) :endif :end :when:Lemonade $350 :if:>350!*Lemonade popped out.) @item.give(48,1) @item.messagegive(48,1) :if:=11!*An extra can of Lemonade~dropped down!) @item.give(48,1) :endif :else don't have~enough money!) :endif :end :when:Fanta $750 :if:>750!*Fanta popped out.) @item.give(266,1) @item.messagegive(266,1) :if:=11!*An extra bottle of Fanta~dropped down!) @item.give(266,1) :endif :else don't have~enough money!) :endif :end :endwhen :end