version=2 :if:=true =false @screen.showpokemon(7,0,1) So, you've decided on the~Water Pokémon Squirtle?),No) :when:Yes :if:=True @NPC.remove(3) @NPC.register(pallet/oaklab.dat|3|remove|1) @Register.register(kstarter3) pokemon is really quite~energetic!) @pokemon.add(7,5,As a gift from Prof. Oak,5,at Pallet Town,0,,514),1) received~Bulbasaur!) @pokemon.rename(last) @Player.Turn(1) @Player.Move(2) @Player.Turn(3) @Player.Move(1) a wild Pokémon appears,~your Pokémon can battle it.*With it at your side, you should~be able to reach the next town.*What am I saying? You already~know all this!*..............~..............) @entity.showmessagebulb(1|5|0.8|1)!*There is another gift I have~got for you.) @item.give(576) @item.messagegive(576,1) Pokémon you just received~from me holds a very special~artifact called Mega Stone.*With the Mega Bracelet I just~gave you and the Mega Stones~that a Pokémon may hold, your~Pokémon will be able to achieve~a powerful boost called Mega~Evolution!*...once it has reached its final~evolved form, of course.) @Register.register(kantostart1) :else don't have~space in your party~for this Pokemon!) :endif :when:No No need to hurry. Take~your time.) :endwhen :else contains a~Pokémon caught by~Prof. Oak.) :endif :end