version=2 :if:=true =true =false ,~you are just in time to~help me out with some~new traps!*That's not why you're here?*A battle bar?*That would be the perfect~place to hone my skills~as a gym leader.*I can visit after I'm done~training with my dad.*That would be early mornings.*I'll see you then,~if you dare!*Fufufu...) @register.register(JanineRematchTalk) @register.change(clubregisters,+1) :end :endif @battle.starttrainer(fuchsia_gym\leader) @player.AchieveEmblem(soul) :if:=False @register.register(soulbadge_obtain) @register.register(trainer_fuchsia_gym\001) @register.register(trainer_fuchsia_gym\002) @register.register(trainer_fuchsia_gym\003) @register.register(trainer_fuchsia_gym\004) @player.GetBadge(5)'re so tough!*I have a special gift for you!) @item.give(196,1) @item.messagegive(196,1)'s Toxic,~a powerful poison that~steadily saps the victim's HP.) :endif :end