version=2 :if:=calling :then @Text.Show(Pokégear:~Calling..............) :else @Text.Show(Pokégear: Pokéfan Beverly~Receiving call.......) :endif :if:=true :then @Text.Show(Can you bring that~Marill to me, ?*I want to see one.~I am waiting here, in the~National Park.) :else :if:=true =false :then :if:=receiving :then @Text.Show(Hey, .*Wait! Do you have~a MARILL?*I want to see one.~I am waiting here, in the~National Park.) @Register.register(phone_reg_018) :else @Text.Show(Hey, .*I really want to see a~Marill. Those are adorable~creatures.*Well, see you later.) :endif :else @Text.Show(Hey, .*I really want to see a~Marill. Those are adorable~creatures.*Well, see you later.) :endif :endif :end