version=2 :if:=False @npc.warp(0,2,0,4) @npc.turn(0,1) @player.move(0) @npc.setspeed(0,2) @npc.move(0,1) @npc.turn(0,3) @npc.setspeed(0,2) @npc.move(0,2) @npc.turn(0,0), where's Lostelle~gotten to today?*She always brings me lunch~every day right about now...) @npc.turn(0,2) @entity.showmessagebulb(1|3|1|4) @npc.setspeed(0,2) @npc.move(0,2) @npc.turn(0,1) @player.turnto(3) You, there!~Are you a friend of Lostelle's?*Have you seen~Lostelle around?*I don't know where~she might be.*She should've been~here long ago.*Lostelle's a cutie -~she got my looks -~so what if someone...*What if something's happened~to my Lostelle?!*Please, help me find her!~Go search Three Island!) @player.setmovement(-1,0,0) @player.move(1) @npc.warp(2,2,0,7) @npc.move(2,1)*What is this place?*How much sadder~can this get?*Those clowns...*They said they'd be~waiting on the island,~so where are they?) @npc.turn(2,3), you!~Is this the only Three~Island around here?) waking up before~you crawl out of bed,~you punk.*This is Two Island!*Move it!~Get your filthy motorbike~out of my place!), oh, gotcha.~Tch...~These islands are confusing...) @npc.turn(2,2) @npc.move(2,1) @npc.remove(2) you look at that?~That punk scuffed up my floor.) @register.register(findlostelle) :endif :end