version=2 :if:<10 for Pokémon in~grassy areas!) :end :endif :if:<20 see you understand how~to use Poké Balls.) :end :endif :if:<30're getting good~at this.*But you have a long~way to go.) :end :endif :if:<40, you're catching~Pokémon at a decent pace!) :end :endif :if:<50're trying--~I can see that.*Your Pokédex is coming~together.) :end :endif :if:<60're training them well.*You know some Pokémon~don't evolve just by battling~with others, right?) :end :endif :if:<70 you have a Fishing Rod?*There are some Pokémon~that can only be found~by fishing!) :end :endif :if:<80!~You seem to be good~at collecting things!) :end :endif :if:<95 Pokémon only appear~during certain times~of the day.) :end :endif :if:<110 Pokédex is really~filling up.*Keep up the good work!) :end :endif :if:<125'm impressed.~You're evolving Pokémon,~not just catching them.) :end :endif :if:<140 you can learn how to~use the custom Poké Balls~made by Kurt effectively,~you'll be able to~catch Pokémon better!) :end :endif :if:<155 you trade Pokémon,~you can also trade~information.~Your friends can really~help you!) :end :endif :if:<170 you trading~your Pokémon?*It's tough to do~this alone!) :end :endif :if:<185've found so~many Pokémon!*You've really helped~my studies!) :end :endif :if:<200!~You have the ability to~become a great Pokémon~Professor someday!) :end :endif :if:<210!~You've reached 200!*Your Pokédex is~looking great!) :end :endif :if:<212 Pokédex is amazing!*You're ready to~turn professional!) :end :endif :if:>211, you've~surprised me!*But just as I expected,*you've completed the~Johto Pokédex.*I am so grateful!*If you've got~much determination,~then even more exciting~adventures await you in~the world of Pokémon!) @register.register(johtodexcomplete) :end :endif :end