version=2 :if:=false Oh man, Sp-*er...*Someone is being~stupid on the forums~right now and I~have to deal with it.*I wish I had a~can of Fanta,~but I can't leave~to go get one...) :if:>0, you have some~Fanta for me?) @Options.Show(Yes,No) :when:Yes, thank you so much!) @item.remove(266,1,false) @register.register(fanta4fanta) thanks I would~like you to have~this TM!) @item.give(469,1) @item.messagegive(469,1) 169 teaches~Dazzling Gleam.*Use it wisely!) :end :when:No, I thought this~was some generic~RPG scenario...) :end :endwhen :endif :end :endif I wonder why~Tornado isn't helping me~with these problems?) :end