Imports System.Threading ''' ''' A class that manages the collection of entities to represent a map. ''' Public Class Level #Region "Fields" Private _routeSign As RouteSign = Nothing Private _world As World = Nothing Private _pokemonEncounter As PokemonEncounter = Nothing ''' ''' Stores warp data for warping to a new map. ''' Public WarpData As WarpDataStruct ''' ''' Stores temporary Pokémon encounter data. ''' Public PokemonEncounterData As PokemonEcounterDataStruct ' Level states: Private _isSurfing As Boolean = False Private _isRiding As Boolean = False Private _usedStrength As Boolean = False Private _isDark As Boolean = False Private _walkedSteps As Integer = 0 Private _offsetMapUpdateDelay As Integer = 50 ' Ticks until the next Offset Map update occurs. ' Map properties: Private _terrain As Terrain = New Terrain(Terrain.TerrainTypes.Plain) Private _mapName As String = "" Private _musicLoop As String = "" Private _levelFile As String = "" Private _canTeleport As Boolean = True Private _canDig As Boolean = False Private _canFly As Boolean = False Private _rideType As Integer = 0 Private _weatherType As Integer = 0 Private _environmentType As Integer = 0 Private _wildPokemonGrass As Boolean = True Private _wildPokemonFloor As Boolean = False Private _wildPokemonWater As Boolean = True Private _showOverworldPokemon As Boolean = True Private _currentRegion As String = "Johto" Private _hiddenabilitychance As Integer = 0 Private _lightingType As Integer = 0 Private _isSafariZone As Boolean = False Private _isBugCatchingContest As Boolean = False Private _bugCatchingContestData As String = "" Private _battleMapData As String = "" ' Entity enumerations: Private _ownPlayer As OwnPlayer Private _ownOverworldPokemon As OverworldPokemon Private _entities As New List(Of Entity) Private _floors As New List(Of Entity) Private _shaders As New List(Of Shader) Private _backdropRenderer As BackdropRenderer Private _networkPlayers As New List(Of NetworkPlayer) Private _networkPokemon As New List(Of NetworkPokemon) Private _offsetMapEntities As New List(Of Entity) Private _offsetMapFloors As New List(Of Entity) ' Radio: Private _isRadioOn As Boolean = False Private _selectedRadioStation As GameJolt.PokegearScreen.RadioStation = Nothing Private _radioChannels As New List(Of Decimal) Private _offsetTimer As New Timers.Timer() Private _isUpdatingOffsetMaps As Boolean = False #End Region #Region "Properties" ''' ''' The Terrain of this level. ''' Public ReadOnly Property Terrain() As Terrain Get Return Me._terrain End Get End Property ''' ''' A RouteSign on the top left corner of the screen to display the map's name. ''' Public ReadOnly Property RouteSign() As RouteSign Get Return Me._routeSign End Get End Property ''' ''' Indicates whether the player is Surfing. ''' Public Property Surfing() As Boolean Get Return _isSurfing End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._isSurfing = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Indicates whether the player is Riding. ''' Public Property Riding() As Boolean Get Return Me._isRiding End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._isRiding = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Indicates whether the player used Strength already. ''' Public Property UsedStrength() As Boolean Get Return Me._usedStrength End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._usedStrength = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The reference to the active OwnPlayer instance. ''' Public Property OwnPlayer() As OwnPlayer Get Return Me._ownPlayer End Get Set(value As OwnPlayer) Me._ownPlayer = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The reference to the active OverworldPokemon instance. ''' Public Property OverworldPokemon() As OverworldPokemon Get Return Me._ownOverworldPokemon End Get Set(value As OverworldPokemon) Me._ownOverworldPokemon = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The array of entities composing the map. ''' Public Property Entities() As List(Of Entity) Get Return Me._entities End Get Set(value As List(Of Entity)) Me._entities = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The array of floors the player can move on. ''' Public Property Floors() As List(Of Entity) Get Return Me._floors End Get Set(value As List(Of Entity)) Me._floors = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The array of shaders that add specific lighting to the map. ''' Public Property Shaders() As List(Of Shader) Get Return Me._shaders End Get Set(value As List(Of Shader)) Me._shaders = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The array of players on the server to render. ''' Public Property NetworkPlayers() As List(Of NetworkPlayer) Get Return Me._networkPlayers End Get Set(value As List(Of NetworkPlayer)) Me._networkPlayers = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The array of Pokémon on the server to render. ''' Public Property NetworkPokemon() As List(Of NetworkPokemon) Get Return Me._networkPokemon End Get Set(value As List(Of NetworkPokemon)) Me._networkPokemon = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The array of entities the offset maps are composed of. ''' Public Property OffsetmapEntities() As List(Of Entity) Get Return Me._offsetMapEntities End Get Set(value As List(Of Entity)) Me._offsetMapEntities = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The array of floors the offset maps are composed of. ''' Public Property OffsetmapFloors() As List(Of Entity) Get Return Me._offsetMapFloors End Get Set(value As List(Of Entity)) Me._offsetMapFloors = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The name of the current map. ''' ''' This name gets displayed on the RouteSign. Public Property MapName() As String Get Return Me._mapName End Get Set(value As String) Me._mapName = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The default background music for this level. ''' ''' Doesn't play for Surfing, Riding and Radio. Public Property MusicLoop() As String Get Return Me._musicLoop End Get Set(value As String) Me._musicLoop = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The file this level got loaded from. ''' ''' The path is relative to the \maps\ or \GameMode\[gamemode]\maps\ path. Public Property LevelFile() As String Get Return Me._levelFile End Get Set(value As String) Me._levelFile = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the player can use the move Teleport. ''' Public Property CanTeleport As Boolean Get Return Me._canTeleport End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._canTeleport = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the player can use the move Dig or an Escape Rope. ''' Public Property CanDig As Boolean Get Return Me._canDig End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._canDig = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the player can use the move Fly. ''' Public Property CanFly As Boolean Get Return Me._canFly End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._canFly = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The type of Ride the player can use on this map. ''' ''' 0 = Depends on CanDig and CanFly, 1 = True, 2 = False Public Property RideType As Integer Get Return Me._rideType End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._rideType = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The Weather on this map. ''' ''' For the weather, look at the WeatherTypes enumeration in World.vb Public Property WeatherType As Integer Get Return Me._weatherType End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._weatherType = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The environment type for this map. ''' Public Property EnvironmentType As Integer Get Return Me._environmentType End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._environmentType = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the player can encounter wild Pokémon in the Grass entities. ''' Public Property WildPokemonGrass As Boolean Get Return Me._wildPokemonGrass End Get Set(value As Boolean) _wildPokemonGrass = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the player can encounter wild Pokémon on every floor tile. ''' Public Property WildPokemonFloor As Boolean Get Return Me._wildPokemonFloor End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._wildPokemonFloor = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the player can encounter wild Pokémon while Surfing. ''' Public Property WildPokemonWater As Boolean Get Return Me._wildPokemonWater End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._wildPokemonWater = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the map is dark, and needs to be lightened up by Flash. ''' Public Property IsDark As Boolean Get Return Me._isDark End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._isDark = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the Overworld Pokémon is visible. ''' Public Property ShowOverworldPokemon As Boolean Get Return Me._showOverworldPokemon End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._showOverworldPokemon = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The amount of walked steps on this map. ''' Public Property WalkedSteps As Integer Get Return Me._walkedSteps End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._walkedSteps = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The region this map is assigned to. ''' ''' The default is "Johto". Public Property CurrentRegion As String Get Return Me._currentRegion End Get Set(value As String) Me._currentRegion = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Chance of a Hidden Ability being on a wild Pokémon. ''' Public Property HiddenAbilityChance As Integer Get Return Me._hiddenabilitychance End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._hiddenabilitychance = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The LightingType of this map. More information in the Level\UpdateLighting. ''' Public Property LightingType As Integer Get Return Me._lightingType End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._lightingType = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the map is a part of the Safari Zone. This changes the Battle Menu and the Menu Screen. ''' Public Property IsSafariZone As Boolean Get Return Me._isSafariZone End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._isSafariZone = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the map is a part of the Bug Catching Contest. This changes the Battle Menu and the Menu Screen. ''' Public Property IsBugCatchingContest As Boolean Get Return Me._isBugCatchingContest End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._isBugCatchingContest = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Holds data for the Bug Catching Contest. ''' ''' Composed of 3 values, separated by ",": 0 = script location for ending the contest, 1 = script location for selecting the remaining balls item, 2 = Menu Item name for the remaining balls item. Public Property BugCatchingContestData As String Get Return Me._bugCatchingContestData End Get Set(value As String) Me._bugCatchingContestData = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Used to modify the Battle Map camera position. ''' ''' Data: MapName,x,y,z OR Mapname OR x,y,z OR empty Public Property BattleMapData() As String Get Return Me._battleMapData End Get Set(value As String) Me._battleMapData = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Used to modify the Battle Map. ''' ''' Data: MapName,x,y,z OR Mapname OR empty Public Property SurfingBattleMapData As String ''' ''' The instance of the World class, handling time, season and weather based operations. ''' Public Property World() As World Get Return Me._world End Get Set(value As World) Me._world = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Whether the Radio is currently activated. ''' Public Property IsRadioOn() As Boolean Get Return Me._isRadioOn End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._isRadioOn = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The currently selected Radio station. If possible, this will replace the Music Loop. ''' Public Property SelectedRadioStation() As GameJolt.PokegearScreen.RadioStation Get Return Me._selectedRadioStation End Get Set(value As GameJolt.PokegearScreen.RadioStation) Me._selectedRadioStation = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Allowed Radio channels on this map. ''' Public Property AllowedRadioChannels() As List(Of Decimal) Get Return Me._radioChannels End Get Set(value As List(Of Decimal)) Me._radioChannels = value End Set End Property ''' ''' Handles wild Pokémon encounters. ''' Public ReadOnly Property PokemonEncounter() As PokemonEncounter Get Return Me._pokemonEncounter End Get End Property ''' ''' The backdrop renderer of this level. ''' Public ReadOnly Property BackdropRenderer() As BackdropRenderer Get Return _backdropRenderer End Get End Property #End Region #Region "Structures" ''' ''' A structure to store warp data in. ''' Public Structure WarpDataStruct ''' ''' The destination map file. ''' Public WarpDestination As String ''' ''' The position to warp the player to. ''' Public WarpPosition As Vector3 ''' ''' The check to see if the player should get warped next tick. ''' Public DoWarpInNextTick As Boolean ''' ''' Amount of 90° rotations counterclockwise. ''' Public WarpRotations As Integer ''' ''' The correct camera yaw to set the camera to after the warping. ''' Public CorrectCameraYaw As Single ''' ''' If the warp action got triggered by a warp block. ''' Public IsWarpBlock As Boolean End Structure ''' ''' A structure to store wild Pokémon encounter data in. ''' Public Structure PokemonEcounterDataStruct ''' ''' The assumed position the player will be in when encounterning the Pokémon. ''' Public Position As Vector3 ''' ''' Whether the player encountered a Pokémon. ''' Public EncounteredPokemon As Boolean ''' ''' The encounter method. ''' Public Method As Spawner.EncounterMethods ''' ''' The link to the .poke file used to spawn the Pokémon in. ''' Public PokeFile As String End Structure #End Region ''' ''' Creates a new instance of the Level class. ''' Public Sub New() Me._routeSign = New RouteSign() Me.WarpData = New WarpDataStruct() Me.PokemonEncounterData = New PokemonEcounterDataStruct() Me._pokemonEncounter = New PokemonEncounter(Me) Me.StartOffsetMapUpdate() Me._backdropRenderer = New BackdropRenderer() Me._backdropRenderer.Initialize() End Sub ''' ''' Initializes the offset map update cycle. ''' Public Sub StartOffsetMapUpdate() If Not Me._offsetTimer Is Nothing Then Me._offsetTimer.Stop() End If Me._offsetTimer = New Timers.Timer() Me._offsetTimer.Interval = 16 Me._offsetTimer.AutoReset = True AddHandler Me._offsetTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf Me.UpdateOffsetMap Me._offsetTimer.Start() Logger.Debug("Started Offset map update") End Sub Public Sub StopOffsetMapUpdate() Me._offsetTimer.Stop() While Me._isUpdatingOffsetMaps Thread.Sleep(1) End While Logger.Debug("Stopped Offset map update") End Sub ''' ''' Loads a level from a levelfile. ''' ''' The path to load the level from. Start with "|" to prevent loading a levelfile. Public Sub Load(ByVal Levelpath As String) ' copy all changed files #If DEBUG Then DebugFileWatcher.TriggerReload() #End If ' Create a parameter array to pass over to the LevelLoader: Dim params As New List(Of Object) params.AddRange({Levelpath, False, New Vector3(0, 0, 0), 0, New List(Of String)}) ' Create the world and load the level: World = New World(0, 0) If Levelpath.StartsWith("|") = False Then Me.StopOffsetMapUpdate() Dim levelLoader As New LevelLoader() levelLoader.LoadLevel(params.ToArray()) Else Logger.Debug("Don't attempt to load a levelfile.") End If ' Create own player entity and OverworldPokémon entity and add them to the entity enumeration: OwnPlayer = New OwnPlayer(0, 0, 0, {TextureManager.DefaultTexture}, Core.Player.Skin, 0, 0, "", "Gold", 0) OverworldPokemon = New OverworldPokemon(Screen.Camera.Position.X, Screen.Camera.Position.Y, Screen.Camera.Position.Z + 1) OverworldPokemon.ChangeRotation() Entities.AddRange({OwnPlayer, OverworldPokemon}) Me.Surfing = Core.Player.startSurfing Me.StartOffsetMapUpdate() End Sub ''' ''' Renders the level. ''' Public Sub Draw() Me._backdropRenderer.Draw() ' Set the effect's View and Projection matrices: Screen.Effect.View = Screen.Camera.View Screen.Effect.Projection = Screen.Camera.Projection ' Reset the Debug values: DebugDisplay.DrawnVertices = 0 DebugDisplay.MaxVertices = 0 DebugDisplay.MaxDistance = 0 Dim AllEntities As New List(Of Entity) Dim AllFloors As New List(Of Entity) AllEntities.AddRange(Entities) AllFloors.AddRange(Floors) If Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps > 0 Then AllEntities.AddRange(OffsetmapEntities) AllFloors.AddRange(OffsetmapFloors) End If AllEntities = (From f In AllEntities Order By f.CameraDistance Descending).ToList() AllFloors = (From f In AllFloors Order By f.CameraDistance Descending).ToList() 'Render floors: For i = 0 To AllFloors.Count - 1 If i <= AllFloors.Count - 1 Then AllFloors(i).Render() DebugDisplay.MaxVertices += AllFloors(i).VertexCount End If Next 'Render all other entities: For i = 0 To AllEntities.Count - 1 If i <= AllEntities.Count - 1 Then AllEntities(i).Render() DebugDisplay.MaxVertices += AllEntities(i).VertexCount End If Next If IsDark = True Then DrawFlashOverlay() End If End Sub ''' ''' Updates the level's logic. ''' Public Sub Update() Me._backdropRenderer.Update() Me.UpdatePlayerWarp() Me._pokemonEncounter.TriggerBattle() ' Reload map from file (Debug or Sandbox Mode): If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Or Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True Then If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.R) = True And Core.CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Then Core.OffsetMaps.Clear() Logger.Debug(String.Format("Reload map file: {0}", Me._levelFile)) Me.Load(LevelFile) End If End If ' Update all network players and Pokémon: If JoinServerScreen.Online = True Then Core.ServersManager.PlayerManager.UpdatePlayers() End If ' Call Update and UpdateEntity methods of all entities: Me.UpdateEntities() End Sub ''' ''' Updates all entities on the map and offset map and sorts the enumarations. ''' Public Sub UpdateEntities() ' Update and remove entities: If LevelLoader.IsBusy = False Then For i = 0 To Entities.Count - 1 If i <= Entities.Count - 1 Then If Entities.Count - 1 >= i AndAlso Entities(i).CanBeRemoved Then Entities.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 Else If Entities(i).NeedsUpdate Then Entities(i).Update() End If ' UpdateEntity for all entities: Me.Entities(i).UpdateEntity() End If Else Exit For End If Next End If ' UpdateEntity for all floors: For i = 0 To Me.Floors.Count - 1 If i <= Me.Floors.Count - 1 Then Me.Floors(i).UpdateEntity() End If Next Me.SortEntities() End Sub ''' ''' Sorts the entity enumerations. ''' Public Sub SortEntities() If LevelLoader.IsBusy = False Then Entities = (From f In Entities Order By f.CameraDistance Descending).ToList() End If End Sub ''' ''' Sorts and updates offset map entities. ''' Public Sub UpdateOffsetMap() Me._isUpdatingOffsetMaps = True If Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps > 0 Then ' The Update function of entities on offset maps are not getting called. If Me._offsetMapUpdateDelay <= 0 Then ' Only when the delay is 0, update. ' Sort the list: If LevelLoader.IsBusy = False Then OffsetmapEntities = (From e In OffsetmapEntities Order By e.CameraDistance Descending).ToList() End If Me._offsetMapUpdateDelay = Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps - 1 'Set the new delay ' Remove entities that CanBeRemoved (see what I did there?): ' Now it also updates the remaining entities. For i = 0 To OffsetmapEntities.Count - 1 If i <= OffsetmapEntities.Count - 1 Then If OffsetmapEntities(i).CanBeRemoved Then OffsetmapEntities.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 Else OffsetmapEntities(i).UpdateEntity() End If Else Exit For End If Next ' Call UpdateEntity on all offset map floors: For i = Me.OffsetmapFloors.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 If i <= Me.OffsetmapFloors.Count - 1 Then Me.OffsetmapFloors(i).UpdateEntity() End If Next Else Me._offsetMapUpdateDelay -= 1 End If End If Me._isUpdatingOffsetMaps = False End Sub ''' ''' Renders offset map entities. ''' Private Sub RenderOffsetMap() ' Render floors: For i = 0 To Me.OffsetmapFloors.Count - 1 If i <= Me.OffsetmapFloors.Count - 1 Then If Not Me.OffsetmapFloors(i) Is Nothing Then Me.OffsetmapFloors(i).Render() DebugDisplay.MaxVertices += Me.OffsetmapFloors(i).VertexCount End If End If Next ' Render entities: For i = 0 To Me.OffsetmapEntities.Count - 1 If i <= Me.OffsetmapEntities.Count - 1 Then If Not Me.OffsetmapEntities(i) Is Nothing Then Me.OffsetmapEntities(i).Render() DebugDisplay.MaxVertices += Me.OffsetmapEntities(i).VertexCount End If End If Next End Sub ''' ''' Draws the flash overlay to the screen. ''' Private Sub DrawFlashOverlay() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\flash_overlay"), New Rectangle(0, 0, Core.windowSize.Width, Core.windowSize.Height), Color.White) End Sub ''' ''' Handles warp events for the player. ''' Private Sub UpdatePlayerWarp() If WarpData.DoWarpInNextTick = True Then ' If a warp event got scheduled. ' Disable wild Pokémon: Me._wildPokemonFloor = False Me.PokemonEncounterData.EncounteredPokemon = False ' Set the Surfing flag for the next map: Core.Player.startSurfing = Surfing ' Change the player position: Screen.Camera.Position = WarpData.WarpPosition Dim tempProperties As String = Me.CanDig.ToString() & "," & Me.CanFly.ToString() ' Store properties to determine if the "enter" sound should be played. ' Store skin values: Dim usingGameJoltTexture As Boolean = OwnPlayer.UsingGameJoltTexture Core.Player.Skin = OwnPlayer.SkinName ' Load the new level: Dim params As New List(Of Object) params.AddRange({WarpData.WarpDestination, False, New Vector3(0, 0, 0), 0, New List(Of String)}) World = New World(0, 0) Me.StopOffsetMapUpdate() Dim levelLoader As New LevelLoader() levelLoader.LoadLevel(params.ToArray()) Core.Player.AddVisitedMap(Me.LevelFile) ' Add new map to visited maps list. UsedStrength = False ' Disable Strength usuage upon map switch. Me.Surfing = Core.Player.startSurfing ' Set the Surfing property after map switch. ' Create player and Pokémon entities: OwnPlayer = New OwnPlayer(0, 0, 0, {TextureManager.DefaultTexture}, Core.Player.Skin, 0, 0, "", "Gold", 0) OwnPlayer.SetTexture(Core.Player.Skin, usingGameJoltTexture) OverworldPokemon = New OverworldPokemon(Screen.Camera.Position.X, Screen.Camera.Position.Y, Screen.Camera.Position.Z + 1) OverworldPokemon.Visible = False OverworldPokemon.warped = True Entities.AddRange({OwnPlayer, OverworldPokemon}) ' Set Ride skin, if needed: If Riding = True And CanRide() = False Then Riding = False OwnPlayer.SetTexture(Core.Player.TempRideSkin, True) Core.Player.Skin = Core.Player.TempRideSkin End If ' If any turns after the warp are defined, apply them: Screen.Camera.InstantTurn(WarpData.WarpRotations) ' Make the RouteSign appear: Me._routeSign.Setup(MapName) ' Play the correct music track: If IsRadioOn = True AndAlso GameJolt.PokegearScreen.StationCanPlay(Me.SelectedRadioStation) = True Then MusicManager.PlayMusic(SelectedRadioStation.Music, True) Else IsRadioOn = False If Me.Surfing = True Then MusicManager.PlayMusic("surf", True) Else If Me.Riding = True Then MusicManager.PlayMusic("ride", True) Else MusicManager.PlayMusic(MusicLoop, True) End If End If End If ' Initialize the world with newly loaded environment variables: World.Initialize(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, Screen.Level.WeatherType) ' If this map is on the restplaces list, set the player's last restplace to this map: Dim restplaces As List(Of String) = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(GameModeManager.GetMapPath("restplaces.dat")).ToList() For Each line As String In restplaces Dim place As String = line.GetSplit(0, "|") If place = LevelFile Then Core.Player.LastRestPlace = place Core.Player.LastRestPlacePosition = line.GetSplit(1, "|") End If Next ' If the warp happened through a warp block, make the player walk one step forward after switching to the new map: If Screen.Camera.IsMoving = True And WarpData.IsWarpBlock = True Then Screen.Camera.StopMovement() Screen.Camera.Move(1.0F) End If ' Because of the map change, Roaming Pokémon are moving to their next location on the world map: RoamingPokemon.ShiftRoamingPokemon(-1) ' Check if the enter sound should be played by checking if CanDig or CanFly properties are different from the last map: If tempProperties <> Me.CanDig.ToString() & "," & Me.CanFly.ToString() Then SoundManager.PlaySound("enter", False) End If ' Unlock the yaw on the camera: CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).YawLocked = False NetworkPlayer.ScreenRegionChanged() ' If a warp occured, update the camera: Screen.Camera.Update() ' Disable the warp check: Me.WarpData.DoWarpInNextTick = False WarpData.IsWarpBlock = False If Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.Connected = True Then ' Update network players: Core.ServersManager.PlayerManager.NeedsUpdate = True End If End If End Sub ''' ''' Returns a list of all NPCs on the map. ''' Public Function GetNPCs() As List(Of NPC) Dim reList As New List(Of NPC) For Each Entity As Entity In Me.Entities If Entity.EntityID = "NPC" Then reList.Add(CType(Entity, NPC)) End If Next Return reList End Function ''' ''' Returns an NPC based on their ID. ''' ''' The ID of the NPC to return from the level. ''' Returns either a matching NPC or Nothing. Public Function GetNPC(ByVal ID As Integer) As NPC For Each NPC As NPC In GetNPCs() If NPC.NPCID = ID Then Return NPC End If Next Return Nothing End Function ''' ''' Returns an NPC based on the entity ID. ''' Public Function GetEntity(ByVal ID As Integer) As Entity If ID = -1 Then Throw New Exception("-1 is the default value for NOT having an ID, therefore is not a valid ID.") Else For Each ent As Entity In Me.Entities If ent.ID = ID Then Return ent End If Next End If Return Nothing End Function ''' ''' Checks all NPCs on the map for if the player is in their line of sight. ''' Public Sub CheckTrainerSights() For Each Entity As Entity In Entities If Entity.EntityID = "NPC" Then Dim NPC As NPC = CType(Entity, NPC) If NPC.IsTrainer = True Then NPC.CheckInSight() End If End If Next End Sub ''' ''' Determines whether the player can use Ride on this map. ''' Public Function CanRide() As Boolean If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Or Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True Then 'Always true for Sandboxmode and Debug mode. Return True End If If RideType > 0 Then Select Case RideType Case 1 Return True Case 2 Return False End Select End If If Screen.Level.CanDig = False And Screen.Level.CanFly = False Then Return False Else Return True End If End Function ''' ''' Whether the player can move based on the entity around him. ''' Public Function CanMove() As Boolean For Each e As Entity In Me.Entities If e.Position.X = Screen.Camera.Position.X And e.Position.Z = Screen.Camera.Position.Z And CInt(e.Position.Y) = CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Y) Then Return e.LetPlayerMove() End If Next Return True End Function End Class