Namespace Security Public Class FileValidation Shared _validated As Boolean = False Shared _valid As Boolean = False Const RUNVALIDATION As Boolean = False Const EXPECTEDSIZE As Integer = 977834 Const METAHASH As String = "MEEzNjIzMUE5RkEwNEFCQjgwQUQwODQ1NDVDRjVCNzQ=" Public Shared ReadOnly Property IsValid(ByVal ForceResult As Boolean) As Boolean Get If _validated = False Then _validated = True _valid = FilesValid() End If If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True And ForceResult = False Then Return True Else Return _valid End If End Get End Property Private Shared Function FilesValid() As Boolean Dim MeasuredSize As Long = 0 Dim files As New List(Of String) Dim paths() As String = {"Content", "maps", "Scripts"} Dim includeExt() As String = {".dat", ".poke", ".lua", ".trainer"} If RUNVALIDATION = True Then Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Debug, "FileValidation.vb: WARNING! FILE VALIDATION IS RUNNING!") For Each subFolder As String In paths For Each file As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(GameController.GamePath & "\" & subFolder, "*.*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories) If file.Contains("\Content\Localization\") = False Then Dim ext As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file) If includeExt.Contains(ext.ToLower()) = True Then files.Add(file.Remove(0, GameController.GamePath.Length + 1)) End If End If Next Next Dim s As String = "" For Each f As String In files Dim i As Long = New System.IO.FileInfo(GameController.GamePath & "\" & f).Length Dim hash As String = GetMD5FromFile(GameController.GamePath & "\" & f) FileDictionary.Add((GameController.GamePath & "\" & f).ToLower(), New ValidationStorage(i, hash)) MeasuredSize += i If s <> "" Then s &= "," End If s &= f & ":" & hash Next System.IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\meta", s) Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Debug, "FileValidation.vb: Meta created! Expected Size: " & MeasuredSize & "|MetaHash: " & StringObfuscation.Obfuscate(GetMD5FromFile(GameController.GamePath & "\meta"))) Core.GameInstance.Exit() Else If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\meta") = True Then If GetMD5FromFile(GameController.GamePath & "\meta") = StringObfuscation.DeObfuscate(METAHASH) Then files = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\meta").Split(CChar(",")).ToList() Logger.Debug("Meta loaded. Files to check: " & files.Count) Else Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "FileValidation.vb: Failed to load Meta (Hash incorrect)! File Validation will fail!") End If Else Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "FileValidation.vb: Failed to load Meta (File not found)! File Validation will fail!") End If For Each f As String In files Dim fileName As String = f.Split(CChar(":"))(0) Dim fileHash As String = f.Split(CChar(":"))(1) If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & fileName) Then Dim i As Long = New System.IO.FileInfo(GameController.GamePath & "\" & fileName).Length FileDictionary.Add((GameController.GamePath & "\" & fileName).ToLower(), New ValidationStorage(i, fileHash)) MeasuredSize += i End If Next End If If MeasuredSize = EXPECTEDSIZE Then Return True End If Return False End Function Shared FileDictionary As New Dictionary(Of String, ValidationStorage) Public Shared Sub CheckFileValid(ByVal file As String, ByVal relativePath As Boolean, ByVal origin As String) Dim validationResult As String = ValidateFile(file, relativePath) If validationResult <> "" Then Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "FileValidation.vb: Detected invalid files in a sensitive game environment. Stopping execution...") Dim ex As New Exception("The File Validation system detected invalid files in a sensitive game environment.") ex.Data.Add("File", file) ex.Data.Add("File Validation result", validationResult) ex.Data.Add("Call Origin", origin) ex.Data.Add("Relative Path", relativePath) Throw ex End If End Sub Private Shared Function ValidateFile(ByVal file As String, ByVal relativePath As Boolean) As String If Core.Player.IsGamejoltSave = True And GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = False Then Dim filePath As String = file.Replace("/", "\") If relativePath = True Then filePath = GameController.GamePath & "\" & file End If Dim i As Long = New System.IO.FileInfo(filePath).Length If System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) = True Then If FileDictionary.ContainsKey(filePath.ToLower()) = True Then If i <> FileDictionary(filePath.ToLower()).FileSize Then Return "File Validation rendered the file invalid. Array length invalid." Else Dim hash As String = GetMD5FromFile(filePath) If hash <> FileDictionary(filePath.ToLower()).Hash Then Return "File Validation rendered the file invalid. File has been edited." End If End If Else Return "The File Validation system couldn't find the requested file." End If End If End If Return "" End Function Private Shared Function GetMD5FromFile(ByVal file As String) As String Dim MD5 As System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create() Dim Hash As Byte() Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder() Using st As New IO.FileStream(file, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read) Hash = MD5.ComputeHash(st) End Using For Each b In Hash sb.Append(b.ToString("X2")) Next Return sb.ToString() End Function Private Class ValidationStorage Public Hash As String = "" Public FileSize As Long = 0 Public Sub New(ByVal FileSize As Long, ByVal Hash As String) Me.FileSize = FileSize Me.Hash = Hash End Sub Public Function CheckValidation(ByVal FileSize As Long) As Boolean Return (FileSize = Me.FileSize) End Function Public Function CheckValidation(ByVal FileSize As Long, ByVal Hash As String) As Boolean If Me.FileSize = FileSize And Me.Hash = Hash Then Return True End If Return False End Function End Class End Class End Namespace