Public Class HatchEggScreen Inherits Screen Dim Pokemons As New List(Of Pokemon) Dim Backgroud As Texture2D Dim Egg As Texture2D Dim Stage As Integer = 0 Dim delay As Single = 4.0F Dim size As Single = 0.0F Dim cPokemon As Pokemon Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal Pokemon As List(Of Pokemon)) Me.PreScreen = currentScreen PlayerStatistics.Track("Eggs hatched", 1) Me.Identification = Identifications.HatchEggScreen Me.Pokemons = Pokemon Me.cPokemon = Me.Pokemons(0) cPokemon.EggSteps = 0 Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(cPokemon) If cPokemon.IsShiny = True Then Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, cPokemon.Number, 3) Else Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, cPokemon.Number, 2) End If Me.Pokemons.Remove(cPokemon) Level.OverworldPokemon.Visible = False Me.Backgroud = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\EggBreak", New Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 192), "") Me.Egg = GetEggTexture() MusicManager.PlayNoMusic() End Sub Private Function GetEggTexture() As Texture2D Return TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\EggBreak", New Rectangle(0 + 28 * Stage, 192, 28, 30), "") End Function Public Overrides Sub Draw() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.Backgroud, Core.windowSize, Color.White) If Stage < 6 Then Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Egg, New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - Egg.Width), CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - Egg.Height), Egg.Width * 2, Egg.Height * 2), Color.White) End If Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(cPokemon.GetTexture(True), New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - (cPokemon.GetTexture(True).Width * size / 2)), CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - (cPokemon.GetTexture(True).Height * size / 1.5F)), CInt(cPokemon.GetTexture(True).Width * size), CInt(cPokemon.GetTexture(True).Height * size)), Color.White) TextBox.Draw() ChooseBox.Draw() End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() ChooseBox.Update() If ChooseBox.Showing = False Then TextBox.Update() End If If TextBox.Showing = False And ChooseBox.Showing = False Then If Stage < 6 Then If delay > 0.0F Then delay -= 0.1F End If If delay <= 0.0F Then delay = 4.0F Stage += 1 If Stage = 6 Then SoundManager.PlaySound("egg_hatch") Else SoundManager.PlaySound("Battle\Effects\effect_pound") End If Egg = GetEggTexture() End If ElseIf Stage = 6 Then If size < 3.5F Then size += 0.08F Else MusicManager.PlayMusic("wild_defeat") cPokemon.PlayCry() SoundManager.PlaySound("success", True) Stage = 7 TextBox.Show("Congratulations!~Your egg hatched into~a " & cPokemon.GetName() & "!*Do you want to give~a nickname to the freshly~hatched " & cPokemon.GetName() & "?%Yes|No%", AddressOf Me.ResultFunction, False, False, TextBox.DefaultColor) End If ElseIf Stage = 7 Then If Me.IsCurrentScreen = True Then EndScene() Stage = 8 End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub ResultFunction(ByVal result As Integer) If result = 0 Then Core.SetScreen(New NameObjectScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, Me.cPokemon)) End If End Sub Private Sub EndScene() If Pokemons.Count = 0 Then Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Me, Me.PreScreen, Color.White, False)) Else Core.SetScreen(New HatchEggScreen(Me.PreScreen, Pokemons)) End If End Sub End Class