version=2 :if:=true :if:=Tuesday =Thursday @npc.warp(6,17,0,20) :endif :endif :if:=False =True @player.move(0) @npc.warp(0,11,0,26)!) @npc.turn(0,3) @player.move(0) @player.turnto(1) @npc.move(0,3) I'm sorry~about this.*Here, take this as~my apology.) @item.give(214,1) @item.messagegive(214,1) contains~Dragonbreath.*No, it doesn't~have anything to~do with my breath.*If you don't want~it, you don't have~to take it.) What's the matter?*Aren't you going on~to the Pokémon League?*Do you know how to~get there?*From here, go to~New Bark Town.*Then Surf east to~the Pokémon League.*The route there is~very tough.*Don't you dare~lose at the~Pokémon League!*If you do, I'll~feel even worse*about having lost~to you!*Give it everything~you've got.) @register.register(clairtmget) :endif :end